Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Friday, 26 August 2016

Severn Tunnel Junction 1948 - 1965

Severn Tunnel Junction shed on 14 April 1951. 
Photo: Ben Brooksbank Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license 2.0

AbbreviationsB&MR - Brecon & Merthyr RailwayBR - British RailwaysCamR - Cambrian Railways
GWR - Great Western RailwayI - IvattROD - Railway Operating DivisionRR - Rhymney Railway
SECR - South Eastern & Chatham RailwayWD - War Department
Severn Tunnel Junction
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Western Railwayopened:1907prior to 1949STJ
type:A brick-built 6TS through-road shed.closed:Oct-651949-196586E
location:East of the station, north of the junction of Swindon & Gloucester lines
Allocation January 1948 (93)Saint 4-6-0GWR1Grange 4-6-0GWR4
28xx 2-8-0GWR1743xx 2-6-0GWR22301 0-6-0CamR2
72xx 2-8-2TGWR1042xx 2-8-0TGWR43150 2-6-2TGWR22
51xx 2-6-2TGWR8ex B&M 0-6-2TB&MR256xx 0-6-2TGWR9
1701 0-6-0PTGWR257xx 0-6-0PTGWR8517 0-4-2TGWR1
WD 2-8-0WD1
Sunday 3 October 1948STJ1.40pm - 1.55pmtotal:72
1701 0-6-0PT3150 2-6-2T51xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-0Saint 4-6-0
1752STJ3150STJ4119STJ5309OXY2952STJ Twineham Court
1870STJ3154STJ4130STJ5362STJHall 4-6-0
57xx 0-6-0PT3157STJ4137STJ6386STJ4917TYS Crosswood Hall
5706STJ3161STJ4144STJ72xx 2-8-2T28xx 2-8-0
7429STJ3174STJ42xx 2-8-0T56xx 0-6-2T2822ABDR4854*PDN
7764STJ3175STJ4200STJ5625STJ2824STJWD 2-8-0
2301 0-6-03183STJ4250LDR5656LDR2855PDN78717LA
2460STJ3189STJ5205STJex RR 0-6-2T2881OXFex B&M 0-6-2T
48xx 0-4-2T3190STJ5262STJ32RYR2884STJ332STJ
4806GLO* oil burning loco2893PPRD422STJ
shed codesABDR AberdareDID DidcotDYD Duffryn YardGLO GloucesterLA Plymouth Laira
LDR LandoreNPT Ebbw JunctionOXF OxfordOXY OxleyPDN PaddingtonPPRD Pontypool Rd.
RDG ReadingRYR Cardiff RadyrSHL SouthallSTJ Severn Tunnel J.TYS Tyseley
Sunday 11 September 1949STJ4.30pm - 4.50pmtotal:57
57xx 0-6-0PT3150 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-042xx 2-8-0TStar 4-6-0
5706STJ3150STJ2803WES4243STJ4050LDR Princess Alice
5729STJ3154STJ2822SDN4262STJGrange 4-6-0
7764STJ3157STJ2838STJ4283SED6871STJ Bourton Grange
8799STJ3159STJ2848BAN4284NEAHall 4-6-0
9745STJ3161STJ2860CDF4286STJ6929BAN Whorlton Hall
51xx 2-6-2T3167STJ2879NPT5214STJ56xx 0-6-2Tex RR 0-6-2T
4144STJ3172STJ3837TYS5249CDF5645STJex B&M 0-6-2T
2301 0-6-03174STJ3843STJ72xx 2-8-2T6666STJ332STJ
2414STJ3176STJWD 2-8-07210STJ6673STJ422STJ
3185STJAberdare 2-6-07245NPT6689STJ
shed codesBAN BanburyCDF Cardiff CantonLDR LandoreNEA NeathNPT Ebbw Junction
OXY OxleyPPRD Pontypool Rd.RYR Cardiff RadyrSDN SwindonSED Swansea East Dk
STJ Severn Tunnel J.TYS TyseleyWES Westbury
Sunday 4 June 195086Etotal:59
57xx 0-6-0PT3150 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-056xx 0-6-2THall 4-6-0
570686E315086E283186J562086E491587G Condover Hall
572986E315486E283686J562586E493286G Hatherton Hall
776486E316886E286486G562686EGrange 4-6-0
879986E317086E287583D564586E687186E Bourton Grange
974586E317286E287884J663986E42xx 2-8-0T72xx 2-8-2T
15xx 0-6-0PT317486E383886E666686E420886D721086E
150886E317686EWD 2-8-0667686E422786C722386E
43xx 2-6-0317786E7700581A667987E425786J722486E
536286E318586E51xx 2-6-2Tex B&M 0-6-2T428686E724686E
539084B318886E411986E42286E520586E2301 0-6-0
638686E319086E414486Eex RR 0-6-2T521587F246086E
shed codes81A Old Oak Common82A Bristol Bath Road83D Plymouth Laira84B Oxley84J Croes Newydd
86C Cardiff Canton86D Llantrisant86E Severn Tunnel J.86G Pontypool Road86J Aberdare
87E Landore87F Llanelly87G Carmarthen88A Cardiff Radyr
