Index of Sheds & Works

Shed Allocations 1961 - Recent Additions

Friday 3 April 2020

Days Out No. 55 : 26th September to 2nd October 1953 - Scottish Holiday (Part 2)

A week in Scotland - 26th September to 2nd October 1953
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railwayopened:1875Sep 1935 - Dec 194827A
type:A brick-built 14TS shed with 7 through roads.closed to steam on 1st May 1967Jan 1949 - May 196766A
location:On the north side of the Carstairs line, west of Rutherglen Station.
AbbreviationsDr - DrummondF - FowlerFb - FairburnH - HughesM - Macintosh
Pick - PickersgillSt - StanierBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Sunday 27 September 195366A12.20pm - 12.55pmtotal:134
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)BR 4MT 2-6-4Tcl 5MT 4-6-0cl 2F 0-6-0 (Dr)Jubilee 4-6-0
4205566A8000266A4479167A5723066A4569266A Cyclops
4205666A8000666A4488668A5723866A4570126A Conqueror
4205766A R8000766A4528168A5723966A4570766A Valiant
4205866A8002266A4548666A5727166ARoyal Scot 4-6-0
4206066A8002366Acl 3F 0-6-0T (M)5727566A4610266A Black Watch
4214366A8002666A5623966A5728866A4610566A Cameron Highlander R
4214466Acl 4P 4-4-0 (3 cyl)5624866A5729266A4610766A Argyll & Sutherland High…
4216766A4091666A5626066A5731766A4612166A Highland Light Infantry…
4217166A4113166A5626366A5731966A461358A East Lancashire Regiment
4217266Acl 2P 0-4-4T (M)5626666A5732166A RPrincess Royal 4-6-2
4223866A R5514166A R5628066A5736066A462015A Princess Elizabeth
4223966A5514666A5628166A5736166A462105A Lady Patricia
4224066A5517966A5629266A5736766ACoronation 4-6-2
4224366A5518966A5629466A5737066A4622166A Queen Elizabeth
4224566A5519766A5629566A5738966A4622366A Princess Alice
4224666A5520166A5629866A5741266A4622466A Princess Alexandra
4224766A5520766A5630566A5743266A4622766A Duchess of Devonshire
4227666A5522466A5630666A5744366A462291B Duchess of Hamilton
4227766A5522866A5630866A5744466A4623166A Duchess of Atholl
4269066Acl 2P 0-4-4T (Pick)5631466A5744666A4623266A Duchess of Montrose
4269166D R5526164D5631866A5744766Acl 3F 0-6-0 (M)cl 2F 0-6-0T (M)
4269666A5526866A5632466Acl 3F 0-6-0T5756366A5615466A R
4269966Acl 4F 0-6-05634666A4733166A5760366A5615566A
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)4419666A5634966A4733266A5761966A5616066A
4241566D R4428366Acl 3F 0-6-0 (Pick)4753766A5762266A5616266A
cl 3MT 2-6-2T (St)WD 2-10-05766166A4754066A5763266A5616766A
4015166C9075166A5767466A Rcl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)WD 2-8-0
9077468A R5768266D4280368A9053666AR - Repair Shop
shed codes1B Camden5A Crewe North8A Edge Hill26A Newton Heath64D Carstairs
66A Polmadie66C Hamilton66D Greenock67A Corkerhill68A Carlisle Kingmoor
Visits to Polmadie 1946 - 1955Visits to Polmadie 1956 - 1967
Pre Grouping Ownership - Glasgow and South Western Railway
opened:1896Sep 1935 - Dec 194830A
type:A brick-built 6TS through-road shed.closed to steam :May-67Jan 1949 - May 196767A
South of the line, east of Corkerhill Station.

