Index of Sheds & Works

Shed Allocations 1961 - Recent Additions

Monday 29 November 2021

The Steam Scene no. 9 - March 1963 (part 4) - Gorton, Wigan, London and the Home Counties

Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Central Railwayopened:1879pre 1948GOR
type:A brick-built 18TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jun-651949 - Feb 195839A
location:On the north side of the line between Ashbury's and Gorton & Openshaw stations.Feb 1958 - April 19589H
Visits to Gorton 1937 - 1954Visits to Gorton 1955 - 1965April 1958 - 19659G
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesJ - JohnsonSt - Stanier
BR - British RailwaysGCR - Great Central RailwayGNR - Great Northern RailwayWD - War Department
Sunday 24 March 19632Ftotal:68
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)cl 4F 0-6-0J11 0-6-0 (GCR)WD 2-8-0
421559G427489G438569G441149G6432436E W900469G W
422499G4275026A439159G W441249G6435436E W901769G W
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)427549G439299G441519GJ39 0-6-0902019G
423619G427589G439379G441649G648809G W902149G
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)427619G439509G441699G649552F W902389G W
424299G W427679G W439729G441909GO1 2-8-0 (GNR)902519G
424519G427889G440159G442759G6375552H W902578F
cl 3F 0-6-0T427929Gcl 3F 0-6-0 (J)444259G6376052H W903089G W
475029G428469G434009G W446029G6385652H W903239G
476419GB1 4-6-0437219G W0-6-0 dieselsO4 2-8-0 (GCR)904039G
BR 9F 2-10-0612399G W437639G WD2389D3686635759G W9064955G
9203216D613529G W437899G WD2391D36946359431B9072255E
613699GD2392D3695635989G W
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse8F Springs Branch9G Gorton16D Annesley26A Newton Heath
31B March36E Retford52H Tyne Dock55E Normanton55G Huddersfield
Wigan Springs Branch
Post Grouping Ownership - London & North Western Railwayopened:c1847Sep 1938 - Jan 195810A
type:Two brick-built 6TS dead-ended sheds.closed:Dec-67Feb 1958 - Dec 19678F
location:East of the main line, about a mile south of Wigan North Western station.Visits to Springs Branch 1937 - 1967
AbbreviationsF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesSt - Stanier
BR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Sunday 24 March 19638Ftotal:66
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)Jubilee 4-6-0Royal Scot 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
422358F4560226A British Honduras4613926A The Welch Regiment W902618F
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)Patriot 4-6-0461688F The Girl Guide902688F
423038F W4552612B Morecambe & Heyshamcl 5MT 4-6-0903178F
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)4554512B Planet450198F453138F904408F
424568Fcl 4F 0-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T450268F453148F904648G
cl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)444448F476718F451888F4545112Bcl 8F 2-8-0
427518F444908F0-4-0 diesel451915D0-6-0 diesels4805556D
BR 5MT 4-6-0444928FD2865452788F12023120544847212A
shed codes5D Stoke-on-Trent6B Mold Junction8E Northwich8F Springs Branch8G Sutton Oak
12A Carlisle Kingmoor12B Carlisle Upperby26A Newton Heath26F Patricroft56D Mirfield
Pre Grouping Ownership - Midland Railwayopened:1892Sep 1935 - Apr 196314A
type:A brick-built double roundhouseclosed:Dec-64May 1963 - Dec 196414B
location:On the west side of the line, north of the station.Visits to Cricklewood 1937 - 1964
AbbreviationsFb - FairburnJ - JohnsonBR - British Railways
BRCW - Birmingham, Railway, Carriage & Wagon Co.
