Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Shed Profile - Burton-on-Trent in 1961.

17BBurton-on-TrentAllocation 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Midland Railwayopened:1870Sep 1935 - Aug '6317B
type: A brick-built double roundhouseclosed:Sep-66Sep 1963 - Sep '6616F
location: On the west side of the line, south of Burton station.
AbbreviationsD - DeeleyF - FowlerH - HughesI - IvattJ - Johnson
K - KitsonSt - StanierBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Sunday 25 June 196117B5.20pm - 5.40pmtotal:51
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 4MT 2-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0Tcl 4F 0-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)cl 8F 2-8-0
4276917Bcl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)4745817B4410017Bcl 2F 0-6-0 (J)4866217B
4278416D4241721A4746417B4412417B5818617B WWD 2-8-0
4281817BB1 4-6-04764117B4430416Acl 7F 0-8-0 G29025118B
4282617B61018 *50A4764317B4433417C494478F0-6-0 diesels
4283917Bcl 5MT 4-6-04764417A4440116Acl 0F 0-4-0T (D)D3568D3572
4285517B450566Gcl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)4445855E4153217B WD3569D3586
4287217Bcl 2P 4-4-0 (J/F)4334217C4447216A0-4-0 dieselD3570D3587
4289617B4039617B W4360817B4452817BD2859D3571D3773
* B1 named: Gnu4454217BW - withdrawn
Shed Codes6G Llandudno Jct.8F Springs Branch16A Nottingham16D Annesley17A Derby
17C Rowsley18B Westhouses21A Saltley41E Staveley B. Hill50A York
17B Burton-on-Trent55E Normanton
Sunday 23 July 196117Btotal:52
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 3F 0-6-0Tcl 4F 0-6-0Royal Scot 0-6-0
4279917B4731317B4408017C4452817B4616824K The Girl Guide
4282417B4745817B4412417B4459917Bcl 8F 2-8-0cl 5MT 4-6-0
4282617B4746417B4417617Acl 4F 0-6-0 (F)480902E447615A
cl 2P 4-4-0 (J/F)4764317B443445D4399117B484562B0-6-0 diesels
4039617B W4764417A4441417B4402617B4866217BD3568D3585
cl 2F 0-6-0 (J)BR 5MT 4-6-04443417Bcl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)4869616AD3569D3586
5818617B W7313517C4443517B4334217C4872817BD3570D3587
0-4-0 dieselB1 4-6-04452617B4360817BBR 9F 2-10-0D3571D3773
Shed Codes2B Nuneaton2E Northampton5A Crewe North5D Stoke-on-Trent15C Leicester Midland
16A Nottingham17A Derby17B Burton-on-Trent17C Rowsley21A Saltley
24K Preston50A York
Sunday 24 September 196117Btotal:55
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 5MT 2-6-0 (St)cl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)cl 4F 0-6-0cl 8F 2-8-0
4278416DBR 4MT 4-6-04360817B4421321A4455117B4815317A
4282417Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)cl 3F 0-6-0T4438017B0-6-0 diesels4818217B
4285517Bcl 0F 0-4-0ST (K)4746417B4452617BD3570D35874868118A
4289617BB1 4-6-04764317B4452817BD35720-4-0 diesel
4289717B6103950A Steinbok4453817BD2859
Shed Codes2B Nuneaton5B Crewe South5C Stafford6B Mold Junction15C Leicester Midland
16A Nottingham16D Annesley17A Derby17B Burton-on-Trent17C Rowsley18A Toton
18B Westhouses21A Saltley41E Staveley B. Hill50A York55E Normanton
Sunday 8 October 196117B2.30pm - 2.45pmtotal:48
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)cl 4F 0-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 8F 2-8-00-6-0 diesels
4282217B4370917B4424117BB1 4-6-04818418AD3570D3587
4282417Bcl 3F 0-6-0T4433217B61021 *50A485039FD3571D3773
4282517B4731317B4438017BBR 4MT 4-6-04862116BD3572
4282617B4745817B4452817B7504215C4866217B0-4-0 diesel
4287217B4746417B4454117Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4872817BD2859
429265A4764317B* B1 named: Reitbok
Shed Codes2A Rugby5A Crewe North5C Stafford9F Heaton Mersey15C Leicester Midland
16A Nottingham16B Kirkby-in-Ashfield16D Annesley17A Derby17B Burton-on-Trent17C Rowsley
18A Toton21A Saltley21B Bescot50A York55E Normanton
Sunday 19 November 196117Btotal:51
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)cl 4F 0-6-0Jubilee 0-6-0
4281817B4325417B4404817A4561017B Ghana4563617B Uganda
4282217B4360817B4438017B4561517B Malay States4564917B Hawkins
4282417B4363717B4443517B4561817B New Hebrides4566817B Madden
4282517B4370917B4452617Bcl 3F 0-6-0Tcl 8F 2-8-00-6-0 diesels
4282917Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4452717B4731317B481745CD3568D3585
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 5MT 4-6-04453817B4746417B4866217BD3570D3587
4241721A453988A4454217B4762917A0-4-0 dieselD3571D3773
BR 4MT 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-04455117B4764117BD2859D3572
Shed Codes5A Crewe North5C Stafford8A Edge Hill15C Leicester Midland17A Derby
17B Burton-on-Trent17C Rowsley21A Saltley56D Mirfield
Sunday 10 December 196117Btotal:61
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 4F 0-6-0Jubilee 0-6-0cl 8F 2-8-0
427815A4413916A4555717B New Brunswick4563617B Uganda4803318B
4281817B4416417A4557917B Punjab4564817B Wemyss4816718A
4282217B4438017B4558517B Hydrabad4564917B Hawkins4827216B
4282417B4443417B4559817B Basutoland4566717B Jellicoe4839141D
4282517B4443517B4561017B Ghana4566817B Madden4854641E