AbbreviationsDr - DrummondF - FowlerFb - FairburnM - Macintosh
BR - British Railways
Sunday 27 September 195367A2.35pm - 3pmtotal:74
cl 2P 4-4-0 (F)cl 4P 4-4-0 (3 cyl)cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4059567A4090567A4212367A4467268A4566567A Lord Rutherford of Nelson
4059867A4091467A4219067A4470667A4571167A Courageous
4060467A4091567A4219167A4512068ARoyal Scot 4-6-0
4060667D4091967A4219367A4516067A4611220A Sherwood Forester
4062067A4092067C4219467A4519467A4613320A Green Howards
4062167A4113367A4222967Acl 3F 0-6-0T (M)cl 2F 0-6-0 (Dr)cl 3F 0-6-0 (M)
4062767A4113467Acl 2P 0-4-4T (M)5624967A5724167A5756067A
4063667A4113967A5520667A5632967A R5724967A5756267A R
4064167ABR 4MT 2-6-4T5521967A5636167A5726667A5757567A
4064267A8000067A5522567Acl 4F 0-6-05730067A5757967A
4068767B8002467A5526967Acl 4F 0-6-0 (F)5759667A
8002567Acl 3F 0-6-0T4419867A
shed codes20A Leeds Holbeck67A Corkerhill67B Hurlford67C Ayr67D Ardrossan
68A Carlisle Kingmoor
Visits to Corkerhill 1946 - 1966
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railwayopened:1907Sep 1935 - Dec 194831E subshed
type:A brick-built 2TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jan-64Jan 1949 - Jan 196465G
location:Between Scotstoun West and Clydebank Dock West junction.
AbbreviationsDr - DrummondM - MacintoshGER - Great Eastern RailwayNBR - North British Railway
Sunday 27 September 195365G
4.05pm - 4.10pmtotal:9shed codes
cl 0F 0-4-0ST (Dr)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)65D Dawsholm
5603965G5623865G5633965G65G Yoker
Y9 0-4-0ST (NBR)5625065G5634465D
6811865G5629765GJ69 0-6-0T (GER)
Visits to Yoker 1938 - 1960
Kipps, Coatbridge
Pre Grouping Ownership - North British Railwayopened:1890Sep 1935 - Dec 1948KPS
type:A brick-built 3TS through-road shed.closed:Jan-63Jan 1949 - Jan 6365E
location:On the north side of the line, east of Sunnyside station.
AbbreviationsM - MacintoshGNR - Great Northern RailwayNBR - North British Railway
Sunday 27 September 195365E5.50pm - 6.10pmtotal:45
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)V1 2-6-2TJ35 0-6-0 (NBR)J36 0-6-0 (NBR)Y9 0-4-0ST (NBR)J88 0-6-0T (NBR)
6920765EC15 4-4-2T (NBR)6447365E6524965E6811765EJ83 0-6-0T (NBR)
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)6746765E6449865E6526065E6812065E6844265E
6950365Ecl 2F 0-6-0T (M)6450765E6526665E6812165E6844365E
shed codes65A Eastfield65E Kipps6534365E*named - French
Visits to Kipps 1938 - 1962
Monday 28th September - 7.15am Glasgow (Buchanan Street) to Stirling, an 11 coach train hauled by class 5MT 44786 (65B) arr: 8.05am
8.17am Stirling to Alloa, a two train hauled by V1 2-6-2T 67650 arrived at 8.32am
Pre Grouping Ownership - North British Railwayopened:1885subshed : Stirling Shore Road (STG) until 1949
A stone-built 2TS through-road shed.
closed:Jan-67Dunfermline subshed
location:On the north side of the line, east of the station.
AbbreviationsNBR - North British Railway
Monday 28 September 195362C subshed
8.35am - 8.40amtotal:4
J35 0-6-0 (NBR)J36 0-6-0 (NBR)C15 4-4-2T (NBR)
6455662C*named - Joffre
Alloa station : 8.32am - 9.16amcl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 2F 0-6-0 (Dr)J36 0-6-0 (NBR)
shed codes62C Dunfermline63B Stirling65F Grangemouth
Visits to Alloa 1938 - 1967
9.16am Alloa to Stirling, a four coach train plus a wagon, hauled by D11/2 4-4-0 62685 Malcolm Graeme (64B) arr: 9.30am
Stirling Shore Road
Pre Grouping Ownership - North British RailwaySep 1935 - Dec 1948STG
shed 1A brick-built 4TS dead-ended shed built by the Forth & Clyde Jct. Railway in 1861Jan 1949 - Sep 195763B sub
location:On the west side of the line, north of the station
shed 2A stone-built 2TS shed with one through-road built by the North British Railway in 1864closed:Sep-57
location:On the east side of the line, north of the station
Monday 28 September 1953shed codes
63B subtotal:563B Stirling
cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)J37 0-6-0 (NBR)64A St. Margaret's
Visits to Stirling Shore Road
Stirling South
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railwayopened:1850Sep 1935 - Dec 194831B
type:A stone-built 4TS through-road shed.closed:Jun-66Jan 1949 - Apr 196063B
location:On the east side of the line south of the station.
