Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Friday, 14 March 2025

Eastleigh Works in 1961

Eastleigh Works1961
The locomotive works of the London and South Western Railway, opened in 1891
AbbreviationsI - IvattBRCW - Birmingham, Railway, Carriage & Wagon Co.
LBSCR - London, Brighton & South Coast RailwaySECR - South East Coast RailwayBR - British Railways
LSWR - London & South Western RailwayWD - War Department
Sunday 5 March 1961total:48
erecting shop
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)BR 4MT 2-6-4TLord Nelson 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3010671B W8001875F3086371A Lord Rodney3409672A Trevone RB
became 306678004373FS15 4-6-0BR 4MT 4-6-03409772A Holsworthy
3025472E8008173A3050170B7506671B3410872A Wincanton RB
A1X 0-6-0T (LBSCR)BR 3MT 2-6-2T3050670B7507182FBattle of Britain 4-6-2
3266275A8201571A3051370BBR 4MT 2-6-03406272A 17 Squadron
K 2-6-0 (LBSCR)cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)3082672B7600772BMerchant Navy 4-6-2
3235075E4131872ABR 5MT 4-6-07606571A3501670A Elders Fyffes
0-6-0 dieselsWD 2-10-07301982FH16 4-6-2T3501770A Belgian Marine
1520215228WD600LMR73117 *70A3052071A3502070A Bibby Line
works yard
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)BR 4MT 2-6-0Battle of Britain 4-6-2Merchant Navy 4-6-2
3012871B W7605971A3407872A 222 Squadron3500772B Aberdeen Com'wealth
became 300317606271AE2 0-6-0T (LBSCR)3502672A Lamport & Holt Line
*named: Vivien3210771I W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth71I Southampton Dks
72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury72E Barnstaple Jct.73A Stewarts Lane73F Ashford75A Brighton
75E Three Bridges75F Tunbridge Wells W82F Bath Green ParkLMR Longmoor Military Railway
Sunday 12 March 1961total:47
erecting shop and yard (yd)
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)S15 4-6-0Lord Nelson 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3010671B W3050170B3085971A Lord Hood yd3404771B Callington
became 306673050670BBR 4MT 2-6-4TBR 4MT 2-6-03409672A Trevone RB
3012871B WBR 5MT 4-6-08001875F7600772B3410872A Wincanton RB
became 300317301982F8004373F7605971ABattle of Britain 4-6-2
3025472E73117 *70A8008173A7606271A yd34109
72A Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory RB
A1X 0-6-0T (LBSCR)BR 4MT 4-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)7606571A
3266275A7506571B yd4129371AWD 2-10-0Merchant Navy 4-6-2
E2 0-6-0T (LBSCR)7506671B4131872AWD600LMR3500772B Aberdeen Com'wealth
3210771I W7507182FBR 3MT 2-6-2TNamed - Gordon3501670A Elders Fyffes
Q 0-6-0H15 4-6-0 (LSWR)8201172A0-6-0 diesels3501770A Belgian Marine
3054871B3048971A W8201571A11222D22743502070A Bibby Line
K 2-6-0 (LBSCR)BR Bo-Bo electricsBRCW T3 diesel15228D32243502672A Lamport & Holt Line yd
*named: VivienW - withdrawnRB - undergoing rebuilding.
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth71I Southampton Dks
72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury72E Barnstaple Jct.75A Brighton75E Three Bridges82F Bath Green Park
LMR Longmoor Military Railway
Works Visitors - Mid March to Mid April also included:
cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)S15 4-6-0"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
4131171A3050070B3079972B Sir Ironside W3401770A Ilfracombe
BR 4MT 2-6-4T3050370B700 0-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-0Battle of Britain 4-6-2
8003175A3082472B3035570B W7606371A3408773A 145 Squadron
Q1 0-6-0Merchant Navy 4-6-2
3302371A3501372A Blue Funnel
Cut-up during March to April:
E2 0-6-0T (LBSCR)H15 4-6-0 (LSWR)O2 0-4-4T (LSWR)700 0-6-0T9 4-4-0 (LSWR)
3210771I W3048970A W3022971A W3035570B W3030071A W3071972A W
3049170A W3071872A W3072972A W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham71A Eastleigh71I Southampton Dks73A Stewarts Lane
72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury75A Brighton
Wednesday 5 April 1961total:43
erecting shop and yard
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3025572E W4129872E3077172B Sir Sagramore W3402070A Seaton
3037771A4131083H3079071A Sir Villiars3404771B Callington
3048071ABR 3MT 2-6-2TBR 5MT 4-6-0S15 4-6-03409672A Trevone RB
E4 0-6-2T (LBSCR)8201471A73088 *70A3049970B3410472A Bere Alston RB
3250671ABR 2MT 2-6-2T73113 *70A3083775B3410772B Blandford Forum
USA 0-6-0T8402973F73117 *70AH15 4-6-03410872A Wincanton RB
3007471IK 2-6-0 (LBSCR)Q 0-6-03047671AMerchant Navy 4-6-2
0-6-0 diesels3235075E3053271AT9 4-4-0 (LSWR)3500772B Aberdeen Com'wealth
D3048D3469BR 4MT 2-6-03054775E3072972A W3501770A Belgian Marine
D34637602771A3054871BBR Bo-Bo electrics3502171B New Zealand Line
BR T2 diesel7605771BBR 9F 2-10-0E5004E50213502672A Lamport & Holt Line
D5006BRCW T3 diesel9223171AE5006RB - undergoing rebuilding.
