Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Thursday, 22 December 2016

Ashford 1946 - 1962

An ex SECR class O1 0-6-0 1437, fresh from Works, on the turntable at Ashford shed on 6th. July 1946.  Photo: Ben Brooksbank Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license 2.0
Pre Grouping Ownership - South Eastern Railway new shed opened:1931prior to Jan 1950AFD
type:A concrete-built 10TS shed with two through roads.closed to steam:Jun-62Feb 1950 - Sep 195874A
location:In the fork of the Canterbury & Folkstone lines.BR DatabaseOct 1958 - Jun 196273F
AbbreviationsLBSCR - London, Brighton & South Coast RailwayLCDR - London, Chatham & Dover Railway
LSWR - London & South Western RailwaySECR - South Eastern & Chatham RailwayFb - Fairburn
SER - South East RailwaySR - Southern RailwayBR - British Railways
Saturday 6 July 1946AFD4pm - 4.10pmtotal:42
H 0-4-4T (SECR)R1 0-6-0T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)D 4-4-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
10161276106911471037171115771734802Sir Durnore
11611305E4 0-6-2T (LBSCR119117211586806Sir Galleron
1182130724691218L 4-4-0 (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)U1 2-6-0
12691512J 0-6-4T (SECR)C2X 0-6-0 (LBSCR)17661775140114041901
1274159515982441D1 4-4-0 (SECR)1403U 2-6-0
D3 0-4-4T (LBSCR)1597O1 0-6-0 (SER)2357F1 4-4-0 (SECR)1795
23642380Q1 0-6-013901437E 4-4-0 (SECR)1078W 2-6-4T
Allocation January 1947 (60)R1 0-6-0TSECR4H 0-4-4TSECR9
D3 0-4-4TLBSCR5D1 0-4-2TLBSCR1J 0-6-4TSECR5
O1 0-6-0SER4C 0-6-0SECR7D 4-4-0SECR5
L 4-4-0SECR8N 2-6-0SECR8N15 4-6-0LSWR4
Sunday 12 October 1947AFDtotal:63
D3 0-4-4T (LBSCR)R1 0-6-0T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)O1 0-6-0 (SER)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
2363AFD1010AFD1004RAM1123AFD801AFD Sir Meliot de Logres
2364AFD1069AFD1218AFD1390AFD802AFD Sir Durnore
2368BTN xw1147AFD1287BA1426AFD803AFD Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
2371STL1339AFD1588GIL1434AFD804AFD Sir Cador of Cornwall
2380AFDJ 0-6-4T (SECR)1589AFDD 4-4-0 (SECR)West Country 4-6-2
H 0-4-4T (SECR)1595AFD1694BAT1477AFD21C136BAT Westward Ho!
1239AFD1596AFD1721AFD1488TONL 4-4-0 (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)
1261AFD1597AFDC2X 0-6-0 (LBSCR)1549AFD1771AFD1400AFD
1274AFD1599AFDQ1 0-6-01726AFD1774AFD1403AFD
1306AFDWD 8F 2-8-0C29TON1748AFD1775AFD1819DOV
1521RAM77296AFDC34FELD1 0-4-2T (LBSCR)U 2-6-0N1 2-6-0 (SECR)
E4 0-6-2T (LBSCR78666AFDC40FEL2299AFD1629BAS1822STL
2511HOR79203BAU1 2-6-0W 2-6-4T
xw - ex works1907BAT1916NOR
shed codes3B Three BridgesAFD AshfordBA Bricklayer's ArmsBAS BasingstokeBAT Stewart's Lane
BTN BrightonDOV DoverFEL FelthamGIL GillinghamHOR Horsham
NOR Norwood Jct.RAM RamsgateSTL St. Leonard'sTON Tonbridge
Saturday 21 August 1948AFDtotal:45
H 0-4-4T (SECR)E4 0-6-2T (LBSCRC 0-6-0 (SECR)D 4-4-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
1158AFD2467BA1059HIT1477AFD763BAT Sir Bors de Ganis
1239AFDE5 0-6-2T (LBSCR1218AFD31591TON801AFD Sir Meliot de Logres
1265RAM32571HOR xw1243HITS1574AFD804AFD Sir Cador of Cornwall
1554BATB4 0-4-0T (LSWR)1271AFDD1 4-4-0 (SECR)805AFD Sir Constantine
31306AFD30086BAT xw1589AFD1247BATL 4-4-0N 2-6-0
31521RAM xwJ 0-6-4T (SECR)C2X 0-6-0 (LBSCR)2299AFD1771AFD1401AFD
D3 0-4-4T (LBSCR)1596AFD32521HOR xwWD 2-8-01774AFD1402AFD
32365AFD1598AFDO1 0-6-0 (SER)77296AFD1776AFD1410BAT
R1 0-6-0T (SECR)Q1 0-6-01041AFDL1 4-4-01830AFD
R 0-4-4T (LCDR)O395 0-6-01426AFD W31787BA
31666GIL30576KESRxw - ex works
shed codesAFD AshfordBA Bricklayer's ArmsBAT Stewart's LaneDOV DoverGIL Gillingham