May 1960 - Jun 196665J
AbbreviationsDr - DrummondF - FowlerM - MacintoshPick - Pickersgill
Monday 28 September 195363B9.50am - 10amtotal:17
cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)cl 2F 0-6-0 (Dr)
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)4495665B4535863B5725763B
shed codes63A Perth63B Stirling65B St. Rollox68A Carlisle Kingmoor
Visits to Stirling South 1938 - 1965
Stirling station : 10.05am - 10.28am
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)
shed codes60A Inverness63A Perth63B Stirling63E Oban
64C Dalry Road64D Carstairs66A Polmadie
10.28am Stirling to Perth, a four coach train hauled by class 5MT 45086 (64C) arr. 11.19am
Perth station : 11.19am - 11.40am
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)A2 4-6-2
5517663A4470463A4517163A5624663A6053664B Trimbush
5520963A4471960A4538963Acl 2F 0-6-0 (Dr)V2 2-6-2WD 2-8-0
shed codes60A Inverness62A Thornton Junction62B Dundee Tay Bridge63A Perth64B Haymarket
Perth South
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railwayopened:1854Sep 1935 - Dec 194829A
type:An 8TS through-road shed. Rebuilt in 1938closed to steam:May-67Jan 1949 - May 196763A
location:On the west side of the line, south of the station.
AbbreviationsDr - DrummondF - FowlerM - MacintoshPick - Pickersgill
GNR - Great Northern RailwayBR - British Railways
Monday 28 September 195363A11.55am - 12.30pmtotal:57
cl 4P 4-4-0 (F)cl 4F 0-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0Jubilee 4-6-0
4092363A4425163A4469863A4535763A4572763A Inflexible
4092463A S4425363A4470368A4536663ACoronation 4-6-2
cl 3P 4-4-0 (M)4425463A4470463A4545763A462255A Duchess of Gloucester
5445463C4425763A4490168A4545963A462465A City of Manchester
5445860A4432863A4492463A4546063AD34 4-4-0
cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4496063A4546763A R6247265A Glen Nevis
5448563A4401163B4497463A4546865B6248961A Glen Dessary
5449463Acl 3F 0-6-0T (M)4499260A4547165BK2 2-6-0 (GNR)
5450063A5635263A4499368A4547363A R6178363D Loch Shiel R
5450363A R5635963A4499763A4548265B6179063D Loch Lomand
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)J38 0-6-04505363A4548363ABR 5MT 4-6-0K3 2-6-0 (GNR)
cl 2F 0-6-0 (Dr)J39 0-6-04512563A4549763AJ37 0-6-0 (NBR)
5747363A6494664A4521363AS - stored6456963BR - repair shop
Shed Codes5A Crewe North60A Inverness61A Kittybrewster62A Thornton Junction63A Perth South
63B Stirling South63C Forfar63D Fort William64A St. Margarets64C Dalry Road
65B St. Rollox68A Carlisle Kingmoor
Visits to Perth South 1938 - 1967
Perth station : 1pm - 4.07pm
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 5MT 4-6-0cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)D34 4-4-0
5517663A4472063A4547263A5447663A6247265A Glen Nevis
5521863A4510068A4548363AB1 4-6-0WD 2-8-0WD 2-10-0
cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)4512563A4549263A6110864A9055362C9076864D
5632863AShed Codes62C Dunfermline63A Perth64A St. Margarets64D Carstairs
65A Eastfield68A Carlisle Kingmoor
4.07pm Perth to Forfar, "The Bon Accord" - an 11 coach train hauled by class 5MT 4-6-0 45455 (68A). The train was nearly one hour late.
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railwayopened:1899Sep 1935 - Dec 194829D
type:A brick-built 4TS through-road shed.closed:Jul-64Jan 1949 - Nov 195963C
location:On the north side of the line, at the east end of the station.