Sunday 31 March 196314Atotal:79
BR 4MT 2-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0cl 8F 2-8-0BR T2 diesels
7603514A4482114A4559817B Basutoland4830115AD5088D5093
7603714A4523414A4573955A Ulster4831318AD5089D5188
7603814A4526214ARoyal Scot 4-6-04836714AD5092
7603914A4526714A4614316D South Staffordshire Reg.4839214ABRCW T2 diesels
7604014A4527714A4615816D The Loyal RegimentBR 9F 2-10-0D5384D5400
7604114A4534614Acl 3F 0-6-0Tcl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)9205017CD5387D5404
7604314ABR 5MT 4-6-04743214A4207014A9208221AD5390D5406
7604814A7315714A4743514A4209014Acl 4F 0-6-0D5397
7608614A7315814A4743714A4268014E4438017B0-6-0 diesels
7608814Acl 3F 0-6-0T (J)4754314A4452914A12069D3304
Cricklewood East Diesel Depot
Peak classBRCW T2 dieselsBR T2 diesels0-6-0 diesels
Kings Cross
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Northern Railwayopened:1851Sep 1935 - Jan 1950KX
type:One through-road 8TS and a 7TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jun-63Feb 1950 - Jun 196334A
location:Situated in the Kings Cross goods yard, north of the station.Visits to Kings Cross 1933 - 1951
Visits to Kings Cross 1952 - 1963
AbbreviationsGNR - Great Northern RailwayBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
BTH - British Thompson-HoustonBRCW - Birmingham, Railway, Carriage & Wagon Co.
Sunday 31 March 196334Atotal:37
V2 2-6-2B1 4-6-0A4 4-6-2A3 4-6-2
6085434A6107534A6000734A Sir Nigel Gresley6003934A Sandwich W
6086234A6117934A6002134A Wild Swan6006634A Merry Hampton
6093250A6120034A W6002234A Mallard6007352B St. Gatien
0-6-0 diesels6131234A6002934A Woodcock6008352B Sir Hugo
12112D3712K3 2-6-0 (GNR)Brush T4 dieselWD 2-8-06010934A Hermit W
D33096191234A WD15099001534E6011034A Robert the Devil
Brush T2 dieselscl 4MT 2-6-0BR T2 diesel9061334EA1 4-6-2
D5641D56784308934ED50679065934E6012836A Bongrace
D5651BTH T1 dieselBRCW T3 dieselBR 9F 2-10-06015050A Willbrook
D8241D65489204134EA2/3 4-6-2
9218536C6051334E Dante
shed codes34A Kings Cross34E New England36A Doncaster36C Frodingham50A York
52B Heaton
Opened by the London & South Western Railwayopened:1922Sep 1935 - Jan 1950FEL
type:A concrete-built 6TS through-road shed.closed:Jul-67Feb 1950 - Jul 196770B
location:South of the line, east of Feltham station.Visits to Feltham 1939 - 1967
AbbreviationsBR - British RailwaysLSWR - London & South Western Railway
BRCW - Birmingham, Railway, Carriage & Wagon Co.
Sunday 31 March 196370Btotal:46
M7 0-4-4T (LSWR)Q1 0-6-0S15 4-6-0 (LSWR)BR 5MT 4-6-0H16 4-6-2T (LSWR)
3003270B3300170B3049670B3051170B73087*70A3051670B W
57xx 0-6-0PT3300270B3049970B3051270BBRCW T3 diesels3051870B W
461070B3300370B3050370B3051470BD6502D65323051970B W
0-6-0 diesels3302770B3050670B3051570BD6511D65523052070B W
D2180D30423303075E3050770B3083270ED6517D6561W 2-6-4T
D3040D3044700 0-6-0 (LSWR)3050870B3083370BD6524D65653191770B
D3041D30453034670B W3051070B3083770BD6525D65833192270B
*named: Linette3192370B W
shed codes70A Nine Elms70B Feltham75E Three Bridges
Stewart's Lane, Battersea
Pre Grouping Ownership - London, Chatham and Dover Railwayopened:1881Sep 1935 - Jan 1950BAT
type:A brick-built 16TS dead-ended shed.closed:Sep-63Feb 1950 - May 196273A
location:Between Battersea Park and Wandsworth stations.Jun 1962 - Sep 196375D
Visits to Stewart's Lane 1936 - 1952Visits to Stewart's Lane 1953 - 1963
AbbreviationsLBSCR - London, Brighton & South Coast RailwaySECR - South Eastern & Chatham Railway
BR - British RailwaysSER - South Eastern RailwayBRCW - Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Co.
