Index of Sheds & Works

Shed Allocations 1961 - Recent Additions

Thursday 19 March 2020

Days Out No. 53 : 18th March 1956 - East Anglia

Cambridge shed yard on 2nd October 1960, when the steam allocation was being run down, as the diesel era was approaching.  Photo - Ben Brooksbank, licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons 2.0 licence.
An RCTS (Railway Correspondence & Travel Society) trip from London to sheds in East Anglia.
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Eastern Railwayopened:1850prior to Jan 1950COL
type:A brick-built 3TS shed with a through road.closed:Nov-59Feb 1950 - Nov 195930E
location:On the north side of the line, east of the station.
AbbreviationsGER - Great Eastern RailwayGNR - Great Northern RailwayWD - War Department
Sunday 18 March 195630Etotal:38
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)J15 0-6-0 (GER)J19 0-6-0 (GER)J17 0-6-0 (GER)B2 4-6-0
6955530E6543230E6465130E6553130E6160730E Blickling
N7 0-6-2T (GER)6544130E6465230E6553930E6161530E Culford Hall
6967330E6544330A6465330E6555631B6161630E Fallodon
cl 3P 4-4-2T6544530E6466030E6556430E6163930E Norwich City
4194930E6545630E6466230AJ39 0-6-0B17 4-6-0
cl 2MT 2-6-06546530E6466630E6476730A6164830A Arsenal
4646930E6546630E6466730EK1 2-6-06165030E Grimsby Twon
6547030EJ69 0-6-0T (GER)6206931B6165530A Middlesborough
6547330E6852230E6165830E The Essex Regiment
6860130E6166630E Nottingham Forest
6166730E Bradford
Shed Codes30A Stratford30E Colchester31B March
Visits to Colchester 1936 - 1959
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Eastern Railwayopened:Mar-83prior to Jan 1950PKS
type:A brick-built 4TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jan-61Feb 1950 - Jan 196130F
North of the line at the east of the station.

