Index of Sheds & Works

Shed Allocations 1961 - Recent Additions

Wednesday 18 September 2024

Shed Profiles - Cumbria 1961

12CCarlisle Canal1961 Allocation
Pre Grouping Ownership - North British Railwayopened:1862Sep 1938 - Jan 1950CAR
type: A stone-built round house with a brick-built 3TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jun-63Feb 1950 - Oct 195112B
location: On the north side of the Silloth line, west of Canal Junction.Oct 1951 - Jan 195868E
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesApr 1958 - June 196312C
St - StanierBR - British RailwaysGER - Great Eastern RailwayNBR - North British Railway
GNR - Great Northern RailwayNER - North Eastern RailwayWD - War Department
Friday 31st March 196112Ctotal:31
cl 4MT 2-6-0V2 2-6-2J39 0-6-0B1 4-6-0A2 4-6-2
4313912C6082764A6473312C6106412C6053764B Bachelor's Button
K1 2-6-06083664A6488412C6121712CA1 4-6-2
6202852C6091352D6488812C6122212C6016064B Auld Reekie
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)J36 0-6-0 (NBR)6489212C6123912CA3 4-6-2
6185812C6523712C6489512C6129012C6005764B Ormonde
6193612C6532112C6493212CJ38 0-6-0 D34 4-4-0 (NBR)
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)6496412C6591564A6248464G Glen Lyon
6915512C6449912C0-6-0 diesels
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Canal52C Blaydon52D Tweedmouth1208412085D3171
64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64G Hawick
Monday 22 May 196112Ctotal:33
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)V2 2-6-2K3 2-6-0 (GNR)J39 0-6-0A4 4-6-2
4231712C60860 ^52B6193052D6488812C6001264B Comm. of Australia
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)6089734E6193612C6489512CA3 4-6-2
4244912CB1 4-6-06198452D6489912C6005764B Ormonde
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)6107664BJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)6493212C6007912C Bayardo
4313912C6121712C6523712CJ35 0-6-0 (NBR)A1 4-6-2
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)61245 *64B6529312C6449912C6013252B Marmion
6915512C6129012C6531212CBR 2MT 2-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-00-6-0 diesels
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)6139512C6532112C7804664G4504412B12084D3565
6956412C* B1 name: Murray of Elibank^V2 name: Durham SchoolD3171
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Upperby12C Carlisle Canal34E New England52B Heaton
52D Tweedmouth64B Haymarket64G Hawick
Friday 30 June 196112Ctotal:34
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)V2 2-6-2K3 2-6-0 (GNR)J39 0-6-0A3 4-6-2
4208112C6081864A6193612C6473312C6006812C Sir Visto
4221012C60835 ^52BB1 4-6-06487152B6007912C Bayardo S
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)6088364A6122212C6488412C6008964A Felstead
4231712C6093452A6130764A6489512C6009464B Colorado
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)6093764A6135664A6489912CJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)
4244012C6094952A6139512C6493212C S6523712C6449912C
4244912C6097852A61242 *12CS - stored6529312CN2 0-6-2T (GNR)
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)K1 2-6-0* B1 name: Alexander Reith Gray6532112C6956412C
6915512C6200652C^ V2: The Green Howard, Alexandra, Princess of Wales's Own Yorkshire Regiment
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Canal52A Gateshead52B Heaton52C Blaydon
64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket
Sunday 16 July 196112Ctotal:24
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)K3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0J39 0-6-0A4 4-6-2
4208112C6193612C6106412C6487712C6001264B Comm. of Australia
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)BR 2MT 2-6-06122212C6489512CA3 4-6-2
4231712C7804764G61242 *12CJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)6006812C Sir Visto
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)N15 0-6-2T (NBR)6132412C6523712C6007912C Bayardo S
4244912C6915512C6139512C6531212C6009312C Coronach
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)J38 0-6-0A2 4-6-2
6956412C6449912C6591264A6053464B Irish Elegance
* B1 name: Alexander Reith Gray6592064A
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Canal64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64G Hawick
Friday 18 August 196112Ctotal:30
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)V2 2-6-2B1 4-6-0J39 0-6-0A4 4-6-2
4208112C6089264A6121712C6473312C6001264B Comm. of Australia
4209512C6093364A6122212C6488412CA3 4-6-2
4221012CK1 2-6-06132412C6488812C6003512C Windsor Lad
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)6202552C6135464AJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)6007912C Bayardo S
4231712Ccl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)6139512C6523712C6009312C Coronach
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)4313912CJ35 0-6-0 (NBR)6529312C6009964B Call Boy
6915512C6449912C6531212CA2 4-6-2
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)Clan 4-6-26532112C6053464B Irish Elegance
6956412C7200712A Clan Mackintosh
Shed Codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor12C Carlisle Canal52C Blaydon64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket
Monday 28 August 196112Ctotal:24
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)V2 2-6-2B1 4-6-0J39 0-6-0A3 4-6-2
4206712C6089264A6106412C6487712C6009312C Coronach
4208112C6093764A6121712C6488812C6009864B Spion Kop
4221012CK3 2-6-0 (GNR)6122212C6489512CA2 4-6-2
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)6196864A6135464A6489912C6052964B Pearl Diver
4231712CN2 0-6-2T (GNR)6139512CJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)
BR 4MT 2-6-4T6956412C6523712C6449912C
Shed Codes12A Carlisle Kingmoor64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64G Hawick
Sunday 1 October 196112Ctotal:35
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)V2 2-6-2Britannia 4-6-2A3 4-6-2
4206712C6089464A7001612C Ariel6006812C Sir Visto
4208112C6090064A7001812C Flying Dutchman6009312C Coronach
4209512CK3 2-6-0 (GNR)J39 0-6-0J36 0-6-0 (NBR)A1 4-6-2
4221012C6193612C6473312C6523712C6015264B Holyrood
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)K1 2-6-06487712C6529312C6015350A Flamboyant
4244912C6200252C6488812C6531212CA2 4-6-2
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)B1 4-6-0J38 0-6-06532112C6053064B Sayajirao
6915512C6121712C6591564AJ35 0-6-0 (NBR)Glen" D34 4-4-0 (NBR)
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)6123912Ccl 5MT 4-6-06449912C6248464G Glen Lyon
6956412C4489526Acl 3F 0-6-0T0-6-0 diesels
Shed Codes12C Carlisle Canal12F Workington26A Newton Heath50A York52C Blaydon
64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64G Hawick