Sunday 2 September 195186Etotal:60
57xx 0-6-0PT3150 2-6-2T51xx 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
572986E315086E411986E280486E493787G Laneley Hall
776486E315786E413886G286983A592386E Colston Hall
778986E316186E414286E288786E595185B Clyffe Hall
877886A317086E414486E380886E690986E Frewin Hall
879986E317486E414886A381486CGrange 4-6-0
974586E317686E415186E383286E682086A Kingstone Grange
84xx 0-6-0PT318386E516986E383886E42xx 2-8-0T56xx 0-6-2T
840186E318586E72xx 2-8-2T384386E424386E562586E
15xx 0-6-0PT2301 0-6-0721386J385086E428686E563386C
150886E241486E722486EROD 2-8-0520686A564586E
Manor 4-6-043xx 2-6-0301286G523987A666686E
782887A Odney Manor536286EWD 2-8-0525386E667386E
shed codes83A Newton Abbot85B Gloucester H. Rd86A Ebbw Junction86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel J.
86G Pontypool Road86J Aberdare87A Neath87G Carmarthen
Sunday 10 August 195286Etotal:64
57xx 0-6-0PT3150 2-6-2T42xx 2-8-0T28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
572986E315786E422386C281483B495286E Peplow Hall
776486E316186E427586E284486EGrange 4-6-0
778986E317286E427786E285082D681286E Chesford Grange
879986E317486E428286E285986E56xx 0-6-2T72xx 2-8-2T
15xx 0-6-0PT318886E520186E286686A660086C722986E
150886E51xx 2-6-2T520586E287386E663986E723086E
84xx 0-6-0PT414286E522387F380686E665386G724686E
840186E516986E522886E380886E666686EWD 2-8-0
845086E43xx 2-6-0524086C381187F667386E9004638E
2301 0-6-0539485B525086B381486C667686E9017986E
246086E2251 0-6-0526286E385086E
shed codes38E Woodford Halse81C Southall81F Oxford82C Swindon82D Westbury
83B Taunton85B Gloucester H. Rd86A Ebbw Junction86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel J.
86G Pontypool Road87F Llanelly
Sunday 4 October 195386Etotal:64
57xx 0-6-0PT3150 2-6-2T42xx 2-8-0T56xx 0-6-2THall 4-6-0
776486E315086E424186F562586E494186E Llangedwyn Hall
879986E317486E428686E564586E495286E Peplow Hall
974586E317686E429387A660286C592386E Colston Hall
64xx 0-6-0PT317786E429886E663986E599085B Dorford Hall
642886A318586E521486E665087B28xx 2-8-0
84xx 0-6-0PT319086E522886E665486E281784C381886E
840186E51xx 2-6-2T523087F666686E286086E382486C
2251 0-6-0412186E526286E668986E288386E384486E
223986A415186E72xx 2-8-2TWD 2-8-0288886E384986E
2301 0-6-0720886E9019286C289386E385086E
shed codes83A Newton Abbot84C Banbury85B Gloucester H. Rd86A Ebbw Junction86C Cardiff Canton
86E Severn Tunnel J.86F Tondu87A Neath87B Duffryn Yard87F Llanelly
Sunday 30 May 195486Etotal:68
57xx 0-6-0PT3150 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
379886A317286E280686E289386E494186E Llangedwyn Hall
774086G317486E281186E381886E592987E Hanham Hall
776486E317786E282384C383286E594484B Ickenham Hall
778986E318586E282986E383886E594982B Trematon Hall
974586E319086E283986E384486E694886C Holbrooke Hall
84xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T284486E384786EModified Hall 4-6-0
840186E411986E285384J385086E699583B Benthall Hall
15xx 0-6-0PT413786E285986E385386EGrange 4-6-0
150886E414486E286086E386584B687286G Crawley Grange
2251 0-6-0414586E286286EWD 2-8-042xx 2-8-0T56xx 0-6-2T
43xx 2-6-0415686E286686E9035586E428986E666686E
637586E72xx 2-8-2T288386E9035684G520586E667286E
shed codes38E Woodford Halse81D Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon83B Taunton
84B Oxley84C Banbury84G Shrewsbury84J Croes Newydd86A Ebbw Junction
86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel J.86G Pontypool Road86J Aberdare87E Landore
Sunday 21 August 195586Etotal:68
57xx 0-6-0PT3150 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
572986E315086E280886E384786E594686C Marwell Hall
