Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Wednesday 9 October 2024

Shed Profile - Eastfield & Cowlairs Works in 1961

65AEastfield, GlasgowAllocations 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - North British Railwayopened:1904Sep 1935 - Dec 1948EFD
type: A brick-built 14TS through-road shed.closed:Nov-66Jan 1949 - Nov 196665A
location: On the east side of the line, north of Cowlairs station.
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesM - McIntoshPick - Pickersgill
St - StanierBR - British RailwaysGER - Great Eastern RailwayGNoSR - Great North of Scotland Railway
GNR - Great Northern RailwayNBR - North British RailwayNER - North Eastern RailwayWD - War Department
BRCW - Birmingham Railway & Carriage WorksNB - North British Railway CompanyEE - English Electric
Saturday 1 April 196165Atotal:67
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)BR 4MT 2-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0A4 4-6-2NB T2 diesels
6919165A7600266B xw4496765A6000464B William WhitelawD6104D6117
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)BR 2MT 2-6-04501665JK2 2-6-0 (GNR)D6106D6124
4314165C7804964G4512565F6176465A Loch ArkaigD6107D6125
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)7805461C xw4547165B6178865A Loch RannochD6108D6127
6191612C WBR 4MT 2-6-4TBR 5MT 4-6-0D34 4-4-0 (NBR) D6109D6134
V1 2-6-2T8003067A7307865A6249665A Glen LoyD6116D6136
6760165IJ83 0-6-0T (NBR)7310565AD49 4-4-0 0-6-0 diesels
6760265A6847965A7310865A6274464G The Holderness WD3208D3533
6766465AJ72 0-6-0T (NER)7310965AJ37 0-6-0 (NBR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)D3211D3894
V3 2-6-2T6901366A xwB1 4-6-06458065A6447265E0-4-0 diesels
6760065AC16 4-4-2T (NBR)6114065A6462365AWD 2-8-0D2759D2766
6766765Acl 3F 0-6-0 (M)6134265AJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)9051562BD2763D2771
5763165B6139665A6522865ABRCW T2 dieselD2764D2780
aw - awaiting worksxw - ex works6140465CW - withdrawnD5300
shed codes61C Keith62B Dundee Tay Bridge64B Haymarket64G Hawick65A Eastfield
65B St. Rollox65C Parkhead65E Kipps65F Grangemouth65I Balloch65J Stirling
66A Polmadie66B Motherwell67A Corkerhill
Sunday 21 May 196165Atotal:88
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 5MT 4-6-0K2 2-6-0 (GNR)J38 0-6-0
6913165A4279312A4470265A6176465A Loch Arkaig6590062A
6916365Acl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)4490865A6178865A Loch Rannoch6590762A
6918165A4313365E aw4495665AD34 4-4-0 (NBR) 6591664A
6918365ABR 4MT 2-6-04495765A6249665A Glen LoyWD 2-8-0
6918865A7600163B4497563BD49 4-4-0 9012865A
6919165ABR 2MT 2-6-04499863A6274464G The Holderness W9023466A xw
6921265A7804964G4546163AK4 2-6-0WD 2-10-0
V1 2-6-2TK3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-06199462C The Great Marquess aw9076965F
6760165I6185812C W6114065AJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)J37 0-6-0 (NBR)NB T2 diesels
6760265A6191612C W6119765A6521865A6454065AD6100D6119
6760365ABR 4MT 2-6-4T61243 *65A xw6522865A6454865AD6109D6129
6766465A8012261C xw6126165A aw6529665A6455062AD6113D6136
6768065AJ83 0-6-0T (NBR)6135964A6531565A6458065AD6117
V3 2-6-2T6847965A6140365F awJ39 0-6-06458165A0-6-0 diesels
6764465A0-4-0 dieselsBR 5MT 4-6-06470052G W6460062BD3208D3390
6765065CD2758D27617307865A6470752G aw6462365AD3210D3393
6766765AD2759D27627310865A6471052G W6463265AD3212D3534
V2 2-6-27310965A6496412C W6463365AD3213D3896
6089152B*named: Sir Harold Mitchellaw - awaiting worksxw - ex worksD3389
shed codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12C Carlisle Canal52B Heaton52G Sunderland61C Keith
62A Thornton Junction62B Dundee Tay Bridge62C Dunfermline63A Perth63B Fort William64A St. Margarets
