Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Friday, 24 June 2022

Shed Profile - 12A Carlisle Kingmoor 1961

12ACarlisle Kingmoor1961 Allocation
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railwayopened:1876, rebuilt in 1916c1935 - June 195012A
type: A brick-built 8TS through-road shed with a repair section.closed to steam:Jan-68June 1950 - Jan 195868A
location: On the east side of the main line about 1.5 miles north of Carlisle station.Feb 1958 - Dec 196712A
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesJ - JohnsonPick - Pickersgill
St - StanierBR - British RailwaysWD - War DepartmentGNR - Great Northern Railway
Friday 31st March 196112Atotal:103
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4F 0-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4221712A4418312A4466912A4511212A4564012A Frobisher
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)4445112A4467012A4512212A4565712A Tyrwhitt
4230412Acl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4467412A4517366E4567767A Beatty
4231312A4390212A4467512A4523814A4570026A Amethyst
4232012A4392212A4472512A452405A4571927A Glorious
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)4400912A4472712A4530966B4573012A Ocean
4272012Acl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)4479963A4533412A4573112A Perseverance
4272426B4362212A W4485066B4538467DPrincess Royal 4-6-0
4280067Ccl 3F 0-6-0T4487712A4545512A4620112A Princess Elizabeth S
4283312A4728112A4487812A4545966A4621012A Lady Patricia S
4283512A4733212A4490112A4548265BCoronation 4-6-2
4283712A4735812A4490312A4548566B4622766A Duchess of Devonshire
4287612A4747112A4492365BBR 5MT 4-6-04625212A City of Leicester
4288412A4751512A4495812A7300963AA3 4-6-2
4290712A4752712A W4496063A7312167A6003655H Colombo
4291167D4754012A4498355A7312467ABritannia 4-6-2
cl 4MT 2-6-04759912A4499312A7316955A7001526A Apollo
4301812A4766712A4500866BBR 9F 2-10-07005066A Firth of Clyde
4302312Acl 8F 2-8-0450398A9201726AClan 4-6-2
4302712A4832112A4508112A9215221A7200366A Clan Fraser
4310312A4846412A4508312A9216621A7200466A Clan Macdonald
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)4861212A4509966BWD 2-8-07200512A Clan Macgregor
6956412C4865255Bcl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)9019866A7200912A Clan Stewart
4877366A5765312A WWD 2-10-00-6-0 dieselsS - stored
9076312AD356712086W - withdrawn
Thursday 4 May 196112Atotal:84
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 5MT 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4221712A S4272012A4466812A4493326A4569112A Orion
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)4272426B4467312A4498355A4571612A Swiftsure
4230412A4275712A4467412A4502966B4571812A Dreanought
4232012A4279312A4472512A4508212A4572912A Furious 
cl 4MT 2-6-04280667D4475555A4510012A4573212A Sanspareil
4302124J4283112A4479012A4512012APrincess Royal 4-6-0
4310312D4283312A4479512A4512166B4620112A Princess Elizabeth S
cl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)4283412A4482066B4512612A4621012A Lady Patricia S
4362212A W4283712A4485255A45157*65BCoronation 4-6-2
cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4287512A4485355A4516866A4623166A Duchess of Athol
4390212A S4287967C4485455A4517666B4623712A City of Bristol
cl 4F 0-6-04288412A4485921A4533412A4625512A City of Hereford
4420812A428869B4487812A4536412FClan 4-6-2
cl 3F 0-6-0T4290512A4488065B4545512A7200712A Clan Macintosh
4728112Acl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)4488212A4546612Acl 8F 2-8-0WD 2-10-0
4747112A5765312A W4488412A4548566B4832112A9076312A
4751512AWD 2-8-04489526ABR 5MT 4-6-04854641EBR 9F 2-10-0
4752712A W9046367D4490112A7310367A486925B9215721A
S - storedW - withdrawn*named, The Glasgow Highlander9216721A
