Index of Sheds & Works

Shed Allocations 1961 - Recent Additions

Monday, 3 February 2020

Doncaster Works 1963 (January to July)

Doncaster Works - 1963
Doncaster Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Works, known locally as ‘The Plant’, was built in 1853 for the former Great Northern Railway Co. On the amalgamation of the Railway Companies in 1923, Doncaster became one of the main workshops of the London and North Eastern Railway.
AbbreviationsBR - British RailwaysGNR - Great Northern RaiwayBTH - British Thompson-Houston Co.
NBL - North British Locomotive Co.BRCW - Birmingham Railway Carriage & Wagon Co. EE - English Electric
Saturday 12 January 1963total:61
erecting shop, works yard and scrap road
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)B1 4-6-0A4 4-6-2EE T3 dieselsDeltic T5 diesel
6185656B W6108736A6002134A Wild SwanD6715D6722D9014
6198056B W6136640B W6002765B MerlinD6718D6724Brush T4 diesel
K1 2-6-0J17 0-6-0 (GER)A3 4-6-2D6721D1505new
6200851A65567P6004164A Salmon Troutnew EE T3 diesels0-6-0 diesels
6203536C6557631B W6006634A Merry HamptonD6787D6804D2009D3156
6206636AO2 2-8-0 (GNR)6006734A Ladas WD6803D2016D3443
J50 0-6-0T (GNR)6392736E6009065B Grand Paradenew Bo-Bo electricsD2034D3640
6893956A WWD 2-8-06009465B ColoradoE3080E3083D315415003 W
Dep 10ex 689119010440E6011034A Robert the DevilE3081E3089Brush T2 diesels
Dep 11ex 689149027541JA1 4-6-2E3082D5517D5611
Dep 12ex 689179053836A6013056C OspreyBR T2 dieselD5569D5805
V2 2-6-29064736CEE T1 diesels0-4-0 dieselD5066D5607D5820
6098334F WD8048D8061D2405
P- preservedW - withdrawn
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)A4 4-6-2
On shed, awaiting entry to the Works.6184650B W6189950B W6002834A Walter K. Whigham W
12 - 13 Jan 19636187550B W6195136A W
Shed Codes31B March34A King's Cross34F Grantham36A Doncaster36C Frodingham
36E Retford GN40A Lincoln40B Immingham40E Colwick41J Langwith Junction51A Darlington
56A Wakefield56B Ardsley56C Leeds Copley Hill64A St. Margarets65B St. Rollox
Saturday 2 February 1963total:80
works yard and scrap road
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)K3 2-6-0 (GNR)A4 4-6-2A2 4-6-2
4250833C W6184750B W6000834A Dwight D. Eisenhower6052561B A. H. Peppercorn
4251633C W6185750B W6001434A Silver Link WJ50 0-6-0T (GNR)Brush T2 diesels
4252233C W6188350B W6003034A Golden Fleece WDep 13ex 68928D5511D5615
4253233C WO2 2-8-0 (GNR)6003334A Seagull    WDep 14ex 68961EE T3 diesel
4253633C W6392736EA3 4-6-2Dep 15ex 68971D6721
K1 2-6-0J17 0-6-0 (GER)6009465B Colorado0-6-0 dieselsnew EE T3 diesels
6205851A6557631B WA1 4-6-2D2009D3154D6790D6808
6016164B North BritishD2016D6791D6809
erecting shop, stripping shop & paint shop area (ps)
K1 2-6-0B1 4-6-0A4 4-6-2EE T3 dieselDeltic T5 diesels
6200851A ps6108736A6001734A Silver FoxD6714D9016D9020
6203536C6119441D6002464B KingfisherEE T1 dieselD9017
V2 2-6-2O2 2-8-0 (GNR)A3 4-6-2D80630-6-0 diesels
60800*34A P6396936E6004834E DoncasterBR T2 diesels11168D3627
J50 0-6-0T (GNR)WD 2-8-06006634A Merry HamptonD5043D5065D3156D4050
Dep 12ex 689179027541J6010334A Flying Scotsman Pnew Bo-Bo electricsBrush T2 diesels
J17 0-6-0 (GER)9064736CA1 4-6-2E3081E3090D5506D5518
