Bank Hall Locomotive Depot in 1948: two ex-Lancashire & Yorkshire engines outside the smaller through Shed: ex-L&Y 1F 0-6-0T No. 11535, fitted with dumb buffers and swinging spark-arrestor for working in the Docks; behind it is Class 30 6F 0-8-0 No. 12782. (Beyond can be glimpsed an 8F 2-8-0 with the unusual combination of 'M' as well as the BR initial '4' added to its number). Photo: 20 June 1848 by Ben Brooksbank, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 license.

Recording Locomotive Sightings 1943 - 1968
A generation of enthusiasts recorded the movements of locomotives around the railway system. These records of visits to locomotive depots have been collected and carefully analysed to provide an overall portrait for the period 1943 to 1968. During that period of steam's final years, there was a marked change from the pre-grouping types that still found work at a few depots, to the modern BR designs that worked until the end in 1968. The handling of freight and passenger services was a major undertaking from town and cities, ports, coal mines and factories. All of it traversed the labyrinth of lines that criss-crossed the country. There were numerous 'sheds' spread throughout the length and breadth of the land that provided and serviced the vast army of steam locomotives (20,000 in 1948). Here is just a taste of that history.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Shed Profile - March 1961

31BMarchAllocation 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Eastern Railwayopened:1884prior to Jan 1950MAR
type:A brick-built 10TS and a 5TS through-road shed.closed to steam:Dec-63Feb 1950 - Dec 196331B
location:On the west side of the March to Spalding line, north of the station.
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesSt - Stanier
GCR - Great Central RailwayGNR - Great Northern RailwayGER - Great Eastern RailwayNER - North Eastern Railway
BR - British RailwaysWD - War DepartmentEE - English ElectricBTH - British, Thompson-Houston Company
Saturday 28 January 196131Btotal:90
L1 2-6-4TV2 2-6-2Britannia 4-6-2cl 8F 2-8-0WD 2-8-0
6772530A W*6083031B7003631B Boadicea4816718A9001831B
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)6084936A7003731B Hereward the Wake4835018A9003640E
4314440F6085736A7003831B Robin Hood484112A9010836C
4314931B6085831BPatriot 4-6-0484452E9015031B
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)6093636A455382B Giggleswick4861416A9028636A
6186231BB1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0J17 0-6-0 (GER)4867218A9029331B
6189031B61005 *31B447162A6554131B4868118A9034031B
6191831B6104631BB16 4-6-0 (NER)6557631B4871921D9047731B
6194740E6105231B6143550A6557731BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)BR 9F 2-10-0
K1 2-6-06105931BBR 4MT 4-6-0J15 0-6-0 (GER)6361941H9218834E
6206631B6115631Bcl 4F 0-6-0Brush T2 diesels6387231BEE T3 diesels
BR 4MT 2-6-06118231B4415231BD5526D5586O2 2-8-0 (GNR)D6705D6706
7603031B6125432A4421014BD5546D56206393536ABTH T1 diesels
J69 0-6-0T (GER)J39 0-6-0J20 0-6-0 (GER)D5564D56576396736A0-6-0 diesels
W* - en route to Darlington Works ?*named BongoD5581D5669
Shed Codes2A Rugby2B Nuneaton2E Northampton14B Kentish Town15C Leicester Midland
