Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Shed Profiles - North & West Scotland in 1961

60AInvernessAllocations 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railwayopened:1863Sep 1935 - Dec 194829H, 32A
type:A stone-built semi-roundhouse.closed to steam:Jul-62Jan 1949 - Jul 196260A
location:On the south side of the Perth line, east of the station.
AbbreviationsFb - FairburnM - MacintoshPick - PickersgillSt - StanierEE - English Electric
BR - British RailwaysNBL - North British Locomotive CompanyBRCW - Birmingham Railway Carriage Works
Friday 31 March 196160Atotal:18 steam locos
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 3F 0-6-0 (M)cl 5MT 4-6-0
5519960A5526960Acl 3F 0-6-0T (M)5759460A4478360A4536663A
5521660A5630560Acl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)4478460A4547263A
Shed Codes60A Inverness60D Wick63A Perth South
Sunday 2 April 196160AEaster Sundaytotal:49
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)cl 5MT 4-6-00-4-0 dieselsBRCW T2 diesels
5519960Acl 3F 0-6-0 (M)4478460A4547263AD2413D5325D5341
5521660A5758560D4478863A4549663ABR T2 dieselsD5326D5343
5523660A5759460A4496063AB1 4-6-0D5118D5127D5328D5345
5526960Acl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)4512360A6135261AD5122D5131D5330D5346
5766160A4513663Acl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)D5124EE T1 diesels
Lochgorm Works
BRCW T2 dieselsBR T2 diesels0-4-0 diesel
Shed Codes60A Inverness60D Wick61A Kittybrewster63A Perth South
Monday 3 July 196160A5.45amtotal:42
16xx 0-6-0PTcl 5MT 4-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0 (M)BR T2 dieselsBRCW T2 diesels
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)4478460A4511760A0-4-0 dieselD5122D5131D5323D5337
5526960A4478560A4547063AD2423NBL T2 dieselD5325D5340
cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)4479963A4547263AEE T1 dieselD6153D5327D5342
Lochgorm Works
BRCW T2 dieselsBR T2 diesels0-4-0 diesel
Shed Codes60A Inverness60B Aviemore60C Helmsdale63A Perth South
Monday 3 July 196160A8.05pmtotal:13 steam locos
16xx 0-6-0PTcl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 5MT 4-6-0
Shed Codes60A Inverness60B Aviemore60C Helmsdale63A Perth South
Tuesday 22 August 196160Atotal:19
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 5MT 4-6-0BRCW T2 diesels
0-4-0 dieselscl 3F 0-6-0 (M)5446660B4478460A4511760AD5333D5346
D2410D24235758760C5449560C4478560A4512360ABR T2 diesel
Shed Codes60A Inverness60B Aviemore60C Helmsdale63A Perth SouthD5116
Wednesday 23 August 196160Atotal:18
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 5MT 4-6-0BRCW T2 diesels
0-4-0 dieselscl 3F 0-6-0 (M)5446660B4479763A4549263AD5336D5344
Shed Codes60A Inverness60B Aviemore60C Helmsdale63A Perth South
Friday 1 September 196160Atotal:27
16xx 0-6-0PTcl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0 (M)BR T2 diesels
cl 3MT 2-6-2T (St)5523660A5446660B4511760ABRCW T2 dieselsD5121D5130
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)5449360A4549663AD53370-4-0 diesels
Shed Codes60A Inverness60B Aviemore60C Helmsdale60D Wick63A Perth South
Wednesday 27 September 196160A10.25am - 10.45amtotal:32
16xx 0-6-0PTcl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)BRCW T2 dieselsNBL T2 dieselBR T2 diesels
164660C5521660A5446360A SD5321D5336D6141D5119D5126
164960C5523660A5449160D SD5328D5337EE T1 dieselD5120D5127
cl 3MT 2-6-2T (St)5526960A5449360A SD5330D5342D8032D5122D5131
4015060Dcl 3F 0-6-0T (M)cl 3F 0-6-0 (M)D5333D53460-4-0 dieselsD5124D5132
S - stored5630560A5758560DD2410D2413D5125
at the station
cl 5MT 4-6-04497963A4512360Acl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)4226960A
Shed Codes60A Inverness60C Helmsdale60D Wick63A Perth South
Sunday 1 October 196160Atotal:27
16xx 0-6-0PTcl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 5MT 4-6-0BRCW T2 dieselsBR T2 diesels
164660C5523660A5446360A S4478460AD5324D5334D5114D5120
164960C5526960A5449160D S4511760AD5328D5115D5129
cl 3MT 2-6-2T (St)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)5449360A S4512360ANBL T2 dieselD5116D5132
4015060D4226960AEE T1 diesel4547563AD61450-4-0 diesels
Shed Codes60A Inverness60C Helmsdale60D Wick63A Perth South
DingwallA timber-built 2TS dead-ended shed.
Monday 4 September 196116xx 0-6-0PT
Kyle of LochalshA stone-built 2TS dead-ended shed.
Wednesday 6 September 1961cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)BR T2 dieselBRCW T2 diesels
ForresA stone-built 2TS dead-ended shed.closed to steam in May 1959
Friday 1 September 19610-6-0 diesel