776486E317286E282686E384986E42xx 2-8-0T72xx 2-8-2T
15xx 0-6-0PT318586E287986EWD 2-8-0521486E723086E
74xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T288786E9046684C525386E43xx 2-6-0
2251 0-6-0411986E380886E9068684K56xx 0-6-2T638185B
229286E413786E381886E9069386C567986C0-6-0 diesels
321582B414486E382386Ecl 8F 2-8-0666686E1310213104
shed codes82B St. Philip's Marsh84C Banbury84K Chester GWR85B Gloucester H. Rd86A Ebbw Junction
86E Severn Tunnel J.86J Aberdare87F Llanelly
Sunday 29 July 195686Etotal:58
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T42xx 2-8-0T28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
778986E412186E421586E280386E496684B Shakenhurst Hall
974586E413786E422686C280686E590084B Hinderton Hall
54xx 0-6-0PT414486E429886E281882C694686C Heatherden Hall
541486A415186E521286E282686EManor 4-6-0
74xx 0-6-0PT415686E521587F284486E781585A Fritwell Manor
742686E515586E522486E285485B56xx 0-6-2TWD 2-8-0
3150 2-6-2T516986E524586J286086E562086E9056382B
317286E61xx 2-6-2T526486J286886A667286E72xx 2-8-2T
317786E615586E2251 0-6-0288886E0-6-0 diesels723786E
318386E43xx 2-6-0223186E380986C1310213188cl 8F 2-8-0
shed codes82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon84B Oxley85A Worcester85B Gloucester H. Rd
86A Ebbw Junction86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel J.86J Aberdare87F Llanelly
Sunday 23 June 195786Etotal:54
57xx 0-6-0PT3150 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
464386B315086E280484F381586E499183B Cobham Hall
776486E317286E280686E383886EModified Hall 4-6-0
778986E317786E281486A384286C699986C Capel Dewi Hall
974586E318386E283286E385386E42xx 2-8-0T2251 0-6-0
74xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T285986E386086C421786E222786A
16xx 0-6-0PT415186E286286E56xx 0-6-2T525386E226582B
61xx 2-6-2T287286E664286E72xx 2-8-2T0-6-0 diesels
shed codes82B St. Philip's Marsh83B Taunton84C Banbury84F Stourbridge86A Ebbw Junction
86B Newport Pill86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel J.86J Aberdare
Allocation March 1959 (73)2251 0-6-0GWR228xx 2-8-0GWR25
51xx 2-6-2TGWR1242xx 2-8-0TGWR843xx 2-6-0GWR10
56xx 0-6-2TGWR561xx 2-6-2TGWR464xx 0-6-0PTGWR1
72xx 2-8-2TGWR357xx 0-6-0PTGWR3
Sunday 14 June 195986Etotal:61
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-028xx 2-8-042xx 2-8-0T
879082B415186E732286E286986E W385286E426286J
64xx 0-6-0PT515586E56xx 0-6-2T288386E72xx 2-8-2T521286E
0-6-0 diesels516986E567986E2251 0-6-0722386E524887F
D3103D319061xx 2-6-2T667286E229286E723786EWD 2-8-0
D3104D3822616686E229382CBR 9F 2-10-09057986C
W - withdrawn9223286C
shed codes81E Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon84B Oxley84E Tyseley
85B Gloucester H. Rd86A Ebbw Junction86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel J.86J Aberdare
87A Neath87E Landore87F Llanelly88A Cardiff Radyr
Sunday 4 June 196186E6.05am - 6.30amtotal:51
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-042xx 2-8-0TCastle 4-6-0
378686E411986E533686E422888J407687F Carmarthen Castle
64xx 0-6-0PT412786E633886E424186E408088A Powderham Castle
641286A413086E637981D425886AHall 4-6-0
643086E413186E56xx 0-6-2T521286E492581C Eynsham Hall
74xx 0-6-0PT413686E562086E521786A28xx 2-8-0
61xx 2-6-2T415686E667286E525386E286186E384186E
611886E516686E W2251 0-6-0526287F287388J384786E
612586E518186E223186E72xx 2-8-2T287688J385187F
0-6-0 diesels519186E229286E724987B289586E385286E
D3103D3188cl 8F 2-8-0382286E385386A
W - withdrawn4841584F
shed codes81C Southall81D Reading84F Stourbridge Jct.86A Ebbw Junction86E Severn Tunnel J.