64G Hawick65C Parkhead65E Kipps65F Grangemouth65I Balloch66A Polmadie
Sunday 2 July 196165Atotal:108
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)BR 4MT 2-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0A1 4-6-2NB T2 diesels
6913165A7610165D4467765B6015964B Bonnie DundeeD6103D6122
6918165A7611062C4470265AK2 2-6-0 (GNR)D6104D6125
6918365Acl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)4478765A6176465A Loch ArkaigD6105D6127
6918865A4313565C4495665A6178865A Loch Rannoch (W 26 June)D6107D6128
6919165AK3 2-6-0 (GNR)4495765AD34 4-4-0 (NBR) D6109D6130
6921265A6185812C W4496765A6249665A Glen LoyD6110D6134
V1 2-6-2T6191612C W4496865AD49 4-4-0 D6116D6135
6760265A6196252D4497065A6274464G The Holderness WD6121D6136
6768065AJ37 0-6-0 (NBR)4497463BB1 4-6-0WD 2-8-00-6-0 diesels
V3 2-6-2T6454865ABR 5MT 4-6-06113465A9044162AD3207D3394
6764465A6455364F7307765A xw61243 *65A9048965AD3208D3396
6766065E6457865A7307865A aw6129362B xw9054262C awD3209D3410
6766765A6458065A7310565A6134065F xw0-4-0 dieselsD3214D3478
J83 0-6-0T (NBR)6460062B7310865A6134265A awD2714D2762D3389D3894
J38 0-6-06461364AJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)J39 0-6-0D2758D2764D3392D3896
6591362A6462265A6521865A6470052G WD2759D2766D3393
EE T1 diesel6463865A6522865A6471052G WD2760D2767Peak T4 diesel
D80706463965A6531565A6496412C WD2761D2780D12
aw - awaiting worksxw - ex works*named: Sir Harold MitchellW - withdrawn
shed codes12C Carlisle Canal52D Tweedmouth52G Sunderland62A Thornton Junction62B Dundee Tay Bridge
62C Dunfermline63B Fort William64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64F Bathgate64G Hawick
65A Eastfield65B St. Rollox65C Parkhead65D Dawsholm65E Kipps
Thursday 6 July 196165Avisiting locomotives
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)K3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0J37 0-6-0 (NBR)J39 0-6-0WD 2-8-0
4246265C6185812C W6119164A aw6455364F6470052G W9064066A xw
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)6191612C W6134065F xw6461364A6471052G WWD 2-10-0
4313565CV2 2-6-26140365F xw6496412C W9075866B xw
K1 2-6-06081664Acl 5MT 4-6-0D49 4-4-0 
6201263B4497463B6274464G The Holderness W
shed codes12C Carlisle Canal52G Sunderland63B Fort William64A St. Margarets64F Bathgate
64G Hawick65C Parkhead65F Grangemouth66A Polmadie66B Motherwell
Sunday 20 August 196165Atotal:126
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)K2 2-6-0 (GNR)D34 4-4-0 (NBR) NB T2 diesels
6918165A6176465A Loch Arkaig6249665A Glen LoyD6100D6119
6918365A6178865A Loch Rannoch WD49 4-4-0 D6101D6120
6918865Acl 5MT 4-6-0B1 4-6-06274464G The Holderness WD6104D6121
6919165A4470265A6110864AA2 4-6-2D6107D6127
6921265A4470765A6113465A6053064B SayajiraoD6113D6131
V1 2-6-2T4478765A6114065AJ37 0-6-0 (NBR)J38 0-6-0D6115D6133
6760165I4488568B6117864B aw6454065A6590262AD6118
6760265A4495665A6118464A6454165A6591662A0-6-0 diesels
6760365A aw4496765A6126262B6455865A6592162AD3207D3394
6766465A4496865A6132412C aw6457365C6593262AD3208D3396
6768065A4497065A6134164A6457965EWD 2-8-0D3209D3418
V3 2-6-2T4497363B6134265A xw6461165A9004965AD3210D3894
6762865H4497563B6135964A6463365AWD 2-10-0D3213D3896
6764465A4497763BJ39 0-6-06463865A9076466BD3392D3897
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)4539665J6479564A6463965ABRCW T2 diesel0-4-0 diesels
6185812C W4548863A6481551C WJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)D5347D2713D2762
6191612C WBR 5MT 4-6-06484551L W6521865AEE T1 dieselsD2719D2763
V2 2-6-27310865A6488412C6522865AD8070D8076D2756D2764
6092252B7310965A6491450B W6529665AD8073D8078D2758D2768
BR 4MT 2-6-07315165B xw6492850F W6531565AD8074D2759D2774