4282917B4452717B4562017B North BorneoBR 4MT 4-6-04866217B
cl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)4455117BPatriot 4-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T7505915C4869417B
4360817B4456217B455498B4731317B0-6-0 diesels4872817B
4363717B4459917Bcl 5MT 4-6-04745817BD3568D3586BR 9F 2-10-0
4366917Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4492021A4762917AD3570D35879205017C
4370917B4397521AB1 4-6-04764117BD3571D37730-4-0 diesel
cl 0F 0-4-0STcl 2F 0-6-0 (J)61002 *50A4764317BD3572D3869D2859
4700617A5821821B* B1 named: ImpalaD3585
Shed Codes5A Crewe North8B Warrington15C Leicester Midland16A Nottingham16B Kirkby-in-Ashfield
17A Derby17B Burton-on-Trent17C Rowsley17C Rowsley18A Toton18B Westhouses
21A Saltley21B Bescot41D Canklow41E Staveley Barrow Hill50A York
OversealBurton-on-Trent subshed6.20pm - 6.25pm
South of Gresley, about a mile west of Moira station.A brick-built 2TS dead-ended shed
Sunday 25 June 1961total:6
cl 4F 0-6-0cl 8F 2-8-0
Shed Codes17B Burton-on-Trent

Burton-on-Trent Engines - Out & About during 1961
4153217Bcl 0F 0-4-0T (D)13-Aug-61Derby Workswithdrawn
4153617Bcl 0F 0-4-0T (D)12-Feb-61Derby Workswithdrawn, also 14 May
4275617BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)3-Apr-6117C Rowsley
4275617BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)4-Jun-6117A Derby
4275617BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)23-Jul-6121A Saltley
4275617BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)8-Oct-6115C Leicester Midland
4276317BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)2-Jul-6150A York
4276317BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)8-Oct-6114B Kentish Town
4276317BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)28-Oct-61Horwich Worksyd, shops 18/11, yd 9/12
4276917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)29-Oct-6114B Kentish Town
4279917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)12-Mar-6114B Kentish Town
4279917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)2-May-6115C Leicester Midland
4279917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)25-Jun-6114A Cricklewood
4279917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)18-Nov-61Horwich Worksshops, paint shop 9/12
4281817BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)8-Oct-6115A Wellingboroughalso 15 October
4282217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)12-Mar-61Horwich Workserecting shop
4282217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)14-May-6117A Derby
4282417BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)12-Mar-61Horwich Worksshops, yard 9 April
4282417BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)4-Jun-6115C Leicester Midland
4282417BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)24-Jun-6182E Bristol Barrow Rd.
4282417BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)13-Aug-615B Crewe South
4282517BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)23-Jul-6121A Saltley
4282917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)25-Jun-61Horwich Worksyard, shops 9 July
4282917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)17-Aug-6126C Boltonex Horwich Works
4283917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)9-Jul-61Horwich Worksworks yard
4283917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)9-Sep-6126C Boltonex Horwich & 17/9
4283917BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)1-Oct-615B Crewe South
4285517BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)29-Jan-61Horwich Worksyd, shops 30/9, xw 18/11
4285517BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)29-Apr-6114A Cricklewood
4285517BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)9-Dec-6126C Boltonex Horwich Works
4287217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)29-Jan-61Horwich Worksyard
4287217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)12-Mar-6115C Leicester Midland
4287217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)1-Apr-6182E Bristol Barrow Rd.
4287217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)27-Aug-6116A Nottingham
4289617BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)23-Apr-6114B Kentish Town
4289617BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)6-Aug-6121A Saltley
4289617BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)30-Sep-61Horwich Workserecting shop, yd 21 Oct.
4289717BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)4-Jun-6185C Gloucester LMS
4289717BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)9-Jul-61Horwich Workserecting shop
4292217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)12-Feb-6155A Leeds Holbeck
4292217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)14-May-6141B Grimesthorpe
4292217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)22-May-61Hellifieldup freight
4292217BCrab 2-6-0 (H/F)30-Sep-61Horwich Worksyard, shops 21/10
4357417Bcl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)8-Jan-61Derby Workswithdrawn, also 26 Mar.