16A Nottingham16B Kirkby-in-Ashfield18A Toton21D Aston30A Stratford31B March
32A Norwich34E New England36A Doncaster36C Frodingham40E Colwick40F Boston
41H Staveley G. C.50A York56B Ardsley
Sunday 19 February 196131Btotal:143
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)B1 4-6-0Britannia 4-6-2WD 2-8-0Brush T2 diesels
424302A61005 *31B7003631B Boadicea9001831BD5531D5600
BR 4MT 2-6-4T6104631B7003731B Hereward the Wake9002434ED5555D5618
8013533B xw6105231BV2 2-6-2O1 2-8-0 (GNR)9010440ED5563D5620
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)6105931B6082134E6368731B9015031BD5568D5621
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)6109531B6085831B6377341H9023536AD5571D5628
6191531B6117131B6094150A6380331Bcl 8F 2-8-0D5584D5660
6194036A6120331Bcl 4F 0-6-06387231B4829316AD5586D5667
6196136A6120431B440752EO2 2-8-0 (GNR)4864515BD5587D5668
6196952D xw61248 *40B4415231B6393936E4869518AD5591
K1 2-6-06125332A4452131B6394736E487572E0-6-0 diesels
6203731B6131541A4457121A6395436EBR 9F 2-10-0D2013D3328
6205131B6132331BJ20 0-6-0 (GER)J17 0-6-0 (GER)9217431BD2201D3493
6206731Bcl 5MT 4-6-06469031B6554131B9219931BD223912136
6206831B4487221D6469931B6557631BBR T2 dieselsD224015000
BR 4MT 2-6-04525321AJ39 0-6-06557731BD5043D5094D306515001
7603331BB16 4-6-0 (NER)6477231B6558331BD5053D313015002
J69 0-6-0T (GER)6144950A6490131BJ15 0-6-0 (GER)BTH T1 dieselsD332715003
6849931B*B1 names: Bongo and Geoffrey Gibbs6542031BD8210D8213EE T3 diesel
xw - 61969 ex Doncaster Works.xw - 80135 ex Darlington Works.D8212D6705
Shed Codes2A Rugby2E Northampton15B Kettering16A Nottingham18A Toton
21A Saltley21D Aston31B March32A Norwich33B Tilbury34E New England
36A Doncaster36C Frodingham36E Retford40B Immingham40E Colwick41A Sheffield Darnall
41F Mexborough41H Staveley G. C.50A York52D Tweedmouth
Sunday 23 April 196131B5.05pm - 5.50pmtotal:145
K1 2-6-0Britannia 4-6-2O1 2-8-0 (GNR)WD 2-8-0Brush T2 diesels
6201530A7003631B Boadicea6367041H9000736CD5508D5587
6203931BB1 4-6-0V2 2-6-26372531B9003540BD5525D5590
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)6105931Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)6387231B9030531BD5568D5621
6181236A6108736Acl 4F 0-6-06388731B9043840ED5570D5657
6191831B6109631B4427331BO2 2-8-0 (GNR)9054036CD5572D5661
6192131B6117131B4440116A6392236Acl 8F 2-8-0D5578D5662
6192931B6120331BJ17 0-6-0 (GER)6393936E480352AD5579D5664
6195431B6128332A6555431BJ19 0-6-0 (GER)4850718AD5585
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)6129150A6557631B6464332A4864515B0-6-0 diesels
4308631B6132930A6557731BJ20 0-6-0 (GER)J39 0-6-0D2015D3493
BR 4MT 2-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-06558331B6467730A6477231BD2239D3494
7603031B447152AJ15 0-6-0 (GER)6468731B6477931BD2240D2237
7603131B4477521A6542031B6469031BBR 9F 2-10-0D306512136
7603231B4488821A6545831Bcl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)9220036AD313015000
7603331B4523121DBTH T1 diesels423812AJ69 0-6-0T (GER)D332815001
*named BongoD8213D8215L1 2-6-4T6849931BD349115002
Shed Codes2A Rugby15B Kettering15D Coalville16A Nottingham18A Toton
18B Westhouses21A Saltley21D Aston30A Stratford31B March32A Norwich
36A Doncaster36E Retford40A Lincoln40B Immingham40E Colwick41H Staveley G. C.
