Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Friday, 3 February 2023

Swindon Works - July to December 1963

Swindon Works
Sunday 28 July 1963total:100
A' Shop
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0Warship T4 diesels0-6-0 diesels
360584B382081E694488L Fledborough HallD604 CossackD2177D3598
373888H382381FModified Hall 4-6-0D801 VanguardD3504D3603
966286A382686G699181D Acton Burnell HallD840 ResistanceD3508D3962
966383B383689A699489A Baggrave HallD844 SpartanD350915100
966687J385088J790281A Eston Mascott HallD861 VigilantD359415101
94xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T790782B Hart HallHymek T3 dieselD359515103
840385D411586E792788L Willington HallD7029
2251 0-6-0415786GGrange 4-6-0Western T4 diesels
321882E416088B683787F Forthampton GrangeD1000Western Enterprise
61xx 2-6-2T416884F685784B Tudor GrangeD1003Western Pioneer
615585Anew Western T4King 4-6-0D1049Western Monarch
NBL T2 dieselsD1023D10256000King George V (preserved)D1055Western Advocate
D6305D6328D1024D1026601881A King Henry VI WD1063Western Monitor
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PTCastle 4-6-0King 4-6-061xx 2-6-2T
376989A W408281A Windsor Castle601181A King James I W612984C
379582E WHall 4-6-0602581A King Henry III W616181D
873887H W597181A Merevale Hall aw602681A King John W616581C
878387F W693188L Aldborough HallGrange 4-6-072xx 2-8-2T
879187A W693781E Conyngham Hall aw680981C Burghclere Grange W721587D W
960988H xwModified Hall 4-6-0681587F Frilford Grange aw723787F W
94xx 0-6-0PT697881A Haroldstone Hall aw681986G Highnam Grange42xx 2-8-0T
941287A W51xx 2-6-2T56xx 0-6-2T683582B Eastham Grange W520187F W
74xx 0-6-0PT510184D W564488E W686684E Morfa Grange0-6-0 diesel locos
744984F W519284F W564588D WD2186D3512
xw - ex 'A' Shopaw - awaiting entry to 'A' ShopW - withdrawnD2193D3593
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PTCounty 4-6-043xx 2-6-0Hall 4-6-0
371181A W102389A County of Oxford W638486E W591284C Queen's Hall W
Castle 4-6-056xx 0-6-2T593181A Hatherley Hall W
407481A Caldicot Castle W668188L W594581F Leckhampton Hall W
599381D Kirby Hall W
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot81F Oxford
82B St. Philip's Marsh82E Bristol Barrow Road83B Taunton83D Plymouth Laira84B Oxley84C Banbury
84D Leamington Spa84E Tyseley84F Stourbridge Jct.85A Worcester85D Bromsgrove86A Newport Ebbw Jct.
86E Severn Tunnel J.86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87F Llanelly87H Neyland87J Goodwick
88B Cardiff Radyr88E Abercynon88H Tondu88J Aberdare88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury
Swindon Works
Sunday 18 August 1963total:105
A' Shop
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0Warship T4 dieselsnew Western T4s
360584B385088J597181A Merevale HallD603 ConquestD1023D1025
373888H61xx 2-6-2T693781E Conyngham HallD801 VanguardD1024D1026
966286A612984C694488L Fledborough HallD804 Avenger0-6-0 diesels
94xx 0-6-0PT616581CModified Hall 4-6-0D840 Resistance15100D3594
840385DNBL T2 diesel697881A Haroldstone HallD861 Vigilant15101D3595
51xx 2-6-2TD6305699489A Baggrave HallD862 Viking15103D3195
411586EHymek T3 diesel790281A Eston Mascott HallD3509D3600
415786GD7075792788L Willington HallWestern T4 diesels
416884FGrange 4-6-0D1004Western Crusader
King 4-6-0680981C Burghclere Grange WD1009Western Invader
6000King George V (preserved)681587F Frilford GrangeD1016Western Gladiator
601881A King Henry VI W683787F Forthampton GrangeD1019Western Challenger
BR 9F 2-10-0NCB 0-6-2T686881E Penrose GrangeD1050Western Ruler
9224688L67ex Taff Vale Railway No. 28D1063Western Monitor
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PTHall 4-6-0King 4-6-0
366888C W844486F W593381F Kingsway Hall601181A King James I W
371181A W848681B693188L Aldborough Hall602581A King Henry III W