87B Duffryn Yard87F Llanelly88A Cardiff Radyr88J Aberdare88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 23 September 196286Etotal:61
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
369781E W412786E285486E381481F598085B Dingley Hall W
378686E412886E286186E382286EModified Hall 4-6-0
961986E413086E286586E382381F697081F Whaddon Hall
74xx 0-6-0PT413686E289486A383486E698485A Owsden Hall
740386E413786E289983D384886E43xx 2-6-0WD 2-8-0
742786E414586E380086A385187F634787F9056581C W
94xx 0-6-0PT414686E W380386E385686E636286E9068581C
948286F415086E380684C386386E636381E72xx 2-8-2T
45xx 2-6-2T415186E381187F42xx 2-8-0T637386E720686E
554587H415286E W56xx 0-6-2T429086A730886E721286E
61xx 2-6-2T415686E664286E524988JBR 9F 2-10-0721786E
615886E518886A W667286E526287F9221384C2251 0-6-0
519186E669088J0-6-0 diesel223186E
W - withdrawnD3104321286E
shed codes81C Southall81E Didcot81F Oxford83D Plymouth Laira84C Banbury
85A Worcester85B Gloucester H. Rd86A Ebbw Junction86E Severn Tunnel J.86F Aberbeeg
87F Llanelly87H Neyland88J Aberdare
Sunday 5 May 196386Etotal:70
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-028xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
368586G411586E533086E280786E W493688L Kinlet Hall
370086E411986E533686E285486E497087B Sketty Hall
378686E W412786E W633886E286186E W599489A Roydon Hall W
772982B W412886E636286E W380386E693688L Breccles hall
873181C W4136*83G637386E381286E694488L Fledborough Hall
877181A W413786E637589A   W
382686GGrange 4-6-0
878088B W414486E638089A385986E685988L Yiewsley Hall
74xx 0-6-0PT414586E W639485B386486EModified Hall 4-6-0
740386E414686E W731089B42xx 2-8-0T790983B Heveningham Hall
742786E415086E732586E424186E72xx 2-8-2TWD 2-8-0
94xx 0-6-0PT415186E733989B424886E720488J9056581C  W
941081A W415286E W56xx 0-6-2T429086A W721488JBR 9F 2-10-0
61xx 2-6-2T415986E562488J521386E724987B9208521A
614086E416688B664286E525386E W2251 0-6-00-6-0 diesels
W - withdrawn (16 locos)* en route to Neyland321286ED3188
shed codes21A Saltley41F Mexborough81A Old Oak Common81C Southall82B St. Philip's Marsh
83B Taunton83G Penzance85B Gloucester H. Rd86A Ebbw Junction86E Severn Tunnel J.86G Pontypool Road
87B Duffryn Yard88B Cardiff Radyr88J Aberdare88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury89B Croes Newydd
Sunday 19 April 196486Etotal:50
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-028xx 2-8-072xx 2-8-2T
370086E411586E632086E285486E W385686E722586E
465787A412188J730686E286286E W386386E724588B
961986E412886E731086E287286E W386688J724987B
61xx 2-6-2T413086E733986E380186EGrange 4-6-0
611486G413286E2251 0-6-0381087A68452A Paviland Grange
Hymek T3 diesels413786E223186E381487A685286B Headbourne Grange W
D7070D7089415086E321286E W383586EModified Hall 4-6-0
EE T3 diesels415686E42xx 2-8-0T383886E699585B Benthall Hall
D6834D6929415986E425486E384286E699881A Burton Agnes Hall
D6876519186E526287F W384787A WBR 9F 2-10-00-6-0 diesel
W - withdrawn (7 locos)385187F922342AD3102
shed codes2A Tyseley81A Old Oak Common85B Gloucester H. Rd86B Ebbw Junction86E Severn Tunnel J.