60BAviemoreAllocations 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Highland Railwayopened:1898Sep 1935 - Dec 194829J, 32B
type:A stone-built 4TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jul-62Jan 1949 - Jul 196260B
location:On the east side of the Boat of Garten line, north of the station.
AbbreviationsFb - FairburnM - MacintoshPick - PickersgillBR - British Railways
EE - English ElectricHR - Highland RailwayBRCW - Birmingham Railway Carriage Works
Sunday 2 April 196160Btotal:15
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 3F 0-6-0 (M)cl 5MT 4-6-0J36 0-6-0 (NBR)BRCW T2 diesels
4226960BBR 2MT 2-6-05759160B4547063AEE T1 dieselD5334
Shed Codes60A Inverness60B Aviemore61C Keith63A Perth SouthSc79970
Monday 3 July 196160Btotal:9
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0Highland Railway 4-6-0BR T2 diesel
4216860B4496063A7300563A103Jones Goods (preserved)D5125
4226960B4545363AEE T1 dieselBRCW T2 diesel
Shed Codes60B Aviemore63A Perth SouthD8034D5320
main-linecl 5MT 4-6-04516563A4549663Aup passenger - double-headed
cl 5MT 4-6-04547463A4549763Adown passenger - double-headed
Wednesday 23 August 196160Btotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 2MT 2-6-0BR T2 dieselEE T1 diesel
Shed Codes60B Aviemore63A Perth South
Wednesday 27 September 196160B7.50am - 8.05amtotal:6
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 2MT 2-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0EE T1 dieselrailbus
Shed Codes60A Inverness60B Aviemore63A Perth South

60DWickAllocations 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Highland Railwayopened:1874Sep 1935 - Dec 1948Inverness subshed
type:A stone-built 2TS through-road shed.closed to steam:Jul-62Jan 1949 - Jul 196260D
location:On the south side of the station.
AbbreviationsM - MacintoshPick - PickersgillSt - StanierHR - Highland Railway
Monday 3 July 196160D12:00noontotal:3
cl 3MT 2-6-2T (St)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)BRCW T2 diesel
Shed Codes60B Aviemore60D Wick
Thursday 5 October 196160D
cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)BRCW T2 diesel
Shed Codes60C Helmsdale
ThursoA stone-built 1TS dead-ended shed.BRCW T2 diesel
Friday 6 October 1961D5324