7609565CBR 4MT 2-6-4T6496412C WJ83 0-6-0T (NBR)W - withdrawnD2760D2780
aw - awaiting works8012462B xwxw - ex works6847965AD2761
shed codes12C Carlisle Canal50B Hull Dairycoates50F Malton51C West Hartlepool51L Thornaby
52B Heaton62A Thornton Jct.62B Dundee Tay Brdg63B Fort William64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket
64G Hawick65A Eastfield65B St. Rollox65C Parkhead65E Kipps65H Helensburgh
65I Balloch65J Stirling66B Motherwell68B Dumfries
Sunday 27 August 196165AA steam only recordtotal:81
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)BR 4MT 2-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0A4 4-6-2J37 0-6-0 (NBR)
6913165A7610165D4478765A6000464B William Whitelaw6454065A
6916365AK3 2-6-0 (GNR)4490865AK2 2-6-0 (GNR)6454165A
6918365A6185812C W4496765A6176465A Loch Arkaig6455865A
6918865A6191612C W4496865A6178865A Loch Rannoch W6457865A
6919165AV2 2-6-24497065AD34 4-4-0 (NBR) 6458065A
6921265A6095864A4497263B6249665A Glen Loy6458165A
6921865AJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)4497363BD49 4-4-0 6461165A
V1 2-6-2T6521865A4497763B6274464G The Holderness W6463265A
6760165I6522865A4499863AB1 4-6-0J39 0-6-06463365A
6760265A6529665A4547663A61007 *64C6481252G6463865A
6760365A6531565ABR 5MT 4-6-061029 *64A aw6481551C W6463965A
6766165C6531665K7307765A aw6110162C6484551L WWD 2-8-0
6766465AJ38 0-6-07307865A6113465A6488412C9012865A
6768065A6590262A7310763A6119164A xw6491450B W9048965A
V3 2-6-2T6591162A7310865A aw6129362B6492850F W9054262C
6760065A6591564A7310965A6134265A xw6496412C WWD 2-10-0
6765065C W6592264A6135664AJ83 0-6-0T (NBR)9075866B
6766765A*named locos: Klipspringer & Chamois6135964A aw6847965A
shed codes12C Carlisle Canal50B Hull Dairycoates50F Malton51C West Hartlepool51L Thornaby
52G Sunderland62A Thornton Jct.62B Dundee Tay Brdg62C Dunfermline63A Perth63B Fort William
64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64C Dalry Road64G Hawick65A Eastfield65C Parkhead
65D Dawsholm65I Balloch65K Polmont66B Motherwell
Sunday 3 September 196165Atotal:125
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)cl 5MT 4-6-0A2 4-6-2WD 2-8-0
6913165A6481252G4470265A6053564B Hornet's Beauty9002062A
6916365A6481551C W4478765AK2 2-6-0 (GNR)9012865A
6918165A6484551L W4490865A6176465A Loch Arkaig9072762C
6918365A6488412C4495765A6178865A Loch Rannoch WK3 2-6-0 (GNR)
6918865A6491450B W4496765AD34 4-4-0 (NBR) 6191612C W
6921265A6492850F W4497065A6249665A Glen Loy0-4-0 diesels
6921865A6496412C W4497363BD11/2 4-4-0D2756D2765
V1 2-6-2TJ37 0-6-0 (NBR)4497463B6268865A Ellen Douglas W ^D2760D2768
6760165I6454065A4497563BD49 4-4-0 D2761D2769
6760265A6454165A4497763B6274464G The Holderness WD2762D2770
6766465A6455865A4499668BB1 4-6-0J36 0-6-0 (NBR)D2763D2780
6768065A6457165ABR 5MT 4-6-061029 *64A aw6522865AD2764
V3 2-6-2T6457865A7309866C6111862A6529665A0-6-0 diesels
6760065A6458165A7310865A6114762A aw6531565AD3200D3393
6764465A6461065H7310965A6119164ANB T2 dieselsD3207D3398
6765065C W6461165ABR 4MT 2-6-061243 *65AD6100D6121D3208D3418
EE T1 diesels6463365AV2 2-6-26130764A xwD6113D6131D3210D3894
D8073D80816463965ABRCW T2 diesels6135565AD6119D6137D3388D3896
D8074D8082J83 0-6-0T (NBR)D5347D5350J38 0-6-0D6120D3391D3897
*named B1s: Chamois, Sir Harold Mitchell6591564AW ^ : ex store at Crianlarich
shed codes12C Carlisle Canal50B Hull Dairycoates50F Malton51C West Hartlepool51L Thornaby
52G Sunderland62A Thornton Jct.62C Dunfermline63B Fort William64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket
64G Hawick65A Eastfield65C Parkhead65H Helensburgh65I Balloch66C Hamilton
68B Dumfries
Notes on class D11/2 4-4-0 allocated to 65A Eastfield
6267165ABailie MacWheeble65F GrangemouthAug '59 - Apr '61-