65567P6013056C OspreyE3082E3091D5515D5639
P - preserved*named Green ArrowE3083E3092D5517D5824
Shed Codes31B March33C Shoeburyness34A King's Cross34E New England36A Doncaster
36C Frodingham36E Retford GN41D Canklow41J Langwith Junction50B Hull Dairycotes51A Darlington
56C Leeds Copley Hill61B Aberdeen Ferryhill64A St. Margarets65B St. Rollox
Sunday 10 February 1963total:80
works yard and scrap road
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)K1 2-6-0A4 4-6-2A2 4-6-2
4250433C W6205851A6000834A Dwight D. Eisenhower6052561B A. H. Peppercorn
4250833C WB1 4-6-06001434A Silver Link WWD 2-8-0EE T4 diesel
4251633C W6109540A6003034A Golden Fleece W9044736AD209
4253333C WJ50 0-6-0T (GNR)6003434A Lord Faringdon9058741Fnew EE T3 diesels
4253633C WDep 10ex 68911A3 4-6-29064736CD6809D6811
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)Dep 11ex 689146006634A Merry HamptonJ17 0-6-0 (GER)D6810
4267933C WDep 13ex 6892860103Flying Scotsman P6557631B WEE T3 diesel
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)Dep 14ex 689616010534F Victor WildBrush T2 dieselsD6714D6721
6185750B WDep 15ex 68971A1 4-6-2D5517D58250-6-0 diesels
6188350B WDep 16ex 689766011336A Great Northern WD5596D582615004D3156
6015152D MidlothianD5615
erecting shop, stripping shop (ss) & paint shop area (ps)
K1 2-6-0B1 4-6-0A4 4-6-2new Bo-Bo electricsDeltic T5 diesel
6203536C6108736A ps6001734A Silver FoxE3081E3090D9020
V2 2-6-26119441D6002464B KingfisherE3082E3091EE T4 diesel
60800*P psJ17 0-6-0 (GER)A3 4-6-2E3083E3092D207
O2 2-8-0 (GNR)65567P6004834E Doncaster0-6-0 dieselsEE T3 diesels
6396936EBTH T1 diesels6009465B ColoradoD3616D3659D6719D6727
WD 2-8-0D8232D82356010834E Gay Crusader ssD362711168D6725
9027541JEE T1 dieselA1 4-6-2BR T2 dieselsBrush T2 diesels
J50 0-6-0T (GNR)D80546013056C Osprey psD5043D5065D5511D5518
Dep 12ex 68917*named Green Arrow6016164B North BritishD5515
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)K3 2-6-0 (GNR)
On shed, awaiting entry to the Works.4251833C W6186950B W6195136A W
4252633C W6187150B W
Shed Codes31B March33C Shoeburyness34A King's Cross34E New England34F Grantham
36A Doncaster36C Frodingham36E Retford GN40A Lincoln41D Canklow41J Langwith Junction
50B Hull Dairycotes51A Darlington52D Tweedmouth56C Leeds Copley Hill61B Aberdeen Ferryhill64B Haymarket
65B St. Rollox
Sunday 17 February 1963total:86
erecting shop, works yard and scrap road
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)K1 2-6-0A4 4-6-2new Bo-Bo electricsDeltic T5 diesel
4251833C W6200252K6001434A Silver Link WE3081E3090D9002
4252533C W6205851A6002534A FalconE3082E3091new Brush T4 diesels
4252633C WK3 2-6-0 (GNR)6003434A Lord FaringdonE3083E3092D1510D1511
4253633C W6189350B WA3 4-6-2BR T2 dieselsnew EE T3 diesels
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)6193050B W6004434A MeltonD5043D5063D6815D6816
4267933C WB1 4-6-060103Flying Scotsman PD5058D5065EE T3 diesels
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)6109540A6010534F Victor WildBrush T2 dieselsD6713D6728
6950434E W6115736AA1 4-6-2D5511D5645D6725D6794
6952034E W6119441D6016164B North BritishD5520D5656D6727
