Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Shed Profiles - Cumbria 1961

12CCarlisle Canal1961 Allocation
Pre Grouping Ownership - North British Railwayopened:1862Sep 1938 - Jan 1950CAR
type: A stone-built round house with a brick-built 3TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jun-63Feb 1950 - Oct 195112B
location: On the north side of the Silloth line, west of Canal Junction.Oct 1951 - Jan 195868E
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesApr 1958 - June 196312C
St - StanierBR - British RailwaysGER - Great Eastern RailwayNBR - North British Railway
GNR - Great Northern RailwayNER - North Eastern RailwayWD - War Department
Friday 31st March 196112Ctotal:31
cl 4MT 2-6-0V2 2-6-2J39 0-6-0B1 4-6-0A2 4-6-2
4313912C6082764A6473312C6106412C6053764B Bachelor's Button
K1 2-6-06083664A6488412C6121712CA1 4-6-2
6202852C6091352D6488812C6122212C6016064B Auld Reekie
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)J36 0-6-0 (NBR)6489212C6123912CA3 4-6-2
6185812C6523712C6489512C6129012C6005764B Ormonde
6193612C6532112C6493212CJ38 0-6-0 D34 4-4-0 (NBR)
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)6496412C6591564A6248464G Glen Lyon
6915512C6449912C0-6-0 diesels
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Canal52C Blaydon52D Tweedmouth1208412085D3171
64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64G Hawick
Monday 22 May 196112Ctotal:33
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)V2 2-6-2K3 2-6-0 (GNR)J39 0-6-0A4 4-6-2
4231712C60860 ^52B6193052D6488812C6001264B Comm. of Australia
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)6089734E6193612C6489512CA3 4-6-2
4244912CB1 4-6-06198452D6489912C6005764B Ormonde
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)6107664BJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)6493212C6007912C Bayardo
4313912C6121712C6523712CJ35 0-6-0 (NBR)A1 4-6-2
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)61245 *64B6529312C6449912C6013252B Marmion
6915512C6129012C6531212CBR 2MT 2-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-00-6-0 diesels
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)6139512C6532112C7804664G4504412B12084D3565
6956412C* B1 name: Murray of Elibank^V2 name: Durham SchoolD3171
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Upperby12C Carlisle Canal34E New England52B Heaton
52D Tweedmouth64B Haymarket64G Hawick
Friday 30 June 196112Ctotal:34
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)V2 2-6-2K3 2-6-0 (GNR)J39 0-6-0A3 4-6-2
4208112C6081864A6193612C6473312C6006812C Sir Visto
4221012C60835 ^52BB1 4-6-06487152B6007912C Bayardo S
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)6088364A6122212C6488412C6008964A Felstead
4231712C6093452A6130764A6489512C6009464B Colorado
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)6093764A6135664A6489912CJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)
4244012C6094952A6139512C6493212C S6523712C6449912C
4244912C6097852A61242 *12CS - stored6529312CN2 0-6-2T (GNR)
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)K1 2-6-0* B1 name: Alexander Reith Gray6532112C6956412C
6915512C6200652C^ V2: The Green Howard, Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Canal52A Gateshead52B Heaton52C Blaydon
64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket
Sunday 16 July 196112Ctotal:24
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)K3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0J39 0-6-0A4 4-6-2
4208112C6193612C6106412C6487712C6001264B Comm. of Australia
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)BR 2MT 2-6-06122212C6489512CA3 4-6-2
4231712C7804764G61242 *12CJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)6006812C Sir Visto
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)N15 0-6-2T (NBR)6132412C6523712C6007912C Bayardo S
4244912C6915512C6139512C6531212C6009312C Coronach
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)J38 0-6-0A2 4-6-2
6956412C6449912C6591264A6053464B Irish Elegance
* B1 name: Alexander Reith Gray6592064A
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Canal64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64G Hawick
Friday 18 August 196112Ctotal:30
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)V2 2-6-2B1 4-6-0J39 0-6-0A4 4-6-2
4208112C6089264A6121712C6473312C6001264B Comm. of Australia
4209512C6093364A6122212C6488412CA3 4-6-2
4221012CK1 2-6-06132412C6488812C6003512C Windsor Lad
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)6202552C6135464AJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)6007912C Bayardo S
