Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Southall 1939 - 1966

A couple of 57xx 0-6-0PTs and a Woodford Halse WD 2-8-0 rest in Southall shed yard on 25th November 1962.  Photo: Ben Brooksbank Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license 2.0.

Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Western Railwayopened:1953*prior to 1950SHL
location:In the fork of the Paddington and Brentford lines.closed:Jan-661950 - Jan 6681C
type:* A 1953 built 8TS shed with 7 through roads, replacing a 1884 6TS shed.
Sunday 7 May 1939SHLtotal:44
1701 0-6-0PT57xx 0-6-0PT1901 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-028xx 2-8-0
54xx 0-6-0PT375087522301 0-6-06115614693042845
5401541657278755238125476125614735xx 2-4-0Tdiesel railcar
540954217710973148xx 0-4-2T
Sunday 20 April 1941SHLtotal:45
54xx 0-6-0PT57xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2Tcl 2F 0-6-0 (J)Aberdare 2-6-0
5408SHL3750SHL9701PDN6125SHLon loan to GWR2631NPT
5409SHL3799SHL9707PDN6128SHL3113354543xx 2-6-0
5415SHL7730SHL9755SHL6156SHL3372372528xx 2-8-0
5417SHL7731SHL9755SHL6169SHLO4 2-8-02809ABDR
5420SHL8752SHL2251 0-6-035xx 2-4-0Ton loan to GWR2845SHL
5421SHL8755SHL2285SHL3585SHL62176573diesel railcar
48xx 0-4-2T8758SHL56xx 0-6-2T3596SHL6524RC17
shed codesABDR AberdareNPT Newport Ebbw Jct.OXY OxleyPDN Old Oak CommonSHL Southall
Sunday 17 August 1947SHLtotal:50
57xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PT14xx 0-4-2T61xx 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0
3750SHL8753SHL5414SHL35xx 2-4-0T6118SHL2858SHL
4604SHL8774SHL5418SHL51xx 2-6-2T6128SHL2878BAN
4608SHL9641SHL43xx 2-6-05119SHL6139SHL3802BAN
4673SHL9754PDN5360SHLdiesel railcars6147SHL3824CDF
5750SHL1901 0-6-0PTGrange 4-6-06156SHL3857SHL
5755SHL1925SHL6866TYS Morfa Grange6165SHL3859SHL
7731SHL6169SHLWD 2-8-0
shed codesABDR AberdareBAN BanburyCDF Cardiff Canton77429
PDN Old Oak CommonTYS TyseleySHL Southall
Allocation January 1948 (74)1901 0-6-0PTGWR227xx 0-6-0PTGWR2
57xx 0-6-0PTGWR2654xx 0-6-0PTGWR1264xx 0-6-0PTGWR1
2251 0-6-0GWR135xx 2-4-0TGWR143xx 2-6-0GWR6
51xx 2-6-2TGWR161xx 2-6-2TGWR1128xx 2-8-0GWR9
Grange 4-6-0GWR2
Sunday 18 April 1948SHLtotal:52
57xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0Grange 4-6-0
3620SHL5405SHL6102SHL2858SHL6809SHL Burghclere Grange
3750SHL5409SHL6110SHL3830NPT6826SHL Nannerth Grange
4663SHL5415SHL6118SHL3855SHL6854BAN Roundhill Grange
4695SHL5416SHL6128SHL3856SHLHall 4-6-0
5727SHL5417SHL6139SHL3857SHL3904SDN St. Brides' Hall (oil burner)
5750SHL5418SHL6147SHL3859SHLBulldog 4-4-0
5755SHL5420SHL6148SHLROD 2-8-03418SHL Sir Arthur Yorke
7730SHL1901 0-6-0PT6156SHL3013SPM2251 0-6-0WD 2-8-0
8752SHL1925SHL6169SHL43xx 2-6-02285SHL77079OXY
8764SHL1969SHL51xx 2-6-2T5360SHLdiesel railcars77203GLO
8771PDN27xx 0-6-0PT5119SHL9311SHLRC18RC34
shed codesBAN BanburyGLO GloucesterNPT Newport Ebbw Jct.OXY OxleyPDN Old Oak Common
SDN SwindonSHL SouthallSPM St. Philip's Marsh
Sunday 12 August 195181Ctotal:41
57xx 0-6-0PT16xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2TModified Hall 4-6-0
361881C575381C160581C611081C696181C Stedham Hall
370481C575581C54xx 0-6-0PT612581C28xx 2-8-0WD 2-8-0
