Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Monday 29 July 2024

Shed & Works Profiles - Caerphilly Works, Cardiff Radyr & Barry in 1961

Caerphilly Works
Pre Grouping Ownership - Rhymney Railwayopened:1899closed:Jun-63
Sunday 26 March 1961total:26
erecting shop and yard
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-043xx 2-6-0Grange 4-6-0
361788G aw940185A224786A634083D684982B Walton Grange
369387D aw949085A64xx 0-6-0PT637889C42xx 2-8-0T
377884A15xx 0-6-0PT641188B W730787F423287D aw521687B
461186A150481A74xx 0-6-0PT45xx 2-6-2T425086F522187B
676486B14xx 0-4-2T742287G556983D520286B524988J
979686Gaw - awaiting works in yardW - in the scrap yard
shed codes81A Old Oak Common82B St. Philip's Marsh83D Plymouth Laira84A Stafford Road85A Worcester
85B Gloucester GWR86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86B Newport Pill86F Tondu86G Pontypool Road87B Duffryn Yard
87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87G Carmarthen88B Cardiff Radyr88G Llantrisant88J Aberdare
89C Machynlleth
Tuesday 4 April 1961total:31
erecting shop and yard
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T43xx 2-6-0Hall 4-6-0
361788G940185A yd562488J637889C591684B Trinity Hall
369387D949085A566688D730787FModified Hall 4-6-0
370583E64xx 0-6-0PT664788B yd42xx 2-8-0T696583C Thirlestaine Hall
377884A641188B W665686A yd423287DGrange 4-6-0
461186A74xx 0-6-0PT14xx 0-4-2T520286B684986A Walton Grange
676486B742287G142485B520586A2251 0-6-045xx 2-6-2T
879582B15xx 0-6-0PT144781B524988J224786A556983D
shed codes81A Old Oak Common81B Slough82B St. Philip's Marsh83C Exeter83D Plymouth Laira
83E St. Blazey83D Plymouth Laira84A Stafford Road84B Oxley85A Worcester85B Gloucester GWR
86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86B Newport Pill86G Pontypool Road87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87G Carmarthen
88B Cardiff Radyr88D Merthyr88G Llantrisant88J Aberdare89C Machynlleth
Sunday 4 June 1961total:32
erecting shop and yard
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-0Hall 4-6-0
364681A340388B414586E xw631982B596482C Wolseley Hall
365487H847188B415186E633783B693288A Burwarton Hall
368088G943187D415686E634787H ydBR 4MT 4-6-072xx 2-8-2T
965481F944487B61xx 2-6-2T639485B7500181F720388J yd
971183D948387B613981E733288A yd45xx 2-6-2T720686E yd
974883G949388A yd615881A yd56xx 0-6-2T456983E724586A
yd - works yard662488B553183D yd2251 0-6-0
shed codes81A Old Oak Common81E Didcot81F Oxford82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon
83B Taunton83D Plymouth Laira83E St. Blazey83G Penzance85B Gloucester GWR86A Newport Ebbw Jct.
86E Severn Tunnel Jct.87B Duffryn Yard87D Swansea East Dk87H Neyland88A Cardiff Canton88B Cardiff Radyr
88G Llantrisant88J Aberdare89A Shrewsbury
Sunday 16 July 1961total:37
erecting shop and yard
57xx 0-6-0PT64xx 0-6-0PT51xx 2-6-2T42xx 2-8-0THall 4-6-0
375388J641088H410888H425587A494782B Nanhoran Hall
468487B56xx 0-6-2T412485A427686B496082B Pyle Hall
961186G563788C61xx 2-6-2T429386A498082B Wrottesley Hall
94xx 0-6-0PT661288B610781D522387FGrange 4-6-0
841887A668288B611981D525786A686786G Peterston Grange
844486F14xx 0-4-2T615881A72xx 2-8-2T43xx 2-6-028xx 2-8-0
847188B144481F45xx 2-6-2T720686E634682E284181D
847982BBR 4MT 4-6-0459383F723788A639485B384786E
949488A7500181F553183DBR 9F 2-10-0
shed codes81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81F Oxford82B St. Philip's Marsh
82E Bristol Barrow Rd.83D Plymouth Laira83F Truro85A Worcester85B Gloucester GWR86A Newport Ebbw Jct.
86B Newport Pill86E Severn Tunnel Jct.86F Tondu86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87B Duffryn Yard
87F Llanelly88A Cardiff Canton88B Cardiff Radyr88C Barry88H Tondu88J Aberdare
Sunday 29 October 1961total:31
erecting shop and yard
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT15xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2T42xx 2-8-0TBR 9F 2-10-0
368282C yd846484B150686A610888B yd424287F9222182E
370283F846988B16xx 0-6-0PT611586G426586A9222986A
379787D yd848683F165187F614581A427987F9223881C  yd
469088D yd942081A166889D56xx 0-6-2T429887F
963984H yd945787B14xx 0-4-2T561888D523287B
967187B948987D yd142083D668488B
971081A147183Cyd - works yard
shed codes81A Old Oak Common82C Swindon82E Bath Green Park83D Plymouth Laira83F Truro
84B Oxley84H Wellington85B Gloucester GWR86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86G Pontypool Road87B Duffryn Yard
87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly88B Cardiff Radyr88D Merthyr89D Oswestry
Sunday 12 November 1961total:38
erecting shop and yard
57xx 0-6-0PT16xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2T42xx 2-8-0TBR 9F 2-10-0
370283F94xx 0-6-0PT166889D614581E429587F9223881C
379683A340988B15xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T523287B28xx 2-8-0
379787D846484B150686A661988F72xx 2-8-2T381286E
469088D846988B14xx 0-4-2T665888C720888J
677787D848683F142083D45xx 2-6-2T43xx 2-6-0
shed codes81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81E Didcot82D Westbury82E Bristol Barrow Rd.
83A Newton Abbot83C Exeter83D Plymouth Laira83F Truro84B Oxley86A Newport Ebbw Jct.
86B Newport Pill86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel Jct.86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87B Duffryn Yard
87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly87H Neyland88B Cardiff Radyr88C Barry88D Merthyr
88F Treherbert88J Aberdare89D Oswestry