4231712Ccl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)6139512C6523712C6009312C Coronach
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)4313912CJ35 0-6-0 (NBR)6529312C6009964B Call Boy
6915512C6449912C6531212CA2 4-6-2
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)Clan 4-6-26532112C6053464B Irish Elegance
6956412C7200712A Clan Mackintosh
Shed Codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12C Carlisle Canal52C Blaydon64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket
Monday 28 August 196112Ctotal:24
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)V2 2-6-2B1 4-6-0J39 0-6-0A3 4-6-2
4206712C6089264A6106412C6487712C6009312C Coronach
4208112C6093764A6121712C6488812C6009864B Spion Kop
4221012CK3 2-6-0 (GNR)6122212C6489512CA2 4-6-2
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)6196864A6135464A6489912C6052964B Pearl Diver
4231712CN2 0-6-2T (GNR)6139512CJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)
BR 4MT 2-6-4T6956412C6523712C6449912C
Shed Codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64G Hawick
Sunday 1 October 196112Ctotal:35
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)V2 2-6-2Britannia 4-6-2A3 4-6-2
4206712C6089464A7001612C Ariel6006812C Sir Visto
4208112C6090064A7001812C Flying Dutchman6009312C Coronach
4209512CK3 2-6-0 (GNR)J39 0-6-0J36 0-6-0 (NBR)A1 4-6-2
4221012C6193612C6473312C6523712C6015264B Holyrood
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)K1 2-6-06487712C6529312C6015350A Flamboyant
4244912C6200252C6488812C6531212CA2 4-6-2
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)B1 4-6-0J38 0-6-06532112C6053064B Sayajirao
6915512C6121712C6591564AJ35 0-6-0 (NBR)Glen" D34 4-4-0 (NBR)
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)6123912Ccl 5MT 4-6-06449912C6248464G Glen Lyon
6956412C4489526Acl 3F 0-6-0T0-6-0 diesels
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Canal12F Workington26A Newton Heath50A York52C Blaydon
64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64G Hawick

12EBarrow1961 Allocation
Post Grouping Ownership - Furness Railwayopened:1874Feb 1938 - Mar 195811B
type: A brick-built 10TS dead-ended shed.closed to steam:Dec-66Apr 1958 - May 196011A
location: On the south side of the old Furness Railway Works, by the Docks.June 1960 - Aug 196312E
Sep 1963 - Dec 196612C
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesI - IvattJ - Johnson
St - StanierBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Saturday 10 June 196112Etotal:42
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
4236412E S4302512F4430624L W446616J4728712E4751812E
4239512Ecl 2F 0-6-0 (J)4444312E4514112E4733924L W4756412E
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)5811512E W4445412E4524124L W4734512E4767612E
4242712E S5817712E4448712E4525812E4737312Ecl 8F 2-8-0
4243212E5818112E S4459412E4538312E4740924L W4816055B
cl 2P 4-4-05829312E W4460112E4543412F4750312E485058C
4065612B Wcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4544512E4751712E
4400355BS - storedW - withdrawn
shed codes6J Holyhead8C Speke Junction12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington
24L Carnforth55B Stourton55F Manningham
Sunday 16 July 196112Etotal:50
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)cl 4F 0-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4211912E4242712E S4418612E4559224L Indore456385A Zanzibar
4267312E4266612E4430624L Wcl 5MT 4-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-04434712E4467612E4728712E4750512E
4234012Ecl 2F 0-6-0 (J)4444312E4514112E4732212E4751812E
4235112E5816012E4445412E4515024K4733924L W4756412E
4236412E S5817712E4448712E4530512F4735612E4767512E
4237612E5829312E W4453712E4536412F4737312E4767612E
4239512Ecl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4459412E4538312E4740924L Wcl 2P 4-4-0
S - stored4401612B4460112EW - withdrawn4750312E4065612B W
shed codes5A Crewe North12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington12H Tebay
24J Lancaster24K Preston24L Carnforth
Sunday 24 September 196112Etotal:51
cl 2P 0-4-4Tcl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 2F 0-6-0 (J)cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
4190324J W4234012E5811512E4406012B4728712E4756412E
4190424J W4234712E5812012E4418612E4731712E4763924J W
cl 3P 2-6-2T (F)4235112E5816012E4435112E4732212E4764812E
4001624L W4235512E5817712E4444312E4734512E4767612E
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)4236412E S5818112E4445412E4735612Ecl 5MT 4-6-0
4267312E4240212Ecl 4MT 2-6-04453712E4750512E4489126A