50A York50B Hull Dairycotes
Friday 1 September 196131B8pmtotal:92
K1 2-6-0B1 4-6-0Britannia 4-6-2cl 8F 2-8-0Brush T2 diesels
6203931B6105231B7000331B John Bunyan481888BD5525D5659
6205131B6108736A7003731B Hereward the Wake4838418AD5563D5660
6205431B6110736Acl 4F 0-6-0 (F)J17 0-6-0 (GER)484112AD5599D5663
6206831B6120531Bcl 4F 0-6-06558231BWD 2-8-0D5656D5697
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)6123631B442192E6558331B9001831BD5658
6181040A6129556B4427331BJ15 0-6-0 (GER)9020831BEE T3 diesel
6186231Bcl 5MT 4-6-04451721DJ20 0-6-0 (GER)O1 2-8-0 (GNR)BTH T1 diesels
6190841F448312AJ39 0-6-06469131B6374631BD8217
6191831B448362A6477931B6469931B6380331B0-6-0 diesels
6194231B4507121E6490131BBR 9F 2-10-06387231BD2012D2239
6196331BBR 4MT 2-6-0V2 2-6-29203834E6388731BD2238D3065
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)7603231B6085831B9219136A6389031B
4309340FBR 4MT 2-6-4T6094831B9219236AO2 2-8-0 (GNR)
Crab 2-6-0 (H/F)8007533B xw6392736E
428112Bxw - ex Darlington Works6398736E
Shed Codes2A Rugby2B Nuneaton2E Northampton8B Warrington15D Coalville
16A Nottingham18A Toton21A Saltley21D Aston21E Monument Lane31B March
33B Tilbury34E New England36A Doncaster36E Retford40A Lincoln40E Colwick
41F Mexborough41H Staveley G. C.56B Ardsley
Sunday 24 September 196131Btotal:158
K1 2-6-0Britannia 4-6-2O1 2-8-0 (GNR)WD 2-8-0Brush T2 diesels
6203731B7000131B Lord Hurcomb6363041H9001831BD5508D5584
6205131B7000231B Geoffrey Chaucer6368731B9002333BD5525D5600
6206731B7000331B John Bunyan6372531B9015031BD5526D5620
6206831B7000531B John Milton6380331B9015636AD5531D5621
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)7003031B William Wordsworth6387231B9020241DD5533D5630
6180036A7003431B Thomas Hardy6388731B9025118BD5547D5655
6180740A7003740B Hereward the Wake6389031B9027931BD5564D5659
6183740EPatriot 4-6-0O4 2-8-0 (GCR)9029331BD5568D5660
6188631B455412B Duke of Sutherland6361736C9030531BD5569D5661
6189440E455448Bcl 5MT 4-6-06367540E9035841FD5570D5662
6191531BV2 2-6-2447112A6390636C9043240ED5571D5667
6191831B6083031B4487621DO2 2-8-0 (GNR)9044731BD5572D5669
6194631B6093831BB1 4-6-06393536A9047731BD5580D5802
6195431B6094831B61005 *31A6394936E9049941FD5581D5803
6196331BJ20 0-6-0 (GER)6105231BJ17 0-6-0 (GER)9050131BD5582
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)6468731B6105931B6554131B9055036C0-6-0 diesels
BR 4MT 2-6-06469131B6109631B6557631Bcl 8F 2-8-015000D2239
7603131Bcl 4F 0-6-06120331B6557831B4812417A15002D3491
7603431B4430416A6123331BBTH T1 diesels4833621AD2010D3493
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4452131B6123631BD8213D8216485138AD2016D3494
425412AJ15 0-6-0 (GER)6125231BD82144866341EEE T3 diesels
*named Bongo
Shed Codes2A Rugby2B Nuneaton8A Edge Hill8B Warrington16A Nottingham
17A Derby18A Toton18B Westhouses21A Saltley21D Aston31B March
36A Doncaster36C Frodingham40A Lincoln40B Immingham40E Colwick40F Boston
41D Canklow41E Staveley B. Hill41F Mexborough41H Staveley GC
Sunday 8 October 196131Btotal:156
K1 2-6-0Britannia 4-6-2O1 2-8-0 (GNR)WD 2-8-0Brush T2 diesels
6203731B7000231B Geoffrey Chaucer6368731B9000540ED5508D5583
6205131B7000531B John Milton6372531B9004236AD5528D5620
6205531B7000831B Black Prince6387931B9020831BD5538D5621