379981C875381A14xx 0-4-2T613981C380381C9020781C
460881C875881C146281C614881C383483Adiesel railcars
461081C877481C43xx 2-6-0615681C2251 0-6-0RC17RC34
shed codes38E Woodford Halse81A Old Oak Common81C Southall83A Newton Abbot
84C Banbury84F Stourbridge
Sunday 29 March 195381Ctotal:53
57xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-0
362081C773081C541081C611081C493181C Hanbury Hall
370481C773281C541481C612381B494481C Middleton Hall
372781C875081C541581C612881C692185B Borwick Hall
375081C875281C94xx 0-6-0PT613981C692484B Grantley Hall
379981C875881C940981C615681CModified Hall 4-6-0
460881C877481C946981C616581C699182D Acton Burnell Hall
461081C972681C14xx 0-4-2T616981C791081C Hown Hall
467381C15xx 0-6-0PT146281C43xx 2-6-028xx 2-8-0WD 2-8-0
575381C16xx 0-6-0PTdiesel railcars931181C289981C9020781C
575581C160581CW13W18ROD 2-8-09048581C
shed codes81B Slough81C Southall82D Westbury84B Oxley84C Banbury
84E Tyesley85B Gloucester
Sunday 1 May 195581Ctotal:72
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0WD 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
361881C875881C286086E9004038E490982A Blakesley Hall
362081C877481C288081C9015281C494481C Middleton Hall
370481C964181C289981C9016786G497784C Watcombe Hall
372781C972681C381586E9017481CModified Hall 4-6-0
375081C975881A384386E9026881C697684C Graythwaite Hall
379981C15xx 0-6-0PT384686C9031381C791081C Hown Hall
460881C150181C385286E9047438EGrange 4-6-0
461081C54xx 0-6-0PT386084B9048581C684282B Nunhold Grange
572781C541081C14xx 0-4-2T9069738E61xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-0
575381C541581C142681C56xx 0-6-2T612581C533284C
575581C94xx 0-6-0PT144381C569781E612881C636082C
579981C940781C2251 0-6-0665481C614781C637482B
773081Cdiesel railcars228581C614881C930181C
773181CW21W31Manor 4-6-0615081B930281F
875281CW27W34781583D Fritwell Manor615681C930981D
shed codes38E Woodford Halse81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81F Oxford
82A Bristol Bath Road82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon83D Plymouth Laira84B Oxley
84C Banbury86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel Jct.86G Pontypool Road
Sunday 8 July 195681Ctotal:66
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PTWD 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
361881C875081C940981C9020781C490281F Aldenham Hall
362081C875281C941381C9020838E494481C Middleton Hall
370481C875381C946981C9026881C595381C Dunley Hall
372781C875881C28xx 2-8-09035581C598381C Henley Hall
375081C877481C287486C9036538EModified Hall 4-6-0
379981C964181C288684C9048581C791081C Hown Hall
460881C972681C289081C9052981CKing 4-6-0
461081C978981C381286E9063081C602481A King Edward I R
467381C54xx 0-6-0PT383681C9067238E61xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-0
469581C541081C385781F56xx 0-6-2T610981C536184C
572781C541381F14xx 0-4-2T563981E612581CBR 4MT 4-6-0
579981C542081C144381C665581C614881Cdiesel railcar
773081C15xx 0-6-0PT147481C616981C RW30
773181C R150181CR - under repair
shed codes38E Woodford Halse81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81E Didcot81F Oxford
82C Swindon84C Banbury86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel Jct.