Dec.1959 - Jul 196463A sub
AbbreviationsDr - DrummondF - FowlerH - HughesM - Macintosh
Monday 28 September 195363C4.55pm - 5pmtotal:10
cl 5MT 2-6-0 (H/F)cl 3P 4-4-0 (M)cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)cl 2F 0-6-0 (Dr)
Forfar station : 4.49pm - 5.39pmcl 2P 0-4-4T (M)J39 0-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0
Shed Codes62B Dundee Tay Bridge63A Perth South63C Forfar65B St. Rollox
Visits to Forfar 1938 - 1963
5.59pm Forfar to Aberdeen, a three coach train hauled by class 5MT 4-6-0 45468 (65B). Arr at 7.19pm
Aberdeen Ferryhill
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railway & North British Railwayopened:1908prior to Dec 1948ABD, 29B
type:A brick-built 10TS dead-ended shed.closed:Mar-67Jan 1949 - Mar 196761B
location:In the fork of the Ballater and Perth lines, south of the station.
AbbreviationsM - MacintoshNBR - North British RailwayWD - War Department
Monday 28 September 195361B8.55pm - 9.10pmtotal:25
C15 4-4-2T (NBR)cl 5MT 4-6-0V2 2-6-2A2 4-6-2WD 8F 2-8-0
6747861B S4472568A6095862B6052561B A. H. Peppercorn9000462A
6749661B4516563A6096962BD34 4-4-0 (NBR)9002062A
N15 0-6-2T (NBR)4524561B6097061B6248261A Glen Mamie9004161B
6912561B4536761Bcl 3F 0-6-0T (M)J39 0-6-09005862A
4546865B5632661BJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)
Shed Codes61A Kittybrewster61B Aberdeen F'Hill62A Thornton Junction62B Dundee Tay Brdg62C Dunfermline
63A Perth South65B St. Rollox68A Carlisle Kingmoor
Visits to Aberdeen Ferryhill 1937 - 1966
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great North of Scotland Railwayopened:Sep 1935 - Dec 1948KIT
type:A stone-built semi-roundhouse.closed to steam :Jun-61Jan 1949 - Jun 196161A
location:On the west side of the station.
AbbreviationsF - FowlerGNR - Great Northern RailwayGNoSR - Great North of Scotland Railway
NBR - North British RailwayNER - North Eastern RailwayBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Monday 28 September 195361A9.40pm - 10pmtotal:32
BR 4MT 2-6-4TB1 4-6-0K2 2-6-0 (GNR)D34 4-4-0 (NBR)Z4 0-4-2T (GNoSR)
8000561A61242*61C6177961A6246862A Glen Orchy wks6819061A
8002061A6132361A6179261A6246961A Glen Douglas6819161A
8002161A6134661A6179361A6247765A Glen Dochart wksZ5 0-4-2T (GNoSR)
8002861A6134761Acl 2P 4-4-0 (F)6249361A Glen Gloy6819261A
8002961A6134861A4060361AD40 4-4-0 (GNoSR)6819361A
J72 0-6-0T (NER)6140161A4060567B wks6226761C6226861CWD 8F 2-8-0
6871961AJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)4062261A6227661A Andrew Bain9045561B
6874961A6521361A*named - Alexander Reith Graywks - Inverurie Works traffic
Shed Codes61A Kittybrewster61B Aberdeen F'Hill61C Keith62A Thornton Junction65A Eastfield
67B Hurlford
Visits to Kittybrewster 1937 - 1961
Inverurie Works
Inverurie Locomotive Works was built by the Great North of Scotland Railway and opened in 1903.