6206731B7000931B Alfred the Great6388731B9034031BD5547D5628
6206831B7001131B Hotspur6389031B9044731BD5548D5656
6207031B7001231B John of GauntO2 2-8-0 (GNR)9047731BD5553D5657
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)7003431B Thomas Hardy6393936E9050131BD5560D5658
6180036APatriot 4-6-06394136A9052231BD5563D5659
6183431B455412B Duke of Sutherland6394636E9055136AD5566D5660
6183936AB1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-06394834F9055931BD5568D5661
6184031B6100136A447602A6396436Ecl 8F 2-8-0D5569D5663
6188631B6106631B450015BJ20 0-6-0 (GER)4806518CD5574D5668
6194550B6120331BV2 2-6-26468731B481732AD5580D5802
6194831B6120531B6085736AJ15 0-6-0 (GER)4819518A0-6-0 diesels
6195841F6123631B6094336A6545831BJ17 0-6-0 (GER)D2031D3494
BR 4MT 2-6-06125231B6098150A6547831A6554131BD220212136
7603031B6132331Bcl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4F 0-6-06556031BD223815000
7603131BCrab 2-6-0 (St)421032A4420541E6557631BD223915001
7603231B429652Bcl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4427331B6557731BD306515002
7603331BBTH T1 diesels424302A4452131B6557831BD349115003
7603431BD8212D8216cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4455117B6558231BEE T3 diesel
D82154387615DBR 9F 2-10-0D6710
Shed Codes2A Rugby2B Nuneaton5B Crewe South15B Kettering15D Coalville
16A Nottingham17B Burton-on-Trent18A Toton18C Hasland21A Saltley21D Aston
31A Cambridge31B March34F Grantham36A Doncaster36E Retford40B Immingham
40E Colwick41E Staveley B. Hill41F Mexborough50A York50B Hull Dairycotes
Sunday 15 October 196131Btotal:147
K1 2-6-0Britannia 4-6-2O1 2-8-0 (GNR)WD 2-8-0Brush T2 diesels
6203931B7000131B Lord Hurcomb6364641H9003640ED5508D5620
6205131B7000231B Geoffrey Chaucer6368731B9004550AD5527D5621
6205531B7000331B John Bunyan6372531B9006336AD5535D5626
6206731B7000531B John Milton6374631B9006441FD5537D5628
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)7000831B Black Prince6387231B9034031BD5552D5655
6182936A7001231B John of Gaunt6387931B9041441DD5563D5656
6183740E7003031B William Wordsworth6388731B9044731BD5564D5658
6184031B7003431B Thomas Hardy6389031B9047731BD5570D5659
6186231BB1 4-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0O4/1 2-8-0 (GCR)9050131BD5572D5663
6191831B6105840A449092AO4/8 2-8-0 (GCR)9060841FD5579D5665
6194231B6120331B4518621AO2 2-8-0 (GNR)cl 8F 2-8-0D5592D5670
6194831B6120531B452222A6394636E4812718A0-6-0 diesels
BR 4MT 2-6-06123631B4535321D6397836A485262AD2011D3494
7603031B6132331B454932A6398336Ecl 7F 0-8-0 G2D203112136
7603131BV2 2-6-2J20 0-6-0 (GER)J17 0-6-0 (GER)494392BD223715000
7603231B6084936A6464631A6554131BJ15 0-6-0 (GER)D306515003
Crab 2-6-0 (St)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)6469131B6557731B6547831AEE T4 diesel
429652B424302Acl 4F 0-6-06557831BBTH T1 dieselsD354
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)425442A4409121A6558231BD8211D8218EE T3 diesel
4308540Fcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4452131BBR 9F 2-10-0D8217D6710
Shed Codes2A Rugby2B Nuneaton8B Warrington16A Nottingham18A Toton
21A Saltley21D Aston31A Cambridge31B March34E New England34F Grantham
36A Doncaster36C Frodingham36E Retford40A Lincoln40E Colwick40F Boston
41D Canklow41F Mexborough41H Staveley G. C.50A York56B Ardsley