6952334E WWD 2-8-0A2 4-6-2D5579D5671EE T1 diesels
6953834E W9002434A6051950A Honeyway WD5610D5828D8067D8068
6954634E W9007936C6052561B A. H. PeppercornD5635BTH T1 diesel
6957534E W901488FV2 2-6-2J50 0-6-0T (GNR)0-6-0 dieselsD8205
6958334E W9025334E W60800*P psDep 10ex 68911D2565D3618NBL T1 diesel
6959334E W9027034E WO1 2-8-0 (GNR)Dep 13ex 68928D3574D3659D8401
J17 0-6-0 (GER)9041141J6365041HDep 14ex 68961D3616EE T2 diesel
65567P9044736A6386841HDep 15ex 68971D5901
P - preserved9058741F6388741HDep 16ex 68976*named Green Arrow
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)J20 0-6-0 (GER)N2 0-6-2T (GNR)
On shed, awaiting entry to the Works.4250133C W6469031B W6952934E W
4253533C W6956834E W
Shed Codes8F Springs Branch33C Shoeburyness34A King's Cross34B Hornsey34E New England
34F Grantham36A Doncaster36C Frodingham40A Lincoln41D Canklow41F Mexborough
41H Staveley GC41J Langwith Junction50A York50B Hull Dairycotes51A Darlington52K Consett
61B Aberdeen Ferryhill64B Haymarket
Sunday 3 March 1963total:83
works yard and scrap road
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)N2 0-6-2T (GNR)A4 4-6-2J50 0-6-0T (GNR)new EE T3 diesels
4251833C W6950434E W6001434A Silver Link WDep 10ex 68911D6815D6816
4252533C W6952034E WA3 4-6-2Dep 12ex 68917new Brush T4 diesels
4252633C W6952334E W4472Flying Scotsman PDep 13ex 68928D1510D1511
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)6953834E WA2 4-6-2Dep 15ex 68971EE T3 diesels
4267933C W6954634E W6051250A Steady AimWD 2-8-0D6713D6794
K3 2-6-0 (GNR)6957534E WV2 2-6-29025334E WBR T2 diesels
6189350B W6958334E W4771Green Arrow P9027034E WD5058D5063
K1 2-6-06959334E WJ17 0-6-0 (GER)B1 4-6-09044736A0-6-0 diesels
6205851AO1 2-8-0 (GNR)65567P6109540AEE T2 dieselD2565D3659
P - preserved6388741H W6115736AD5901D361615004
erecting shop, stripping shop (ss) & paint shop area (ps)
WD 2-8-0A4 4-6-2Brush T2 dieselsnew Bo-Bo electricsDeltic T5 diesels
9000136A6002534A FalconD5511D5645E3082E3083D9002D9021
9002434A6003434A Lord FaringdonD5520D5656E3090E3092D9009
9007936CA3 4-6-2D5579D5671E3091E3093EE T3 diesels
9041141J6004434A MeltonD5610D5828BTH T1 dieselD6725D6728
9058741F6010534F Victor WildD5635D8205D6727
O1 2-8-0 (GNR)0-6-0 dieselsBR T2 dieselsNBL T1 dieselEE T1 diesels
Shed Codes33C Shoeburyness34A King's Cross34B Hornsey34E New England36A Doncaster
36C Frodingham40A Lincoln41F Mexborough41H Staveley GC41J Langwith Junction50A York
50B Hull Dairycotes51A Darlington
Saturday 16 March 1963total:74
erecting shop, works yard and scrap road
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)N2 0-6-2T (GNR)A4 4-6-2J50 0-6-0T (GNR)Deltic T5 diesel
4251833C W6952334E W6001434A Silver Link WDep 10ex 68911D9009
4252533C W6952934E W6002634A Miles BeevorDep 11ex 68914new Brush T4 diesel
4252633C W6953834E WA1 4-6-2Dep 14ex 68961D1513new
4253533C W6954634E W6011856B Archibald SturrockDep 15ex 68971BR T2 diesels
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)6956834E WA2 4-6-2Dep 16ex 68976D5043D5065
4267933C W6957534E W6051250A Steady AimBrush T2 dieselsD5052D5094
B1 4-6-06958334E WA3 4-6-2D5511D5656new EE T3 diesels
6108736AWD 2-8-04472Flying Scotsman PD5597D5681D6812D6818
