Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Friday, 27 January 2023

Swindon Works - January to June 1963

Swindon Works
The main workshops of the Great Western Railway.opened:1843closed:1966
Sunday 27 January 1963total:110
A' Shop
Grange 4-6-0Modified Hall 4-6-0Warship T4 diesels
680685A Blackwell Grange696381A Throwley HallD800 Sir Brian Robertson
682481E Ashley Grange697881A Haroldstone HallD810 Cockade
684181C Marlas Grange698485A Owsden HallD813 Diadem
684682B Ruckley Grange790884E Henshall HallD860 Victorious
687084B Bodicote Grange791388L Little Wyrley HallWestern T4 diesels
Hall 4-6-0792381C Speke HallD1000Western Enterprise
694488L Fledborough HallCastle 4-6-0D1037Western Empress
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0701484A Caerhays CastleD1044Western Duchess
378488L380488L702585A Sudeley Castle0-6-0 dieselsnew Western T4
963583C381981EManor 4-6-0D3002D3431D1014D1016
94xx 0-6-0PT382381F781187F Dunley ManorD3358D3435D1015D1017
845981A383086A781989A Hinton ManorD3400D3526Hymek T3 diesels
848188C384282C56xx 0-6-2TPeak T4 dieselD3401D3955D7041D7064
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PTHall 4-6-0Castle 4-6-028xx 2-8-0
376989A W493887F Liddington Hall W500687G Tregenna Castle W288382D W
675787D W496181D Pyrland Hall W505885B Earl of Clancarty383786A
877381A W691888L Sandon Hall505989A earl St. Aldwyn W42xx 2-8-0T
877688C WModified Hall 4-6-0506781D St. Fagans Castle W523586A
964888L aw699285A Arborfield HallHall 4-6-051xx 2-6-2T
960482C WGrange 4-6-0490982C Blakesley Hall W410085B
975482D681986G Highnam Grange aw494882C Northwick Hall W0-6-0 diesels
16xx 0-6-0PT64xx 0-6-0PT57xx 0-6-0PT494982B Packwood HallD3353D3514
162182C W642284A W972788C WKing 4-6-0D3405D3523
94xx 0-6-0PT43xx 2-6-0975988E W601181A King James I WD3503
947288C535787H W977588C W601881A King Henry VI WHymek T3 diesels
45xx 2-6-2T538587F W2251 0-6-0602581A King Henry III WD7062D7066
552583A W58xx 0-4-2T225082C W602981A King Edward VIII W
581582C W
works dump
14xx 0-4-2T61xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-0King 4-6-0
143581F W610184E W630281E W730089A W602681A King John W
74xx 0-6-0PT57xx 0-6-0PT634289A W733089A W
741582C W778382B W634886C W733181D WW - withdrawn
638686E W
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot81F Oxford
82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon82D Westbury83A Newton Abbott83C Exeter84A Stafford Road
84B Oxley84C Banbury84E Tyseley85A Worcester85B Gloucester GWR86A Newport Ebbw J
86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel J.86G Pontypool Road87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87H Neyland
88C Barry88E Abercynon88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury
Swindon Works
Sunday 10 March 1963total:104
A' Shop
57xx 0-6-0PTCastle 4-6-028xx 2-8-0Warship T4 dieselsnew Western T4
378488L xw503881D Morlais Castle383689AD603 ConquestD1017D1020
467383CHall 4-6-0386688JD807 CaradocD1018D1021
577586G691888L Sandon HallHymek T3 dieselsD809 ChampionD1019D1022
771587B692289A Burton HallD7014D7071D813 Diadem0-6-0 diesels
964888L694488L Fledborough HallD7026D7073D818 GloryD3194D3522
966687JModified Hall 4-6-0Peak T4 dieselD825 IntrepidD3365D3525
968082C696181A Stedham HallD101D857 UndauntedD3424D3526
94xx 0-6-0PT791981D Runter HallWestern T4 dieselsD3505D4000
843382C792085A Coney HallD1009Western InvaderD350615105
848188C792588L Westol HallD1011Western ThundererNBL T2 diesel
943788LManor 4-6-0D1049Western MonarchD6311
81xx 2-6-2T781381D Freshford Manor
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PTCastle 4-6-0King 4-6-043xx 2-6-0
368787A aw500687G Tregenna Castle W601181A King James I W636986E W