HIT Hither GreenHOR HorshamKESR Kent & E. SussexRAM RamsgateTON Tonbridge
Saturday 7 May 1949AFDtotal:45
H 0-4-4T (SECR)R 0-4-4T (LCDR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)D 4-4-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
1158AFD31660AFD1271AFD1577AFD801AFD Sir Meliot de Logres
1182RAMR1 0-6-0T (SECR)1711AFD31477AFD30802AFD Sir Durnore
1261AFD31069AFD31218AFD31574AFD30803AFD Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
1269AFDE4 0-6-2T (LBSCR31234GILL 4-4-0 (SECR)30804AFD Sir Cador of Cornwall
1319BAT32518EBN31253HIT31771AFD30805AFD Sir Constantine
31239AFDJ 0-6-4T (SECR)31277TON31774AFD30806AFD Sir Galleron
31306AFD1598AFDO1 0-6-0 (SER)31781AFDU1 2-6-0N 2-6-0 (SECR)
31531DOV31596AFD1123AFDL1 4-4-01895RED1402AFD
s1322AFD31599AFD1390AFD31787BAB4 0-4-0T (LSWR)31859RED
O395 0-6-0Q1 0-6-031425BAE 4-4-0 (SECR)102PLY xwWD 2-8-0
30576KESR33040BAT31176BATxw - ex works70853HIT
shed codesAFD AshfordBA Bricklayer's ArmsBAT Stewart's LaneDOV DoverEBN Eastbourne
GIL GillinghamHIT Hither GreenKESR Kent & E. SussexPLY PlymouthRAM Ramsgate
RED RedhillTON Tonbridge
Saturday 20 May 195074Atotal:59
H 0-4-4T (SECR)E4 0-6-2T (LBSCRC 0-6-0 (SECR)D 4-4-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
115874A3247875C3126074A147774A3079374A Sir Ontzlake
126174AE1 0-6-0T (LBSCR)3158974A172174A3079774A Sir Blamor de Ganis
3123974A3101973A3171773A174874A3080174A Sir Meliot de Logres
3130574A3117973BO1 0-6-0 (SER)3154974A3080274A Sir Durnore
3150073B3150673A104174A3157474AU1 2-6-0N 2-6-0 (SECR)
3152074AA1X 0-6-0T (LBSCR)137974A3173874E3189875B3140074A
3153074C3265974A3137074AL 4-4-0 (SECR)3190373A3140274A
3154173B3267874AC2X 0-6-0 (LBSCR)3176074DD1 4-4-0 (SECR)3181373A
D3 0-4-4T (LBSCR)Q1 0-6-03255473B3176374A3150974D3183072A
3236574A3300970BJ 0-6-4T (SECR)3176474A3154574C3183572A
R1 0-6-0T (SECR)C1370B3159774A3176574D3174973A3184375B
3101074A3301471A3159874A3177374AZ 0-8-0T3185875B
shed codes70B Feltham71A Eastleigh72A Exmouth Juction73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms
74A Ashford74C Dover74D Tonbridge74E St. Leonards75B Redhill75C Norwood Junction
Saturday 6 October 195174Atotal:62
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)N 2-6-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3115874A3121874A4206674B3140074A3077674C Sir Galagars
3116174A3126773E4207174A3140174A3080374A Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
3127474As151374A4207374A3140274A aw3080474A Sir Cador of Cornwall
3127674A3157274A xw4207874C3140374A3080574A Sir Constantine
3127874A3172174A4207974C3140674AD 4-4-0 (SECR)L 4-4-0 (SECR)
3132874EO1 0-6-0 (SER)4209474A3140774A3154974A3176174D
R 0-4-4T (LCDR)3104874AW 2-6-4T3181774Cs157474D3176474D
3166674D106474A3191875C3181874CD1 4-4-0 (SECR)3177074A aw
R1 0-6-0T (SECR)3106574AU 2-6-03184572A3148773E xw3177174A
3101074AQ1 0-6-03162670C xw3186073C3173574A aw3177374A
3106974A3302774D3163175A xwU1 2-6-0E 4-4-0 (SECR)3177674A
3133974A3303673A3179970C xw3190673A3151474A3177874B xw
E1 0-6-0T (LBSCR)Z 0-8-0T3180073C3151674A3178074B
3150473A xw3095374Aaw - awaiting worksxw - ex works
shed codes70C Guildford72A Exmouth Juction73A Stewart's Lane73C Hither Green73E Faversham
74A Ashford74B Ramsgate74C Dover74D Tonbridge74E St. Leonards
75A Brighton75C Norwood Junction
Saturday 5 July 195274Atotal:46
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)O1 0-6-0 (SER)N 2-6-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3118474D3101873C3106574A3140074A3077073A Sir Prianius
3123974D xw3103373C3150573E3140774A3077473A Sir Gaheris