D6504*named: Joyous Gard, Lyonesse, VivienW - withdrawn
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth71I Southampton Dks
72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury72E Barnstaple Jct.73F Ashford75B Redhill75E Three Bridges
83H Plymouth Friary
Works Visitors - Mid April to Early May included:
57xx 0-6-0PTS15 4-6-0"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
367172C3083870B3080072A Sir Meleaus de Lile3409370A Saunton
463073HH15 4-6-0Lord Nelson 4-6-03410271B Lapford
973272C3033172B W3086271A Lord Collingwood3410672A Lydford
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)BR 5MT 4-6-0T9 4-4-0 (LSWR)Battle of Britain 4-6-2
3032070A4130571A7304989A3071872A W3405472B Lord Beaverbrook
BR 3MT 2-6-2T4130672A73086 *70A3071972A W3406672A Spitfire
8201872A4131971A73087 *71GBR 4MT 2-6-03407672A 41 Squadron
8201972ABR 2MT 2-6-2T73111 *70A7606171AMerchant Navy 4-6-2
BR 4MT 2-6-4T8402073A73112 *70A7606871A3500472B Cunard White Star
8001575FK 2-6-0 (LBSCR)BR 4MT 4-6-03501171B General Steam Navigation
8006473F3234475A7507770D3502970A Ellerman Lines
*named: The Green Knight, Linette, King Uther, Morgan Le FayW - withdrawn
Cut-up during May:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)T9 4-4-0 (LSWR)"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0
3047971A W3028871A W3070771B W3077172B Sir Sagramore W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70D Basingstoke71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth
71G Weymouth72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury72C Yeovil Town73A Stewarts Lane73F Ashford
75A Brighton75F Tunbridge W. W.89A Shrewsbury
Works Visitors - Mid May to Early June included:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)BR 4MT 2-6-4TWest Country 4-6-2Merchant Navy 4-6-2
3011071B8008875E3404071B Crewkerne3501470A Nederland Line
3012470C WBR 3MT 2-6-2TBattle of Britain 4-6-23502070A Bibby Line
3012771B8202572A3405775A Biggin Hill3502870A Clan Line
3032871ABR 4MT 2-6-03407472A 46 Squadron"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0
57xx 0-6-0PT7606971A3407872A 222 Squadron3080671A Sir Galleron W
375971GBR 5MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 4-6-0S15 4-6-0700 0-6-0Q 0-6-0
778071G7304171G7507670D3049870B3032772A W3053571A
962071G7305282FO415 4-4-2T
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70C Guildford70D Basingstoke71A Eastleigh
71B Bournemouth71G Weymouth72A Exmouth Junction75A Brighton75E Three Bridges82F Bath Green Park
Works Visitors - Mid June to Early July included:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)Q 0-6-0Lord Nelson 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3004071B W3054675E3085171A Sir Francis Drake3401072A Sidmouth
3035771A WUSA 0-6-0TS15 4-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-0Battle of Britain 4-6-2
57xx 0-6-0PT3006871I3050770B7601071A3408672A 219 Squadron
466485A3007471I3082472B7601171A3408870A 213 Squadron
E2 0-6-0T (LBSCR)BR 4MT 2-6-4T3082972B7601671ASchools V 4-4-0
3210871I8001575FH15 4-6-0A1X 0-6-0T (LBSCR)3091270A Downside
8014075F3052472B W3267871A3091370A Christ's Hospital
Cut-up during June:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)700 0-6-0H15 4-6-0T9 4-4-0 (LSWR)"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0
3004071B W3032772A W3033172B W3033872A W3080671A Sir Galleron W
3035770A W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth71I Southampton Dks
72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury75E Three Bridges75F Tunbridge W. W.85A Worcester
Sunday 30 July 1961total:60
erecting shop and yard
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3003171B4127272A3045770A Sir Bedivere W3400670A Bude
3004370B W4130972A3078372B Sir Gillemere W3403072A Watersmeet
3010471B W4131583H3080271A Sir Durnore W3403875A Clovelly
3010975E WBR 3MT 2-6-2TLord Nelson 4-6-03409172B Weymouth
3024870A W8201671A3086571A Sir John Hawkins WBattle of Britain 4-6-2