373582D aw502087F Trematon Castle601881A King Henry VI W731489A W
376989A W502382C Brecon Castle W602581A King Henry III W28xx 2-8-0
462386C aw502787F Farleigh Castle602681A King John W383786A
467787A W507284A Hurricane WGrange 4-6-00-6-0 diesels
877381A W507887A Beaufort681986G Highnam Grange xwD3398D4123
877688C W509589A Barbury Castle W685584B Saighton Grange awWarship T4 diesel
963583C xwModified Hall 4-6-0687084B Bodicote GrangeD847Strongbow
965287F W696281A Soughton Hall WManor 4-6-0
972581A W696381A Throwley Hall781989A Hinton Manor xw
977588C Wxw - ex 'A' ShopHall 4-6-0
aw - awaiting entry to 'A' Shop493981E Littleton Hall W
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PT64xx 0-6-0PT43xx 2-6-0Castle 4-6-0
675787D W974487D W642284A W630281E W504684A Earl Cawdor W
877081C W974788D W14xx 0-4-2T634289A W61xx 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-0
972788C W975988E W143581F W634886C W610184E W288382D W
W - withdrawn733487G W
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot81F Oxford
82C Swindon82D Westbury83C Exeter84A Stafford Road84B Oxley84E Tyseley
85A Worcester86A Newport Ebbw J86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel J.86G Pontypool Road87A Neath
87B Duffryn Yard87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87G Carmarthen87J Goodwick88C Barry
88D Merthyr88E Abercynon88J Aberdare88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury
Swindon Works
Sunday 24 March 1963total:106
A' Shop
57xx 0-6-0PTCastle 4-6-028xx 2-8-0Warship T4 dieselsnew Western T4
368787A702585A Sudeley Castle381088LD600 ConquestD1018D1021
373582DModified Hall 4-6-0383689AD813 DiademD1019D1022
462386C696181A Stedham Hall386688JD825 IntrepidD1020D1023
467383C697282B Beningborough Hall56xx 0-6-2TD828 Magnificant0-6-0 diesels
577586G791981D Runter Hall565986GD829 MagpieD3365D3522
966687J792085A Coney HallWestern T4 dieselsD3398D3525
968082C792588L Westol HallD1004Western CrusaderD3424D4000
94xx 0-6-0PTHall 4-6-0D1005Western VenturerD342715100
843381A692289A Burton HallD1035Western YeomanD350615105
845981AGrange 4-6-0Peak T4 dieselHymek T3 dieselNBL T2 diesel
943788L681587F Frilford GrangeD35D7003D6311
61xx 2-6-2T685584B Saighton Grange
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PTCastle 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
376989A W964888H408281A Windsor Castle491581D Condover Hall W
461287A aw972581A W502188A Whittington Castle W693384B Birtles Hall aw
466288G aw94xx 0-6-0PT507284A Hurricane WModified Hall 4-6-0
467787A W847281A W507887A Beaufort xw696489A Thornbridge Hall aw
771587B W848181A509589A Barbury Castle W791388L Little Wyrley Hall
871088H W941287A WKing 4-6-0Western T4 diesels
873383E W81xx 2-6-2T601181A King James I WD1001Western Pathfinder
877381A W810984E602581A King Henry III WD1007Western Talisman
877688C W602681A King John WHymek T3 diesels0-6-0 diesel
963583B xwxw - ex 'A' ShopCounty 4-6-0D7002D7074D2189
aw - awaiting entry to 'A' Shop102389A County of Oxford WD7038
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PT43xx 2-6-0Modified Hall 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
675787D W630281E W696281A Soughton Hall W502382C Brecon Castle W
877081C W634289A W64xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0
965287F W634886C W642284A W288382D W493981E Littleton Hall W
974788D W636986E W14xx 0-4-2T61xx 2-6-2T593181A Hatherley Hall W
975988E W731489A W143581F W610184E W
977588C W733487G W
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot81F Oxford
82B St Philips Marsh82C Swindon82D Westbury83B Taunton83C Exeter83E St. Blazey
84A Stafford Road84B Oxley84E Tyseley85A Worcester86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel J.