Shed Codes5A Crewe North5B Crewe South8A Edge Hill9B Stockport12A Carlisle Kingmoor
12C Carlisle Canal12D Kirkby Stephen12F Workington14A Cricklewood15B Kettering21A Saltley
24J Lancaster26A Newton Heath26B Agecroft27A Bank Hall41E Staveley B'rw Hill55A Leeds Holbeck
55B Stourton55H Leeds Neville Hill63A Perth65B St. Rollox66A Polmadie66B Motherwell
66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67C Ayr67D Ardrossan
Monday 22 May 196112Atotal:76
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 4-6-0Princess Royal 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4221712A4466812A4620112A Princess Elizabeth S4557514B Madras
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)4467412A4621012A Lady Patricia S4558621D Mysore
4231312A4467512ACoronation 4-6-24564012A Frobisher
4232012A4479512A4623066A Duchess of Buccleuth4569112A Orion
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)4484955Acl 3F 0-6-0Tcl 8F 2-8-04570767A Valiant
4270026D4487712A4728112A4828355A4571312A Renown
4272012A4487812A4733212A4832112A4571512A Invincible
4275112A4489812A4747112A4847212A4572412A Warspite
4283712A4490112A4749212B4870812A4573012A Ocean
4287512A4500966B4751512A4875612APatriot 4-6-0
4287612A4501812A4752712A WWD 2-8-0455345A E. Tootal Broadhurst
4288212A4508112A4766712A906066C4553926A E. C. Trench
4290612A4508312Acl 4F 0-6-0 (F)cl 4F 0-6-0455455A Planet
4291968B4512012A4392212A4432412AA3 4-6-2
cl 4MT 2-6-04512612A4400812A4445112A6008055A Shotover
4301812A4515266B4400912Acl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)Britannia 4-6-2
4302312A4533826BBR 9F 2-10-05765312A W7004455A Earl Haig
4310312A4538467D9210315Ccl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)7005066A Firth of Clyde
0-6-0 diesels4549866B9216226A4362212A W
Friday 30 June 196112AVisiting locomotives
cl 5MT 4-6-0Britannia 4-6-2Royal Scot 4-6-0
4479366E4535865B7005266A Firth of Tay4612166A Highland Light Infantry…
449356B4547763AClan 4-6-2461255A 3rd Carabinier
4494521Acl 8F 2-8-07200466A Clan MacdonaldCoronation 4-6-2
4512565F4815755ABR 5MT 4-6-04622766A Duchess of Devonshire
4515266BWD 2-8-07306266A4623166A Duchess of Atholl
4516866A9034327B7312367AA3 4-6-2
6007255A Sunstar
Shed Codes5A Crewe North6b Mold Junction21A Saltley27B Aintree55A Leeds Holbeck
63A Perth65B St. Rollox65F Grangemouth66A Polmadie66B Motherwell66E Carstairs
67A Corkerhill
Friday 7 July 196112A12:30amtotal:70
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 4-6-0Princess Royal 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4221712A S4472063A4620112A Princess Elizabeth S4562167A Northern Rhodesia
cl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)4479512A4621012A Lady Patricia S4564012A Frobisher
4362212A W4479963ABritannia 4-6-24567767A Beatty
cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4487712A7005166A Firth of Forth4569712A Achilles
4400812A4487963AClan 4-6-24571612A Swiftsure
4400912A4490312A7200466A Clan Macdonald4572067A Indomitable
cl 4F 0-6-04501812A7200712A Clan Macintosh4572812A Defiance
4428167B4508212A7200812A Clan Macleod4573012A Ocean
4432412A4511212ACrab 2-6-0 (H/F)BR 5MT 4-6-04573212A Sanspareil
4445112A4511565B4272012A7300763ACoronation 4-6-2
cl 3F 0-6-0T4529312B4274666C7310467A4622612A Duchess of Norfolk
4733212A4533012A4275212A7312167A4622766A Duchess of Devonshire
4735812A4536167A4287512A7314565B4623166A Duchess of Athol
4749212B4536312A4290612A7315265B4624266A City of Glasgow
4751512Acl 8F 2-8-04292767CBR 9F 2-10-04624412A King George VI
4752712A W4875812Acl 4MT 2-6-09213521A4624712A City of Liverpool
cl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)WD 2-8-04301812AWD 2-10-04624966A City of Sheffield
5765312A W9042024B4302712A9076312ARoyal Scot 4-6-0
Peak T4 dieselD914310312AS - stored4614121A North Staffordshire Reg.