12EBarrow1961 Allocation
Post Grouping Ownership - Furness Railwayopened:1874Feb 1938 - Mar 195811B
type: A brick-built 10TS dead-ended shed.closed to steam:Dec-66Apr 1958 - May 196011A
location: On the south side of the old Furness Railway Works, by the Docks.June 1960 - Aug 196312E
Sep 1963 - Dec 196612C
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesI - IvattJ - Johnson
St - StanierBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Saturday 10 June 196112Etotal:42
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
4236412E S4302512F4430624L W446616J4728712E4751812E
4239512Ecl 2F 0-6-0 (J)4444312E4514112E4733924L W4756412E
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)5811512E W4445412E4524124L W4734512E4767612E
4242712E S5817712E4448712E4525812E4737312Ecl 8F 2-8-0
4243212E5818112E S4459412E4538312E4740924L W4816055B
cl 2P 4-4-05829312E W4460112E4543412F4750312E485058C
4065612B Wcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4544512E4751712E
4400355BS - storedW - withdrawn
shed codes6J Holyhead8C Speke Junction12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington
24L Carnforth55B Stourton55F Manningham
Sunday 16 July 196112Etotal:50
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)cl 4F 0-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4211912E4242712E S4418612E4559224L Indore456385A Zanzibar
4267312E4266612E4430624L Wcl 5MT 4-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-04434712E4467612E4728712E4750512E
4234012Ecl 2F 0-6-0 (J)4444312E4514112E4732212E4751812E
4235112E5816012E4445412E4515024K4733924L W4756412E
4236412E S5817712E4448712E4530512F4735612E4767512E
4237612E5829312E W4453712E4536412F4737312E4767612E
4239512Ecl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4459412E4538312E4740924L Wcl 2P 4-4-0
S - stored4401612B4460112EW - withdrawn4750312E4065612B W
shed codes5A Crewe North12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington12H Tebay
24J Lancaster24K Preston24L Carnforth
Sunday 24 September 196112Etotal:51
cl 2P 0-4-4Tcl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 2F 0-6-0 (J)cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
4190324J W4234012E5811512E4406012B4728712E4756412E
4190424J W4234712E5812012E4418612E4731712E4763924J W
cl 3P 2-6-2T (F)4235112E5816012E4435112E4732212E4764812E
4001624L W4235512E5817712E4444312E4734512E4767612E
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)4236412E S5818112E4445412E4735612Ecl 5MT 4-6-0
4267312E4240212Ecl 4MT 2-6-04453712E4750512E4489126A
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)cl 2P 4-4-04300012B0-6-0 diesels4751712E4519324L
4242712E S4062812B W4300412FD2511D25124751812E4525812E
S - storedW - withdrawn4302512F4752012E4538312E
shed codes12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington24J Lancaster
24L Carnforth26A Newton Heath