6267165ABailie MacWheeble63A Perth21-May-61May-61
6267265ABaron of Bradwardine65C ParkheadMay '58 - Sep '61Sep-61
6267365AEvan DhuLongniddryFeb - July '58Jul-59
6267465AFlora McIvorArbroathOct-58-
6267465AFlora McIvorDundee WestJun-59-
6267465AFlora McIvor62A Thornton Jct.June '60 - Aug '61Jul-61
Jonathan Oldbuck
65F GrangemouthMay '59 - Aug '59Oct-59
6268065ALucy Ashton65C ParkheadMay '58 - Sep '61Sep-61
6268165ACaptain Craigengelt65C ParkheadMay '58 - Sep '61Jul-61
6268265AHaystoun of BucklawLongniddryFeb - July '58-
6268265AHaystoun of Bucklaw65K PolmontAug '59 - Aug '61-
6268265AHaystoun of BucklawInverurie Works28-Aug-61Jul-61Inverurie
6268665AThe Fiery CrossArbroathOct-58-
6268665AThe Fiery CrossDundee WestJun-59-
6268665AThe Fiery Cross62A Thornton Jct.June '60 - Aug '61Jul-61
6268765ALord James of DouglasDundee WestJun-59
6268765ALord James of Douglas62A Thornton Jct.June '60 - Aug '61Aug-61
6268865AEllen DouglasCrianlarichJune '58 - July '61Jul-61
6268965AMaid of Lorn LongniddryFeb - July '58-
6268965AMaid of Lorn 65K PolmontAug '59 - Jul '60-
6268965AMaid of Lorn Bo'ness DumpApril - May 1961Jul-61

Cowlairs Works
Cowlairs Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Works, in Springburn, was situated in north east Glasgow. It was built in 1842 for the Edinburgh and Glasgow Railway and was later taken over by the North British Railway in 1865. The Works closed in 1968 and locomotive maintenance was transferred to St. Rollox.
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesM - McIntoshPick - Pickersgill
BR - British RailwaysGNR - Great Northern RailwayGNoSR - Great North of Scotland Railway
NBR - North British RailwayNER - North Eastern RailwayWD - War Department
Monday 30 January 1961steam only recordedtotal:20
erecting shop and yards
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)K3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0Clan 4-6-2WD 2-8-0
4274567C6193364A6117864B7200066A Clan Buchanan9011465D
BR 2MT 2-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-061245 *64BBR 5MT 4-6-0cl 2P 4-4-09056062C
7804764G7610365C6126362B7305566A4062767D W9062866B
BR 3MT 2-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-4Tcl 5MT 4-6-07310763AJ39 0-6-0WD 2-10-0
*named B1 : Murray of ElibankW - withdrawn
shed codes55H Neville Hill56F Low Moor62B Dundee Tay Bdg62C Dunfermline63A Perth South
64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64G Hawick65B St. Rollox65C Parkhead66A Polmadie
66B Motherwell66C Hamilton66E Carstairs67C Ayr67D Ardrossan
Sunday 12 March 1961steam only recordedtotal:27
erecting shop and yards
V3 2-6-2TK3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
6761265C W6192464A W6109964A7300663A9003966A9047262A
cl 2P 4-4-0BR 4MT 2-6-06110262B7310267A9004965A9053666A
4062767D W7600266B6118464A7314565B9016862AJ39 0-6-0
J72 0-6-0T (NER)7610661C61221 *64B7315265B9038766A647279G
6901262A WBR 2MT 2-6-06129464AWD 2-10-09045561B6479062A
W - withdrawn7805461C6140762C9075565F*named: Sir Alexander Erskine-Hill
shed codes9G Gorton61B Aberdeen F'Hill61C Keith62A Thornton Jct.62B Dundee Tay Bdg
62C Dunfermline63A Perth South64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket65A Eastfield65B St. Rollox
65C Parkhead65F Grangemouth66A Polmadie66B Motherwell67A Corkerhill67D Ardrossan
Sunday 26 March 1961total:26
erecting shop and yards
V3 2-6-2TBR 4MT 2-6-4TB1 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
6761265C W8003067A6109964A7307967A9002062A9047262A
cl 2P 4-4-08005367A6129464A7314565B9004965A9055362C
4062767D WBR 4MT 2-6-06134362A7315265B9016862AJ39 0-6-0
J72 0-6-0T (NER)7600266B6140762C901708G ^6479062A
6901366ABR 2MT 2-6-0Clan 4-6-29038766A0-4-0 diesels