3127874A3129874B3150973D3186475B3080374A Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
3154874D3149573DZ 0-8-0TN1 2-6-0 (SECR)3080474A Sir Cador of Cornwall
R1 0-4-4T (SECR)3151374A3095374A3187773CD 4-4-0 (SECR)L 4-4-0 (SECR)
3170374D3157274AA1X 0-6-0T (LBSCR)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)3154974A3176574D aw
R1 0-6-0T (SECR)3171174A3267774A4207274BD1 4-4-0 (SECR)L1 4-4-0
3133974A3172174AP 0-6-0T (SECR)4209574A3174173B3175974A
E1 0-6-0T (LBSCR)Q1 0-6-03132374C xw4209674AW 2-6-4TT9 4-4-0 (LSWR)
3106773A aw3304074E3155574C aw3191675C3031170C W
shed codes70C Guildford73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms73C Hither Green73D Gillingham
73E Faversham74A Ashford74B Ramsgate74C Dover74D Tonbridge
74E St. Leonards75B Redhill75C Norwood Junction
Sunday 5 July 195374Atotal:51
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)C2X 0-6-0 (LBSCR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3131074B3121874A3254675C3140074A3077073A Sir Prianius
3132774A xw3148173EA1X 0-6-0T (LBSCR)3140374A3080374A Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
3150074A3151374A3267074A3140474A3080474A Sir Cador of Cornwall
3152175F3158974AE4 0-6-2T (LBSCR3140574AD 4-4-0 (SECR)L 4-4-0 (SECR)
3153074DQ1 0-6-0cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)3141073A3157474A3177474A
3155474D3301573C4207274B3182174CD1 4-4-0 (SECR)3177574A
R1 0-6-0T (SECR)3302674D4207674C3186173C3173575B3177674A
3101074A3303274DW 2-6-4TU 2-6-0E 4-4-0 (SECR)3177774A
3114774AO1 0-6-0 (SER)3191775C aw3161070E3116673E3177874A
D3 0-4-4T (LBSCR)3106474AZ 0-8-0T3179970CU1 2-6-0
3238574A W3137074A3095374A3191070A
shed codes70A Nine Elms70C Guildford70E Reading73A Stewart's Lane73C Hither Green
73E Faversham74A Ashford74B Ramsgate74C Dover74D Tonbridge
75A Brighton75B Redhill75C Norwood Junction75F Tunbridge Wells
Sunday 12 September 195474Atotal:51
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)N 2-6-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3116474D xw3103774A4207074B3140174A3080374A Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
3127674A3108673D aw4207374A3140374A3080574A Sir Constantine
3130873D3121874A aw4209574A3140574AD 4-4-0 (SECR)L1 4-4-0
3151274A xw3122374A4209874A3140774A3157474A3175774A
3152174A3151374AO1 0-6-0 (SER)3181673D3157774A3175974A
R1 0-6-0T (SECR)3171273D3104874A3181974CL 4-4-0 (SECR)3178274A
3101074A3171573E xw3106474A3182573B3177474A3178373B
3114774AQ1 0-6-03137074A3183972A3177574AE 4-4-0
3133974A3303374DZ 0-8-0T3184872A3177874A3116674D
3095374Aaw - awaiting worksxw - ex works
shed codes72A Exmouth Juction73B Bricklayer's Arms73C Hither Green73D Gillingham73E Faversham
74A Ashford74B Ramsgate74C Dover74D Tonbridge
Saturday 4 February 195674Atotal:53
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)N 2-6-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3116474D3103774A4129474A3140073B3080274A Sir Durnore
3127674A3121874A4130374A3140474A3080374A Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
3130774A3122374A4131674A3140574AV "Schools" 4-4-0
3132974C3129373B4207074B3140673C3091674B Whitgift
3150074B3158574D4207874C3181974C3092674B Repton
O1 0-6-0 (SER)3158974A4209874A3182873BL 4-4-0 (SECR)L1 4-4-0
3104874A3169573CU 2-6-03184874A3177474A3175674A
3106474AQ1 0-6-03162371C3187373B3177874A3175774A
3137074A3303474D3179372CZ 0-8-0TD 4-4-0 (SECR)3175874A
3143074C3303974D3180471A3095274A3173474D W3175974A
0-6-0 diesel3304074D3180870F3095574ABR 4MT 4-6-03178274A