12FWorkington1961 Allocation
Pre Grouping Ownership - London & North Western Railwayopened:1890c 1935 - Sep 195512D
type: A brick-built 12TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jan-68Oct 1955 - Mar 195812C
location: East of the line, south of Workington Main station.Apr 1958 - May 196011B
June 1960 - Aug 196312F
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnI - IvattSep 1963 - Dec 196712D
St - StanierBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Monday 22 May 196112Ftotal:31
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)cl 4F 0-6-0
4259112E4643312F4524612Bcl 3F 0-6-0T4406512F4444912F
cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)4644212D4530512F4729012F4412612B4446112F
4300412F4645612F4540212B4752512F W4429212F4449512F
4302512FW - withdrawn4439012F4454912F
Shed Codes12B Carlisle Upperby12D Kirkby Stephen12E Barrow12F Workington24L Carnforth
Sunday 9 July 196112Ftotal:32
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4643312F4300812F4514112E4429212F4739012F
4259112E4645612F4302612FWD 2-8-04439924L4760412F
4645712Bcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)9006441F4443912F4761012F
4648812F4403512F905326B4450512F0-6-0 diesel
Shed Codes6B Mold Junction12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington24L Carnforth
41F Mexborough
Sunday 16 July 196112Ftotal:31
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4643312F4301112H4501424L4446112F4739012F
4645712FWD 2-8-04545112B4761012F
4648812F9015712H0-6-0 diesel
Shed Codes6B Mold Junction12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington12H Tebay
24L Carnforth
Sunday 24 September 196112Ftotal:24
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4644212FJubilee 4-6-04528212F4443912F4734412F
4258112E4648812F457375A Atlas4539424L4450512F4739012F
4649112F0-6-0 dieselcl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4752212F
Shed Codes5A Crewe North12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow4401612B4760412F
12F Workington24L Carnforth55B Stourton4761012F
Tuesday 3 October 196112F9.50pm - 10.05pmtotal:28
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)cl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4644212F4302512F4406512F4444912F4734412F
4649112Fcl 5MT 4-6-04434612B4450512F4759312F
Shed Codes12B Carlisle Upperby12E Barrow12F Workington24L Carnforth

12HTebay1961 Allocation
Pre Grouping Ownership - London & North Western Railwayopened:1947 replacementSep 1935 - Jan 195011E
type: A brick-built 4TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jan-68Feb 1950 - May 196011D
location: On the west side of Tebay station.June 1960 - Aug 196312H
Sep 1963 - Jan 196812E
AbbreviationsF - FowlerI - IvattWD - War Department
Saturday 10 June 196112Htotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-0WD 2-8-0
Sunday 9 July 196112Htotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)WD 2-8-0
Shed Codes12F Workington24L Carnforth
Sunday 16 July 196112Htotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-0 (I)