86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87B Duffryn Yard87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87G Carmarthen
87J Goodwick88A Cardiff Canton88C Barry88D Merthyr88E Abercynon88G Llantrisant
87J Goodwick88H Tondu88J Aberdare88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury
Swindon Works
Sunday 21 April 1963total:102
A' Shop
57xx 0-6-0PTHall 4-6-0Warship T4 dieselsnew Western T4
368787A577586G692481D Grantley HallD604 CossackD1019D1021
373582D963188D693384B Birtles HallD805 BenbowD1020D1022
377585B966687J695886G Oxburgh HallD847 Strongbow0-6-0 diesels
461287A61xx 2-6-2TModified Hall 4-6-0D849 SuperbD3423D3601
462386C611281E696489A Thornbridge HallD852 TenaciousD342615100
463986G613681E697282B Beningborough HallD866 ZebraD342715101
465387A616781B791284C Little Linford HallD870 ZuluD351615105
466288GGrange 4-6-0Hymek T3 dieselsD3520
Manor 4-6-0681587F Frilford GrangeD7032D7050Peak T4 diesel
780989A Childrey Manor W28xx 2-8-056xx 0-6-2TWestern T4 dieselD155
withdrawn 11 April 1963381088L565986GD1047Western Lord
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PTCastle 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
373683B W845981A xw408281A Windsor Castle xw495182C Pendeford Hall
376989A W847281A WKing 4-6-0591284C Queen's Hall W
467383C aw941287A W601181A King James I W595681F Horsley Hall W
871088H W45xx 2-6-2T602581A King Henry III W599584B Wick Hall W
873887H W556482C602681A King John W693881D Corndean Hall aw
879187A W61xx 2-6-2TCounty 4-6-0Grange 4-6-0
972581A W611981D W102389A County of Oxford W684788L Tidmarsh Grange
28xx 2-8-051xx 2-6-2TManor 4-6-0685584B Saighton Grange xw
382184C aw415686E aw781587G Fritwell Manor awModified Hall 4-6-0
0-6-0 dieselsNBL T2 dieselWarship T4 diesel697984C Helperly Hall aw
D2126D3522D6311D800Sir Brian Robertson791388L Little Wyrley Hall
D3422xw - ex 'A' shopW - withdrawn
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-043xx 2-6-0Castle 4-6-0
873787A W974788D W288382D W634289A W502382C Brecon Castle W
877081C W975988E W61xx 2-6-2T634886C WHall 4-6-0
877381A W977588C W610184E W636986E W593181A Hatherley Hall W
877688C W64xx 0-6-0PT14xx 0-4-2T731489A WModified Hall 4-6-0
965287F W642284A W143581F W733487G W696281A Soughton Hall W
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common81B Slough81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot
81F Oxford82B St Philips Marsh82C Swindon82D Westbury83B Taunton83C Exeter
84A Stafford Road84B Oxley84C Banbury84E Tyseley85B Gloucester GWR86C Hereford
86E Severn Tunnel J.86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87F Llanelly87G Carmarthen87H Neyland
88C Barry88D Merthyr88E Abercynon88G Llantrisant88H Tondu88L Cardiff East Dock
89A Shrewsbury
Swindon Works
Sunday 12 May 1963total:109
A' Shop
57xx 0-6-0PTGrange 4-6-028xx 2-8-00-6-0 dieselsnew Western T4
365487H684788L Tidmarsh Grange381088LD2177D3601D1021D1023
377585B685184B Hurst Grange382184CD3401D6311D1022D1024
461287AHall 4-6-061xx 2-6-2TD342215100Hymek T3 diesels
463986G691784B Oldlands Hall611281ED342315101D7032D7059
465387A692481D Grantley Hall613681ED342615105EE T4 diesel
466288G693881D Corndean Hall616781BD3520D351
467383C695886G Oxburgh HallWestern T4 dieselsWarship T4 diesels
963188DModified Hall 4-6-0D1039Western KingD819 Goliath
966383B697984C Helperley HallD1042Western PrincessD825 Intrepid
51xx 2-6-2T791284C Little Linford HallD1043Western DukeD841 Roebuck
410787HManor 4-6-0D1049Western MonarchD858 Valorous
411087A780487F Baydon ManorKing 4-6-0
415686E781587G Fritwell Manor6000King George V (preserved)
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
373683B288981D W492282B Enville Hall408281A Windsor Castle
368787A xw383689A495182C Pendeford Hall505082B Earl of St. Germans
462386C xw56xx 0-6-2T594581F Leckhampton Hall WCounty 4-6-0