873887H W849185B W693288L Burwarton Hall602681A King John W
876686A W849481E WModified Hall 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
971587B W849681D W696181A Stedham Hall408281A Windsor Castle
64xx 0-6-0PT940185D W790983B Heveningham HallGrange 4-6-0
643785B W941287A W28xx 2-8-042xx 2-8-0T681986G Highnam Grange
16xx 0-6-0PT944081A W382381F426586A W682884B Trellech Grange W
162182C W947981A W382686G429887F W683582B Eastham Grange W
56xx 0-6-2T948387B W61xx 2-6-2T14xx 0-4-2TWarship T4 diesels0-6-0 diesel
564588D W51xx 2-6-2T615981E143289D WD604 CossackD3103
567984F W417584GD808 Centaur
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
379582E W510184D W591284C Queen's Hall W407481A Caldicot Castle W
878387F W519284F W593181A Hatherley Hall W56xx 0-6-2T42xx 2-8-0T
879187A W74xx 0-6-0PT594581F Leckhampton Hall W564488E W520187F W
971388L W741281F Wxw - ex 'A' Shopaw - awaiting entry to 'A' ShopW - withdrawn
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common81B Slough81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot
81F Oxford82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon82E Bristol Barrow Road83B Taunton83D Plymouth Laira
84B Oxley84C Banbury84D Leamington Spa84F Stourbridge Jct.84G Kidderminster85B Gloucester GWR
85D Bromsgrove86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86E Severn Tunnel J.86F Aberbeeg86G Pontypool Road87A Neath
87B Duffryn Yard87F Llanelly87H Neyland88C Barry88E Abercynon88H Tondu
88J Aberdare88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury89D Oswestry
Swindon Works
Sunday 15 September 1963total:101
A Shop and works yard
Grange 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0Warship T4 diesels0-6-0 diesels
68032B Bucklebury Grange597181A Merevale HallD801 Vanguard15100D3593
681587F Frilford Grange69226D Burton HallD804 Avenger15103D3595
681986G Highnam Grange693188A Aldborough HallD806 CambrianD2088D3602
682086G Kingstone Grange693288A Burwarton HallD810 CockadeD3103D3804
68532A Morehampton Grange693781E Conyngham HallD811 DaringD3194D3809
68662A Morfa GrangeModified Hall 4-6-0D814 DragonD3509D4119
686881E Penrose Grange696181A Stedham HallD824 HighflyerD3510D4168
687686G Kingsland Grange697881A Haroldstone HallD861 VigilantD3527
County 4-6-0699982D Capel Dewi HallWestern T4 diesels
101082C County of Caernarvon790281A Eston Mascott HallD1002Western Explorer
Castle 4-6-057xx 0-6-0PTnew Western T4sD1035Western Yeoman
408281A Windsor Castle36052BD1024D1027D1037Western Empress
61xx 2-6-2T51xx 2-6-2T966286BD1025D1028D1038Western Sovereign
615981E412188H966688FD1026D1029D1040Western Queen
616581C415086E967588DHymek T3 dieselsD1049Western Monarch
416088BD7062D7064D1063Western Monitor
withdrawn locos
57xx 0-6-0PTGrange 4-6-0King 4-6-0
366888C W879487D W680981C Burghclere Grange W6000King George V (preserved)
371181A W971587B W68282B Trellech Grange W601181A King James I W
376686F W94xx 0-6-0PT683582B Eastham Grange W602581A King Henry III W
37696D W844486F W42xx 2-8-0T56xx 0-6-2T602681A King John W
574988A W849185B W426586A W564588D WCastle 4-6-0
873887H W940185D W429887F W666686E W407481A Caldicot Castle W
876686A W941287A W520187F W66746C WCounty 4-6-0
878686F W944081A W16xx 0-6-0PT14xx 0-4-2T100682C County of Cornwall W
879187A W947981A W162182C W14326E WHall 4-6-0
691982B Tylney Hall W
Shed Codes2A Tyseley2B Oxley6C Croes Newydd6D Shrewsbury6E Oswestry
81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81E Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon82D Westbury
85B Gloucester GWR85D Bromsgrove86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86B Newport Pill86E Severn Tunnel J.86F Aberbeeg
86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87H Neyland88A Cardiff East Dk