Sunday 31 March 196375Dtotal:38
H 0-4-4T (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)"Schools" 4-4-0K 2-6-0 (LBSCR)BRCW T3 diesels
3130575D W3141075D3092875A Stowe W3233775A WD6557D6558
3154275D W3182475DU1 2-6-0N1 2-6-0 (SECR)3234375A W0-6-0 diesels
BR 4MT 2-6-4T3182575D3189075A3182275D W3234775E WD2280D3224
8001275D3183275A3189375E W3187775D WBR 4MT 4-6-0Bo-Bo electric locos
8008575D3185475D3189475E W3187875D W7507075DE5001E5024
8014975AQ 0-6-0 (SER)3189675A W3187975D W7507475DE5007
8015375A3053475D Wcl 4MT 2-6-03188075D W7507575DBo-Bo electro/diesels
3053775D W4312115AE6006
shed codes15A Wellingborough75A Brighton75D Stewart's Lane75E Three Bridges
Old Oak Common
Opened by the Great Western Railwayopened:1906prior to 1950PDN
type:A large brick-built four roundhouse shed.closed to steam:Mar-651950-196581A
location:On the north side of the junction of the Reading and High Wycombe lines.
Visits to Old Oak Common 1934 - 1947Visits to Old Oak Common 1948 - 1956Visits to Old Oak Common 1957 - 1964
Sunday 31 March 196381Atotal:111
57xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
371181A612581A490881E Broome Hall409088L Dorchester Castle W
375081A W614181A591981A Worsley Hall409881A Kidwelly Castle
375481A614281A593788L Stanford Hall500181A Llandovery Castle W
461581A616381A596781A Bickmarsh Hall504181A Tiverton Castle
875681A W616981A695582D Lydcott Hall505681A Earl of Powis
875781A W28xx 2-8-0Modified Hall 4-6-0506081A Earl of Berkeley W
875981A W385388J695981A Peatling Hall506581A Newport Castle W
876381A W47xx 2-8-0696381A Throwley Hall509381A Upton Castle
876881A470181A697081F Whaddon Hall700681A Lydford Castle
965981A470381A697881A Haroldstone Hall700881A Swansea Castle
966181A470481A698585B Parwick Hall700981A Athelney Castle W
970081A15xx 0-6-0PT790281A Eaton Mascot Hall701185A Banbury Castle
970481A150081ACounty 4-6-0701581A Carn Brea Castle
970681A150381A102182B County of Montgomery701781A G. J. Churchward W
971081A150781AGrange 4-6-0701881A Drysllwyn Castle
94xx 0-6-0PTBR 9F 2-10-0684682B Ruckley Grange702081A Gloucester Castle
842081A9200184E"Western" T4 diesels702981A Clun Castle
843681A9200388LD1007Western Talisman703281A Denbigh Castle
845881A9220986AD1011Western Thunderer703485B Ince Castle
848781A9224381AD1017Western Warrior703581A Ogmore Castle
940581A0-6-0 dieselsD1038Western Sovereign703782C Swindon W
941181AD3030D3602D1039Western KingKing 4-6-0
941981A WD3031D3646D1041Western Prince600581A King George II W
942081AD3032D3947D1049Western Monarch601088A King Charles I W
942381A WD3406D3954D1050Western Ruler602084A King Henry IV W
947781AD3597D3962"Warship" T4 diesels602881A King George VI W
947981AD3598D3966D808CentaurD855TriumphHymek T3 diesels
shed codes81A Old Oak Common81E Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon82D Westbury
84A Stafford Road84E Tyesley85A Worcester85B Gloucester GWR86A Newport Ebbw Jct.88A Cardiff Canton
88J Aberdare88L Cardiff East Dock
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Western Railwayopened:1953prior to Jan 1950SHL
location:In the fork of the Paddington and Brentford lines.closed:Jan-66Feb 1950 - Jan 6681C
type:An 8TS shed with 7 through roads.Visits to Southall 1939 - 1966
AbbreviationsBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Sunday 31 March 196381Ctotal:55
57xx 0-6-0PT28xx 2-8-0Grange 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
361881C284281E682481E Ashley Grange492985B Goytrey Hall
362081C285181C684181C Marlas Grange494481C Middleton Hall W
362281C287381C686981C Resolven Grange498781C Brockley Hall W
366581C385481C94xx 0-6-0PTWD 2-8-0499884C Eyton Hall
460881C385986E842681C9017481C W591781C Westminster Hall W
875281C W470581C845681C902372F691982B Tylney Hall
964181C470681C846581C903462FModified Hall 4-6-0
964281C61xx 2-6-2T941381C904332F697481C Bryngwyn Hall
972681C612281D941581C9063081C W698681C Rydal Hall
14xx 0-4-2T613281C0-6-0 diesels9069381C W699588L Benthall Hall
147481B616581CD3196D3759BR 9F 2-10-0791081C Hown Hall
43xx 2-6-0D3753D37619224081C792281C Salford Hall
538081ED3754D39619224581C792381C Speke Hall