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)cl 2P 4-4-04300012B0-6-0 diesels4751712E4519324L
4242712E S4062812B W4300412FD2511D25124751812E4525812E
S - storedW - withdrawn4302512F4752012E4538312E
shed codes12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington24J Lancaster
24L Carnforth26A Newton Heath

12FWorkington1961 Allocation
Pre Grouping Ownership - London & North Western Railwayopened:1890c 1935 - Sep 195512D
type: A brick-built 12TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jan-68Oct 1955 - Mar 195812C
location: East of the line, south of Workington Main station.Apr 1958 - May 196011B
June 1960 - Aug 196312F
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnI - IvattSep 1963 - Dec 196712D
St - StanierBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Monday 22 May 196112Ftotal:31
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)cl 4F 0-6-0
4259112E4643312F4524612Bcl 3F 0-6-0T4406512F4444912F
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)4644212D4530512F4729012F4412612B4446112F
4300412F4645612F4540212B4752512F W4429212F4449512F
4302512FW - withdrawn4439012F4454912F
Shed Codes12B Carlisle Upperby12D Kirkby Stephen12E Barrow12F Workington24L Carnforth
Sunday 9 July 196112Ftotal:32
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4643312F4300812F4514112E4429212F4739012F
4259112E4645612F4302612FWD 2-8-04439924L4760412F
4645712Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)9006441F4443912F4761012F
4648812F4403512F905326B4450512F0-6-0 diesel
Shed Codes6B Mold Junction12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington24L Carnforth
41F Mexborough
Sunday 16 July 196112Ftotal:31
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4643312F4301112H4501424L4446112F4739012F
4645712FWD 2-8-04545112B4761012F
4648812F9015712H0-6-0 diesel
Shed Codes6B Mold Junction12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington12H Tebay
24L Carnforth
Sunday 24 September 196112Ftotal:24
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4644212FJubilee 4-6-04528212F4443912F4734412F
4258112E4648812F457375A Atlas4539424L4450512F4739012F
4649112F0-6-0 dieselcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4752212F
Shed Codes5A Crewe North12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow4401612B4760412F
12F Workington24L Carnforth55B Stourton4761012F
Tuesday 3 October 196112F9.50pm - 10.05pmtotal:28
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4644212F4302512F4406512F4444912F4734412F
4649112Fcl 5MT 4-6-04434612B4450512F4759312F
Shed Codes12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington24L Carnforth

12HTebay1961 Allocation
Pre Grouping Ownership - London & North Western Railwayopened:1947 replacementSep 1935 - Jan 195011E
type: A brick-built 4TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jan-68Feb 1950 - May 196011D
location: On the west side of Tebay station.June 1960 - Aug 196312H
Sep 1963 - Jan 196812E
AbbreviationsF - FowlerI - IvattWD - War Department
Saturday 10 June 196112Htotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-0WD 2-8-0
Sunday 9 July 196112Htotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)WD 2-8-0
Shed Codes12F Workington24L Carnforth
Sunday 16 July 196112Htotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)

12GOxenholme1961 Allocation
Pre Grouping Ownership - London & North Western Railwayopened:1880Sep 1935 - Jan 195011D
type: A brick-built 4TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jun-62Feb 1950 - Apr 196011C
location: On the west side of the line, south of Oxenhope station.May 1960 - June 196212G
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnSt - Stanier
Saturday 10 June 196112Gtotal:5
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)
Sunday 16 July 196112Gtotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)
Sunday 8 October 196112Gtotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)

See Also:
12A Carlisle Kingmoor 1961 (new content added September 2024)

Observations at Carlisle, Saturday 15th July 1961
4533412Acl 5MT 4-6-08.25am Edinburgh-Blackpool1M83
4612166AHighland Light InfantryRoyal Scot 4-6-0le
4525167Dcl 5MT 4-6-08.10am Heads of Ayr-Newcastle
D9005-Deltic T5 dieselrelieved 45251
D5100-BR T2 dieselNewcastle - Stranraer
6053464BIrish EleganceA2 4-6-26.40am ex Waverley pass. Arriv
4501312Acl 5MT 4-6-0Blantyre - Blackpool special1X04
4531524Kcl 5MT 4-6-0up special1M43
455875ABarodaJubilee 4-6-08.35am Glasgow-Birmingham
4546767Bcl 5MT 4-6-06.55am St. Enoch-Carlisle arriv.