463172C564588D W599584B Wick Hall W102389A County of Oxford W
873887H W664788B W693384B Birtles Hall xwKing 4-6-0
879187A W61xx 2-6-2TModified Hall 4-6-0601181A King James I W
966687J xw611981D W696489A Thornbridge Hall xw601881A King Henry VI W
94xx 0-6-0PTWarship T4 diesels697282B Beningborough Hall xw602581A King Henry III W
847281A WD847 Stringbow791388L Little Wryley Hall602681A King John W
941287A WD852 TenaciousGrange 4-6-0Western T4 diesels
Manor 4-6-0683886G Goodmoor GrangeD1020Western Hero
782289D Foxcote Manor0-6-0 dieselD1044Western Duchess
aw - awaiting entry to 'A' Shopxw - ex 'A' ShopD2126D1059Western Empire
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PTCastle 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
877081C W974788D W502382C Brecon Castle W593181A Hatherley Hall W
877381A W975988E W61xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-0591284C Queen's Hall W
878088B W977588C W610184E W634886C WModified Hall 4-6-0
965287F W94xx 0-6-0PT64xx 0-6-0PT636986E W696281A Soughton Hall W
972581A W8408642284A W731489A W
Shed Codes72C Yeavil Town81A Old Oak Common81B Slough81C Southall81D Reading
81E Didcot81F Oxford82B St Philips Marsh82C Swindon83B Taunton83C Exeter
83D Plymouth Laira84A Stafford Road84B Oxley84C Banbury84E Tyseley85B Gloucester GWR
86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel J.86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87F Llanelly87G Carmarthen
87H Neyland87J Goodwick88B Cardiff Radyr88C Barry88D Merthyr88E Abercynon
88G Llantrisant88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury
Swindon Works
Sunday 9 June 1963total:104
A' Shop
57xx 0-6-0PTGrange 4-6-028xx 2-8-0Warship T4 dieselsnew Western T4
365487H681087A Blakemere Grange382686GD807 CaradocD1022D1024
463172C683886G Hewell Grange383689AD826 MagnificentD1023D1025
467588H684788L Tidmarsh Grange386486ED830 Majestic0-6-0 diesels
577586G685184B Hurst Grange386688JD838 RapidD2086D3593
960988H685685A Stowe GrangeManor 4-6-0D2122D3598
966687JHall 4-6-0780487F Baydon ManorD2177D3601
51xx 2-6-2T691784B Oldlands Hall782289D Foxcote ManorD342815100
410787H695381D Leighton HallKing 4-6-0D350415101
411087AModified Hall 4-6-06000King George V (preserved)D3524
415686E790782B Hart HallWestern T4 dieselsHymek T3 diesels
415786G791388L Little Wyrley HallD1039Western KingD7055D7062
D1040Western QueenNBL T2 diesels
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0King 4-6-0
376989A W289284E W599584B Wick Hall W601181A King James I W
377585B xw382081E aw56xx 0-6-2TWarship T4 diesels601881A King Henry VI W
379582E W382184C xw564588D WD604 Cossack602581A King Henry III W
463986G xw382381F61xx 2-6-2TD858 Valorous602681A King John W
465387A xw383689A aw613681ED867 ZenithCastle 4-6-0
467383C xw94xx 0-6-0PTWestern T4 diesel408281A Windsor Castle
873887H W941287A WD1021Western CavalierGrange 4-6-0
879187A W2251 0-6-00-6-0 diesel681986G Highnam Grange
966383B xw321882E awD2193683582B Eastham Grange W
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PT43xx 2-6-0County 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
371181A W634886C W102389A County of Oxford W591284C Queen's Hall W
877381A W636986E W61xx 2-6-2T56xx 0-6-2T593181A Hatherley Hall W
965287F W731489A W610184E W566483D W594581F Leckhampton Hall W
972581A W733487G W611981D W661589B W599381D Kirby Hall W
94xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0664788B WCastle 4-6-0
847281A W284981E W407481A Caldicot Castle W
xw - ex 'A' Shopaw - awaiting entry to 'A' ShopW - withdrawn
Shed Codes72C Yeovil Town81A Old Oak Common81D Reading81E Didcot81F Oxford
82B St. Philip's Marsh82E Bristol Barrow Road83B Taunton83C Exeter83D Plymouth Laira84B Oxley
84C Banbury84E Tyseley85A Worcester85B Gloucester GWR86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel J.