Sunday 8 September 195781Ctotal:61
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-0
361881C875281C841381C612281B493381E Himley Hall
362081C875381C940581C612581C494481C Middleton Hall
370481C875881C940981C612781B499084A Clifton Hall
375081C877481C941381C612881C595381C Dunley Hall
379981C964181C941781C614781C28xx 2-8-0WD 2-8-0
467381C978981C43xx 2-6-0616581C383681C9020781C
572781C15xx 0-6-0PT531886G56xx 0-6-2Tdiesel railcars9026881C
579981C54xx 0-6-0PT730382B665481CW27W349035581C
773081C541081C47xx 2-8-0665581CW309052981C
773181C14xx 0-4-2T470781C9063081C
shed codes81B Slough81C Southall81E Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh84A Stafford Road
86C Cardiff Canton86G Pontypool Road
Sunday 21 September 195881C12.30pm - 1pmtotal:66
57xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
361881C972681C612581C284486E492581C Eynsham Hall
370481C978981C612881C285381C493481C Hindlip Hall
375081C94xx 0-6-0PT614881C287386E496981C Shrugborough Hall
460881C940581C615381D380186C591881C Walton Hall
467381C940981C615681C384786E593381C Kingsway Hall
575381C941381C616581C385681C599681C Mytton Hall
773081C946981C616981CWD 2-8-0Modified Hall 4-6-0
773181C947981C47xx 2-8-09017481C699181C Acton Burnell Hall
778881D54xx 0-6-0PT470382B902992F791081C Hown Hall
875081C541081C470781C9035681C792381C Speke Hall
875381C15xx 0-6-0PTcl 8F 2-8-0904032FGrange 4-6-0
875881C150181C4843682B9046684C684487F Penhydd Grange
964181C56xx 0-6-2T4845082B9063081CBR 9F 2-10-0diesel railcars
970881A564781E72xx 2-8--2T14xx 0-4-2T9222384CW21W30
shed codes2F Woodford Halse81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot
81F Oxford82B St. Philip's Marsh84C Banbury86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86C Cardiff Canton
86E Severn Tunnel Jct.87F Llanelly
Allocation May 1959 (49)15xx 0-6-0PTGWR154xx 0-6-0PTGWR1
57xx 0-6-0PTGWR1594xx 0-6-0PTGWR614xx 0-4-2TGWR1
61xx 2-6-2TGWR847xx 2-8-0GWR1WD 2-8-0WD4
Hall 4-6-0GWR8Modified Hall 4-6-0GWR4
Sunday 5 July 195981C3.35pm - 4pmtotal:70
57xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2TWD 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
361881C964181C610981B R900662F491581E Condover Hall
362081C964281C613081D9012586C499681C Eden Hall
370481C972681C613181D R9017481C591881C Walton Hall
371581C978981C614881C9031384CModified Hall 4-6-0
375081C94xx 0-6-0PT615681C9035681C791181F Lady Margaret Hall
379981C841381C615781C904032F792381C Speke Hall
460881C845181C616981C904482F28xx 2-8-072xx 2-8--2T
467381C940981C14xx 0-4-2T9058584C280686E723981F
575381C941381C142081C9063081C R282686E725186G
579981C W941981A R143181C9068586C285084Bdiesel railcars
875081C942281C56xx 0-6-2Tcl 8F 2-8-0285282CW21W31
875281C15xx 0-6-0PT665581D R4843182B289284EW25W34
875381A150181C43xx 2-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0384083AW27
876181C54xx 0-6-0PT636382B7302486CBR 9F 2-10-0
876981C541081C9200586CW - withdrawn
877481CR - repair shop
shed codes2F Woodford Halse81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot
81F Oxford82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon83A Newton Abbot84B Oxley
84C Banbury86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel Jct.86G Pontypool Road
Sunday 4 September 196081Ctotal:55
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PTWD 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-0Hall 4-6-0
361881C845181C900332F9200481C592581C Eastcote Hall
362081C845681C9017481C9220781CModified Hall 4-6-0
371581C940981C902372F9220881C697584B Capesthorne Hall
375081C941381C9035581C9222283D697782B Grundisburgh Hall
379981C942281C904032F9223686C699181C Acton Burnell Hall
875381C14xx 0-4-2T9047141D9223981C791081C Hown Hall
876981C147481C904742F9224681A792885A Wolf Hall
964181C61xx 2-6-2T9048586C28xx 2-8-047xx 2-8-00-6-0 diesels
shed codes2F Woodford Halse41D Canklow81A Old Oak Common81C Southall82B St. Philip's Marsh
83D Plymouth Laira84B Oxley84F Stourbridge85A Worcester86A Newport Ebbw Jct.