4545112Bcl 5MT 4-6-09.21am Morecambe-Glasgow1S40
4573012AOceanJubilee 4-6-08.57am Glasgow-Southport1X05
4516067Ccl 5MT 4-6-08.38am Ayr-Manchester1M97
4467012Acl 5MT 4-6-0relieved 45160
4499267Bcl 5MT 4-6-08.35am Heads of Ayr-Leeds1N62
4533012Acl 5MT 4-6-0relieved 44992
4244012Ccl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)ecs for Silloth branch
461111ARoyal FusilierRoyal Scot 4-6-0down milk train
4732612Bcl 3F 0-6-0Tsouth end shunting
4734212Bcl 3F 0-6-0Tsouth end shunting
453218Bcl 5MT 4-6-026A down CTAC Scottish Tour1S43
4568812BPolyphemusJubilee 4-6-07.48am Whitehaven-Carlisle arr.
7200166AClan CameronClan 4-6-29.15am Glasgow-Blackpool1M21
7310067ABR 5MT 4-6-09am St. Enoch-Leeds
D25-Peak T4 diesel9.20am St. Enoch-St.Pancras
4557424EIndiaJubilee 4-6-08.50am Blackpool-Glasgow1S44
4622466APrincess AlexandraCoronation 4-6-2down parcels
D300-EE T4 dieselup Royal Scot1M22
6473312CJ39 0-6-0Silloth branch passenger
4550712BRoyal Tank CorpsPatriot 4-6-08.40am Blackpool-Glasgow1S34
456135AKenyaJubilee 4-6-0Birmingham-Edinburgh pass.1M23
4623066ADuchess of BuccleuchCoronation 4-6-210.05am Glasgow-Birmingham1M24
462535ACity of St. AlbansCoronation 4-6-2relieved 462301M24
4565441CHoodJubilee 4-6-0special passenger1S33
4529026Acl 5MT 4-6-09 coach special1S46
462545ACity of Stoke-on-TrentCoronation 4-6-210.15am Glasgow-Euston1M25
D235-EE T4 dieselpassenger1M26
4610566ACameron HighlanderRoyal Scot 4-6-09.30am Manchester-Glasgow1S45
4475755Acl 5MT 4-6-0Edinburgh-Sheffield1 E26
4571026AIrresistibleJubilee 4-6-09.20am Manchester-Glasgow
D15-Peak T4 dieselup Waverley
D3-Peak T4 dieselPerth-Euston passenger1M26
D235-EE T4 dieselrelieved D31M26
7005066AFirth of ClydeBritannia 4-6-29.43am Liverpool-Glasgow1S47
D18-Peak T4 diesel10.20am Leeds-St.Enoch1S49
4622366APrincess AliceCoronation 4-6-29.15am Crewe-Glasgow
7305566ABR 5MT 4-6-010.30 Blantyre-Birmingham1M52
4562167ANorthern RhodesiaJubilee 4-6-0Birmingham-St. Enoch spec.1S52
4571727ADauntlessJubilee 4-6-0passenger1M27
6531212CJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)freight on goods line
D342-EE T4 diesel9.35am Crewe - Perth1S53
4624412AKing George VICoronation 4-6-2relieved D3421S53
4548863Acl 5MT 4-6-011.10am Edinburgh-Manchester
4517466Ecl 5MT 4-6-0piloted 45488
456715APrince RupertJubilee 4-6-0passenger1S23
4735812Acl 3F 0-6-0Tnorthend station pilot