Note: passed the shed - Castle 4-6-0s 7024 Powis Castle (84A) and 7027 Thornbury Castle (85A)
shed codes2F Woodford Halse81B Southall81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot
82B St. Philip's Marsh84C Banbury85B Gloucester GWR86E Severn Tunnel Jct.88L Cardiff East Dock
Reading GWR
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Western Railway (GWR)opened:1876prior to 1950RDG
location:In the fork of the Bristol and Basingstoke lines west of the station.closed:Jan-651950 - Jan 6581D
type:A brick-built roundhouse converted to a 9TS shed with three through roadsVisits to Reading 1935 - 1964
Sunday 31 March 196381Dtotal:54
57xx 0-6-0PT61xx 2-6-2THall 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
460981D610381D492181D Eaton Hall W503881D Morlais Castle
466181D610681D499581C Easton Hall507681D Gladiator
467081D610781D590181D Hazel Hall702181A Haverfordwest Castle
978981D611081C591481D Ripon HallGrange 4-6-0
94xx 0-6-0PT613081E597781D Beckford Hall681281D Chesford Grange
843081D613881D598281D Harrington Hall W682581D Llanvair Grange
849681D616181D690784B Davenham Hall682681D Nannerth Grange
945081D616481D690882B Downham Hall683984B Hewell Grange
2251 0-6-028xx 2-8-0692684E Holkham Hall685484B Roundhill Grange
221281D W284181D693881D Corndean Hall686381D Dolhywel Grange
225781D288981DModified Hall 4-6-0Manor 4-6-0
226181D382081E696081D Raveningham Hall781381D Freshford Manor
321981D383786A699081A Witherslack Hall781681D Frilsham Manor
43xx 2-6-0385284C790681D Fron Hall781781D Garsington Manor
635081EBR 9F 2-10-0791481D Lleweni Hall0-6-0 diesels
shed codes81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh
84B Oxley84C Banbury84E Tyesley86A Newport Ebbw Jct.
Reading South
Pre Grouping Ownership - South Eastern Railwayopened:1875prior to 1950RDG
type:A brick-built 3TS through-road shed.closed:Jan-651950 - 195970E
location:On the north side of the line, east of Reading SR station.1959 - 1960Basingstoke 70D subshed
Visits to Reading South 1935 - 19641960 - Jan 1965Guildford 70C subshed
Sunday 31 March 196370C subshedtotal:9
U 2-6-0N 2-6-00-6-0 diesels
Pre Grouping Ownership - London & North Western Railwayopened:1872Sep 1935 - Mar 19651C
type:A brick-built 3TS dead-ended shed.closed:Mar-65
location:On the east side of the Bletchley line, north of the station.Visits to Watford 1947 - 1965
AbbreviationsFb - FairburnSt - StanierEE - English ElectricBR - British Railways
Sunday 31 March 19631Ctotal:14
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)cl 4MT 2-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0TEE T4 diesel
420771A425811A430071C464231C473551CD 335
420961C430211C464311C476061CBR T2 diesel
420971C WD5023
421021CShed Codes1A Willesden1C Watford
Woodford Halse
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Central Railwayopened:1897Sep 1935 - Jan 1950WFD
type:A brick-built 6TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jun-65Feb 1950 - Jan 195838E
location:On the east side of the line north of the station.
* for two months during 1958 (Feb/Mar) , the shed code was 2G.
Apr 1958 - Aug 19632F*
Visits to Woodford Halse 1938 - 1965Sep 1963 - Jun 19651G
AbbreviationsFb - FairburnBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Sunday 31 March 19632Ftotal:53
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 8F 2-8-0WD 2-8-0J39 0-6-0
421572F446882F480102F900332F905202F S647272F W
421782F446912F4811355D900402F905242F647472F W
422502F452852F4830416B900652F S905632F648752F W
422512FBR 5MT 4-6-0483852F900952F S905702F SBR 9F 2-10-0
422522F730002F486502F901372F W905892F S9205716D
422532F S730692FBR 4MT 2-6-0902182F906382F W9211015C
422812F7315615E760442F902992F S906692F9221088L
Hall 4-6-0760522F904742F907012F W9221688L
595185B Clyffe Hall760872F904862F28xx 2-8-00-6-0 diesels
694385B Farnley Hall905162F285681CD3066D3068
S - storedW - withdrawn289286ED3067D3069
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse15C Leicester Midland15E Leicester Central16B Kirkby-in-Ashfield16D Annesley
55D Royston81C Southall85B Gloucester H. Rd86E Severn Tunnel J88L Cardiff East Dock
Withdrawn locos recorded at sheds and works at the of March 1963.