86C Cardiff Canton86G Pontypool Road
Sunday 25 June 196181Ctotal:51
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PTWD 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-0Hall 4-6-0
361881C842281C9006988A9220781C496684B Shakenhurst Hall
362281C845181C9014884C9222481C497788A Watcombe Hall
371581C845681C9017481C9222884C498681C Aston Hall
873181C940981C9026184C9223881C499581C Easton Hall
877081C941381C9035581C9224081C695582D Lydcott Hall
964181C942281C904032F9224488AModified Hall 4-6-0
964281C61xx 2-6-2T904482F28xx 2-8-0699181C Acton Burnell Hall
972681C611281C905242F284981E791081C Hown Hall
978981C612081E14xx 0-4-2T286186EGrange 4-6-0
979181C613381C147481C381088A685988A Yiewsley Grange
15xx 0-6-0PT616281C382686G0-6-0 diesel
shed codes2F Woodford Halse81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81E Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh
82D Westbury84B Oxley84C Banbury86E Severn Tunnel Jct.86G Pontypool Road88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 21 October 196281Ctotal:59
57xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2TModified Hall 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
361881C610881C?697481C Bryngwyn Hall493082C Hagley Hall
362081C611081C699181C Acton Burnell Hall494481C Middleton Hall W
460881C612281D699481C Baggrave Hall497681C Warfield Hall
873181C W613281C791081C Hown Hall498981C Cherwell Hall
875281C613681E792181A Edstone Hall591781C Westminster Hall W
877081C14xx 0-4-2TGrange 4-6-0594382C Elmdon Hall
972681C147481B682986A Burmington Grange692481D Grantley Hall
94xx 0-6-0PT0-6-0 diesels684181C Marlas Grange694183B Fillongley Hall
846581CD3512D3761687481E Haughton Grange694488L Fledborough Hall
941381CD3753D376247xx 2-8-028xx 2-8-0WD 2-8-0
16xx 0-6-0PTD3754D3955470581C288486A900332F905632F
165481CD3756D3961BR 9F 2-10-0382081E9006981C9057281C
W - withdrawn9224081C386486E9035581C W9068581C
9224581C9035681C W9069381C W
shed codes2F Woodford Halse50A York81A Old Oak Common81B Southall81C Southall
81D Reading81E Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon83B Taunton
86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86E Severn Tunnel Jct.88L Cardiff East Dock
Sunday 17 March 196381Ctotal:64
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0Modified Hall 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
361881C285181C698681C Rydal Hall490281E Aldenham Hall
362081C287581C699181C Acton Burnell Hall490881E Broome Hall
362281C381187F699385B Arthog Hall494481C Middleton Hall W
366581C382486A699481C Baggrave Hall497681C Warfield Hall
460881C385284C791081C Hown Hall498781C Brockley Hall W
875281C W385481C792381C Speke Hall498981C Cherwell Hall
964181CWD 2-8-0cl 8F 2-8-061xx 2-6-2T591781C Westminster Hall W
964281C9017481C W483862F610881C?593281A Haydon Hall
972681C902182F4842484F612281D595581F Garth Hall
94xx 0-6-0PT904332F4843084F613281CGrange 4-6-0
842681C9063081C WBR 9F 2-10-0613381C683481C Dummer Grange
845681C9069381C W9220781C616581C686981C Resolven Grange
846581C47xx 2-8-09224081C14xx 0-4-2T0-6-0 diesels
941581C470681C9224581C43xx 2-6-0D3753D3762
shed codes2F Woodford Halse81A Old Oak Common81B Southall81C Southall81D Reading