Sunday 12 November 196131B1.40pmtotal:136
K1 2-6-0Britannia 4-6-2O1 2-8-0 (GNR)cl 8F 2-8-0Brush T2 diesels
6203831B7000231B Geoffrey Chaucer6372531B480122AD5508D5579
6205131B7000331B John Bunyan6374631B4819718AD5525D5580
6205531B7000531B John Milton6378631B4833318AD5529D5584
6206731B7000931B Alfred the Great6380331B4863816AD5538D5600
6206831B7001231B John of Gaunt6386831B4866921AD5547D5620
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)cl 5MT 4-6-0B1 4-6-06387231B4876316AD5548D5629
6183431B447712A6105231B6388731BWD 2-8-0D5559D5657
6188631B4494221D6120331BO4/3 2-8-0 (GCR)9050136AD5564D5659
6192931B453288B6120532A6373541HJ17 0-6-0 (GER)D5569D5663
6196331BB16 4-6-0 (NER)6123331BO4/6 2-8-0 (GCR)6554131BD5570D5664
6198750BV2 2-6-26125231BO2 2-8-0 (GNR)6557631BD5574D5670
BR 4MT 2-6-06083150A6132331B6394236E6557731BD5577D5800
7603031B6085736Acl 4F 0-6-06397736A6557831BD5578D5803
7603131B6090936A4416615D6398436A6558231B0-6-0 diesels
7603331B6091234E4427331BJ20 0-6-0 (GER)J15 0-6-0 (GER)D2237D3492
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)6091736A4441415C6468731B6542031BD2238D3494
421042ABTH T1 diesels4450931B6469031BEE T3 dieselsD223912136
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)D8212D8217BR 9F 2-10-06469131BD6712D6715D306515000
425732AD82159216836A6469931BEE T4 dieselsD332715001
Shed Codes2A Rugby8B Warrington15C Leicester Midland15D CoalvilleD349115003
16A Nottingham18A Toton21A Saltley21D Aston31B March32A Norwich
34E New England36A Doncaster36C Frodingham36E Retford40E Colwick41H Staveley G. C.
50A York50B Hull Dairycotes

March (31B) Locos - Out & About during 1961
4309031Bcl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)12-Mar-6141H Staveley GCalso 14 May
4310531Bcl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)25-Jun-6115C Leicester Midland
4314931Bcl 4MT 2-6-022-Apr-61Doncaster Worksshops, also 6 May
4415231Bcl 4F 0-6-026-Feb-6117A Derbyalso 25 June
4415231Bcl 4F 0-6-09-Apr-6118A Toton
4415231Bcl 4F 0-6-013-Aug-619F Heaton Merseyen route to Horwich Wks
4415231Bcl 4F 0-6-09-Sep-61Horwich WorksW - also 9 Dec.
4427331Bcl 4F 0-6-016-Apr-6115C Leicester Midland
4450931Bcl 4F 0-6-026-Mar-6115C Leicester Midlandalso 24/9 & 8/10
4452131Bcl 4F 0-6-04-Jun-6115C Leicester Midland
6080331BV2 2-6-29-Apr-6151A Darlingtonawaiting works
6080331BV2 2-6-214-May-6151A Darlingtonex works
6080331BV2 2-6-22-Jul-61Darlington Worksyard, shops 9/7 - 13/8
6080331BV2 2-6-224-Sep-6134E New England
6083031BV2 2-6-223-Apr-61Darlington Worksshops, also 14 May
6083031BV2 2-6-29-Jul-6151A Darlingtonex works
6085831BV2 2-6-23-Jun-61Darlington Workserecting shop
6085831BV2 2-6-27-Oct-61Darlington Workserecting shop
6093831BV2 2-6-215-Oct-6136A Doncaster
6094831BV2 2-6-27-Oct-61Darlington Worksss, yard 4/11, shops 9/12
6105231BB1 4-6-016-Jul-6136A Doncaster
6105931BB1 4-6-015-Oct-6141A Darnallam
6105931BB1 4-6-015-Oct-612F Woodford Halsepm
6106631BB1 4-6-018-Mar-61Doncaster Workserecting shop
6106631BB1 4-6-04-Jun-6115C Leicester Midland
6109531BB1 4-6-027-May-61Doncaster Worksshops, paint shop 3 June
6109531BB1 4-6-018-Jun-6136A Doncasterex works
6109631BB1 4-6-011-Feb-61Doncaster Workserecting shop
6109631BB1 4-6-012-Nov-6141J Langwith Jct.
