Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Tuesday 28 May 2024

Shed Profiles - Woodford Halse & Banbury 1961

2FWoodford HalseAllocation 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Central Railwayopened:1897Sep 1935 - Jan 1950WFD
type:A brick-built 6TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jun-65Feb 1950 - Jan 195838E
location:East side of the line north of the station.Apr 1958 - Aug 19632F*
* for two months (Feb/Mar) during 1958, the shed code was 2G.Sep 1963 - Jun 19651G
AbbreviationsFb - FairburnH - HughesJ - JohnsonSt - Stanier
BR - British RailwaysNER - North Eastern RailwayGCR - Great Central RailwayWD - War Department
Sunday 19 February 19612Ftotal:36
cl 4MT 2-6-0K3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0WD 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-0
L1 2-6-4T618512F611062F9031281C905162F9207516D
V2 2-6-26189350B612712F904032F9069384CJ39 0-6-0
6083750ABR 5MT 4-6-0B16 4-6-0 (NER)904332F0-6-0 diesels647422F
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse14D Neasden16D Annesley40B Immingham50A York
50B Hull Dairycotes81C Southall84C Banbury88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 16 April 19612Ftotal:39
cl 4MT 2-6-0K3 2-6-0 (GNR)cl 5MT 4-6-0WD 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-0
L1 2-6-4T618422F4521516D902372F906722F9209416D
677712F6190540BB1 4-6-0904032Fcl 4F 0-6-09223788A
677892F619102F61028 *2F904332F4456082GJ39 0-6-0
Hall 4-6-0610782F904862F0-6-0 diesels647422F
594784C Saint Benet's Hall611062F905632FD3066D3068647472F
*named: Umseke613682F9063081CD3067648092F
Shed Codes2A Rugby2F Woodford Halse16D Annesley40B Immingham81C Southall
82G Templecombe84C Banbury88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 30 April 19612F1.25pm - 1.45pmtotal:46
cl 4MT 2-6-0L1 2-6-4TB1 4-6-0BR 9F 2-10-0WD 2-8-0
430632F677402F61028 *2F9221988A9006988A904742F
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)677892F611062F9223788A901372F905632F
618092FB16 4-6-0 (NER)611862FJ39 0-6-0902182F906972F
618432FBR 5MT 4-6-06131341A647472F902372F0-6-0 diesels
6190540Bcl 5MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-0V2 2-6-2903652FD3067
619132F449382A7604314D6083950A904032F*named: Umseke
Shed Codes2A Rugby2F Woodford Halse14D Neasden40B Immingham41A Sheffield Darnall
50A York86A Newport Ebbw Jct.88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 7 May 19612Ftotal:42
cl 4MT 2-6-0K3 2-6-0B1 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
430632F618242F61028 *2F6138656C900402F9048588A
431062F618412F610782FJ39 0-6-0900662F905162F
L1 2-6-4T618432F611062F647422F900952F905632F
677892F6191440B611862F0-6-0 diesels903652F907012F
cl 5MT 4-6-0B16 4-6-0 (NER)612712FD3067D3068904482FBR 9F 2-10-0
449382A6142050A613682F*named: Umseke904742F9221584C
Shed Codes2A Rugby2F Woodford Halse14D Neasden15E Leicester Central40B Immingham
50A York56C Leeds Copley Hill84C Banbury88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 28 May 19612Ftotal:41
cl 4MT 2-6-0K3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
431062F618242FV2 2-6-2611062F900652F907012F
L1 2-6-4T618412F6083150A611862F900952FBR 9F 2-10-0
677712F618512FJ39 0-6-06138015E904332F9201116D
677892F618652F647422FB16 4-6-0 (NER)904742F9206716D
0-6-0 diesel619102F647472F6143450A904862F9207316D
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse8F Springs Branch15E Leicester Central16D Annesley40B Immingham
50A York81C Southall86A Newport Ebbw Jct.