81E Didcot81F Oxford84C Banbury84F Stourbridge85B Gloucester LMS
86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86E Severn Tunnel Jct.87F Llanelly88L Cardiff East Dock
Sunday 12 January 196481Ctotal:52
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0Grange 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
362081C284181C W681887F Hardwick Grange490881E Broome Hall W
362281C284281E W68312B Bearley Grange498881F Bulwell Hall
460881C285181C W684181C Marlais Garnge593986B Tangley Hall
964281C285281E Wcl 8F 2-8-061xx 2-6-2TModified Hall 4-6-0
970481A287381C483871G610881C697881C Helperly Hall
972681C287981C485271G611081C698681C Rydal Hall
15xx 0-6-0PT382486B47xx 2-8-0613281C790481D Fountains Hall
150081A WBR 9F 2-10-0470581A W45xx 2-6-2T791781E North Aston Hall
150381A W9221081C43xx 2-6-0550881C792281C Salford Hall
150481A W9221687A538081E W0-6-0 dieselsCastle 4-6-0
150681A W9224081C637981E WD3753D3759503782B Monmouth Castle
150781A W9224581C732781ED3754D3761King 4-6-0
734081ED3756D3762602881A King George VI W
shed codes1G Woodford Halse2B Oxley81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading
81E Didcot81F Oxford82B St. Philip's Marsh86B Newport Ebbw Jct.87A Neath Court Sart87F Llanelly
Sunday 15 November 196481Ctotal:52
61xx 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0Grange 4-6-0Modified Hall 4-6-0
611081C284181C W681785A Gwenddwr Grange696181A Stedham Hall
611781C285981C683788A Forthampton Grange697481F Bryngwyn Hall
612581C287381C684181F Marlais Garnge698681C Rydal Hall
613281C381081C W45xx 2-6-2T57xx 0-6-0PT699881C Burton Agnes Hall
613981C W382081E550881C460881C W792281C Salford Hall
614181CBR 9F 2-10-0553181C964281A WCastle 4-6-0
614381C922122A556481C970781C W408981D Donnington Castle W
616081C9221681C556981C971081A W504285B Winchester Castle
616381C9222986B W557181C94xx 0-6-0PT700881A Swansea Castle W
616581C9224181C0-6-0 diesels940681A W703281A Denbigh Castle W
616781C9224581CD3196D3761943581A W
cl 8F 2-8-09224681CD3759D3955947081A WW - withdrawn
481092E949881A W
shed codes2A Tyesley2E Saltley81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading
81E Didcot81F Oxford85A Worcester85B Gloucester H. Rd86B Newport Ebbw Jct.88A Cardiff East Dock
Sunday 21 February 196581Ctotal:49
61xx 2-6-2T57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
610681C616081C360881C285981C W496281E Ragley Hall
611081C616181C460681A W287381C W597185A Merevale Hall
611281C616581C965981C384286E69172D Oldlands Hall
611781C616781C972681E384881CModified Hall 4-6-0
612681F45xx 2-6-2T94xx 0-6-0PT385181C695981C Peatling Hall
613281C550881C W941581Acl 8F 2-8-0698681C Rydal Hall
613481C553181C WBR 9F 2-10-0480271G699986E Capel Dewi Hall
613581C556481C W9217436A481202BCastle 4-6-0
614181C556981C W922182D4851910A504285B Winchester Castle
614381Ccl 5MT 4-6-09223686E486848H70132A Bristol Castle W
615981E447712A9224581C W0-6-0 diesels
W - withdrawnD3754D3756D3759
shed codes1G Woodford Halse2A Tyesley2B Oxley2D Banbury8H Birkenhead
10A Carnforth36A Doncaster81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81E Didcot
85A Worcester85B Gloucester H.  Rd86E Severn Tunnel Jct.