4208112Ccl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)12C Silloth passenger
7804864GBR 2MT 2-6-012.25pm ex Harwick arrival
4558024EBurmaJubilee 4-6-0ex Blackpool special1S54
4492163Acl 5MT 4-6-0piloted 455801S54
4555924EBritish ColumbiaJubilee 4-6-0passenger1S55
4570126AConquerorJubilee 4-6-010.45am Glasgow-Manchester
7004926ASolway FirthBritannia 4-6-27.30am Aberdeen-Manchester
4470066Ecl 5MT 4-6-0piloted 70049
4558526AHydrabadJubilee 4-6-0up express1M73
4612166AHighland Light Infantry..Royal Scot 4-6-02.50pm Carlisle-Glasgow pass.
4611755AWelsh GuardsmanRoyal Scot 4-6-0up express1X06
D249EE T4 dieselNewcastle-Stranraer arrival
4501312Acl 5MT 4-6-0relieved D249
4517266Acl 5MT 4-6-0passenger1M28
7004526ALord RowallanBritannia 4-6-2Glasgow-Liverpool/Manchester
4547866Acl 5MT 4-6-0piloted 70045
4467512Acl 5MT 4-6-0up express1M33
D5306BRCW T2 dieselEdinburgh Waverley-Carlisle
4479212Acl 5MT 4-6-0Stranraer-Newcastle pass.
9216721ABR 9F 2-10-0le on goods line
6489912CJ39 0-6-03.30pm to Silloth
D335EE T4 dieselup Mid Day Scot1M35
D333EE T4 dieseldown Royal Scot1S57
462285ADuchess of RutlandCoronation 4-6-211am Birmingham-Glasgow1M16
455605APrince Edward IslandJubilee 4-6-011.05am Birmingham-Edin.1S62
4625512ACity of HerefordCoronation 4-6-2Perth-Euston passenger
D288EE T4 diesel10am Euston-Perth arrival
4623066ADuchess of BuccleuchCoronation 4-6-2relieved D288
7200266AClan CampbellClan 4-6-21.45pm Glasgow-Liverpool1M38
D326EE T4 dieselup milk train
447152Acl 5MT 4-6-0south end station pilot
4571812ADreadnoughtJubilee 4-6-0Glasgow - Manchester pass.1X08
4467412Acl 5MT 4-6-04.37pm Carlisle-Bradford pass.
D19Peak T4 diesel9.10am St. Pancras-Waverley1S64
D337EE T4 diesel10.10am Euston-Glasgow1S65
6007255ASunstarA3 4-6-2Leeds-Glasgow St. Enoch relief1S67
D27Peak T4 dieseldown Thames Clyde1S68
7200366AClan FraserClan 4-6-2special passenger1S69
7306366ABR 5MT 4-6-0up CTAC Scottish Tour1M39
4534126Acl 5MT 4-6-0relieved 73063
4565026ABlakeJubilee 4-6-02pm Manchester Vic-Glasgow1S71
4490524Lcl 5MT 4-6-0ex Lanark and Edinburgh1X77
4572812ADefianceJubilee 4-6-0Stranraer-Newcastle pass.
D249EE T4 dieselrelieved 45728
7200512AClan MacgregorClan 4-6-22.36pm Waverley-Carlisle pass.
6006812CSir VistoA3 4-6-27.44pm Carlisle-Waverley pass.
4625012BCity of LichfieldCoronation 4-6-2at Shap - 1.35pm Euston-Perth
from the diary of Alan Brown

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