Sunday 2 July 19612Ftotal:33
cl 4MT 2-6-0K3 2-6-0 (GNR)cl 5MT 4-6-0J39 0-6-0WD 2-8-0
L1 2-6-4T618512F4523416D648092F9014988ABR 9F 2-10-0
677712F6191240BB1 4-6-00-6-0 diesels901372F9208916D
V2 2-6-2619132F6106315ED3066D30699031584C9209516D
6085650ABR 5MT 4-6-0B16 4-6-0 (NER)D3068903462FO1 2-8-0 (GNR)
Shed Codes2A Rugby2F Woodford Halse15E Leicester Central16D Annesley40B Immingham
41F Mexborough50A York71G Weymouth84C Banbury88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 24 September 19612Ftotal:44
cl 4MT 2-6-0K3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
431062F618092F61011 *2F452232F900802F906972F
L1 2-6-4T618322F610782FB16 4-6-0 (NER)900952F907012F
677712F618432F611062F6146350A902992F28xx 2-8-0
677812F618512F6111241Acl 8F 2-8-09031384C283681E
677892F619132F613682F4810121A904742FBR 9F 2-10-0
0-6-0 diesels6195640B6138015EJ39 0-6-0904862F9206916D
D3067BR 5MT 4-6-0647472F906382F9212016D
*named : Waterbuck7306914D648092F9068581C9223284C
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse14D Neasden15E Leicester Central16D Annesley21A Saltley
40B Immingham40E Colwick41A Sheffield Darnall50A York81C Southall
81E Didcot84C Banbury
Sunday 15 October 19612Ftotal:52
L1 2-6-4TK3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
677712F618042F61018 *50A448312A900662F905162F
677812F618322F61028 *2F449382A900802F905202F
J39 0-6-0618432F610782F4511616D902578FO1 2-8-0 (GNR)
647472F619102F611862Fcl 8F 2-8-09035681CBR 9F 2-10-0
0-6-0 diesels6194036A613682F4861416A904742F9209416D
D3066D3068Grange 4-6-0Britannia 4-6-2905042F9209616D
D3067D3069683984B Hewell Grange7001414D Iron Duke* Gnu & Umseke9224488A
Shed Codes2A Rugby2F Woodford Halse8F Springs Branch14D Neasden16A Nottingham
16D Annesley21A Saltley31B March36A Doncaster40B Immingham40E Colwick
50A York55C Farsley Junction81C Southall84B Oxley86A Newport Ebbw Jct.88A Cardiff Canton

2F Woodford Halse locos - Out & About during 1961 
430632Fcl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)4-Jun-6115E Leicester Central
430632Fcl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)9-Sep-61Horwich Worksshops, yard 30 Sep.
610282FUmsekeB1 4-6-012-Mar-6114D Neasden
610282FUmsekeB1 4-6-03-Jun-61Darlington Worksshops, also 11 June.
610282FUmsekeB1 4-6-02-Jul-6151A Darlingtonex works
610282FUmsekeB1 4-6-022-Oct-6116D Annesley
611862FB1 4-6-029-Apr-6114D Neasden
612712FB1 4-6-026-Mar-612A Rugby
612712FB1 4-6-025-Jun-6114D Neasden
612712FB1 4-6-05-Nov-6141A Darnall
613682FB1 4-6-014-May-6116D Annesley
618092FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)19-Feb-6140B Immingham
618092FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)12-Mar-6116D Annesley
618092FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)16-Apr-6114D Neasdenalso 25 June
618242FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)25-Feb-6114D Neasdenalso 12 March & 16 April
618242FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)16-Jul-61Doncaster Workswithdrawn July 61
618322FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)5-Mar-61Doncaster Worksyard, shops 18 March
618322FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)30-Apr-6136A Doncasterex works
618322FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)6-May-61Doncaster Worksyard, shops 27 May
618322FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)24-Sep-6115E Leicester Central
618412FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)12-Mar-6141J Langwith Jct.