6115736A9000136AV2 2-6-2D5604D5828EE T3 diesels
6119441D9002436C4771Green Arrow PD5610D5833D6725D6754
6132636A9003540BO1 2-8-0 (GNR)0-6-0 dieselsD5631D5845new Bo-Bo electrics
K1 2-6-09007936C6365041HD2004D3574D5645E3083E3091
6206451A9025334E W6386841HD2020D4047NBL T1 dieselE3089E3092
J17 0-6-0 (GER)BTH T1 dieselsD3298D4063D8401E3090E3093
cl 4F 0-6-0
On shed, awaiting entry to the Works.4452131B W
Shed Codes31B March33C Shoeburyness34A King's Cross34E New England36A Doncaster
36C Frodingham40B Immingham41D Canklow41H Staveley GC50A York51A Darlington
56B Ardsley
Saturday 23 March 1963a list of steam locomotives in the Works
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)N2 0-6-2T (GNR)A4 4-6-2A3 4-6-2
4250133C W6952034E W6001434A Silver Link W6004934F Galtee More W
4251833C W6952334E W6002634A Miles Beevor6011134F Enterprise W
4252533C W6952934E WV2 2-6-24472Flying Scotsman P
4252633C W6953834E W4771Green Arrow PA1 4-6-2
4253033C W6954634E WB1 4-6-0WD 2-8-06012150A Silurian
4253533C W6956834E W6115736A9003540B6013456B Foxhunter
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)6957534E W6119441D9007936C6015264B Holyrood
4267933C W6958334E W6132636A9025041F W6015350A Flamboyant W
J17 0-6-0 (GER)O1 2-8-0 (GNR)K3 2-6-0 (GNR)9025334E WA2 4-6-2
65567P6365041H6190650B W9027034E W6051650A Hycilla W
J20 0-6-0 (GER)6386841H6196950B W9041141J6051850A Tehran W
6469031B W6388741H WK1 2-6-09055136A6052650A Sugar Palm W
O2 2-8-0 (GNR)6202452A9057241F
6394334F6205052KP - preservedW - withdrawn
Shed Codes31B March33C Shoeburyness34A King's Cross34E New England34F Grantham
36A Doncaster36C Frodingham40B Immingham41D Canklow41F Mexborough41H Staveley GC
41J Langwith Junction50A York50B Hull Dairycotes52A Gateshead52K Consett56B Ardsley
64B Haymarket
Sunday 7th April 1963Awaiting works on Doncaster shed were the following locos:
J50 0-6-0T (GNR)A3 4-6-2A2 4-6-2
6892556C W6003934A Sandwich W6051550A Sun Stream W
6898456C WShed Codes34A King's Cross50A York56C Leeds Copley Hill
Sunday 28 April 1963total:90
works yard and scrap road
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)WD 2-8-0A4 4-6-2J50 0-6-0T (GNR)Brush T2 diesels
4253033C W9008841J6000634A Sir Ralph WedgwoodDep 10ex 68911D5510D5657
B1 4-6-09013336C6001334A Dom. of New Zealand WDept 11ex 68914D5542D5814
6112136A9025041F W6001434A Silver Link W*Dept 12ex 68917D5585D5817
6134840A9025334E W6002234A Mallard WDep 13ex 68928D5609D5838
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)9027034E W6003165B Golden PloverDep 14ex 68961D5655
69523P9071941DA3 4-6-2Dep 15ex 689710-6-0 diesels
A2 4-6-26006334A IsinglassDep 16ex 68976D201015004
6051752D Ocean Swell W6007652B Galopin W6892556C WD2561
6052650A Sugar Palm WA1 4-6-2NBL T1 dieselsEE T3 diesels
6053952D Bronzino W6013456B FoxhunterD8401D8407D6709D6744
6013752D Redgauntlet WBR T2 dieselBTH T1 diesels
P - preservedW - withdrawn* sold to ButlinsD5094D8240
erecting shop, stripping shop (ss) & paint shop area (ps)
V2 2-6-2A3 4-6-2BR T2 dieselsDeltic T5 diesel
4771Green Arrow P ps6005434F Prince of Wales ssD5045D5070D9008
K1 2-6-0new Bo-Bo electrics6005764A OrmondeBrush T2 dieselsEE T4 diesel