shed codes70F Fratton71A Eastleigh71C Dorchester72C Yeovil Town73B Bricklayer's Arms
73C Hither Green74A Ashford74B Ramsgate74C Dover74D Tonbridge
Sunday 19 May 1957 74Atotal:56
H 0-4-4T (SECR)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)N 2-6-0 (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3127674A4207674C3140374A3103774A3080274A Sir Durnore
3130774A4209874A3140674A3121874A3080374A Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
3131974A4210074A3182174C3121974A3080474A Sir Cador of Cornwall
3152274AU1 2-6-03182673B3122174AV "Schools" 4-4-0
3154874D xw3190974D3183972A3124374C xw3091074B Merchant Taylors
BR 2MT 2-6-2TN1 2-6-0 (SECR)3184874A3129773DL 4-4-0 (SECR)L1 4-4-0
8402174AU 2-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-03169473C3177574E3175674A
8402274A3180070C7605775BC2X 0-6-0 (LBSCR)D1 4-4-0 (SECR)3175774A
8402374AZ 0-8-0TO1 0-6-0 (SER)3243875B3124674A3175874A
cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)3095274A3104874A3244374D3147074D3175974A
shed codes70C Guilford72A Exmouth Juction73B Bricklayer's Arms73C Hither Green73D Gillingham
74A Ashford74B Ramsgate74C Dover74D Tonbridge74E St. Leonards75B Redhill
Sunday 27 April 195874A4.45pm - 5.05pmtotal:56
H 0-4-4T (SECR)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)C 0-6-0 (SECR)L1 4-4-0N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3100574A4209774A3115074C3175674A3080073C Sir Meleaus de Lile
3127674A4209974A3121874A3175974A3080374A Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
3127974D4210074A3121974A3178274A3080474C Sir Cador of Cornwall
3129574DN 2-6-0 (SECR)3122174AL 4-4-0 (SECR)Battle of Britain 4-6-2
3130774A3140174A3124274A3177474D3408374C 605 Squadron
3131974A3140274A3158974AD1 4-4-0 (SECR)West Country 4-6-2
3152274A3140673CO1 0-6-0 (SER)3124674A3402674B Yes Tor
3154374D3184874A3137074A3148774DV "Schools" 4-4-0
BR 2MT 2-6-2T3186475BQ1 0-6-03173573B3090973A St. Paul's
8402074A3186775B3300274AZ 0-8-0T3091774B Ardingly
8402274A0-6-0 diesels3302474A3095174A3093073B Radley
8402474A15227D3467W 2-6-4T3095274ABR 4MT 4-6-0
shed codes73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms73C Hither Green74A Ashford74B Ramsgate
74C Dover74D Tonbridge75B Redhill75C Norwood Junction
Allocation May 1959 (43)H 0-4-4TSECR8C 0-6-0SECR5
A1X 0-6-0TLBSCR1Z 0-8-0TSR2D1 4-4-0LBSCR2
N 2-6-0SECR10L1 4-4-0SECR5cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)LMS5
BR 2MT 2-6-2TBR5
Sunday 31 May 195973F5.30pm - 6pmtotal:64
H 0-4-4T (SECR)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)C 0-6-0 (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3100573F4209673F3105473C3140173F3080273A Sir Durnore
3130773F4209773F3121873F3140273FV "Schools" 4-4-0
3151973F xw4209873F3121973F xw3140473F3092973B Malvern xw
3152073F4209973F3122173F3140673C3093073B Radley
BR 2MT 2-6-2T4210073F3124573G3140773F3093273B Blundells
8402073FE4 0-6-2T (LBSCR3125673E3184672AL 4-4-0 (SECR)L1 4-4-0
8402273FC2X 0-6-0 (LBSCR)3157873A3185873C aw3177073J3175873F
8402373F3255373B3157973DU1 2-6-03178173G aw3175973F
8402773F0-6-0 diesels3168273D3189273E xwU 2-6-03178273F
8402873FD3043D34703169173C3189473A3162170AD1 4-4-0 (SECR)
57xx 0-6-0PTD304515224Q1 0-6-03190273B3179870C3124673F
463470ABR T2 diesel3302473J aw3190873JZ 0-8-0T3124773B
467270A awD5000aw - awaiting worksxw - ex works3095173F
shed codes70A Nine Elms70C Guilford72A Exmouth Juction73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms
73C Hither Green73D Gillingham73E Faversham73F Ashford73G Ramsgate
73J Tonbridge75D Horsham
Saturday 13 February 196073F11.55am - 12.05pmtotal:46