618412FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)16-Apr-6115E Leicester Central
618412FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)22-Oct-6141A Darnall
618422FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)2-Jul-6151A Darlington
618422FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)26-Aug-61Doncaster Worksworks yard
618432FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)5-Mar-61Doncaster Worksyard, shops 18 March
618432FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)25-Jun-6114D Neasden
618652FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)16-Apr-6115E Leicester Central
618652FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)1-Jul-61Doncaster Workswithdrawn
619102FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)12-Mar-6115E Leicester Central
619102FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)9-Sep-6114D Neasden
619102FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)8-Oct-6136A Doncaster
619132FK3 2-6-0 (GNR)11-Feb-61Doncaster Worksshops, paint shop 5 Mar.
677402FL1 2-6-4T9-Jul-61Darlington WorksW - scrap yd & 7 Oct.
677712FL1 2-6-4T14-Jan-6136A Doncasterex Darlington Works
677712FL1 2-6-4T22-Jul-6184C Banbury
900332FWD 2-8-09-Apr-61Crewe Worksshops, yard 7 May
900332FWD 2-8-022-Oct-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
900402FWD 2-8-029-Apr-6114D Neasden
900402FWD 2-8-020-Aug-61Crewe Works
900652FWD 2-8-030-Apr-6184C Banbury
900662FWD 2-8-015-Jan-6181C Southall
900662FWD 2-8-030-Apr-6184C Banbury
900802FWD 2-8-07-May-6184C Banbury
900952FWD 2-8-027-Aug-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
900952FWD 2-8-03-Sep-6184B Oxley
901372FWD 2-8-08-Jan-61Crewe Workserecting shops
901372FWD 2-8-025-Feb-6114D Neasden
901372FWD 2-8-012-Nov-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
902182FWD 2-8-015-Oct-61Crewe Worksyard, present 29/10
902372FWD 2-8-022-Jul-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
902992FWD 2-8-026-Mar-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.also 12 November
902992FWD 2-8-016-Apr-61Crewe Worksyard, shops 7 May
903462FWD 2-8-08-Jan-61Crewe Worksworks yard
903462FWD 2-8-07-May-6184C Banbury
903462FWD 2-8-030-Jun-6182E Bristol Barrow Rd.
903652FWD 2-8-026-Nov-61Crewe Worksshops also 3 Dec.
904032FWD 2-8-026-Mar-6186E Severn Tunnel Jct.
904332FWD 2-8-04-Jun-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
904332FWD 2-8-08-Aug-61Crewe Worksyd, shps 20/8, yd 11/9
904332FWD 2-8-08-Oct-6114D Neasden
904482FWD 2-8-019-Feb-6184C Banbury
904482FWD 2-8-04-Jun-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.also 22 October
904742FWD 2-8-015-Jan-6181C Southall
904742FWD 2-8-012-Feb-6118A Toton
904742FWD 2-8-022-Jul-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
904862FWD 2-8-01-Oct-615B Crewe Southawaiting wotks
904862FWD 2-8-08-Oct-61Crewe Worksshps, & 15 Oct. pr 29/10
905042FWD 2-8-09-Apr-61Crewe Worksshops, also 16 April
905162FWD 2-8-012-Nov-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
905742FWD 2-8-020-Aug-61Crewe Works
906382FWD 2-8-012-Mar-6115E Leicester Central
906382FWD 2-8-012-Nov-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
906722FWD 2-8-05-Feb-61Crewe Worksyard, shops 19 Feb.
907012FWD 2-8-03-Dec-6181C Southall

84CBanburyAllocation 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Western Railwayopened:1908prior to Jan 1950BAN
type:A brick built 4TS shed with one through road.closed:Oct-66Feb 1950 - Aug 196384C
location:On the west side of the line, south of Banbury station.Sep 1963 - Oct 19662D
AbbreviationsGWR - Great Western RailwayBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Sunday 19 February 196184Ctotal:32
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-0Grange 4-6-0
364684C414984C495688A Plowden Hall683482B Dummer Grange
54xx 0-6-0PT415484C598884C Bostock Hall72xx 2-8-2TWD 2-8-0
542084C516784C599084C Dorford Hall722884C9014884C
64xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0690484F Charfield Hall724484C9018886A
642184C225684C691184C Holker Hall724784C9026184C
0-6-0 diesels228985BModified Hall 4-6-028xx 2-8-0904482F
D3106D311043xx 2-6-0696381A Throwley Hall288984CBR 9F 2-10-0
diesel railcar636784C790584C Fowey Hall385584C9200686A
W55008792984C Wyke Hall9223484C
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse81A Old Oak Common82B St. Philip's Marsh84C Banbury84F Stourbridge Jct.