Shed Codes5A Crewe North6C Birkenhead12A Carlisle Kingmoor12B Carlisle Upperby12F Workington
14B Kentish Town15C Leicester Midland21A Saltley21D Aston24B Rose Grove26A Newton Heath
26B Agecroft26D Bury55A Leeds Holbeck63A Perth65B St. Rollox66A Polmadie
66B Motherwell66C Hamilton67A Corkerhill67B Hurlford67C Ayr68B Dumfries
Sunday 9 July 196112Atotal:79
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 5MT 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4221712A S4272012A4466812A4516767D4556255A Alberta
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)4275212A4467312A4517765F4567367A Keppel
4232012A4283012A4470563A4533012A4567767A Beatty
cl 3F 0-6-0T4283312A4472512A4535865B4569112A Orion
4733212A4283412A4472712A4536167A4571612A Swiftsure
4735812A4287512A4479012A4536812B4572067A Indomitable
4749212A4287967C4479212A4538467D4572812A Defiance
4751512A4290612A4487712A4546067A4572912A Furious
4766712Acl 4MT 2-6-04488612A4548363A4573112A Perseverance
cl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)4302312A4490012Acl 8F 2-8-0Coronation 4-6-2
4362212A W4302712A4490312A4810455A4624412A King George VI
cl 4F 0-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-04490524L4845455A4625212A City of Leicester
4418312A7305966A4499312A4870255B4625512A City of Herford
4445112A7306166A4501312AWD 2-8-0Clan 4-6-2
cl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)7306266A4501812A9042024B7200466A Clan Macdonald
5765312A W7307266A4508212AWD 2-10-07200712A Clan Macintosh
Princess Royal 4-6-04508766E9077266CRoyal Scot 4-6-0
4620112A Princess Elizabeth S4511565BBR 9F 2-10-04614121A North Staffordshire Reg.
4621012A Lady Patricia S4512012A9201726A0-6-0 diesel
S - storedW - withdrawn4516312A9216721AD3170
Shed Codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12B Carlisle Upperby24B Rose Grove24L Carnforth26A Newton Heath
55A Leeds Holbeck55B Stourton63A Perth65B St. Rollox65F Grangemouth66A Polmadie
66C Hamilton66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67C Ayr67D Ardrossan
Sunday 16 July 196112Atotal:65
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 5MT 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4221712A4272012A4467312A4548466B4565712A Tyrwhitt
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)4275212A4467412A4549112A4569112A Orion
4231312A4283312A4469863ABR 5MT 4-6-04570767A Valiant
4232012A4286826B4470066E7305566A4573012A Ocean
cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4287512A4479512Acl 8F 2-8-0Royal Scot 4-6-0
4392212A4287967C4487812A4861212A461248A London Scottish
4400912A4288412A4496966BWD 2-8-0Princess Royal 4-6-0
cl 4F 0-6-04291467C4500866B9007166B4620112A Princess Elizabeth S
4418312A4291568B4500966B9050567D4621012A Lady Patricia S
4420812Acl 4MT 2-6-04502966BWD 2-10-0Coronation 4-6-2
cl 3F 0-6-0T4301812A4508821A9075866B4623066A Duchess of Buccleuth
4733212A4302312A4515266B9076965F4623712A City of Bristol
4747112A4302712A4515965B9077266C4625712A City of Salford
cl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)BR 3MT 2-6-04545112BBR 9F 2-10-0Clan 4-6-2
5765312A7700566E4546612A9216226A7200466A Clan Macdonald
Peak T4 diesel0-6-0 diesels9216721A7200812A Clan Macleod
D9112079D3170D3567S - stored
Shed Codes8A Edge Hill12A Carlisle Kingmoor12B Carlisle Upperby21A Saltley26A Newton Heath
26B Agecroft63A Perth65B St. Rollox65F Grangemouth66A Polmadie66B Motherwell
66C Hamilton66A Polmadie66B Motherwell67C Ayr67D Ardrossan68B Dumfries
Friday 18 August 196112AVisiting locomotives
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 8F 2-8-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4221568D4478968C4521465J4828355A4571927A Glorious