88B Cardiff Radyr88C Barry88D Merthyr88F Treherbert88H Tondu
Swindon Works
Sunday 29 September 1963total:103
A Shop and works yard
Grange 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0Warship T4 diesels0-6-0 diesels
68032B Bucklebury Grange593381F Kingsway HallD601 Ark RoyalD2088D3527
681587F Frilford Grange597181A Merevale HallD801 VanguardD3102D3599
681986G Highnam Grange69226D Burton HallD806 CambrianD3103D3809
682086G Kingstone Grange692381F Croxteth HallD814 DragonD319415100
68332B Calcott Grange693188A Aldborough HallD850 SwiftD351015103
68662A Morfa Grange693288A Burwarton HallD861 Vigilant
686881E Penrose Grange694785B Helmingham HallD866 Zebra
687286G Crawley GrangeModified Hall 4-6-0Western T4 diesels
687686G Kingsland Grange695981A Peatling HallD1001Western Pathfinder
61xx 2-6-2T51xx 2-6-2T696181A Stedham HallD1003Western Pioneer
611688B412188H699982D Capel Dewi HallD1011Western Thunderer
61292D415086E790983B Heveningham HallD1035Western Yeoman
615981E416186C792281C Salford HallD1037Western Empress
616181D41752PManor 4-6-0D1040Western Queen
616581C45xx 2-6-2T78036F Barcote ManorD1056Western Sultan
57xx 0-6-0PT455584AHymek T3 dieselsnew Western T4sD1063Western Monitor
36052BD7012D7073D1024D1026King 4-6-0
967588DD7061D1025D10276000King George V (preserved)
withdrawn locos
57xx 0-6-0PT42xx 2-8-0T56xx 0-6-2TKing 4-6-0
366888C W976483E W426586A W563187D W601181A King James I W
371181A W97936C W429887F W564588D W602581A King Henry III W
376686F W94xx 0-6-0PT520187F W66092A W602681A King John W
37696D W844486F W54xx 0-6-0PT666686E WGrange 4-6-0
462985B W845881A W541683E W66746C W68282B Trellech Grange W
574988A W849185B W16xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2T683582B Eastham Grange W
873887H W940185D W162182C W612081E WHall 4-6-0
876686A W941287A W43xx 2-6-0613881D W691982B Tylney Hall W
879187A W944081A W638486E W
Shed Codes2A Tyseley2B Oxley2D Banbury2P Kidderminster6C Croes Newydd
6D Shrewsbury6F Machynlleth81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot
81F Oxford82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon82D Westbury83B Taunton83E Yeovil Town
85B Gloucester GWR85D Bromsgrove86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86B Newport Pill86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel J.
86F Aberbeeg86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87H Neyland
88A Cardiff East Dk88B Cardiff Radyr88C Barry88D Merthyr88H Tondu
Swindon Works
Sunday 27 October 1963total:93
A' Shop
Grange 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0Warship T4 dieselsnew Western T4s
682086G Kingstone Grange694785B Helmingham HallD833 PantherD1025D1028
683582B Eastham Grange WModified Hall 4-6-0D834 PathfinderD1026
68642B Dymock Grange695981A Peatling HallD845 SprightlyHymek T3 diesel
68662A Morfa Grange69802B Llanrumney HallD861 VigilantD7039
687286G Crawley Grange792281C Salford Hall0-6-0 diesels
687686G Kingsland GrangeWestern T4 dieselsD3102D3519
57xx 0-6-0PT45xx 2-6-2TD1000Western EnterpriseD1040Western QueenD3510D3599
960582C412188HD1001Western PathfinderD1054Western GovernorD3511D3604
967588D415086ED1007Western TalismanD1063Western MonitorD3512D3809
61xx 2-6-2T416186CD1036Western EmperorD1067Western Druid
611688Bxw - ex 'A' Shopaw - awaiting entry to 'A' Shop
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PTHall 4-6-0King 4-6-0
365287A W979987B W69226D Burton Hall6000King George V (preserved)
365381F W94xx 0-6-0PT692381F Croxteth Hall601181A King James I W
366888C W941287A WModified Hall 4-6-0602581A King Henry III W
376686F W944081A W696181C Stedham Hall602681A King John W
37696D W51xx 2-6-2TManor 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
469088D W411385A78036F Barcote Manor408281A Windsor Castle