85B Gloucester H. Rd.86A Newport Ebbw J.88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 16 April 196184Ctotal:33
64xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-072xx 2-8-2TWD 2-8-0
640384C414984C592381A Colston Hall721384B9026884C
642184C415484C597981D Cruckton Hall723684C9056584C
43xx 2-6-0516784C598884C Bostock Hall28xx 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-0
631784C691184C Holker Hall288584F9221284C
Castle 4-6-0695284C Kimberley Hall0-6-0 diesels9221384C
504684A Earl CawdorModified Hall 4-6-0D3105D31089221484C
Grange 4-6-0697684C Graythwaite HallD3106D31099221584C
680785A Birchwood Grange790584C Fowey HallD3107D31109223484C
685184B Hurst Grange792984C Wyke Hall
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common81D Reading84A Stafford Road84B Oxley84C Banbury
84F Stourbridge Jct.85A Worcester
Sunday 30 April 196184C12.30pm - 12.45pmtotal:39
64xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T72xx 2-8-2TWD 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-0
642184C516784C721384B R900662F9069384C9221484C
54xx 0-6-0PT517784D723684C9014884CHall 4-6-0
542084C43xx 2-6-0724784C9016788A599084C Dorford Hall
2251 0-6-0631784C0-6-0 diesels9026884CModified Hall 4-6-0
225684C634289AD3105D31089031384C698384C Otterington Hall
636686GD3106D31099047141D791584B Mere Hall
Grange 4-6-0D3107D31109056584C792984C Wyke Hall
685184B Hurst Grange R9058584Cdiesel railcarW55003
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse41D Canklow84B Oxley84C Banbury84D Leamington Spa
86G Pontypool Road89A Shrewsbury
Sunday 7 May 196184Ctotal:39
64xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PTHall 4-6-072xx 2-8-2TWD 2-8-0
642184C542084C590181D Hazel Hall720784C900802F
51xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-0598884C Bostock Hall720884C9026884C
415484C631784C690684C Chicheley Hall721384B903462F
515284C636784C692684A Holkham Hall721884B9048384C
Grange 4-6-0693588A Browsholme Hall722884C9056581C
685184B Hurst Grange695284C Kimberley Hall28xx 2-8-09058584C
686684E Morfa GrangeModified Hall 4-6-0288884B0-6-0 diesels
687984E Overton Grange697684C Graythwaite Hall288984CD3105D3108
King 4-6-0791081C Hown HallBR 9F 2-10-0D3106D3109
601088A King Charles ICounty 4-6-09221484CD3107D3110
601184A King James I101881E County of Leicester9222884C
Both 6010 & 6011 passed the shed whilst working passenger services.
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot84A Stafford Road
84B Oxley84C Banbury84E Tyseley88A Cardiff Canton
Saturday 22 July 196184Ctotal:27
64xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-028xx 2-8-0WD 2-8-0
640384C415484C496484C Rodwell Hall288984C9026184C
54xx 0-6-0PT516784C498583B Allesley Hallcl 5MT 4-6-09031286A
542084C43xx 2-6-0594784C Saint Benet's Hall4521716D9069184C
L1 2-6-4T631784C596584E Woollas HallBR 9F 2-10-00-6-0 diesels
677712F733181D598884C Bostock Hall9221484CD3107D3110
Grange 4-6-0Modified Hall 4-6-09222884CD3109
681785A Gwenddwr Grange697684C Graythwaite HallB1 4-6-0
Castle 4-6-0791181F Lady Margaret Hall6111141A
702887F Cadbury Castle - down Swansea to Sheffield passenger service.Up Sheffield - Swansea service.