4366917Bcl 3F 0-6-0 (J/F)26-Nov-615B Crewe South
4391117Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)14-May-61Derby Worksworks yard
4399117Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)14-May-61Derby Worksworks yard
4399117Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)1-Oct-615B Crewe South
4410017Bcl 4F 0-6-024-Sep-61Derby Worksworks yard
4410017Bcl 4F 0-6-022-Oct-6117A Derby
4412417Bcl 4F 0-6-026-Feb-6117A Derby
4412417Bcl 4F 0-6-014-May-61Derby Worksworks yard
4412417Bcl 4F 0-6-01-Oct-6121A Saltley
4412417Bcl 4F 0-6-015-Oct-615B Crewe South
4424117Bcl 4F 0-6-023-Apr-6189A Shrewsbury
4424117Bcl 4F 0-6-09-Jul-616C Birkenhead
4424117Bcl 4F 0-6-022-Oct-6117A Derbyawaiting works
4424117Bcl 4F 0-6-019-Nov-6117A Derbyex works
4429917Bcl 4F 0-6-010-Jul-618A Edge Hill
4429917Bcl 4F 0-6-030-Jul-6189A Shrewsbury
4433217Bcl 4F 0-6-025-Jun-6117A Derby
4433217Bcl 4F 0-6-027-Aug-6189A Shrewsbury
4433217Bcl 4F 0-6-017-Sep-6117C Rowsley
4433217Bcl 4F 0-6-019-Nov-61Derby Workserecting shop
4433217Bcl 4F 0-6-017-Dec-6117A Derbyex works
4438017Bcl 4F 0-6-013-Aug-61Derby Workserecting shop
4443517Bcl 4F 0-6-030-Jul-6189A Shrewsbury
4443617Bcl 4F 0-6-023-Jul-6184E Tyseley
4443617Bcl 4F 0-6-022-Oct-6117A Derbyex works
4452617Bcl 4F 0-6-014-May-61Derby Workserecting shop
4452617Bcl 4F 0-6-04-Jun-6117A Derbyex works
4452717Bcl 4F 0-6-013-Aug-61Derby Worksworks yard
4452717Bcl 4F 0-6-020-Aug-61Crewe Works
4452817Bcl 4F 0-6-013-Aug-61Derby Workserecting shop
4453817Bcl 4F 0-6-016-Apr-61Derby Workserecting shop
4453817Bcl 4F 0-6-014-May-6117A Derby
4453817Bcl 4F 0-6-030-Jul-615A Crewe Northalso 13 August
4453817Bcl 4F 0-6-03-Sep-619F Heaton Mersey
4454117Bcl 4F 0-6-030-Jun-6182E Bristol Barrow Rd.
4454117Bcl 4F 0-6-030-Jul-615B Crewe South
4454117Bcl 4F 0-6-027-Aug-6189A Shrewsbury
4454117Bcl 4F 0-6-03-Sep-6121E Monument Lane
4454217Bcl 4F 0-6-06-Apr-6114B Kentish Town
4455117Bcl 4F 0-6-08-Jan-61Derby Workserecting shop
4455117Bcl 4F 0-6-08-Oct-6131B March
4455217Bcl 4F 0-6-023-Apr-6121B Bescot
4455217Bcl 4F 0-6-017-Dec-6117A Derby
4456217Bcl 4F 0-6-014-May-61Derby Workserecting shop
4456217Bcl 4F 0-6-04-Jun-6117A Derbyex works
4456217Bcl 4F 0-6-023-Jul-6121B Bescot
4456217Bcl 4F 0-6-08-Oct-6189A Shrewsbury
4459117Bcl 4F 0-6-012-Feb-61Derby Workserecting shop
4459117Bcl 4F 0-6-026-Feb-6117A Derbyex works
4459117Bcl 4F 0-6-010-Dec-6121B Bescot
4459717Bcl 4F 0-6-025-Jun-61Derby Workserecting shop
4459717Bcl 4F 0-6-029-Oct-6189A Shrewsbury
4459917Bcl 4F 0-6-029-Oct-6189A Shrewsbury
4561217BJamaicaJubilee 4-6-010-Dec-6116A Nottingham
4562617BSeychellesJubilee 4-6-015-Oct-6155A Leeds Holbeck
4731317Bcl 3F 0-6-0T26-Feb-6117A Derbyawaiting works
4746417Bcl 3F 0-6-0T17-Dec-61Derby Workserecting shop
4818217Bcl 8F 2-8-025-Jun-61Derby Workserecting shop
4866217Bcl 8F 2-8-012-Feb-61Derby Workserecting shop
4866217Bcl 8F 2-8-026-Feb-6117A Derbyex works
4869417Bcl 8F 2-8-06-Aug-6121A Saltley


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