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)7805461C7200266A Clan CampbellD2431D2711
6192464A WW - withdrawn
shed codes8G Sutton Oak61C Keith62A Thornton Jct.62C Dunfermline64A St. Margarets
65B St. Rollox65C Parkhead66A Polmadie66B Motherwell67A Corkerhill67D Ardrossan
Saturday 1 April 1961total:29
erecting shop and yards
V3 2-6-2TBR 4MT 2-6-4TBR 5MT 4-6-0B1 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
6761265C W8005367A7307967A6109964A9002062A904648G ^
6762765EK3 2-6-0 (GNR)7314565B61243 *65A9004965A9055362C
cl 2P 4-4-06192464A W7315265B6129464A9016862AWD 2-10-0
4062767D WClan 4-6-26134362A9038766A9075266B
0-4-0 diesels7200266A Clan Campbell6140762C9044065D9075366E
D2431D27567200612A Clan Mackenzie9044462B0-6-0 diesel
D2711W - withdrawn*named: Sir Harold MitchellD3393
shed codes8G Sutton Oak12A Carlisle Kingmoor62A Thornton Jct.62B Dundee Tay Bdg62C Dunfermline
64A St. Margarets65A Eastfield65B St. Rollox65C Parkhead65D Dawsholm65E Kipps
66A Polmadie66B Motherwell66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67D Ardrossan
^ 90170 & 90463 were transferred from Scottish depots in September 1960, but maintained their contact with Cowlairs.
Saturday 27 May 1961total:35
erecting shop and yards
V3 2-6-2TClan 4-6-2B1 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
6760065A7200166A Clan Cameron6126165A7306066A9070566A
6761265C W7200512A Clan Macgregor6129262B7307765A9072762C
6762765E7200612A Clan Mackenzie6129362B7314865BWD 2-10-0
BR 4MT 2-6-4TK4 2-6-06134065F7315065B9075366E W
8000366A6199462C The Great MarquessK3 2-6-0 (GNR)BR 4MT 2-6-09076266B
8004767ABR 2MT 2-6-0J35 0-6-0 (NBR)6192464A W7607465Acl 3F 0-6-0T (M)
8005766A7804864G6452365C W0-4-0 dieselsBR 3MT 2-6-05630866A W
8010666Acl 2P 4-4-0J39 0-6-0D2714D27607700666Ccl 3F 0-6-0T
4062767D W6489212C WD2756W - withdrawn4754012A W
shed codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12C Carlisle Canal62B Dundee Tay Bdg62C Dunfermline64A St. Margarets
64G Hawick65A Eastfield65B St. Rollox65C Parkhead65E Kipps65F Grangemouth
66A Polmadie66C Hamilton66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67D Ardrossan
Thursday 6 July 1961total:30
erecting shop and yards
BR 4MT 2-6-4TClan 4-6-2B1 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
8012462B7200512A Clan Macgregor6110162C7307865A9009761B
J39 0-6-07200612A Clan MacKenzie6113262A7312063A9054262C
6486452B7200912A Clan Stewart6119765A7315165BWD 2-10-0
J36 0-6-0 (NBR)D40 4-4-0 (GN of S)6134164AJ38 0-6-09075366E W
6522865AGNS 49Gordon Highlander (preserved)6134265A6590262A
0-6-0 diesels0-4-0 dieselBR 4MT 2-6-06590362C
scrap yard
cl 2P 4-4-0V3 2-6-2Tcl 3F 0-6-0T (M)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)J39 0-6-0
4062767D W6761265C W5630866A W6452365C W6489212C WW - withdrawn
shed codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12C Carlisle Canal61B Aberdeen F'Hill62A Thornton Jct.62B Dundee Tay Bdg
62C Dunfermline63A Perth64A St. Margarets65A Eastfield65B St. Rollox65C Parkhead
66A Polmadie66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67D Ardrossan
Thursday 24 August 1961total:28
erecting shop and yards
BR 4MT 2-6-4TB1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0J39 0-6-0WD 2-8-0WD 2-10-0
8003067A6117864B4478360A6470052G W9001762C9075366E W
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)6119164A4521365J6471052G W9011762A0-4-0 diesels
6918865A6132412C4536167A6484752G W9038666BD2708D2770
V1 2-6-2T6134661BBR 5MT 4-6-0J38 0-6-09044065DD2726D2774
6760365A6139665A7309966C6591964A9061462A0-6-0 diesels
W - withdrawnD3393D3895
shed codes12C Carlisle Canal52G Sunderland60A Inverness61B Aberdeen F'Hill62A Thornton Jct.