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse16D Annesley41A Sheffield Darnall81D Reading83B Taunton
84C Banbury84E Tyseley85A Worcester86A Newport Ebbw J.87F Llanelly
Sunday 30 July 196184Ctotal:39
64xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-072xx 2-8-2TWD 2-8-0
642184C414984C491581E Condover Hall721384B9014884C
642984C415484C493083C Hagley Hall723684C9031286A
0-6-0 diesels515284C496484C Rodwell HallBR 9F 2-10-09031384C
D3105D310843xx 2-6-0499183B Cobham Hall9211318A9048384C
D3106D3109636784C592684A Grotrian Hall9221082E28xx 2-8-0
D3107D3110599084C Dorford Hall9222481C285986G
Modified Hall 4-6-0691184C Holker Hall9222788A286586E
697684C Graythwaite Hall695284C Kimberley Hall9222884C380284B
697984C Helperley HallBR 5MT 4-6-0cl 8F 2-8-0
792984C Wyke Hall7315914D4841081A
Shed Codes14D Neasden18A Toton81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81E Didcot
82E Bristol Barrow Rd.83B Taunton83C Exeter84A Stafford Road84B Oxley84C Banbury
86A Newport Ebbw J.86E Severn Tunnel Jct.86G Pontypool Road88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 17 September 196184Ctotal:39
64xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-028xx 2-8-0WD 2-8-0
640384C414984C496484C Rodwell Hall284281D9014884C
43xx 2-6-0415484C594485A Ickenham Hall288984C9026184C
631784C516784C594784C Saint Benet's Hall380284B9026884C
636784CBR 4MT 4-6-0598781E Brocket Hall384282C9031584C
7502282E598884C Bostock Hall385881D9058584C
Grange 4-6-0691184C Holker Hall0-6-0 diesels9069184C
685784B Tudor Grange692984C Whorlton HallD3105D3108cl 8F 2-8-0
Castle 4-6-0694584A Glasfryn HallD3106D31094833082B
508481A Reading Abbey695284C Kimberley HallD3107D3110BR 9F 2-10-0
508884A Llanthony AbbeyModified Hall 4-6-09200388A
Both Castles operated main-line trains.792984C Wyke Hall
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common81D Reading81E Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon
82E Bristol Barrow Rd.84A Stafford Road84B Oxley84C Banbury85A Worcester88A Cardiff Canton

84C Banbury locos - Out & About during 1961 
225684C2251 0-6-030-Mar-61Stratford-upon-Avon
321784C2251 0-6-030-Mar-6184D Leamington Spa& 16/4, 30/7, 3/9
288984C28xx 2-8-030-Apr-6184E Tyseley
380984C28xx 2-8-023-Apr-6184B Oxley
380984C28xx 2-8-03-Dec-61Swindon Worksworks yard
381784C 28xx 2-8-026-Mar-61Swindon Worksyd, A Sp 28/5, yd 30/7
515284C51xx 2-6-2T22-Jul-6186G Pontypool Road
541784C54xx 0-6-0PT26-Mar-61Swindon WorksW - works dump
776184C57xx 0-6-0PT19-Feb-61Swindon WorksW - Stock Shd Yd
776184C57xx 0-6-0PT26-Mar-61Swindon WorksW - yard, dump 27 Aug.