Doncaster WorksSaturday 23 March 1963Withdrawn locos in the yard and on the scrap road
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)N2 0-6-2T (GNR)K3 2-6-0 (GNR)J20 0-6-0 (GER)A4 4-6-2
4250133C W6952034E W6190650B W6469031B W6001434A Silver Link W
4251833C W6952334E W6196950B WWD 2-8-0A3 4-6-2
4252533C W6952934E WO1 2-8-0 (GNR)9025041F W6004934F Galtee More W
4252633C W6953834E W6388741H W9025334E W6011134F Enterprise W
4253033C W6954634E W9027034E WA2 4-6-2
4253533C W6956834E WA1 4-6-26051650A Hycilla W
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)6957534E W6015350A Flamboyant W6051850A Tehran W
4267933C W6958334E W6052650A Sugar Palm W
Swindon WorksSunday 24 March 1963Withdrawn locos in the yard and on the 'dump'
King 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0Modified Hall 4-6-0
601181A King James I W502188A Whittington Castle W696281A Soughton Hall W
602581A King Henry III W502382C Brecon Castle WCounty 4-6-0
602681A King John W507284A Hurricane W102389A County of Oxford W
57xx 0-6-0PT509589A Barbury Castle W94xx 0-6-0PT43xx 2-6-0
376989A W877688C WHall 4-6-0847281A W630281E W
675787D W965287F W491581D Condover Hall W941287A W634289A W
871088H W972581A W493981E Littleton Hall W61xx 2-6-2T634886C W
873383E W974788D W593181A Hatherley Hall W610184E W636986E W
877081C W975988E W64xx 0-6-0PT14xx 0-4-2T28xx 2-8-0731489A W
877381A W977588C W642284A W143581F W288382D W733487G W
Plymouth LairaSunday 31 March 1963Withdrawn locos at the shed.
45xx 2-6-2T64xx 0-6-0PT1361 0-6-0STCounty 4-6-0
456783D W554483D W643883D W136383D W100383D County of Wilts W
457083D W556883D W43xx 2-6-0100483G County of Somerset W
457483D W731683C W101583D County of Gloucester W
Darlington WorksSunday 24 March 1963Withdrawn locos on the shed, in the works yard and scrap-yard
V1 2-6-2TL1 2-6-4TB1 4-6-0B16 4-6-0 (NER)J94 0-6-0STB16 4-6-0 (NER)
6762265H W6775556B W61028^2F W6141950A W6804451C W6346552H W
6767352B W6776134F W6105350A W6145150A W6804852H W6346652H W
V3 2-6-2T6776740E W610782F WJ21 0-6-0 (NER)6805551C W6347052H W
6768564B* W6777040E W611922F W6503352F W6805651C W6347352H W
V2 2-6-2677812F W61241^52B W6509951L W6805851C WJ27 0-6-0 (NER)
6092764A W6778640E W6138356F WJ72 0-6-0T (NER)6583052G W
* transferred to 64B prior to withdrawal (ex 52B)
6779240E W^ named Umseke and Viscount Ridley6901050B W6587552F W
6780040E W6901751L W6588352G W
Shed Codes2F Woodford Halse31B March33C Shoeburyness34A Kings Cross34E New England
34F Grantham40E Colwick41F Mexborough41F Mexborough41H Staveley GC50A York
50B Hull Dairycotes51C West Hartlepool51L Thornaby52B Heaton52F N & S Blyth52G Sunderland
52H Tyne Dock56B Ardsley56F Low Moor64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket65H Helensburgh
81A Old Oak Common81C Southall81D Reading81E Didcot82C Swindon82D Westbury
83C Exeter83D Plymouth Laira83E St. Blazey83G Penzance84A Stafford Road84E Tyesley
86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel Jct.87A Neath Court Sart87D Swansea East Dk.87G Carmarthen88A Cardiff Canton
88H Tondu89A Shrewsbury


1 comment:

  1. Keep up the good work. This is a really valuable record.
    Two corrections -
    Gorton was 9G
    Under Darlington, 63465 etc are Q6 0-8-0 (NER).