63BFort WilliamAllocations 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - North British Railwayopened:1894Sep 1935 - Jan 1950FW
type:A brick-built 2TS through-road shed.closed to steam:Jun-62Feb 1950 - Apr 195563D
location:On the north side of the line, east of the station.May 1955 - May 196065J
Jun 1960 - Jul 196263B
AbbreviationsBritish RailwaysNBR - North British RailwayGNR - Great Northern RailwayEE - English Electric
BRCW - Birmingham Railway, Carriage & Wagon Co.
Saturday 1 April 196163Btotal:14
J36 0-6-0 (NBR)cl 5MT 4-6-0K2 2-6-0 (GNR)cl 4F 0-6-0
6530063B4470765A4495765A4497363B6178463B W4425563B
6531363B4490865A4496865A4497563BBR 5MT 4-6-0
4495665A4497065A4497763B7307765AW - withdrawn
Shed Codes63B Fort William65A Eastfield
Monday 3 April 196163Btotal:13
J36 0-6-0 (NBR)cl 5MT 4-6-0K1 2-6-0K1/1 2-6-0
6530063B4495665A4497563B6201263B6199763B MacCailin Mor
6531363B4496765A4497663B6203463BK2 2-6-0 (GNR)cl 4F 0-6-0
4497463B4499665A6178463B W4425563B
Shed Codes63B Fort William65A Eastfield
Friday 7 July 196163Btotal:9
J36 0-6-0 (NBR)cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0K1 2-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0
Shed Codes63B Fort William65A Eastfield
Saturday 26 August 196163Btotal:14
J36 0-6-0 (NBR)BR 5MT 4-6-0B1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0
BR 4MT 2-6-07310565A6126165A4495665A4497563BBRCW T2 diesel
Shed Codes63B Fort William65A Eastfield
Tuesday 29 August 196163Btotal:8
cl 4F 0-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0B1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-0
4425563B7307765A7310965A61243 *65A4497263B7600163B
7310865A6135263B* named: Sir Harold Mitchell
Shed Codes63B Fort William65A Eastfield
Friday 6 October 196163Btotal:16
J36 0-6-0 (NBR)cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0K1 2-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0
6531363B4496865A4497663BBR 4MT 2-6-06201263BBRCW T2 diesels
Shed Codes63B Fort William65A Eastfield6205263B
MallaigA stone built 1TS dead ended shed.
Saturday 1 April 1961K1/1 2-6-0K1 2-6-0
6199763B MacCailin Mor6203163B
Shed Codes63B Fort William65A EastfieldBR 4MT 2-6-0B1 4-6-06205263B

63CObanAllocations 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railwayopened:1880Feb 1950 - Apr 195563E
type:A timber-built 2TS dead-ended shed.closed:May-63May 1955 - May 196063D
location:South of the station, in the fork of the goods yard.Jun 1960 - May 196363C
AbbreviationsDr - DrummondM - MacIntoshPick - PickersgillCR - Caledonian Railway
Friday 12 May 1961cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)
stored locomotives5519565J S5522463C S5522663A S
5523063C S5523865J S
Shed Codes63A Perth South63C Oban65J Stirling
Friday 7 July 196163C9:25amtotal:10
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0 (M)
5512463C5522463C S5523063C S4515865B Glasgow Yeomanry5763563C
5520463C5522663A S5523865J Scl 2MT 2-6-0
Shed Codes63A Perth South63C Oban65B St. Rollox65J Stirling
Tuesday 29 August 196163Ctotal:16
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0
5517363C5522663C S5523363C4472163A4538965J4646063C
5520763C5523063C S5523863C S4504763A4548863A4646863C
5522463C S4511965B
Shed Codes63A Perth South63C Oban65B St. Rollox65J Stirling
Saturday 26 August 196163Ctotal:18
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 2F 0-6-0 (Dr)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0
5517363C5522663C S5744163A4488165B4538965J4646063C
5520463C5523063C Scl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)45158 *65B4548863A4646863C
5520763C5523863C S5766763C4535965J4549663A
5522463C S5526063C* named: Glasgow Yeomanry
Shed Codes63A Perth South63C Oban65B St. Rollox65J Stirling
BallachulishA timber-built 2TS dead-ended shed.
Friday 7 July 1961Friday 18 August 1961
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 2MT 2-6-0
55124 ^63C5766763C5526063C46460 ^63C
^ operated the Oban - Ballachulish branch service. 55263 was in charge of the branch line passenger trains on 18 July.