86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87F Llanelly87G Carmarthen87H Neyland87J Goodwick
88B Cardiff Radyr88H Tondu88J Aberdare88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury89B Croes Newydd
89D Oswestry
Swindon Works
Sunday 30 June 1963total:94
A' Shop
57xx 0-6-0PTGrange 4-6-028xx 2-8-0Warship T4 dieselsnew Western T4
373888H683787F Forthampton Grange382081ED801 VanguardD1022D1025
467588H685685A Stowe Grange383689AD830 MajesticD1023D1062
960988H685784B Tudor Grange385088JD832 OnslaughtD1024
966383BHall 4-6-0386486EHymek T3 diesels0-6-0 diesels
51xx 2-6-2T694488L Fledborough Hall61xx 2-6-2TD7000D702215100D3593
410787H695381D Leighton Hall615585A15101D3594
411586EModified Hall 4-6-02251 0-6-0D2177D3598
415786G699181D Acton Burnell Hall321882ED3508D3603
416088B790782B Hart HallKing 4-6-0D3524D3962
416884F792788L Willington Hall6000King George V (preserved)
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PTCastle 4-6-0King 4-6-043xx 2-6-0
376989A W408281A Windsor Castle601181A King James I W638486E W
379582E WGrange 4-6-0602581A King Henry III W28xx 2-8-0
463172C xw681587F Frilford Grange602681A King John W382381F
873887H W681986G Highnam GrangeManor 4-6-0Warship T4 diesels
878387F W683582B Eastham Grange W780487F Baydon Manor xwD815 Druid
879187A W683886G Goodmoor Grange782289D Foxcote Manor xwD838 Rapid
966286A684788L Tidmarsh Grange xw51xx 2-6-2T56xx 0-6-2TD857 Undaunted
94xx 0-6-0PTModified Hall 4-6-0411087A xw564588D WNBL T2 diesel
840385D697881A Haroldstone HallWestern T4 dieselsD6311
941287A W699081A Witherslack HallD1009Western InvaderHymek T3 diesel
699489A Baggrave HallD1015Western ChampionD7018
W - withdrawn791388L Little Wyrley Hall xwD1020Western Hero
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2TCastle 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
371181A W610184E W407481A Caldicot Castle W591284C Queen's Hall W
94xx 0-6-0PT43xx 2-6-0County 4-6-0593181A Hatherley Hall W
847281A W636986E W102389A County of Oxford W594581F Leckhampton Hall W
56xx 0-6-2T731489A WKing 4-6-0599381D Kirby Hall W
661589B W601881A King Henry VI W28xx 2-8-0
289284E W
Shed Codes72C Yeovil Town81A Old Oak Common81D Reading81E Didcot81F Oxford
82B St. Philip's Marsh82E Bristol Barrow Road83B Taunton83D Plymouth Laira84B Oxley84C Banbury
84E Tyseley84F Stourbridge85A Worcester85B Gloucester GWR86A Newport Ebbw J86E Severn Tunnel J.
86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87F Llanelly87H Neyland88B Cardiff Radyr88H Tondu
88J Aberdare88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury89B Croes Newydd89D Oswestry

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