88BCardiff RadyrAllocations 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Western Railway opened:1931prior to Jan 1950RYR
type:A brick and asbestos built 4TS dead-ended shed.closed to steam:Jul-65Feb 1950 - Nov 195788A sub
location:On the south side of the line, east of Penarth junction.Dec 57- Sep 6088A
Oct 1960 - July 196588B
AbbreviationsBR - British RailwaysEE - English Electric
Sunday 16 July 196188Btotal:53
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T
364882B  aw340188B843888B560088F662688B668988B
368188B340388B847088B563588B663588B72xx 2-8-2T
14xx 0-4-2T340588B944687A566388B664788B724288B
144788B340688B51xx 2-6-2T568388B665788B725288B
0-6-0 diesels340788B414488H569788B666088B28xx 2-8-0
D3427340988B61xx 2-6-2T660888B666985B
shed codes82B St. Philip's Marsh87A Neath88B Cardiff Radyr88F Treherbert88H Tondu
88J Aberdare
Sunday 23 July 196188Btotal:53
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T
878088B340388B846988B564888B662488B xw666586E
14xx 0-4-2T340488B847088B566388B662688B668288B xw
0-6-0 diesels340688B51xx 2-6-2T568388B663588B72xx 2-8-2T
340988B61xx 2-6-2T660688B664888B724288B
xw - ex Caerphilly Works610888B660788B665788B725288B
shed codes86E Severn Tunnel Jct.88B Cardiff Radyr88F Treherbert88H Tondu
Sunday 27 August 196188Btotal:45
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T
14xx 0-4-2T340588B51xx 2-6-2T569788B664788B72xx 2-8-2T
340988B61xx 2-6-2T660888B665988B
shed codes84C Banbury84E Tyesley86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86E Severn Tunnel Jct.88B Cardiff Radyr
88F Treherbert88H Tondu
Sunday 12 November 196188Btotal:47
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T
64xx 0-6-0PT340388B847088B563588B662688B666088B
51xx 2-6-2T340588B847888B568388B663588B668288B
416088B340688B72xx 2-8-2T569788B663788B668988B
340888B724787A660688B664788B0-6-0 diesels
shed codes86E Severn Tunnel Jct.87A Neath88B Cardiff Radyr88F Treherbert

88CBarryAllocations 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Barry Railway opened:1893prior to Jan 1950BRY
type:A brick-built 6TS through road shed.closed:Sep-64Feb 1950 - Sep 6488C
location:On the east side of the station.
Sunday 27 August 196188Ctotal:25
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T
shed codes86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86G Pontypool Road87D Swansea East Dk88A Cardiff Canton
88C Barry88H Tondu
Sunday 22 October 196188Ctotal:27
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T
776488C0-6-0 diesel945188H563988C568588A665888C
shed codes88A Cardiff Canton88C Barry88F Treherbert88H Tondu
Sunday 12 November 196188Ctotal:26
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T
461888C978088C942588C563788C566888C0-6-0 diesels
shed codes88A Cardiff Canton88C Barry88H Tondu
Woodham's Yard, Barry Dock
At Woodham's - January to May 1961
57xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT45xx 2-6-2T
579486H W540784C W841988C WS946283A WS455087H WS551485B WS
675387D W541784C W847383G WS946886A W455983E WS554687H W
770284D W64xx 0-6-0PT944585B W459487H WS555283F W
771986C W640683D W944984C W550483B W555783E W
772284F W551082C WS555883A W
Sunday 21 May 1961total:18
57xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT45xx 2-6-2T
579486H W540784C W841988C WS946886A W551082C WSW - withdrawn
772284F W542289D W944585B W949187D W555283F PP - Preserved
772385C W944984C W949285B W555783E W
775887B W946283A WS949982B W555883A W
Sunday 27 August 1961total:17
57xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT45xx 2-6-2T
579486H W542289D W841988C WS946886A W551082C WSW - withdrawn
772284F W944585B W949187D W555283F PP - Preserved
772385C W944984C W949285B W555783E W
775887B W946283A WS949982B W555883A W
Sunday 22 October 1961total:17
57xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT45xx 2-6-2T
579486H W542289D W841988C WS946886A W551082C WSW - withdrawn
772284F W944585B W949187D W555283F WP - Preserved
772385C W944984C W949285B W555783E W
775887B W946283A WS949982B W555883A W
WS - locos recorded in Swindon Works yard on 29 January and 19 February.
shed codes82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon83A Newton Abbot83B Taunton83D Plymouth Laira
83E St. Blazey83F Truro83G Penzance84C Banbury84D Leamington Spa84F Stourbridge Jct.
85B Gloucester GWR85C Gloucester LMS86A Newport Ebbw Jct.86C Hereford86H Aberbeeg87B Duffryn Yard
87D Swansea East Dk87H Neyland88C Barry89D Oswestry

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