3067672A WBR 2MT 2-6-2TS15 4-6-0BR 4MT 4-6-03405172B Winston Churchill
57xx 0-6-0PT8402871A3050570B7507382F3406872B Kenley
362081CBR 4MT 2-6-4T3051070B7507473A3408472A 253 Squadron
363373H8001375A3051470BBR 4MT 2-6-0Merchant Navy 4-6-2
375481A8001675F3083470B7602871A3500972A Shaw Savill
965381F8014875A3083770B7606571AT9 4-4-0 (LSWR)WD 2-10-0
E4 0-6-2T (LBSCR)8015275AG16 4-8-0T7606772B3011771A WWD600LMR
3250671A W700 0-6-03049470BK 2-6-0 (LBSCR)3071572A W0-6-0 diesels
E1 0-6-0T (LBSCR)3069370C WC 0-6-03233975AD1 4-4-0 (SECR)15213D3223
3269471I W3069470A W3111370B W3235375E3173571A W15232D3272
BR T2 dieselsQ 0-6-0BRCW T3 dieselBR Bo-Bo electric
D5008D50093053671AW - withdrawnD6530E5005
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70C Guildford71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth
71I Southampton Dks72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury73A Stewarts Lane73H Dover75A Brighton
75E Three Bridges75F Tunbridge Wells W81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81F Oxford82F Bath Green Park
83H Plymouth FriaryLMR Longmoor Military Railway
Works Visitors - Mid July to Mid August included:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)700 0-6-0"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3012771B3031772A W3045372B King Arthur W3402571A Whimple
G6 0-6-0T (LSWR)BR 4MT 2-6-03076471B Sir Gawain WMerchant Navy 4-6-2
3034970B W7606571A3077371A Sir Lavaine3502870A Clan Line
Cut-up during July:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)E2 0-6-0T (LBSCR)700 0-6-0H15 4-6-0"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0
3004370B W3210871I W3069370C W3052472B W3045770A Sir Bedivere W
3010471B WE4 0-6-2T (LBSCR)3069470A WD1 4-4-0 (SECR)3078372B Sir Gillemere W
3250671A W3173571A W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70C Guildford71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth
71I Southampton Dks72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury
Saturday 27 August 1961total:48
erecting shop and yard
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)Q1 0-6-0S15 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3005671B3301070B3049670B7301771G3403072A Watersmeet
3005971B W3301770B3049770B73082 *70ABattle of Britain 4-6-2
3006071B W700 0-6-03050070BBR 4MT 4-6-03405172B Winston Churchill
3011171B3069670B W3051470B7507575E3408472A 253 Squadron
O2 0-4-4T (LSWR)cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)3083172BBR 4MT 2-6-0Merchant Navy 4-6-2
3019283H W4123872A3083272B7600772B3500372A Royal Mail
57xx 0-6-0PT4127272A3084172A7601471A3500972A Shaw Savill
375481A4128775ABR 4MT 2-6-4T7602971ABRCW T3 dieselBR T2 diesels
965381FT9 4-4-0 (LSWR)8001175E7606271AD6530D5008D5009
BR 3MT 2-6-2T3071772A W8001675F7606371ABR Bo-Bo electric0-6-0 diesels
8201271AUSA 0-6-0TK 2-6-0 (LBSCR)7606471AE5005E5008D347215213
8202272A3007271I3234175A* named: CamelotW - withdrawn
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth71G Weymouth
71I Southampton Dks72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury75A Brighton75E Three Bridges75F Tunbridge Wells W
81A Old Oak Common81F Oxford83H Plymouth Friary
Works Visitors - Mid August to Early September included:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)S15 4-6-0T9 4-4-0 (LSWR)BR 4MT 2-6-0Lord Nelson 4-6-0
3066972A W3049970B3031372A W7602571B3085171A Sir Francis Drake
700 0-6-03070972A W7602671B"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0
3069172A W7605771B3080071A Sir Meleaus de Lile W
Cut-up during August:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)G6 0-6-0T (LSWR)700 0-6-0T9 4-4-0 (LSWR)"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0
3010975E W3034970B W3031772A W3011771A W3076471B Sir Gawain W
3024870A WE1 0-6-0T (LBSCR)C 0-6-03071572A W3080271A Sir Durnore W
3067672A W3269471I W3111370B W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth71I Southampton Dks
72A Exmouth Junction75E Three Bridges