AbbreviationsM - MacintoshGNoSR - Great North of Scotland RailwayGER - Great Eastern Railway
NBR - North British RailwayNER - North Eastern Railway
Tuesday 29 September 195310.35am - 11.30amtotal:36
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)B12 4-6-0 (GER)D30 4-4-0 (NBR)J35 0-6-0 (NBR)J37 0-6-0 (NBR)
5517262B W6150161C W6241862A The Pirate6448261A6454165A
D41 4-4-0 (GNoSR)6151361A W6242364G Dugald Dalgetty6449164F6456062C
6223161C W6152861A W6242962A The Abbot6450163B6457264A
6224261C W6153261C WD11 4-4-06450664A6457664A
D40 4-4-0 (GNoSR)6154361A W6267964B Lord GlenallanJ36 0-6-0 (NBR)6457865A
6226061A W6156361A W6268065A Lucy Ashton6522564F6459364E
6226161C W6268265A Haystoun of Bucklow6523264G6462165C
6227361C George DavidsonJ72 0-6-0T (NER)N15 0-6-2T (NBR)6522464A Mons
6227761C Gordon Highlander6871761A ws6912961B6523665E Horne
Shed Codes61A Kittybrewster61B Aberdeen F'Hill61C Keith62A Thornton Junction62B Dundee Tay Brdg
62C Dunfermline63B Stirling South64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64C Dalry Road64E Polmont
64F Bathgate64G Hawick65A Eastfield65C Parkhead65E Kipps66B Motherwell
Visits to Inverurie Works
11.45am Inverurie to Aberdeen - hauled by B1 4-6-0 61323 (61A), 7 coaches and 5 vans. Arr: 12.10pm.
Aberdeen station : 12.10pm - 12.40pmC15 4-4-2T (NBR)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-4T
Shed Codes61A Kittybrewster61B Aberdeen F'Hill63A Perth South
12.41pm Aberdeen to Dundee (Tay Bridge) - hauled by V2 2-6-2 60824 (61B) with 8 coaches & 6 wagons. Arr 2.32pm
Dundee (Tay Bridge) station : 2.32pm - 2.45pmY9 0-4-0ST (NBR)B1 4-6-0J83 0-6-0T (NBR)
Shed Codes62A Thornton Junction6811462Bcl 3F 0-6-0T (M)WD 8F 2-8-0
62B Dundee Tay Bridge6812362B5632562B9061462A
Dundee Tay Bridge
Pre Grouping Ownership - North British Railwayopened:1878Sep 1935 - Dec 1948DEE
type:A brick-built 6TS through-road shed.closed:May-67Jan 1949 - May 196762B
location:On the north side of the line, west of the station.
AbbreviationsM - MacintoshF - FowlerFb - FairburnBR - British Railways
GNR - Great Northern RailwayNBR - North British RailwayWD - War Department
Tuesday 29 September 195362B2.45pm - 2.55pmtotal:75 (including 41 at Dundee West)
C16 4-4-2T (NBR)V2 2-6-2J37 0-6-0 (NBR)
cl 4MT 2-6-0
A2 4-6-2
6749062B6081864A6453062B4313765A6052762B Sun Chariot
6749362B6083462B6462062Bcl 5MT 4-6-0D30 4-4-0 (NBR)
6750262B6083862B6463365A4538462B6242764B Dumbledykes
cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)6084864AJ83 0-6-0T (NBR)J36 0-6-0 (NBR)6243862B Peter Poundtext R
5517362B6088861B6844662B6530962BD11 4-4-0
5522362B6089861B R6845562BJ38 0-6-06268465A Wizard of the Moor
Y9 0-4-0ST (NBR)6093762B6846562B6590362AD49 4-4-0
6810762B6095862B6846662BWD 8F 2-8-06274462B The Holderness
cl 3F 0-6-0 (M)6097162B6847062B9048962A
Dundee WestThe Caledonian shed, opposite Tay Bridge shed, lost its allocation on 1st January 1949.
3pm - 3.20pmIt became a subshed of Tay Bridge and dealt with repairs and overspills at weekends.