6117131BB1 4-6-015-Oct-61Doncaster Worksworks yard
6117131BB1 4-6-012-Nov-6140A Lincoln
6118231BB1 4-6-023-Apr-6130A Stratford
6118231BB1 4-6-024-Sep-6140A Lincoln
6120331BB1 4-6-016-Apr-6115C Leicester Midland
6120431BB1 4-6-018-Jun-6140A Lincoln
6120431BB1 4-6-016-Jul-61Doncaster Workserecting shop
6120431BB1 4-6-015-Oct-6136A Doncaster
6120531BB1 4-6-022-Apr-61Doncaster Worksshops, paint shop 6 May
6123631BB1 4-6-012-Feb-6117A Derby
6183431BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)29-Oct-6141A Darnall
6183431BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)10-Dec-6140E Colwick
6184031BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)19-Feb-6141F Mexborough
6184031BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)16-Jul-6136A Doncaster
6184031BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)26-Nov-6141J Langwith Jct.
6186231BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)12-Mar-6141J Langwith Jct.also 6 May
6188631BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)19-Feb-6141J Langwith Jct.
6188631BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)5-Mar-6136A Doncasteralso 30 April
6189031BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)30-Apr-6136A Doncasteralso 16 July & 15 Oct.
6189031BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)14-May-6141J Langwith Jct.
6189031BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)24-Sep-6140A Lincoln
6191531BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)6-May-61Doncaster Workserecting shop
6192131BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)14-May-6141J Langwith Jct.
6192931BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)14-May-6141A Darnall
6192931BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)5-Nov-6136A Doncaster
6194231BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)14-Jan-61Doncaster Works
6194231BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)19-Feb-6136A Doncasterex works
6194231BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)24-Sep-6140A Lincolnalso 26 November
6194631BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)8-Jan-61Kings Cross
6194631BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)8-Jan-6134A Kings Cross
6194631BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)14-Jan-6136A Doncaster
6194631BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)12-Mar-6141J Langwith Jct.
6194631BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)15-Oct-6141A Darnall
6194831BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)30-Aug-6156B Ardsley
6195431BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)14-Jan-61Doncaster Workserecting shop 14 Feb.
6195431BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)22-Oct-6141J Langwith Jct.
6195431BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)12-Nov-6140A Lincoln
6196331BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)26-Aug-6156B Ardsley
6196331BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)15-Oct-6136A Doncaster
6196331BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)29-Oct-6141A Darnall
6196331BK3 2-6-0 (GNR)26-Nov-6140A Lincoln
6203831BK1 2-6-019-Feb-6141H Staveley GC
6203831BK1 2-6-026-Nov-6141J Langwith Jct.
6203931BK1 2-6-05-Mar-61Doncaster Workserecting shop
6203931BK1 2-6-09-Dec-61Doncaster Workserecting shop
6204031BK1 2-6-019-Feb-6141J Langwith Jct.
6204031BK1 2-6-026-Aug-61Doncaster Workserecting shop
6204031BK1 2-6-024-Sep-6136A Doncasterex works
6204031BK1 2-6-08-Oct-6136A Doncaster
6205131BK1 2-6-027-May-61Doncaster Worksshops, paint shop 3 June
6205431BK1 2-6-024-Sep-6140A Lincoln
6205531BK1 2-6-024-Sep-6134E New England
6206631BK1 2-6-030-Apr-6136A Doncaster
6206631BK1 2-6-018-Jun-6140A Lincoln
6206631BK1 2-6-010-Sep-6141J Langwith Jct.
6206831BK1 2-6-05-Mar-6136A Doncaster
6206831BK1 2-6-014-May-6116D Annesley
6207031BK1 2-6-012-Nov-6141E Barrow Hill
6368731BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)18-Jun-6140A Lincoln
6368731BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)22-Oct-6141J Langwith Jct.also 12 November
6372531BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)26-Mar-6134E New England
6372531BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)14-May-6141J Langwith Jct.