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)4481221AB1 4-6-04844355ACoronation 4-6-2
4287967C4509866A6140165FWD 2-8-04623266A Duchess of Montrose
BR 4MT 2-6-04512166B9041627BBritannia 4-6-2
7607066B4517666B9054967D7004526A Lord Rowallan
Shed Codes21A Saltley26A Newton Heath26C Bolton27A Bank Hall27B Aintree
55A Leeds Holbeck65F Grangemouth65J Stirling66A Polmadie66B Motherwell67C Ayr
67D Ardrossan68C Stranraer68D Beattock
Saturday 19 August 196112Atotal:82
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4MT 2-6-0Patriot 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4221568D4301812A4550512B Royal Army Ordnance Corp4569712A Achilles
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)4302312ABritannia 4-6-24571312A Renown
4230112A4310312A7004526A Lord Rowallan4571412A Revenge
4230412Acl 3F 0-6-0Tcl 5MT 4-6-04571512A Invincible
4231312A4728112A4467012A4536567A4571812A Dreadnought
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4733212A4467412A4543366B4572812B Defiance
4248424H4747112A4472512A4545512A4572912A Furious
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)4749212B4479461B4545767D4573112A Perseverance
4275112A4751512A4482066B4545966A4573212A Sanspareil
4275712Acl 8F 2-8-04488312A4546612ARoyal Scot 4-6-0
4279312A4814041D4495765A4548068B4610321A Royal Scots Fusilier
4283212A4861212A4495812ABR 5MT 4-6-046107
66A Argyll and Sutherland Highlander
4287967CWD 2-8-04508821A7306166A4612912A The Scottish Horse
4288212A9018724L4511212AB1 4-6-0Coronation 4-6-2
4288312A9031967D4512012A6134065F4622466A Princess Alexandra
4288412A9041627B4513812A6140165F4623712A City of Bristol
4290712A9054967D4517167ABR 9F 2-10-04625212A City of Leicester
4291767C9064126C4517466E9216226AClan 4-6-2
cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)9075866B4521465Jdiesels7200812A Clan Macleod
Shed Codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12B Carlisle Upperby21A Saltley24H Hellifield24J Lancaster
24L Carnforth26A Newton Heath26C Bolton41D Canklow61B Aberdeen F'hill65A Eastfield
65F Grangemouth65J Stirling66A Polmadie66B Motherwell66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill
67C Ayr67D Ardrossan68B Dumfries68D Beattock
Monday 28 August 196112Atotal:73
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 8F 2-8-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4230412A4466812A4500966B4832112A4565712A Tyrwhitt
4231312A4467012A4501312A4853612A4571412A Revenge
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)4471966A4512212A4870812A4571612A Swiftsure
4273767C4472512A4516166E4877466A4572412A Warspite
4275112A4472612A4521465JWD 2-8-04572912A Furious
4275212A4479212A4530966B9054967D4573212A Sanspareil
4283512A4479512A4536267A906066CRoyal Scot 4-6-0
4287967C4482455A4549112AWD 2-10-04610266A Black Watch
4290512A4487812ABR 5MT 4-6-09076066B4612912A The Scottish Horse
cl 4MT 2-6-04488312A7305866Acl 3F 0-6-0T4613055A West Yorkshire Regiment
4301812A4488412A7307266A4733212A4613214B King's Regiment, Liverpool
4302312A4489912A7314865B4735812ACoronation 4-6-2
4310312A4490112A7315465B4747112A4622366A Princess Alice
cl 4F 0-6-04490212A0-6-0 diesel4751512A4623712A City of Bristol
4400812A4492163AD35664766224J4625512A City of Hereford
4400912A4495812APrincess Royal 4-6-2Clan 4-6-2
cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4499312A4620112A Princess Elizabeth S7200812A Clan Macleod
4418112APeak T4D 914621012A Lady Patricia S7200912A Clan Stewart
Shed Codes6C Birkenhead12A Carlisle Kingmoor14B Kentish Town24J Lancaster55A Leeds Holbeck
63A Perth65B St. Rollox65J Stirling66A Polmadie66B Motherwell66E Carstairs
67A Corkerhill67C Ayr67D Ardrossan