676387D41762L aw780881D Cookham Manor aw509381A Upton Castle W
873887H W45xx 2-6-2TWarship T4 dieselsGrange 4-6-0
963387B W450783E WD829 Magpie681986G Highnam Grange
964587J WWestern T4 dieselD850 Swift68582B Woolston Grange aw
970081A WD1056Western SultanD869 Zest68612A Crynant Grange aw
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T56xx 0-6-2T
462985B W96362M W849185B W413487A W564588D W66746C W
465187B W976483E W940185D W14xx 0-4-2T66092A W42xx 2-8-0T
578787B W64xx 0-6-0PT16xx 0-6-0PT147183C W66312B W520187F W
879187A W641688D W160885B W66392L W
Shed Codes2A Tyseley2B Oxley2L Leamington Spa2M Wellington (Salop)6C Croes Newydd
6D Shrewsbury6F Machynlleth81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81F Oxford
82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon83E Yeovil Town85A Worcester85B Gloucester GWR85D Bromsgrove
86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel J.86F Aberbeeg86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87B Duffryn Yard
87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87H Neyland87J Goodwick88B Cardiff Radyr88C Barry
88D Merthyr88H Tondu
Swindon Works
Sunday 1 December 1963total:101
A' Shop
Grange 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0Warship T4 diesels0-6-0 diesels
681386B Eastbury Grange69226D Burton Hall awD814 DragonD3104D3604
68312B Bearley GrangeModified Hall 4-6-0D824 HighflyerD3515D3606
68582B Woolston Grange69762D Graythwaite HallD834 PathfinderD3597D3607
68612A Crynant Grange699881A Burton Agnes HallD845 Sprightlynew Western T4s
68662A Morfa Grange61xx 2-6-2TBR 5MT 4-6-0D861 VigilantD1026D1028
Manor 4-6-0611688B730531GHymek T3 dieselsD1027
780881D Cookham Manor614381B7309385CD7030D7058
78206D Dinmore Manor615981EWestern T4 diesels
782687F Longworth Manor51xx 2-6-2TD1009Western InvaderD1045Western Viscount
57xx 0-6-0PTNBL T2 diesel411385AD1010Western CampaignerD1050Western Ruler
367187DD632841762LD1014Western LeviathanD1052Western Viceroy
NCB 0-6-2TD1036Western EmperorD1053Western Patriarch
NCB 67ex Taff Vale Railway No. 28D1040Western QueenD1060Western Dominion
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PTHall 4-6-0King 4-6-0
365381F W842588A W498781C Brockley Hall6000King George V (preserved)
366888C W846186G W694785B Helmingham Hall xw601081A King Charles W
370686B W942586F WModified Hall 4-6-0601181A King James I W
376686F W51xx 2-6-2T69802B Llanrumney Hall xw602581A King Henry III W
469088D W41112A792885A Wolf Hall awManor 4-6-0
672487D W61xx 2-6-2TGrange 4-6-078126D Earlstoke Manor aw
873887H W615186G W684886G Toddington GrangeWestern T4 diesels
960088J aw616181D685988A Yiewsley GrangeD1042Western Princess
964587J W81xx 2-6-2T28xx 2-8-056xx 0-6-2TD1055Western Advocate
966688F aw810388B W281887A W569188E aw0-6-0 diesel
45xx 2-6-2TBR 4MT 2-6-0BR 9F 2-10-066182L WD2143
455584A W7604114A aw9200388A awxw - ex 'A' Shopaw - awaiting entry to 'A' Shop
works dump
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T42xx 2-8-0T
36306C W462985B W970081A W849185B W564588D W520187F W
37696D W578787B W976483E W940185D W66312B W61xx 2-6-2T
378782D W879187A W979987B W66746C W611881D W
W - withdrawn616481D W
Shed Codes1G Woodford Halse2A Tyseley2B Oxley2D Banbury2L Leamington Spa
6C Croes Newydd6D Shrewsbury14A Cricklewood81A Old Oak Common81B Slough81C Southall
81D Reading81E Didcot81F Oxford82D Westbury83E Yeovil Town84A Plymouth Laira
85A Worcester85B Gloucester GWR85C Gloucester LMS85D Bromsgrove86B Newport Ebbw Jct86F Aberbeeg
86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87B Duffryn Yard87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87H Neyland
87J Goodwick88A Cardiff East Dock88B Cardiff Radyr88C Barry88D Merthyr88E Abercynon
88F Treherbert88J Aberdare


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