Tuesday 19 September 1961total:57
erecting shop and yard
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3005671B4123872A3079370D Sir Ontzlake3401070A Sidmouth
3005971B W4126175A3080371A Sir Harry le Fiske Lake W3401975A Bideford
3011171B4131272ELord Nelson 4-6-03402171B Dartmoor
3067472B WBR 4MT 2-6-4T3085471A Howard of Effingham W3402672B Yes Tor
57xx 0-6-0PT8003973JS15 4-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-03403072A Watersmeet
369682D8004073J3049670B7600971A3403572A Shaftesbury
374282F8006573J3083272B7602971A3409972B Lynmouth
375481ABR 3MT 2-6-2T3083370B7606271ABattle of Britain 4-6-2
461073H8202272ABR 5MT 4-6-07606471A3405575A Fighter Pilot
965381FQ1 0-6-07305182FK 2-6-0 (LBSCR)Merchant Navy 4-6-2
USA 0-6-0T3301770BBR 4MT 4-6-03234175A3500372A Royal Mail
3006171I3302470B7506771A0-6-0 diesels3500972A Shaw Savill
Q 0-6-03303870B7507575ED2280D34723502371B Holland-Afrika Line
3053071A700 0-6-0BR 9F 2-10-0BR T2 diesels3502572A Brocklebank Line
3030671A9220571AD5000D5017BR Bo-Bo electricsBRCW T3 diesel
W - withdrawnD5009E5005E5008D6565
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70D Basingstoke71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth
72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury72E Barnstaple Jct.73H Dover73J Tonbridge75A Brighton
75E Three Bridges81A Old Oak Common81F Oxford82D Westbury82F Bath Green Park
Works Visitors - Early September to Mid October included:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)700 0-6-0H15 4-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-0"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0
3002971A3030870C W3052272B W7601071A3077770D Sir Lamiel W
E2 0-6-0T (LBSCR)3070170A WBR 4MT 4-6-07605871BSchools V 4-4-0
3210271I WC 0-6-07507870DK 2-6-0 (LBSCR)3090870D Westminster W
cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)3106170B WBR 5MT 4-6-03234575EWest Country 4-6-2
4129772E3149870B W7311070AL1 4-4-03401770A Ilfracombe
4130872AQ 0-6-0Q1 0-6-03175370A WT9 4-4-0 (LSWR)Z 0-8-0T
3053875A3303273JBR 4MT 2-6-4T3028771A W3095672A
Cut-up during September:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)G6 0-6-0T (LSWR)700 0-6-0T9 4-4-0 (LSWR)Lord Nelson 4-6-0
3006071B W3025870D W3069172A W3031372A W3085471A Howard of Effingham W
3066972A WO2 0-4-4T (LSWR)3069670B W3070972A W"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0
3019283H W3071772A W3080071A Sir Meleaus de Lile W
3080371A Sir Harry le Fise Lake W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70C Guildford70D Basingstoke71A Eastleigh
71B Bournemouth71I Southampton Dks72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury72E Barnstaple Jct.73J Tonbridge
75A Brighton75E Three Bridges83H Plymouth Friary
Cut-up during October:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)700 0-6-0C 0-6-0E2 0-6-0T (LBSCR)Schools V 4-4-0
3004472A W3030870C W3106170B W3210271I W3090870D Westminster W
3067472B W3070170A W3149870B WE4 0-6-2T (LBSCR)L1 4-4-0
3255671A W3175370A W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70C Guildford70D Basingstoke71A Eastleigh
71I Southampton Dks72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury
Saturday 4 November 1961total:48
erecting shop
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)Q 0-6-0Schools V 4-4-0West Country 4-6-2
3005170A3054371A3092170A Shrewsbury3401572A Exmouth
3005771B3054775ES15 4-6-0U 2-6-03410371B Calstock
3048071AQ1 0-6-03083072B3180871ABattle of Britain 4-6-2
57xx 0-6-0PT3302873JBR 5MT 4-6-0K 2-6-0 (LBSCR)3404972B Anti-Aircraft Command
373372C3303373J7302071G3234375A3405775A Biggin Hill
778271G3304070BBR 4MT 2-6-0BR T2 diesels3406372A 229 Squadron
962989Dcl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)7605971AD5000D50033411072A 66 Squadron
967787J4120683HBR 4MT 2-6-4TBRCW T3 dieselMerchant Navy 4-6-2
0-6-0 diesels4132475A8014575AD65303501072A Blue Star
1521115234BR Bo-Bo electric3502771B Port Line
works yard