Tuesday 29 August 196112AVisiting locomotivestotal:70
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4274567C4479366E4515166B7307967A4566567A Lord Rutherford of Nelson
4277155A449375A4521465J7315265BRoyal Scot 4-6-0
4287967C4498355A4528212FWD 2-8-046121
66A Highland Light Infantry, City of Glasgow
BR 9F 2-10-04499166A4530966B9054967D
9216521A4500866B4545767DWD 2-10-04613214B King's Regiment, Liverpool
B1 4-6-04500966B4546067C9076066BCoronation 4-6-2
6140365F4623266A Duchess of Montrose
Shed Codes5A Crewe North12F Workington14B Kentish Town21A Saltley55A Leeds Holbeck
65B St. Rollox65F Grangemouth65J Stirling66A Polmadie66B Motherwell66E Carstairs
67A Corkerhill67C Ayr67D Ardrossan
Friday 1st September 196112Atotal:81
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)Clan 4-6-2cl 8F 2-8-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4221712A7200712A Clan Macintosh4815955A4556255A Alberta
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 5MT 4-6-04847212A4571312A Renown
4230112A4467012A4491921A4875612A4571512A Invincible
4230412A4467112A4495366EWD 2-8-04572912A Furious
4231312A4467212A4495812A9054967D4573112A Perseverance
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)4467312A4500866B906066CPatriot 4-6-0
4275212A4467412A4500966BWD 2-10-04551212B Bunsen
4287512A4467512A4501312A9076066BPrincess Royal 4-6-2
4288066C4472512A4508212Acl 3F 0-6-0T4620112A Princess Elizabeth S
4288412A4479212A4512166B4728112A4621012A Lady Patricia S
4290512A4479366E4515166B4733212A462115A Queen Maud
4290712A4479512A4515266B4734212BCoronation 4-6-2
cl 4MT 2-6-04482066B45157*65B4737712B4622266A Queen Mary
4301812A4482855A4516312A4749212B4623612B City of Bradford
4302312A4485066B4530966Bcl 4F 0-6-04623712A City of Bristol
4310312A4488412A4543366B4418112A4624412A King George VI
cl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)4488612A4545266E4420812A4625512A City of Hereford
4362212A W4490212A4548863A4445112A4625712A City of Salford
BR 9F 2-10-04490312A4549866Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)cl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)
9216721A*named: The Glasgow Highlander4400812A5765312A W
Shed Codes5A Crewe North6C Birkenhead12A Carlisle Kingmoor12B Carlisle Upperby21A Saltley
24H Hellifield24J Lancaster24L Carnforth26A Newton Heath26C Bolton27B Aintree
41D Canklow55A Leeds Holbeck61B Aberdeen Ferryhill63A Perth65A Eastfield65B St. Rollox
65F Grangemouth65J Stirling66A Polmadie66B Motherwell66C Hamilton66E Carstairs
67A Corkerhill67C Ayr67D Ardrossan68B Dumfries68D Beattoch
Sunday 1st October 196112Atotal:94
cl 5MT 4-6-0Clan 4-6-2Jubilee 4-6-0
4466255A4512212A7200066A Clan Buchanan4564012A Frobisher
4466912A4512612A7200466A Clan Macdonald4569112A Orion
4467412A4516312A7200512A Clan Macgregor4570026A Conqueror
4467512A4517666B7200712A Clan Macintosh4571167A Courageous
4472512A4517963A7200812A Clan Macleod4571312A Renown
4474626A4523326ACrab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 8F 2-8-04571512A Invincible
4479512A452415A4272012A4832112A4571612A Swiftsure
4488612A4533012A4272626A4846412A4572767A Inflexible
4490012A4533412A4283012A4870812A457365A Phoenix
4490112A4536412F4283412A4875812APrincess Royal 4-6-2
4490212A4545512A4288112AWD 2-8-04620112A Princess Elizabeth
4494824B4546367D4289912A9047141DCoronation 4-6-2
4499312A4546612A4290512Acl 3F 0-6-0T4622112A Queen Elizabeth
4499568B4548112A4290712A4728112A4622612A Duchess of Norfolk
4500966B4549866Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4733212A4623612B City of Bradford
4501312ABR 5MT 4-6-04400812A4735812A4624412A King George VI
