Index of Sheds & Works

Shed Allocations 1961 - Recent Additions

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Shed Profiles - Mid Wales in 1961

89BCroes NewyddAllocation 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Western Railwayopened:1902prior to Jan 1950CNYD
type: A brick-built roundhouseclosed:Jun-67Feb 1950 - Aug 196084J
location: In the triangle of lines at Croes Newydd Junction.Sep 1960 - Aug 196389B
Sep 1963 - Jun 19676C
AbbreviationsSt - StanierI - IvattBR - British RailwaysWD - War Department
Friday 31 March 196189B1.25pm - 1.45pmtotal:32
16xx 0-6-0PT43xx 2-6-056xx 0-6-2T74xx 0-6-0PTHall 4-6-0
161889B539989B565189B740989B690784B Davenham Hall
161989B630689B663289B741489B57xx 0-6-0PT
2251 0-6-0633989B28xx 2-8-0744289B374989B873489B
Shed Codes84B Oxley89B Croes Newydd89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Sunday 11 June 196189Btotal:29
16xx 0-6-0PT57xx 0-6-0PT74xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T43xx 2-6-0
464589B975289B744289B667489B28xx 2-8-0
Shed Codes89B Croes Newydd89C Machynlleth
Friday 14 July 196189Btotal:36
16xx 0-6-0PT57xx 0-6-0PT74xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T28xx 2-8-0
43xx 2-6-0461789B2251 0-6-0744289B667489B384689B
633989B468389B220189Bcl 4MT 2-6-4T (St)669489BWD 2-8-0
731489BShed Codes6A Chester 84C Banbury84F Stourbridge Jct.86G Pontypool Road
89B Croes Newydd89C Machynlleth
Tuesday 15 August 196189Btotal:24
57xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2T43xx 2-6-0Manor 4-6-0
368989B873489B565189B635789B782889B Odney Manor
374989B74xx 0-6-0PT661089B637889CHall 4-6-0
376089B740989B661189B731089B591984B Worsley Hall
468389B744289B661589B731389B2251 0-6-028xx 2-8-0
577489B744389B667489BJ39 0-6-0220189B382889B
Shed Codes84B Oxley84B Oxley89B Croes Newydd89C Machynlleth
Sunday 27 August 196189Btotal:40
16xx 0-6-0PT74xx 0-6-0PTManor 4-6-056xx 0-6-2T43xx 2-6-0
161889B740989B W782889B Odney Manor565189B630689B
161989B741489B57xx 0-6-0PT661089B633689C
166089B743189B363089C577489B661189B28xx 2-8-0
51xx 2-6-2T744289B368989B872789B661589B381589B
cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)2251 0-6-0376089B966989B663289B384689B
4651389D220189B461789B979389B667489B72xx 2-8-2T
223689BJ39 0-6-0669489B721384B
Shed Codes9G Gorton84B Oxley84C Banbury84E Tyseley89B Croes Newydd
89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Sunday 8 October 196189B6.05am - 6.25amtotal:36
16xx 0-6-0PT57xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2TManor 4-6-0
161889B368989B966989B565189B782189B Ditcheat Manor
161989B376089B975289B661089B43xx 2-6-028xx 2-8-0
166089B461789Bcl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)661189B539989B381784C
74xx 0-6-0PT464589B4651389D661589B630689B382889B
741489B872789BJ39 0-6-0661789B633689C384689B
744389B961089BBR 5MT 4-6-0669489B733989B
Shed Codes9G Gorton84C Banbury89A Shrewsbury89B Croes Newydd
89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Sunday 29 October 196189Btotal:27
57xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2TManor 4-6-0
363089C961089B565189B669889B782889B Odney Manor
368989B966989B661089B74xx 0-6-0PT43xx 2-6-028xx 2-8-0
461789B16xx 0-6-0PT661589B743189B630689B289686E
Shed Codes86E Severn Tunnel Junction86G Pontypool Road89B Croes Newydd89C Machynlleth
Sunday 26 November 196189Btotal:34
16xx 0-6-0PT57xx 0-6-0PT56xx 0-6-2THall 4-6-0
161889B363089C975289B565189B692081A Barningham Hall
161989B368989B979389B661089BManor 4-6-0
166089B374989B43xx 2-6-0661189B781189B Dunley Manor
74xx 0-6-0PT376089B630689B W661589Bcl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)28xx 2-8-0
743189B577489B731389B667489BJ39 0-6-0382889B
Shed Codes9G Gorton81A Old Oak Common84B Oxley84C Banbury
89B Croes Newydd89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Bala JunctionA brick-built 1TS dead-ended shed.
Sunday 22 January 196143xx 2-6-057xx 0-6-0PT
Friday 31 March 196157xx 0-6-0PT
TrawsfynddA brick-built 1TS through-road shed.
Sunday 22 January 196157xx 0-6-0PT
PenmaenpoolA timber-built 2TS dead-ended shed.