12GOxenholme1961 Allocation
Pre Grouping Ownership - London & North Western Railwayopened:1880Sep 1935 - Jan 195011D
type: A brick-built 4TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jun-62Feb 1950 - Apr 196011C
location: On the west side of the line, south of Oxenhope station.May 1960 - June 196212G
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnSt - Stanier
Saturday 10 June 196112Gtotal:5
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)
Sunday 16 July 196112Gtotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)
Sunday 8 October 196112Gtotal:7
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)

See Also:
12A Carlisle Kingmoor 1961 (new content added September 2024)

Observations at Carlisle, Saturday 15th July 1961
4533412Acl 5MT 4-6-08.25am Edinburgh-Blackpool1M83
4612166AHighland Light InfantryRoyal Scot 4-6-0le
4525167Dcl 5MT 4-6-08.10am Heads of Ayr-Newcastle
D9005-Deltic T5 dieselrelieved 45251
D5100-BR T2 dieselNewcastle - Stranraer
6053464BIrish EleganceA2 4-6-26.40am ex Waverley pass. Arriv
4501312Acl 5MT 4-6-0Blantyre - Blackpool special1X04
4531524Kcl 5MT 4-6-0up special1M43
455875ABarodaJubilee 4-6-08.35am Glasgow-Birmingham
4546767Bcl 5MT 4-6-06.55am St. Enoch-Carlisle arriv.
4545112Bcl 5MT 4-6-09.21am Morecambe-Glasgow1S40
4573012AOceanJubilee 4-6-08.57am Glasgow-Southport1X05
4516067Ccl 5MT 4-6-08.38am Ayr-Manchester1M97
4467012Acl 5MT 4-6-0relieved 45160
4499267Bcl 5MT 4-6-08.35am Heads of Ayr-Leeds1N62
4533012Acl 5MT 4-6-0relieved 44992
4244012Ccl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)ecs for Silloth branch
461111ARoyal FusilierRoyal Scot 4-6-0down milk train
4732612Bcl 3F 0-6-0Tsouth end shunting
4734212Bcl 3F 0-6-0Tsouth end shunting
453218Bcl 5MT 4-6-026A down CTAC Scottish Tour1S43
4568812BPolyphemusJubilee 4-6-07.48am Whitehaven-Carlisle arr.
7200166AClan CameronClan 4-6-29.15am Glasgow-Blackpool1M21
7310067ABR 5MT 4-6-09am St. Enoch-Leeds
D25-Peak T4 diesel9.20am St. Enoch-St.Pancras
4557424EIndiaJubilee 4-6-08.50am Blackpool-Glasgow1S44
4622466APrincess AlexandraCoronation 4-6-2down parcels
D300-EE T4 dieselup Royal Scot1M22
6473312CJ39 0-6-0Silloth branch passenger
4550712BRoyal Tank CorpsPatriot 4-6-08.40am Blackpool-Glasgow1S34
456135AKenyaJubilee 4-6-0Birmingham-Edinburgh pass.1M23
4623066ADuchess of BuccleuchCoronation 4-6-210.05am Glasgow-Birmingham1M24
462535ACity of St. AlbansCoronation 4-6-2relieved 462301M24
4565441CHoodJubilee 4-6-0special passenger1S33
4529026Acl 5MT 4-6-09 coach special1S46
462545ACity of Stoke-on-TrentCoronation 4-6-210.15am Glasgow-Euston1M25
D235-EE T4 dieselpassenger1M26
4610566ACameron HighlanderRoyal Scot 4-6-09.30am Manchester-Glasgow1S45
4475755Acl 5MT 4-6-0Edinburgh-Sheffield1 E26
4571026AIrresistibleJubilee 4-6-09.20am Manchester-Glasgow
D15-Peak T4 dieselup Waverley
D3-Peak T4 dieselPerth-Euston passenger1M26
D235-EE T4 dieselrelieved D31M26
7005066AFirth of ClydeBritannia 4-6-29.43am Liverpool-Glasgow1S47
D18-Peak T4 diesel10.20am Leeds-St.Enoch1S49