H 0-4-4T (SECR)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)C 0-6-0 (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)V "Schools" 4-4-0
3126373F4207873H*3122373F3140273F3090075A Eton
3130773F4209273F*3125573F3140673C3092873B Stowe
3153075A xw4209873F*3125673F3140873F3093373F King's Canterbury
cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)BR 4MT 2-6-4T3127170A3140973F3093773F Epsom
4130872A8003973F3158973F3181873H xwL 4-4-0 (SECR)U1 2-6-0
4131372E8004273F3168873C W3182373B xw3176670A3190473J
BR 2MT 2-6-2TW 2-6-4T3172475A3184272AL1 4-4-03190573J aw
8402273F3192373CO1 0-6-03184873F3178373J3190773J aw
8402473F0-6-0 diesels3106573H xw3185473FN1 2-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0
aw - awaiting worksD310111223Q1 0-6-03187973J xw7311370A
xw - ex worksD3470152243300273J* awaiting transfer to LMR
shed codes70A Nine Elms72A Exmouth Juction72E Barnstaple73B Bricklayer's Arms73C Hither Green
73F Ashford73H Dover73J Tonbridge75A Brighton
Sunday 15 January 196173F2.50pm - 3.15pmtotal:56
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)V "Schools" 4-4-0BRCW T3 diesels
3130773F3121873F3140573J3091975A Harrow WD6505D6518
3132473F xw3125673F3140673J aw3092573A CheltenhamD6510D6522
3151773J3158973F3140973F3093373F King's Canterbury awD6511D6523
3155173J3168973C3184873F3093473F St. LawrenceD6515D6537
BR 2MT 2-6-2TQ1 0-6-03187175B aw3093673F CranleighBR T2 diesels
8402173B3303473JN1 2-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-4TD5005D5007
8402273B3303773J3187773J xw8003473F8004373F0-6-0 diesels
8402573FU 2-6-0U1 2-6-08003973F8005973FD2084D3467
8402673F3179670A xw3191073J xw8004073F aw8006473FD2287D3470
8402773FWest Country 4-6-28004173F8006573FD3043D3471
8402973F3400373B Plymouth8004273F8006673F
shed codes70A Nine Elms73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms73C Hither Green73F Ashford
73J Tonbridge75A Brighton75B Redhill
Sunday 13 August 196173Ftotal:41
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)Q1 0-6-0V "Schools" 4-4-0BRCW T3 diesels
3130773F W3111273F3300870B xw3090270A Wellington xwD6501D6529
57xx 0-6-0PT3121873F3301670B xwBattle of Britain 4-6-2D6505D6538
461073H*3124270ABR 4MT 2-6-4T3406173F 73 SquadronD6514D6550
461673H*3126873F8003973JU 2-6-0N 2-6-0 (SECR)D6519D6560
462673H*3148173F8004073J3161270C xw3140771GD6520
463173H*3158973F8004273J3162170A xw3140873F0-6-0 diesels
O1 0-6-0 (SER)3169073FU1 2-6-03179471A xw3140973FD2285D3466
3106573H W3172173F3190570A xw3184873FD3463
* Folkstone Harbour locos awaiting transferxw - ex works
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70C Guildford71A Eastleigh71G Weymouth
73F Ashford73H Dover73J Tonbridge
Sunday 26 February 196273Ftotal:17diesels not recorded
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)Q1 0-6-0N 2-6-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3130873J3121873F3303470C3182773B3078271B Sir Brian
O1 0-6-0 (SER)3126873FU 2-6-03184972AV "Schools" 4-4-0
3106573H W3129373B3162870C3185970C3091675B Whitgift
3159273FN1 2-6-0 (SECR)3092670D Cheltenham
shed codes70C Guildford70D Basingstoke71B Bournemouth72A Exmouth Juction73B Bricklayer's Arms
73F Ashford73H Dover73J Tonbridge75B Redhill
Wednesday 13 June 196273Ftotal:17
O1 0-6-0 (SER)N 2-6-0 (SECR)V "Schools" 4-4-0BR T2 dieselBRCW T3 diesels
3106573H W3140075A3090670C SherbourneD5000D6518D6557
3181775B0-6-0 dieselsD6538D6574
shed codes70C Guildford72A Exmouth Juction73H Dover75A Brighton75B Redhill
Ashford shed closed to steam in June 1962

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