89CMachynllethAllocation 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Cambrian Railwayopened:1863prior to Jan 1950MCH
type:A stone-built 3TS with two through roads.closed:Dec-66Feb 1950 - Aug 196389C
location:On the east side of the line, north of the station.Sep 1963 - Dec 19666F
AbbreviationsBR - British Railways
Friday 31 March 196189C4.45pm - 5pmtotal:15
74xx 0-6-0PTBR 4MT 4-6-0Manor 4-6-02251 0-6-0
741789C7502089C782389C Hook Norton Manor221789C228789C
BR 3MT 2-6-2T7502689C43xx 2-6-0BR 2MT 2-6-0222289C320589C
shed codes89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Friday 28 July 196189C7pmtotal:11
74xx 0-6-0PTBR 3MT 2-6-2TBR 4MT 4-6-0BR 2MT 2-6-0Manor 4-6-0
741789C8200589C7502689C7800389C781384E Freshford Manor
2251 0-6-08202189Ccl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)7800589C
shed codes84E Tyseley89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
AberystwythA brick-built 2TS through-road shed.
Saturday 1 April 196189C subshed11.25am - 11.30amtotal:6
74xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0Manor 4-6-0
740689C226089C780789D Compton Manor782587G Lechlade Manor
742889C780989D Childrey Manor
shed codes87G Carmarthen89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Saturday 20 May 196189C subshedtotal:10
74xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0Manor 4-6-0
740689C226089C780389C Barcote Manor781589C Fritwell Manor
742889CBR 4MT 4-6-0781289D Earlstoke Manor781684E Frilsham Manor
7502484E781489C Fringford Manor782389C Hook Norton Manor
shed codes84E Tyseley89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Friday 28 July 196189C subshedtotal:10
74xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-043xx 2-6-0Manor 4-6-0
740689C222487G639289C780389C Bradley Manor781684E Frilsham Manor
742889C229889C733487G781589C Fritwell Manor781889C Granville Manor
shed codes84E Tyseley87G Carmarthen89C Machynlleth
Aberystwyth (Vale of Rheidol Railway)narrow gauge railway
locomotives7Owen Glyndwr
9Prince of Wales
other sub-shedsPwllheliA brick-built 2TS dead ended shed.
A brick-built 2TS dead-ended shed.