4622366APrincess AliceCoronation 4-6-29.15am Crewe-Glasgow
7305566ABR 5MT 4-6-010.30 Blantyre-Birmingham1M52
4562167ANorthern RhodesiaJubilee 4-6-0Birmingham-St. Enoch spec.1S52
4571727ADauntlessJubilee 4-6-0passenger1M27
6531212CJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)freight on goods line
D342-EE T4 diesel9.35am Crewe - Perth1S53
4624412AKing George VICoronation 4-6-2relieved D3421S53
4548863Acl 5MT 4-6-011.10am Edinburgh-Manchester
4517466Ecl 5MT 4-6-0piloted 45488
456715APrince RupertJubilee 4-6-0passenger1S23
4735812Acl 3F 0-6-0Tnorthend station pilot
4208112Ccl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)12C Silloth passenger
7804864GBR 2MT 2-6-012.25pm ex Harwick arrival
4558024EBurmaJubilee 4-6-0ex Blackpool special1S54
4492163Acl 5MT 4-6-0piloted 455801S54
4555924EBritish ColumbiaJubilee 4-6-0passenger1S55
4570126AConquerorJubilee 4-6-010.45am Glasgow-Manchester
7004926ASolway FirthBritannia 4-6-27.30am Aberdeen-Manchester
4470066Ecl 5MT 4-6-0piloted 70049
4558526AHydrabadJubilee 4-6-0up express1M73
4612166AHighland Light Infantry..Royal Scot 4-6-02.50pm Carlisle-Glasgow pass.
4611755AWelsh GuardsmanRoyal Scot 4-6-0up express1X06
D249EE T4 dieselNewcastle-Stranraer arrival
4501312Acl 5MT 4-6-0relieved D249
4517266Acl 5MT 4-6-0passenger1M28
7004526ALord RowallanBritannia 4-6-2Glasgow-Liverpool/Manchester
4547866Acl 5MT 4-6-0piloted 70045
4467512Acl 5MT 4-6-0up express1M33
D5306BRCW T2 dieselEdinburgh Waverley-Carlisle
4479212Acl 5MT 4-6-0Stranraer-Newcastle pass.
9216721ABR 9F 2-10-0le on goods line
6489912CJ39 0-6-03.30pm to Silloth
D335EE T4 dieselup Mid Day Scot1M35
D333EE T4 dieseldown Royal Scot1S57
462285ADuchess of RutlandCoronation 4-6-211am Birmingham-Glasgow1M16
455605APrince Edward IslandJubilee 4-6-011.05am Birmingham-Edin.1S62
4625512ACity of HerefordCoronation 4-6-2Perth-Euston passenger
D288EE T4 diesel10am Euston-Perth arrival
4623066ADuchess of BuccleuchCoronation 4-6-2relieved D288
7200266AClan CampbellClan 4-6-21.45pm Glasgow-Liverpool1M38
D326EE T4 dieselup milk train
447152Acl 5MT 4-6-0south end station pilot
4571812ADreadnoughtJubilee 4-6-0Glasgow - Manchester pass.1X08
4467412Acl 5MT 4-6-04.37pm Carlisle-Bradford pass.
D19Peak T4 diesel9.10am St. Pancras-Waverley1S64
D337EE T4 diesel10.10am Euston-Glasgow1S65
6007255ASunstarA3 4-6-2Leeds-Glasgow St. Enoch relief1S67
D27Peak T4 dieseldown Thames Clyde1S68
7200366AClan FraserClan 4-6-2special passenger1S69
7306366ABR 5MT 4-6-0up CTAC Scottish Tour1M39
4534126Acl 5MT 4-6-0relieved 73063
4565026ABlakeJubilee 4-6-02pm Manchester Vic-Glasgow1S71
4490524Lcl 5MT 4-6-0ex Lanark and Edinburgh1X77
4572812ADefianceJubilee 4-6-0Stranraer-Newcastle pass.
D249EE T4 dieselrelieved 45728
7200512AClan MacgregorClan 4-6-22.36pm Waverley-Carlisle pass.
6006812CSir VistoA3 4-6-27.44pm Carlisle-Waverley pass.
4625012BCity of LichfieldCoronation 4-6-2at Shap - 1.35pm Euston-Perth
from the diary of Alan Brown

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