642184C64xx 0-6-0PT3-Sep-6184B Oxley
723684C72xx 2-8-2T29-Jan-6182C Swindon
724484C72xx 2-8-2T9-Apr-61Wolves Works
724484C72xx 2-8-2T23-Jul-6184B Oxley
724784C72xx 2-8-2T8-Jan-6181D Reading
944984C84xx 0-6-0PT19-Feb-61Swindon WorksW - Gas Works Yd
496484CRodwell HallHall 4-6-07-Jan-6184A Stafford Road
496484CRodwell HallHall 4-6-023-Jul-6184B Oxley
591284CQueen's HallHall 4-6-08-Oct-6184A Stafford Road
594784CSaint Benet's HallHall 4-6-016-Apr-612F Woodford Halse
594784CSaint Benet's HallHall 4-6-022-Jul-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
599084CDorford HallHall 4-6-023-Apr-6184B Oxley
690684CChicheley HallHall 4-6-023-Jul-6184E Tyseley
690684CChicheley HallHall 4-6-024-Sep-6182C Swindon
691184CHolker HallHall 4-6-028-May-61Swindon WorksA' Shop
691184CHolker HallHall 4-6-023-Jul-6184E Tyseley
692984CWhorlton HallHall 4-6-08-Jan-6181D Reading
692984CWhorlton HallHall 4-6-019-Feb-61Swindon WorksA' Shop
695284CKimberley HallHall 4-6-02-Apr-6187E Landore
695284CKimberley HallHall 4-6-030-Apr-6184E Tyseley
695284CKimberley HallHall 4-6-08-Oct-6184A Stafford Road
697684CGraythwaite HallModified Hall 4-6-026-Mar-6182C Swindon
697684CGraythwaite HallModified Hall 4-6-023-Jul-6184B Oxleyalso 3 September
697984CHelperly HallModified Hall 4-6-019-Feb-61Swindon Worksyd, A Shop 26/3 & 28/5
790584CFowey HallModified Hall 4-6-023-Apr-6184B Oxley
790584CFowey HallModified Hall 4-6-023-Jul-6184F Stourbridge Jct.
790584CFowey HallModified Hall 4-6-024-Sep-61Swindon WorksA' Shop
9026184CWD 2-8-026-Mar-6182C Swindonalso 3 December
9026884CWD 2-8-05-Feb-61Crewe Worksworks yard
9026884CWD 2-8-023-Jul-6184F Stourbridge Jct.
9026884CWD 2-8-013-Aug-615B Crewe South
9031384CWD 2-8-05-Feb-61Crewe Worksshops, yard 5 March
9031384CWD 2-8-09-Apr-6124L Carnforthex Crewe Works
9031384CWD 2-8-023-Jul-6184F Stourbridge Jct.
9031384CWD 2-8-024-Sep-612F Woodford Halse
9031584CWD 2-8-016-Apr-615B Crewe Southawaiting works
9031584CWD 2-8-07-May-61Crewe Workserecting shops
9031584CWD 2-8-02-Jul-612F Woodford Halse
9031584CWD 2-8-016-Jul-6186G Pontypool Road
9048384CWD 2-8-08-Jan-6181D Reading
9048384CWD 2-8-09-Apr-61Crewe Worksshops, yard 16 April
9048384CWD 2-8-03-Sep-6184B Oxley
9048384CWD 2-8-017-Dec-6182C Swindon
9056584CWD 2-8-03-Sep-6184F Stourbridge Jct.
9058584CWD 2-8-015-Jan-6181C Southall
9058584CWD 2-8-019-Feb-612F Woodford Halse
9069384CWD 2-8-019-Feb-612F Woodford Halse
9200084CBR 9F 2-10-012-Nov-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
9221184CBR 9F 2-10-01-Jan-6181A Old Oak Common
9221184CBR 9F 2-10-030-Mar-61Stratford-upon-Avon
9221384CBR 9F 2-10-026-Mar-6186E Severn Tunnel Jct.also 22/7 (R) & 27/8
9221384CBR 9F 2-10-022-Oct-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
9221384CBR 9F 2-10-029-Oct-6182C Swindon
9221584CBR 9F 2-10-01-Jan-6181A Old Oak Common
9221584CBR 9F 2-10-07-May-612F Woodford Halse
9221584CBR 9F 2-10-030-Jul-61Swindon WorksA' Shop, also 27/8, 24/9
9222884CBR 9F 2-10-08-Jul-6182E Bristol Barrow Rd.
9222884CBR 9F 2-10-022-Oct-6186A Newport Ebbw Jct.
9223284CBR 9F 2-10-029-Jan-61Swindon Worksyard, A Shop 19/2 - 26/3
9223284CBR 9F 2-10-024-Sep-612F Woodford Halse
9223484CBR 9F 2-10-01-Jan-6181A Old Oak Common
9223484CBR 9F 2-10-028-May-61Swindon WorksA' Shop, yard 30 July