4501812A7305866A4400912A4747112A4624712A City of Liverpool
450371Ecl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4F 0-6-04766712A4624966A City of Glasgow
4508512A4231312A4418112A0-6-0 diesels4625512A City of Hereford
4508766Ecl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)4420812AD3087D3566Britannia 4-6-2
4509063A4221712A Wcl 3F 0-6-0 (J)D3171120797002012A Mercury
4511812Acl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)4362212A WEE T4 diesel7002312A Venus
4512012A5765312A WW - withdrawnD332
Shed Codes1E Bletchley5A Crewe North12A Carlisle Kingmoor12B Carlisle Upperby12F Workington
24B Rose Grove26A Newton Heath41D Canklow55A Leeds Holbeck63A Perth66A Polmadie
66B Motherwell66E Carstairs67A Corkerhill67D Ardrossan68B Dumfries

12A Carlisle Kingmoor Engines, Out & About during 1961
4221712Acl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)3-DecCrewe Workswithdrawn
4223312Acl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)19-NovCrewe Works
4230112Acl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)6-Jul68D Beattock
4232012Acl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)6-Jul68D Beattockbanking on 29 July
4275112Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)5-Mar55A Holbeck
4275712Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)3-AprOxenhopeMorecambe excursion
4275712Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)9-Apr24H Hellifield
4275712Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)2-Jul67A Corkerhill
4283012Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)2-Apr64C Dalry Road
4283112Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)1-AprSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4283212Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)5-Mar55A Holbeck
4283312Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)3-OctSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4283412Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)20-Aug66A Polmadie
4283512Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)15-Jul24G Skipton
4283512Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)3-Dec5B Crewe South
4283612Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)2-Apr66A Polmadie
4283612Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)23-Apr55A Holbeck
4283712Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)5-Mar55A Holbeck
4287512Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)18-FebBirminghamM727 ex Leicester
4287612Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)2-Apr66B Motherwell
4288112Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)1-Apr67B Hurlford
4288112Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)30-JunRose Grovealso - 1 July
4288112Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)14-Aug65B St. Rolloxex works
4288112Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)26-Aug55A Holbeck
4288212Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)26-Mar26B Agecroft
4288212Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)6-JulSt. Rollox Worksex works
4288312Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)22-Apr27B Aintree
4288312Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)26-Aug55B Stourton
4288412Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)12-Mar15C Leicester Midland
4288412Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)31-Mar68B Dumfries
4288412Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)9-Apr24G Skipton
4289912Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)2-Apr61B Ferryhill
4290612Acl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)19-Aug67C Ayr
4302312Acl 4MT 2-6-022-AugCarlisleWarcop empties