57xx 0-6-0PTG6 0-6-0T (LSWR)Lord Nelson 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
973272C3027770C W3085871A Lord Duncan W3403771B Clovelly
BR 4MT 2-6-0D1 4-4-03085971A Lord Hood W3409972B Lynmouth
7606071A3114570A WT9 4-4-0 (LSWR)BR 9F 2-10-0Battle of Britain 4-6-2
7606871A3150570A W3012071A9221171A3405070A Royal Observer Corps
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70C Guildford71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth
71G Weymouth72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury72C Yeovil Town73J Tonbridge75A Brighton
75E Three Bridges83H Plymouth Friary87J Goodwick89D Oswestry
Cut-up during November:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)O2 0-4-4T (LSWR)C 0-6-0D1 4-4-0 (SECR)Lord Nelson 4-6-0
3024670C W3018383H W3115070B W3114570A W3085871A Lord Duncan W
3025372E WH 0-4-4T (SECR)3157370B W3150570A WL1 4-4-0H15 4-6-0
3132670A WG6 0-6-0T (LSWR)3175470A W3052272B W
3027770C W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70C Guildford71A Eastleigh72B Salisbury
72E Barnstaple Junction83H Plymouth Friary
Sunday 26 November 1961total:51
erecting shop
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)Merchant Navy 4-6-2West Country 4-6-2
3005771B4120683H3500871B Orient Line3400770A Wadebridge
57xx 0-6-0PT4121683H3500972A Shaw Savill3401572A Exmouth
379886A4127072A3501072A Blue Star3401671A Bodmin
461670D4130175A3501870A British India Line3403372A Chard
462672B4132475ABR 5MT 4-6-0U 2-6-03409470A Mortehoe
778271GBR 4MT 2-6-4T7301871G3180871ABattle of Britain 4-6-2
962989D8015475A7302071GK 2-6-0 (LBSCR)3405775A Biggin Hill
0-6-0 dieselsQ1 0-6-073113 *70A3234375A3411072A 66 Squadron
D3460D34623302371ABR 4MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-0Q 0-6-0BR 9F 2-10-0
BR T2 diesels3303373J7507970D7605971A3053171A9223971A
D5003D50113304070B*named: Lyonesse
works yard
USA 0-6-0TT9 4-4-0 (LSWR)"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3006571I3012071A3078271B Sir Brian3410371B Calstock
cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)K 2-6-0 (LBSCR)Merchant Navy 4-6-2Battle of Britain 4-6-2
4127583H3234975E3500672B Peninsular & Oriental SN3407272A 257 Squadron
0-6-0 dieselBR T2 dieselBRCW T3 diesels
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham70D Basingstoke71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth
71G Weymouth71I Southampton Dks72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury73J Tonbridge75A Brighton
75E Three Bridges83H Plymouth Friary86A Newport Ebbw Junction89D Oswestry
Works Visitors - November and December included:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)BR 4MT 2-6-4T"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
3025372E W8001975F3076871A Sir Balin W3402771B Taw Valley
O415 4-4-2T8014975ASchools V 4-4-03402871B Eddystone
3058472A WBR 3MT 2-6-2T3091070A Merchant Taylor's W3404271B Dorchester
C 0-6-08201671AS15 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0Battle of Britain 4-6-2
3115070B WBR 4MT 2-6-03050770B7302971G3406772B Tangmere
7601271A3082372B73080 *71G3410972A Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory..
7601571BMerchant Navy 4-6-2
3502371B Holland-Afrika Line
Cut-up during December:
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)Schools V 4-4-0L 4-4-0 (SECR)"King Arthur" N15 4-6-0
3002372E W3091870A Hurstpierpoint W3176870A W3077271B Sir Percivale W
3024772E W700 0-6-0O415 4-4-2T3177170A WLord Nelson 4-6-0
O2 0-4-4T (LSWR)3069970A W3058472A WL1 4-4-03085971A Lord Hood W
3022371A WC 0-6-03178970A W
3157370B W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham71A Eastleigh71B Bournemouth71G Weymouth
72A Exmouth Junction72B Salisbury72E Barnstaple Junction75A Brighton75F Tunbridge Wells
Eastleigh Works1946 - 1955
Eastleigh Works1956 - 1960
Eastleigh Works1948 - 1955
EastleighShed1941 - 1954
EastleighShed1955 - 1960
EastleighShed1961 - 1967

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