C16 4-4-2T (NBR)cl 2P 0-4-4T (M)V2 2-6-2B1 4-6-0A2 4-6-2
6748362B5516262B6080462B6108164B6052862B Tudor Minstrel
6748462B5521762B6082262B6114662A6053261B Blue Peter
6748962B5522762B6093162B6126362BD30 4-4-0 (NBR)
6749862B5523162B6096962B6129262B6249761A Glen Mallie
6750161BJ37 0-6-0 (NBR)J36 0-6-0 (NBR)6135161AD11 4-4-0
C15 4-4-2T (NBR)6459862B6531962B6140262B6269164B Laird of Balmawhapple
6746662B6463162B6533062B6140362BD49 4-4-0
cl 2P 4-4-06463462B6533362BWD 8F 2-8-06272862B Cheshire
4060062Bcl 3F 0-6-0 Pick)J39 0-6-09044462Bcl 3F 0-6-0T (M)J38 0-6-0
Y9 0-4-0ST (NBR)5765362B6478662B9051562B5632362B6593262A
Shed Codes61A Kittybrewster61B Aberdeen F'Hill62A Thornton Jct.62B Dundee Tay Brdg64A St. Margarets
64B Haymarket65A Eastfield
Visits to Dundee Tay Bridge 1938 - 1966Visits to Dundee West 1938 - 1950
Dundee (Tay Bridge) station : 3.20pm - 4.17pm
V2 2-6-2A4 4-6-2J36 0-6-0 (NBR)
6081364A dn pass6002764B Merlin dn pass6521862A dn goods
B1 4-6-0J37 0-6-0 (NBR)WD 8F 2-8-0
6134164A dn pass6462764A9069062A dn goods
4.17pm Dundee (Tay Bridge) to Ladybank, a six coach train hauled by V2 2-6-2 60818 (64A). Arr 4.59pm
Pre Grouping Ownership - North British Railwayopened:subshed: Thornton Junction (THJ, 62A)
type:A stone-built 2TS through-road shed.closed:1958
location:In the fork of lines, north of Ladybank station.
Tuesday 29 September 195362A5.05pm - 5.10pmtotal:4
J35 0-6-0 (NBR)J37 0-6-0 (NBR)J36 0-6-0 (NBR)J83 0-6-0T (NBR)
Visits to Ladybank 1938 - 1957
Ladybank station : 5.15pm - 5.48pmWD 8F 2-8-0
D49 4-4-0A2/1 4-6-29005862Adn gds
6271362A Aberdeenshire dn pass (5)6051064B Robert the Devil dn pass9069062Aup gds
5.48pm Ladybank to Perth, a two caoch train headed by MacIntosh 2P 0-4-4T (63A). Arr 6.28pm
Perth South
Pre Grouping Ownership - Caledonian Railwayopened:1854Sep 1935 - Dec 194829A
type:An 8TS through-road shed. Rebuilt in 1938closed to steam:May-67Jan 1949 - May 196763A
location:On the west side of the line, south of the station.
AbbreviationsDr - DrummondF - FowlerF - FowlerM - MacintoshPick - Pickersgill
GNR - Great Northern RailwayNBR - North British RailwayBR - British RailwaysWd - War Department
Tuesday 29 September 195363A6.55pm - 7.15pmtotal:60
cl 4P 4-4-0 (F)cl 4F 0-6-0cl 5MT 4-6-0Princess Royal 4-6-2
4092363A4419363A4469863A4499763A462065A Princess Marie Louise
4092463A S4425163A4470064D4505363A462125A Duchess of Kent
cl 3P 4-4-0 (Pick)4425363A R4470563A4536663AA1 4-6-2
5446963A4425763A4470766A4538963A6016163A Auld Reekie
5447663A4432863A4472163A4544365BD34 4-4-0
5448563Acl 4F 0-6-0 (F)4487963A4545763A6247263A Glen Nevis
5448963A4388463B4488563A4546563A6248963A Glen Dessary
5450063Acl 2F 0-6-0 (Dr)4495963A4547263AD11 4-4-0
5450163A5734563A4496063A4547363A R6269164B Laird of Balmawhapple
5450363A R5747363A4497563A4549763AClan 4-6-2
cl 3P 4-4-0 (M)J38 0-6-04497763Acl 2P 0-4-4T (M)7200868A Clan Macleod
5444863A6593162A4497863A5521863AK2 2-6-0 (GNR)
5445463CJ37 0-6-0 (NBR)cl 3F 0-6-0T (M)5522663A6178363D Loch Shiel R
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)6456963B5635363AWD 2-8-06179063D Loch Lomand
4213063A5635963A9048962AK1 2-6-0B1 4-6-0
S - storedR - repair shop6201163D6135464A
Shed Codes5A Crewe North62A Thornton Junction63A Perth South63B Stirling South63C Forfar
63D Fort William64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket64D Carstairs65B St. Rollox
66A Polmadie68A Carlisle Kingmoor
Visits to Perth South 1938 - 1967
7.38pm Perth to Stirling, a seven coach train headed by class 5MT 4-6-0 45443 (65B). Arr 8.22pm


  1. Are you looking for more authentic records of shedbashes around the UK? If so how does one get the detailed listings to you?
    Many thanks.

  2. Listed in your index as 1853