AbbreviationsGER - Great Eastern RailwayGNR - Great Northern Railway
Sunday 18 March 195630Ftotal:26
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)J39 0-6-0J15 0-6-0 (GER)B1 4-6-0
6950230F6477330F6487430F6543430F6100030A Springbok
6955030A6477730F6495330F6545230A6100530F Bongo
6955130F6478730F6495732B6545330F6100630F Blackbuck
6956130F6487330F6497330AJ69 0-6-0T (GER)6113530F6123230F
0-6-0 dieselB17 4-6-06850030F6114930F6126430F
111136161330A Woodbastwick Hall6855430F
Shed Codes30A Stratford30F Parkeston32B Ipswich
Visits to Parkeston 1936 - 1959
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Eastern Railwayopened:1846prior to Jan 1950IPS
type:Rebuilt in 1954 into a concrete 6TS through-road shed.closed to steam:Nov-59Feb 1950 - Nov 195932B
location:On the east side of the line, south of Ipswich Station.
AbbreviationsGER - Great Eastern RailwayGNR - Great Northern Railway
Sunday 18 March 195632Btotal:64
F6 2-4-2T (GER)B17 4-6-0B1 4-6-0J39 0-6-0J15 0-6-0 (GER)
6723032B6160930A Quidenham6105232B6472632B6536132B
L1 2-6-4T6162532B Raby Castle6105432B6475232B6540432B
6770232B6162932B Naworth Castle6105532B6477030F6545932B
6770332B6163132B Serlby Hall6123630A6479332B6546732B
6770532B6164331B Campion Lodge6125332B6482632B6547232B
6770832B6164732B Helmingham Hall6125432B6482932BJ17 0-6-0 (GER)
6770932B6164932B Sheffield UnitedB12 4-6-0 (GER)6483432B6551232B
6771632B6166330A Everton6153332B6484132B6551332B
6777532B6166932B Barnsley6156132B6488232B6555332A
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)Britannia 4-6-26156432B6489432B6556032B
6180130A7003032A William Wordsworth6156932B6490532B6557832B
6187331BJ67 0-6-0T (GER)J19 0-6-0 (GER)6157132B0-4-0 diesels0-6-0 diesels
6198231B6852132BJ20 0-6-0 (GER)11137
Shed Codes30A Stratford30E Colchester30F Parkeston31B March32A Norwich
Visits to Ipswich 1936 - 1959
Norwich Thorpe
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Eastern Railwayopened:1844prior to Jan 1950NOR
type:A brick-built 4TS through-road shed.closed to steam:Apr-62Feb 1950 - Apr 196232A
location:On the south side of Norwich Thorpe Station.
AbbreviationsGER - Great Eastern RailwayGNR - Great Northern Railway
Sunday 18 March 195632Atotal:73
D16 4-4-0 (GER)Britannia 4-6-2B1 4-6-0J39 0-6-0J67 0-6-0T (GER)
6251032A7000230A Geoffrey Chaucer6104232A6476132A6851632A
6252332A7000632A Robert Burns6104332A6480232AJ69 0-6-0T (GER)
6255532A7000732A Coer-de-Lion6104532A6490032A6855532A
6255632A7000932A Alfred The Great6104632A6491332AJ68 0-6-0T (GER)
6256432A7001232A John of Gaunt61249*30AJ17 0-6-0 (GER)6864032A
6257732A7001332A Oliver Cromwell6131732A6551932A6864132A
6259232A7003532A Rudyard KiplingK3 2-6-0 (GNR)6553732A6864232A
6259332A7003630A Boadicea6187732A6555732A6864532A
6260531A7004130A Sir John Moore6191832C6556632AJ50 0-6-0T (GNR)
B12 4-6-0 (GER)B17 4-6-06193932A6557332A6889932A
6151432A6163430A Hinchingbroke6195732A6558832A6892432A
6152032A6163831B Melton Hall6197132AJ15 0-6-0 (GER)N7 0-6-2T (GER)
6153532BK1 2-6-0L1 2-6-4T6198932A6538832A6967932A
6154532F6203231B6770732AF6 2-4-2T (GER)6546932A6969032A
6157232A6204031B6771732A6722932CJ19 0-6-0 (GER)6970632A
6157732Acl 4MT 2-6-00-6-0 dieselC12 4-4-2T (GNR)6464432A6970732A
* named Fitzherbert Wright
Shed Codes30A Stratford31A Cambridge31B March32A Norwich32B Ipswich
32C Lowestoft32D Yarmouth S. Twn32G Melton Constable
Visits to Norwich Thorpe 1938 - 1959
Norwich City
Pre Grouping Ownership - Midland & Great Northern Railwayopened:1882Melton Constable subshed
type:A brick-built 3TS dead-ended shed, reduced to 2TS.closed:Feb-59
location:On the east side of the line, at the north end of Norwich City Station.
AbbreviationsGER - Great Eastern Railway
Sunday 18 March 1956
D16 4-4-0 (GER)J67 0-6-0T (GER)
Shed Codes32G Melton Constable
Visits to Norwich City 1938 - 1959
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Eastern Railwayopened:1847prior to Jan 1950CAM
type:A brick-built 7TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jun-62Feb 1950 - Jun 196231A
location:On the west side of the line at the north end of Cambridge station.
AbbreviationsGER - Great Eastern RailwayGNR - Great Northern RailwayNER - North Eastern Railway
BR - British Railways
Sunday 18 March 195631Atotal:60
E4 2-4-0 (GER)A4 4-6-2B1 4-6-0J17 0-6-0 (GER)J15 0-6-0 (GER)
6279231A6003434A Lord Faringdon6112131A6550031A6539031A
6279631AB17 4-6-06128631A6550231A6542031E
G5 0-4-4T (NER)6163631A Harlaxton Manor6130231A6550431A6542531A
6732231A6165231A Darlington6133431A6550531A6543831A
C12 4-4-2T (GNR)B2 4-6-0D16 4-4-0 (GER)6552031A6544231A
6739531A6161731A Ford Castle6253031A6553530A6545731A
K1 2-6-06167131A Royal Sovereign6253231A6554131AJ69 0-6-0T (GER)
6203531BBritannia 4-6-26256531C6556531A6849131A
6203631B7000330A John Bunyan6261831A6557131B6853031A
6205131BBR 5MT 4-6-0J39 0-6-06261932A6557531A6856731A
6207031B7307134A6472931AJ20 0-6-0 (GER)6558731A6860031A
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)cl 4MT 2-6-06475131A6468331AJ19 0-6-0 (GER)6860931A
6184930A4308931A6480331A6468831A6465431AJ50 0-6-0T
6188831Bcl 2MT 2-6-06495831A6469531A6465831A6896530A
Shed Codes30A Stratford31A Cambridge31B March31C Kings Lynn31E Bury St. Edmonds
32A Norwich34A Kings Cross
Visits to Cambridge 1936 - 1962

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