4390212Acl 4F 0-6-0 (F)22-MayInverurie Worksunder repair
4418112Acl 4F 0-6-014-Apr24G Skipton
4432412Acl 4F 0-6-030-SepHorwich Worksunder repair
4445112Acl 4F 0-6-08-Oct24G Skipton
4466812Acl 5MT 4-6-019-Aug67C Ayr
4467112Acl 5MT 4-6-026-Aug55A Holbeck
4467212Acl 5MT 4-6-02-Apr65B St. Rollox
4467312Acl 5MT 4-6-02-Apr67A Corkerhill
4467312Acl 5MT 4-6-030-JunRose Grove
4467412Acl 5MT 4-6-014-OctSkiptonup goods
4467412Acl 5MT 4-6-014-OctSkipton
4467512Acl 5MT 4-6-014-OctSkiptondown goods
4472712Acl 5MT 4-6-014-Aug66A Polmadie
4472712Acl 5MT 4-6-015-Oct55D Royston
4479012Acl 5MT 4-6-02-Apr65B St. Rollox
4479012Acl 5MT 4-6-011-Jun24L Carnforth
4479012Acl 5MT 4-6-08-Oct24G Skipton
4479212Acl 5MT 4-6-031-Mar68B Dumfries
4479212Acl 5MT 4-6-014-Aug66A Polmadie
4479512Acl 5MT 4-6-014-Aug65B St. Rollox
4487712Acl 5MT 4-6-011-MarPreston
4487712Acl 5MT 4-6-030-AugSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4487812Acl 5MT 4-6-014-Aug66A Polmadie
4487812Acl 5MT 4-6-03-OctSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4488212Acl 5MT 4-6-02-Apr66A Polmadie
4488312Acl 5MT 4-6-011-MarPreston
4488312Acl 5MT 4-6-09-Apr24G Skipton
4488312Acl 5MT 4-6-021-May65B St. Rollox
4488412Acl 5MT 4-6-01-AprSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4488412Acl 5MT 4-6-022-May24H Hellifield
4488412Acl 5MT 4-6-015-Jul24G Skipton
4488612Acl 5MT 4-6-019-AugSkiptonfreight
4489812Acl 5MT 4-6-06-JulSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4489912Acl 5MT 4-6-05-Mar55B Stourton
4490012Acl 5MT 4-6-014-Aug64C Dalry Road
4490112Acl 5MT 4-6-02-Apr63A Perth
4490312Acl 5MT 4-6-02-Apr66B Motherwell
4495812Acl 5MT 4-6-09-Apr24G Skipton
4495812Acl 5MT 4-6-015-JulSkiptonfreight
4495812Acl 5MT 4-6-03-OctSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4499312Acl 5MT 4-6-016-Apr15C Leicester Midland
4499312Acl 5MT 4-6-020-Aug66A Polmadie
4501212Acl 5MT 4-6-011-FebCarlisleNiddre freight
4501212Acl 5MT 4-6-09-Jul6B Mold Junction
4501212Acl 5MT 4-6-023-Sep24E Blackpool North
4501312Acl 5MT 4-6-02-Jul67A Corkerhill
4501812Acl 5MT 4-6-030-AugSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4508112Acl 5MT 4-6-02-Jul67A Corkerhill
4508312Acl 5MT 4-6-06-JulSt. Rollox Worksex works
4511212Acl 5MT 4-6-023-Sep24E Blackpool North
4511812Acl 5MT 4-6-09-Apr24L Carnforth
4511812Acl 5MT 4-6-06-JulSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4512012Acl 5MT 4-6-08-JulSettle - Garsdalefreight
4512612Acl 5MT 4-6-06-JulSt. Rollox Worksex works
4513812Acl 5MT 4-6-05-Mar55F Manningham
4513812Acl 5MT 4-6-01-Apr66E Carstairs
4513812Acl 5MT 4-6-07-May55F Manningham
4513812Acl 5MT 4-6-027-Aug64C Dalry Road
4516312Acl 5MT 4-6-09-SepBolton
4516312Acl 5MT 4-6-011-SepManchester Victoria
4533012Acl 5MT 4-6-015-JulSkiptonfreight
4533412Acl 5MT 4-6-014-AprSkipton
4533412Acl 5MT 4-6-021-May65B St. Rollox
4533412Acl 5MT 4-6-019-Aug6J Holyhead
4533412Acl 5MT 4-6-023-Sep24E Blackpool North
4536312Acl 5MT 4-6-031-Mar68B Dumfries
4536312Acl 5MT 4-6-08-JulSettle - Garsdalefreight
4536312Acl 5MT 4-6-014-Aug66A Polmadieunder repair
4545512Acl 5MT 4-6-015-Jul24G Skipton
4546612Acl 5MT 4-6-01-AprSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4546612Acl 5MT 4-6-021-May63A Perth
4548112Acl 5MT 4-6-012-Feb55A Holbeck
4548112Acl 5MT 4-6-014-Apr24G Skipton
4549112Acl 5MT 4-6-09-Apr24G Skipton
4549112Acl 5MT 4-6-03-OctSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4559312AKolhapurJubilee 4-6-07-Jan21C Bushbury
4564012AFrobisherJubilee 4-6-08-JulSettle - Garsdale
4565712ATyrwhittJubilee 4-6-014-Aug65B St. Rollox
4565712ATyrwhittJubilee 4-6-08-Oct24G Skipton
4567212AAnsonJubilee 4-6-014-Aug66A Polmadie