6374631BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)14-May-6141J Langwith Jct.
6378031BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)6-May-6140A Lincoln
6378631BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)10-Sep-6141H Staveley GC
6380331BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)19-Feb-6141F Mexborough
6386831BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)18-Jun-6140A Lincoln
6387231BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)6-May-6140A Lincoln
6387931BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)19-Feb-6134E New England
6387931BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)12-Mar-6141F Mexborough
6387931BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)30-Jul-6141J Langwith Jct.also 26 November
6387931BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)24-Sep-6140A Lincoln
6388731BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)18-Jun-6136A Doncasteralso 19 November
6388731BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)10-Sep-6141J Langwith Jct.
6389031BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)19-Feb-6141J Langwith Jct.also 12 Mar & 26 Nov.
6477231BJ39 0-6-018-Jun-6140A Lincoln
6477931BJ39 0-6-01-Oct-61Doncaster WorksWithdrawn (Sep 61)
6490131BJ39 0-6-08-Oct-6141F MexboroughW - to Doncaster Works
6490131BJ39 0-6-015-Oct-61Doncaster WorksWithdrawn (Oct 61)
6558931BJ17 0-6-0 (GER)8-Jan-6130A Stratfordwithdrawn
7000031BBritanniaBritania 4-6-21-Oct-61Doncaster Worksyard, shops 15/10 to 18/11
7000831BBlack PrinceBritania 4-6-229-Oct-61Doncaster Worksyd, shops 18/11, ps 9/12
7001131BHotspurBritannia 4-6-212-Nov-6140A Lincoln
7001231BJohn of GauntBritannia 4-6-224-Sep-6134E New England
7001331BOliver CromwellBritania 4-6-219-Nov-6136A Doncasterex works
7003031BWilliam WordsworthBritania 4-6-226-Aug-61Doncaster Worksshops yard 1 October
7003431BThomas HardyBritania 4-6-216-Jul-61Doncaster Worksyard, paint shop 26 August
7003531BRudyard KiplingBritania 4-6-222-Apr-61Doncaster Worksyard, shops 27/5 & 1 July
7003531BRudyard KiplingBritania 4-6-216-Sep-61Doncaster Worksyard, shops 1 October
7003631BBoadiceaBritannia 4-6-26-May-6140A Lincoln
7003631BBoadiceaBritania 4-6-216-Sep-61Doncaster Works
7003831BRobin HoodBritania 4-6-214-Jan-61Doncaster Works
7003831BRobin HoodBritania 4-6-216-Jul-61Doncaster Worksshops, yard 26 August
7003831BRobin HoodBritania 4-6-216-Sep-61Doncaster Worksyd, shops 1 Oct, ps 15 Oct.
7603031BBR 4MT 2-6-014-Jan-61Doncaster Works
7603031BBR 4MT 2-6-019-Feb-6136C Frodingham
7603131BBR 4MT 2-6-011-Feb-61Doncaster Worksworks yard
7603131BBR 4MT 2-6-06-May-61Doncaster Worksshops, paint shop 27 May
7603131BBR 4MT 2-6-025-Jun-6115C Leicester Midland
7603231BBR 4MT 2-6-05-Mar-61Doncaster Worksyard, shops 18 March
7603331BBR 4MT 2-6-014-Jan-61Doncaster Works
9015031BWD 2-8-030-Aug-6141D Canklow
9027931BWD 2-8-019-Feb-6131A Cambridge
9027931BWD 2-8-09-Apr-6151A Darlingtonawaiting works
9027931BWD 2-8-023-Apr-61Darlington Works
9027931BWD 2-8-014-May-6151A Darlingtonex works
9029331BWD 2-8-019-Feb-6131A Cambridge
9030531BWD 2-8-019-Feb-6141J Langwith Jct.
9034031BWD 2-8-023-Apr-6130A Stratford
9034031BWD 2-8-013-Aug-619F Heaton Mersey
9034031BWD 2-8-05-Nov-6136A Doncaster
9047731BWD 2-8-022-Oct-6141J Langwith Jct.
9052231BWD 2-8-024-Sep-6115C Leicester Midland

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