Allocation May 1965 (42)57xx 0-6-0PTGWR894xx 0-6-0PTGWR5
61xx 2-6-2TGWR1428xx 2-8-0GWR8Modified Hall 4-6-0GWR3
BR 9F 2-10-0BR4
Sunday 5 September 196581Ctotal:51
61xx 2-6-2Tcl 5MT 4-6-0Grange 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
610681C448082B68332B Brockton Grange69032D Belmont Hall
611281C W4482516F684885A Toddington Grange691081C Gossington Hall
611781C Wcl 8F 2-8-028xx 2-8-0BR 9F 2-10-069172D Oldlands Hall
613281C4819316A381281C W9200786E693881E Corndean Hall W
613481C482075D384286E W921292D695381F Leighton Hall
613581C487252F384881C W9221681CModified Hall 4-6-0
614181C57xx 0-6-0PT385181C W922172A695981C Peatling Hall
614381C362081C W385481C W9224081C W69642D Thornbridge Hall
615681C461181C W386382E9224181C W79122D Little Linford Hall
616381C0-6-0 diesels386687A W9224681CCastle 4-6-0
616581CD3754D3761BR 5MT 4-6-0922472D407982B Pendennis Castle P
616781CD3759D3961730142DP - preserved504285B Winchester Castle W
shed codes2A Tyesley2B Oxley2D Banbury2F Bescot2F Bescot
5D Stoke-on-Trent16A Toton16F Burton-on-Trent81C Southall81E Didcot81F Oxford
82B St. Philip's Marsh82E Bristol Barrow Road85A Worcester85B Gloucester H. Rd86E Severn Tunnel Jct.87A Neath Court Sart
Sunday 2 January 196681CLast day of steam operation at the
61xx 2-6-2TGrange 4-6-0Castle 4-6-00-6-0 diesels
610681F W685986E Yiewsley Grange W407982B Pendennis Castle PD3354D3955
611181A Wcl 5MT 4-6-0BR 9F 2-10-0Modified Hall 4-6-0D3527D3963
614381F W449136A9200785B W792581F Westol Hall WD3954D3972
614581A W449362D920302Dcl 8F 2-8-0cl 3F 0-6-0THymek T3 diesels
615681F W453312D9220982E W4817716G472861H WD7058
BR 2MT 2-6-2TBR 5MT 4-6-0922272D4826716E474321A WNB T2 diesels
840021E W7308270C486692E474991H WD6328D6346
shed codes1A Willesden1E Bletchley1H Northampton2D BanburyBrush T4 diesels
2E Saltley6A Chester Midland16E Kirkby-in-Ashfield16G Westhouses70C GuildfordD1682
81A Old Oak Common81F Oxford82B St. Philip's Marsh82E Bristol Barrow Road85B Gloucester H. Rd86E Severn Tunnel Jct.
Note: Destination of withdrawn locos:
Hayes/Birds - Bridgend2841381040895042611261176938
Birds, Risca460860287008703294069435947094989707
J. Buttigiegs, Newport6139685984002
Cashmore's, Newport285128523842384838513866490853806111
Cohen's, Morriston38123854
Cooper's Metals, Sharpness2842
Cox & Danks, Park Royal55085531556455697013971092229
Crewe Works901749063090693
A. King & Sons, Norwich4705494459178752
Swindon Works460649875799
T. W. Ward, Briton Ferry15001503150415061507
Southall shed closed to steam on 3rd January 1966.
Updated and revised - October 2021.