4569112AOrionJubilee 4-6-02-Apr66A Polmadie
4569112AOrionJubilee 4-6-030-AugSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4571312ARenownJubilee 4-6-05-Mar55A Holbeck
4571312ARenownJubilee 4-6-01-Apr66E Carstairs
4571412ARevengeJubilee 4-6-014-FebLeeds City
4571412ARevengeJubilee 4-6-016-JulNorthamptonup pass relief
4571412ARevengeJubilee 4-6-014-Aug65B St. Rollox
4571612ASwiftsureJubilee 4-6-012-Feb55A Holbeck
4571612ASwiftsureJubilee 4-6-031-Mar68B Dumfries
4571612ASwiftsureJubilee 4-6-02-Oct68C Stranraer
4571812ADreadnoughtJubilee 4-6-05-Mar55A Holbeck
4571812ADreadnoughtJubilee 4-6-01-Apr66E Carstairs
4571812ADreadnoughtJubilee 4-6-019-AugHellifieldHellifield-Carlisle pass
4572812ADefianceJubilee 4-6-07-JanCarlisleMan-Glasgow (pilot)
4572812ADefianceJubilee 4-6-01-AprSt. Rollox Worksunder repair
4572812ADefianceJubilee 4-6-01-Nov55G Huddersfieldfailed on up freight
4572912AFuriousJubilee 4-6-014-Aug65B St. Rolloxawaiting works
4573012AOceanJubilee 4-6-03-JunPreston
4573012AOceanJubilee 4-6-027-Aug66E Carstairs
4573112APerseveranceJubilee 4-6-027-Aug66E Carstairs
4573112APerseveranceJubilee 4-6-015-Oct5A Crewe North
4573212ASanspareilJubilee 4-6-021-May65B St. Rollox
4573212ASanspareilJubilee 4-6-05-AugPreston
4622112AQueen ElizabethCoronation 4-6-22-Apr63A Perth
4622112AQueen ElizabethCoronation 4-6-211-Jun6A Chester
4622112AQueen ElizabethCoronation 4-6-28-AugCrewe Workses - 20 August
4622112AQueen ElizabethCoronation 4-6-211-SepCreweex works
4622112AQueen ElizabethCoronation 4-6-23-Dec5A Crewe North
4623712ACity of BristolCoronation 4-6-221-May63A Perth
4623712ACity of BristolCoronation 4-6-211-SepCrewe Workses - 1 October
4624412AKing George VICoronation 4-6-221-May63A Perth
4624412AKing George VICoronation 4-6-214-Aug66A Polmadiealso 20 August
4624412AKing George VICoronation 4-6-21-SepGlasgowGlasgow - Euston
4624412AKing George VICoronation 4-6-23-Dec5A Crewe North
4625212ACity of LeicesterCoronation 4-6-22-Apr63A Perthalso 21 May
4625212ACity of LeicesterCoronation 4-6-211-SepCrewe Worksalso - 1 October
4625512ACity of HerefordCoronation 4-6-218-MarCarlisleEuston milk train
4625512ACity of HerefordCoronation 4-6-231-Mar12B Upperby
4625512ACity of HerefordCoronation 4-6-215-Oct5A Crewe North
4754012Acl 3F 0-6-0T27-MayCowlairs Workswithdrawn
4832112Acl 8F 2-8-015-Jul24G Skipton
4846412Acl 8F 2-8-025-JunHorwich Worksalso 9 July
4846412Acl 8F 2-8-012-Nov27E Walton-on-the-hill
4847212Acl 8F 2-8-025-JunHorwich Worksalso 9 July
4853612Acl 8F 2-8-09-DecHorwich Worksunder repair
4861212Acl 8F 2-8-011-MarPreston
4861212Acl 8F 2-8-014-Apr24G Skipton
4861212Acl 8F 2-8-011-Jun8F Springs Branchalso 3 Dec
4861212Acl 8F 2-8-011-SepBoltonfreight
4870812Acl 8F 2-8-012-MarHorwich Worksunder repair
4870812Acl 8F 2-8-09-Apr24G Skipton
4870812Acl 8F 2-8-019-AugSkiptonfreight
4875612Acl 8F 2-8-012-MarHorwich Worksunder repair
4875612Acl 8F 2-8-03-JunPreston
4875612Acl 8F 2-8-026-Jun24H Hellifield
4875812Acl 8F 2-8-02-Apr66B Motherwell
7002012AMercuryBritannia 4-6-221-SepCarlisleGlasgow - Leeds
7002212ATornadoBritannia 4-6-216-SepCarlisleEuston - Perth
7002212ATornadoBritannia 4-6-23-DecCrewe Works
7002312AVenusBritannia 4-6-223-SepCarlisleEuston - Perth
7200512AClan MacgregorClan 4-6-227-MayCowlairs Worksunder repair
7200612AClan MackenzieClan 4-6-21-AprCowlairs Works
7200612AClan MackenzieClan 4-6-227-MayCowlairs Worksunder repair
7200712AClan MackintoshClan 4-6-28-JulCarlisleNew - Stranraer
7200712AClan MackintoshClan 4-6-22-Oct68C Stranraer
7200912AClan StewartClan 4-6-230-AugCowlairs Worksunder repair
9015712AWD 2-8-011-Jun24L Carnforth
9076312AWD 2-10-014-Aug66A Polmadiealso 20 August