86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87B Duffryn Yard87F Llanelly88B Cardiff Radyr88J Aberdare
Saturday 19 December 196486Etotal:48
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2TCastle 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
370086E410786E500281C Ludlow Castle W495181F Pendeford Hall W
374683C W411586E507681C Gladiator W498587A Allesley Hall W
467186E412188J702081C Gloucester Castle W593685B Oakley Hall
874985B W412485A WModified Hall 4-6-0597486E Wallsworth Hall W
961686E413786E W791386E Little Wyrley Hall690981E Frewin Hall W
961986E416086E W28xx 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-0693286E Burwarton Hall
2251 0-6-061xx 2-6-2T289086B9222686EBattle of Britain 4-6-2
223186E611486E W380282E9224286E3406272A 17 Squardron W
EE T3 diesels611586E W381686E9224386E3408372A 605 Squardron W
D6832D6864cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)38452D Wcl 8F 2-8-0BR 5MT 4-6-0U 2-6-0
D6862D69194121070E W385686E W4840010D7300182E3179775B W
Hymek T3 diesels56xx 0-6-2T72xx 2-8-2T42xx 2-8-0TN 2-6-0
D7044566588F722686E W425486B3186475B W
note: 48400 was possibly in transit from Llanelly to Lostock HallW - withdrawn (22 locos)
shed codes2D Banbury10D Lostock Hall70E Salisbury72A Exmouth Junction75B Redhill
81C Southall81E Didcot81F Oxford82E Bristol Barrow Rd83C Westbury85A Worcester
85B Gloucester H. Rd86B Ebbw Junction86E Severn Tunnel J.87A Neath88F Treherbert88J Aberdare
Allocation May 65 (23)57xx 0-6-0PTGWR528xx 2-8-0GWR3
51xx 2-6-2TGWR961xx 2-6-2TGWR172xx 2-8-2TGWR2
BR 9F 2-10-0BR3
Sunday 23 May 196586Etotal:24
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T42xx 2-8-0TCastle 4-6-0
368686E410786E415086E425886E W702285B Hereford Castle
379686E W411086E415686E522686E W28xx 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-0
462186E411586E415786E72xx 2-8-2T384086B9223686B W
467186E412188J416086E725286E9224286B W
961686E414486E725386B W9225086E
shed codes85B Gloucester H. Rd86B Ebbw Junction86E Severn Tunnel J.88J Aberdare
Monday 30 August 196586Etotal:22
57xx 0-6-0PTBR 3MT 2-6-2Tcl 8F 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-0Grange 4-6-0
961686E W8201070A W480852E921352E681586E Frilford Grange
965686E56xx 0-6-2T4818315A W9221486E WManor 4-6-0
51xx 2-6-2T467186E4818616E9221686E780486E Baydon Manor
410786E W42xx 2-8-0T484682C922182D28xx 2-8-0
61xx 2-6-2T523586B486462E9222088A Evening Star W380282E W
615981E W4872816F9225086EW - withdrawn (8 locos)
shed codes2C Stourbridge Jct.2D Banbury2E Saltley15A Leicester Midland16E Kirkby-in-Ashfield
16F Burton-on-Trent70A Nine Elms81E Didcot82E Bristol Barrow Rd86B Ebbw Junction
86E Severn Tunnel J.88A Cardiff East Dock
Saturday 13 November 196586Etotal:26
57xx 0-6-0PTBR 3MT 2-6-2TBR 9F 2-10-0Merchant Navy 4-6-20-6-0 diesel
366983C W8201670A W921292D3501670G Elders Fyffes WD3189
373583C Wcl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)921318HS15 4-6-0cl 8F 2-8-0EE T3 diesels
467186E W4126170G W921322D3083870B W4818315A WD6841D6913
965686E WBR 5MT 4-6-0922182D3083970B W487546BD6898D6980
7304270E W9222088A Evening Star WHymek T3 dieselD6899D6984
W - withdrawn (12 locos)9223085BD7029
shed codes2D Banbury6B Mold Junction8H Birkenhead15A Leicester Midland70A Nine Elms
70B Feltham70E Salisbury70G Weymouth83C Westbury85B Gloucester H. Rd88A Cardiff East Dock
Severn Tunnel Junction shed closed in October 1965.
Revised and updated - November 2021.