89DOswestryAllocation 1961
Pre Grouping Ownership - Cambrian Railwayopened:1860prior to Jan 1950OSW
type: A brick-built 4TS and an adjoining 2TS dead-ended shed.closed:Jan-65Feb 1950 - Aug 196089A
location: In the fork of the Whitchurch and Gobowen lines, north of the station.Sep 1960 - Aug 196389D
Sep 1963 - Jan 19656E
AbbreviationsI - IvattSt - StanierBR - British Railways
Friday 31 March 196189D11.40am - 11.55amtotal:31
14xx 0-4-2T2251 0-6-057xx 0-6-0PTManor 4-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)
143289D320089D360089D780089D Torquay Manor4650389D
143889D320889D377089D780189D Anthony Manor4650789D
145889D320989D378989D780789D Compton Manor4650889D
16xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PT962989D780989D Childrey Manor4650989D
163689D542189D781089D Draycott Manor4651189D
166089B74xx 0-6-0PT781289D Erlestoke Manor4651589D
166889D743489D781989D Hinton Manor4651689D
Shed Codes89B Croes Newydd89D Oswestry4652489D
Sunday 23 April 196189Dtotal:29
14xx 0-4-2T2251 0-6-057xx 0-6-0PTcl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)Manor 4-6-0
143289D222289C360089D4650589D780089D Torquay Manor
143889D223989D377089D4650989D780189D Anthony Manor
16xx 0-6-0PT320889D378989D4651589D780789D Compton Manor
163689D54xx 0-6-0PT962989D4651989D780989D Childrey Manor
166889D542189D43xx 2-6-04652089D781089D Draycott Manor
74xx 0-6-0PT731089B4652289D781289D Erlestoke Manor
743489D4652489D781989D Hinton Manor
Shed Codes89B Croes Newydd89D Oswestry782789D Lydham Manor
Monday 21 August 196189Dtotal:24
14xx 0-4-2T2251 0-6-016xx 0-6-0PTcl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)Manor 4-6-0
143289D220489C162889D4650489D780189D Anthony Manor
143889D223389C163689D4651089D781089D Draycott Manor
145889D227689C166889D4651489D781989D Hinton Manor
320089D57xx 0-6-0PT4651589D782289D Foxcote Manor
320989D360089D4652089DBR 5MT 4-6-0
Shed Codes89A Shrewsbury89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Sunday 27 August 196189Dtotal:35
14xx 0-4-2T57xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)Manor 4-6-0
143289D360089D223389C4640189D780189D Anthony Manor
143889D377089D223989D4650789D780789D Compton Manor
144089D378989D228689C4650989D780989D Childrey Manor
145889D962989D320089D4651189D781089D Draycott Manor
16xx 0-6-0PT975284B xw320989D4651289D781289D Erlestoke Manor
162889DHall 4-6-04651989D781989D Hinton Manor
163689D693084A Aldersey Hall4652189D782289D Foxcote Manor
166889D54xx 0-6-0PT4652389D782789D Lydham Manor
xw - ex works542189D
Shed Codes84A Stafford Road84B Oxley89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Sunday 8 October 196189D7.05am - 7.25amtotal:36
14xx 0-4-2T57xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)Manor 4-6-0
143289D360089D223389C4640189D780089D Torquay Manor
143889D377089D225189D4650989D780189D Anthony Manor
144089D378989D16xx 0-6-0PT4651589D780789D Compton Manor
144789B468389B162889D4651689D780989D Childrey Manor
54xx 0-6-0PT962989D163689D4652189D781089D Draycott Manor
542189D976381D xw166889D4652289D781289D Erlestoke Manor
74xx 0-6-0PTBR 2MT 2-6-04652389D781989D Hinton Manor
743489D7800389C aw4652689D782289D Foxcote Manor
aw - awaiting worksxw - ex works4652789D782789D Lydham Manor
Shed Codes81D Reading89B Croes Newydd89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Sunday 29 October 196189Dtotal:32
14xx 0-4-2T57xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)Manor 4-6-0
143289D360089D223389C4640189D780089D Torquay Manor
143889D377089D225189D4650389D780789D Compton Manor
144789B378989D227689C aw4650889D780989D Childrey Manor
16xx 0-6-0PT468389BBR 9F 2-10-04650989D781089D Draycott Manor
162889D54xx 0-6-0PT9224781A aw4651189D781289D Erlestoke Manor
163689D542189D4651289D781989D Hinton Manor
74xx 0-6-0PT4651889D782289D Foxcote Manor
743489D4651989D782789D Lydham Manor
aw - awaiting works4652389D
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common89B Croes Newydd89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Sunday 26 November 196189Dtotal:31
14xx 0-4-2T57xx 0-6-0PTcl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)Manor 4-6-0
143289D321489D4650389D4652689D780089D Torquay Manor
143889D377089D4650489D74xx 0-6-0PT780189D Anthony Manor
145889D378989D4650589D742889C780789D Compton Manor
16xx 0-6-0PT54xx 0-6-0PT4650889D743489D781289D Erlestoke Manor
162889D542189D4650989D744289C782289D Foxcote Manor
163689D2251 0-6-04651689D94xx 0-6-0PT782789D Lydham Manor
225589C4652189D942381A xwxw - ex works
229489C4652489D944083A awaw - awaiting works
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common83A Newton Abbot89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
LlanidloesA brick-built 2TS dead-ended shed.
Sunday 19 February 1961cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)
Friday 31 March 1961cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)
Moat Lane Jct.A 2TS dead-ended shed.
Friday 31 March 1961cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)
Saturday 20 May 1961cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)
Friday 28 July 1961cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)

Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Western Railwayopened:1863prior to Jan 1950BCN
type:A brick-built 2TS through-road shed.closed:Dec-62Feb 1950 - Sep 196089B
location:On the south side of the line, east of the station.Sep 1960 - Nov 196288K
AbbreviationsI - Ivatt
Sunday 21 May 196188Ktotal:11
57xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)
Shed Codes86A Newport Ebbw Jct.89D Oswestry
Saturday 1 July 196188Ktotal:7
57xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)
Shed Codes86A Newport Ebbw Jct.89D Oswestry
Sunday 2 July 196188Ktotal:11
57xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)
Shed Codes86A Newport Ebbw Jct.89D Oswestry
Saturday 22 July 196188K9.45pmtotal:9
57xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0 (I)
Shed Codes86A Newport Ebbw Jct.89D Oswestry

Oswestry Works
The Cambrian Railway built its locomotive works in Oswestry. After the Cambrian Railway was taken over by the GWR in 1923, the works were kept open for the associated locomotive shed, finally closing in January 1965.
Friday 31 March 1961stored locos
57xx 0-6-0PTCounty 4-6-0Dukedog 4-4-0W&L 0-6-0T
577489B101389A County of Dorset9017822823
Shed Codes89A Shrewsbury89B Croes Newydd
Sunday 23 April 1961stored locos
16xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PT43xx 2-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0Dukedog 4-4-0W&L 0-6-0T
57xx 0-6-0PTCounty 4-6-0
577489B101389A County of Dorset
Shed Codes84A Stafford Road84F Stourbridge Jct.89A Shrewsbury89B Croes Newydd89D Oswestry
Tuesday 15 August 1961stored locos
57xx 0-6-0PT74xx 0-6-0PTBR 3MT 2-6-2TModified Hall 4-6-0W&L 0-6-0T
374682C743489D8203389C792289A Salford Hall823
975284BDukedog 4-4-0
Shed Codes82C Swindon84B Oxley89A Shrewsbury9017
89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Sunday 8 October 1961stored locos
57xx 0-6-0PT94xx 0-6-0PTBR 3MT 2-6-2TDukedog 4-4-0W&L 0-6-0T
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common89A Shrewsbury89C Machynlleth
Sunday 29 October 1961stored locos
57xx 0-6-0PT2251 0-6-0BR 9F 2-10-0Castle 4-6-0W&L 0-6-0T
464589B321489D9221082E701984A Fowey Castle823
94xx 0-6-0PTBR 2MT 2-6-0Dukedog 4-4-0
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common82E Bristol Barrow Rd.84A Stafford Road89B Croes Newydd
89C Machynlleth89D Oswestry
Sunday 26 November 1961
2251 0-6-0BR 9F 2-10-0W&L 0-6-0TDukedog 4-4-0
Shed Codes81A Old Oak Common82E Bristol Barrow Rd89C Machynlleth

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