62C Dunfermline64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket65A Eastfield65D Dawsholm65J Stirling
66B Motherwell66C Hamilton66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill
Wednesday 30 August 1961total:33
erecting shops
BR 4MT 2-6-4TB1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0J38 0-6-0WD 2-8-0
0-4-0 diesels6134661B4521365J7309966C6592362C9038666B
D2708D27746139665A4536167AJ39 0-6-09046367D
works yard
BR 4MT 2-6-4TB1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0J39 0-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-00-4-0 diesels
8004567A6117864B4488568B6470052G W7300563AD2434D2760
Clan 4-6-20-6-0 diesels6471052G WWD 2-10-0D2726
7200912A Clan StewartD3393D34186493212C W9075366E WW - withdrawn
shed codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12C Carlisle Canal52G Sunderland60A Inverness61B Aberdeen F'Hill
62A Thornton Jct.62C Dunfermline63A Perth South64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket65A Eastfield
65J Stirling South66B Motherwell66C Hamilton66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67D Ardrossan
68B Dumfries
Sunday 3 September 1961total:34
erecting shop and yards
BR 4MT 2-6-4TB1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0J38 0-6-0WD 2-8-0WD 2-10-0
8003067A6114762A4478360A6591964A9001762C9075366E W
8005267A6130764A4521365JJ39 0-6-09046367D0-4-0 diesels
J36 0-6-0 (NBR)6132412C4536167A6470052G W9061462AD2434D2761
6529665A6139665ABR 5MT 4-6-06471052G W0-6-0 dieselD2708D2774
Clan 4-6-27300563A6484752GD3393D2726
7200912A Clan Stewart7309966C6493212C W
shed codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12C Carlisle Canal52G Sunderland60A Inverness62C Dunfermline
63A Perth South64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket65A Eastfield65J Stirling South66B Motherwell
66C Hamilton66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67D Ardrossan68B Dumfries
Tuesday 3 October 19612.30pm - 2.50pmtotal:33
erecting shop
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)B1 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0J39 0-6-0
BR 4MT 2-6-4T6135164A7300563A7312926F0-4-0 diesel0-6-0 diesel
works yard
BR 4MT 2-6-4TB1 4-6-0K3 2-6-0 (GNR)J39 0-6-00-4-0 diesels
8004467A61029 *64A6185812C W6470052G W6495062BD2434D2725
8004567A6114862ABR 5MT 4-6-06471052G WWD 2-10-0D2708D2726
8011364G6130764A7300863A6484551L W9075366E WD2720
6135764A6492850F WB1 named : Chamois
shed codes1A Willesden12C Carlisle Canal26F Patricroft50F Malton51L Thornaby
52G Sunderland62A Thornton Jct.62B Dundee Tay Brdg63A Perth South64A St. Margarets64G Hawick
65A Eastfield66A Polmadie66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67D Ardrossan68B Dumfries
Thursday 28 December 1961total:29
erecting shop
BR 4MT 2-6-4TBR 2MT 2-6-0B1 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-0WD 2-8-0
8005067A7805260B61242 *64C7305966A7600366B9006066A
8006165J7312367ABR 3MT 2-6-0
*B1 named: Alexander Reith Gray7701867B
works yard
BR 4MT 2-6-4TBR 2MT 2-6-0WD 2-8-0WD 2-10-00-6-0 diesel0-4-0 diesels
scrap yard
cl 2P 4-4-0K3 2-6-0 (GNR)cl 2P 0-4-4T (Pick)cl 3F 0-6-0TJ39 0-6-0WD 2-10-0
4062767D W6193612C W5523865J W4754012A W6472551L W9075266B W
J88 0-6-0T (NBR)6484551L W9075366E W
6834465F W6486251F W
shed codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12C Carlisle Canal51F West Auckland51L Thornaby60B Aviemore
62B Dundee Tay Brdg64C Dalry Road65F Grangemouth65J Stirling66A Polmadie66B Motherwell
66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67B Hurlford67D Ardrossan