6205052KE3090E30834472Flying Scotsman P psD5583D5642D203
6205750AE3091E3092A1 4-6-2D5584D5804Brush T4 diesel
WD 2-8-0R&H T1 diesel6011756C Bois RousselD5595D5819D1508
9004341JD29576012150A SilurianD56120-6-0 diesels
9057241FBTH T1 diesel6015264B HolyroodEE T3 dieselsD2008D2567
9060236CD8205A2 4-6-2D6707D6823D2022D3645
NBL T1 diesel6050034E Edward ThompsonD6804D6837D2027D3663
A2 4-6-2
On shed, awaiting entry to the Works.6051152D Airborne W6052152D Watling Street W
Shed Codes33C Shoeburyness34A King's Cross34E New England34F Grantham36A Doncaster
36C Frodingham40A Lincoln41D Canklow41F Mexborough41J Langwith Junction50A York
52B Heaton52D Tweedmouth52K Consett56B Ardsley56C Leeds Copley Hill64A St. Margarets
64B Haymarket65B St. Rollox

Sunday 5 May 1963a list of steam locomotives in the Works
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)WD 2-8-0A4 4-6-2A3 4-6-2
4253033C W9008841J6000634A Sir Ralph Wedgwood6005434F Prince of Wales
K1 2-6-09013336C6001334A Dom. of New Zealand W6005634A Centenary W
6202252F9025041F W6001434A Silver Link W*6005764A Ormonde
6202752K9027034E W6002234A Mallard W6006334A Isinglass
6205052K9034755G6003165B Golden PloverA1 4-6-2
B1 4-6-09057241FA2 4-6-26011756C Bois Roussel
6112136A9071941D6050034E Edward Thompson6012150A Silurian
6134840AV2 2-6-26051152D Airborne W6015264B Holyrood
J50 0-6-0T (GNR)6081434F W6051334E Dante WV2 2-6-2
6892556C W6052561B A. H. Peppercorn W4771Green Arrow P
6052650A Sugar Palm WN2 0-6-2T (GNR)J17 0-6-0 (GER)
* sold to Butlins6053952D Bronzino W69523P65567P
Shed Codes33C Shoeburyness34A King's Cross34E New England34F Grantham36A Doncaster
36C Frodingham40A Lincoln41D Canklow41F Mexborough41J Langwith Junction50A York
52D Tweedmouth52F N&S Blyth52K Consett55G Huddersfield56C Leeds Copley Hill61B Aberdeen Ferryhill
64A St. Margarets64B Haymarket65B St. Rollox
Sunday 12 May 1963total:91
works yard and scrap road
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (3 cyl)K1 2-6-0A4 4-6-2Brush T2 dieselsDeltic T5 diesel
4253033C W6200851A6001434A Silver Link W*D5569D5657D9015
J50 0-6-0T (GNR)6205052K60022Mallard PD5584D5659EE T4 diesel
Dep 10ex 68911WD 2-8-0A3 4-6-2D5586D5814D203
Dep 11ex 689149008841J6005634A Centenary WD5612D5817new EE T3 diesels
Dep 13ex 689289025041F W6007852B Night Hawk WD5655D5835D6839D6841
Dep 14ex 689619027034E WA1 4-6-2D5656D5838D6840
Dep 15ex 68971BR T2 diesels6012150A Silurian0-6-0 dieselsEE T3 diesel
Dep 16ex 68976D5037D50606014436A King's Courier WD2561D3660D6743
6892556C WD5050A2 4-6-2D3491D3697BTH T1 diesel
6052152D Watling Street WD361915004 WD8205
W - withdrawn* sold to Butlins6052561B A. H. Peppercorn W
erecting shop, stripping shop & paint shop area (ps)
V2 2-6-2A3 4-6-2new Bo-Bo electricsBrush T4 diesel
4771Green Arrow P ps6000634A Sir Ralph WedgwoodE3084E3092D1518
A3 4-6-26001334A Dom. of New Zealand WE3085E3093Brush T2 diesels
6005434F Prince of Wales6001534A Quicksilver WE3091E3094D5507D5595
6006334F Isinglass6003165B Golden Plover0-6-0 dieselsD5527D5611
WD 2-8-0K1 2-6-0A1 4-6-2D2010D3444D5535D5851
9004341J6202752K6011756C Bois RousselD2567BR T2 diesels
9034755GN2 0-6-2T (GNR)6015264B HolyroodEE T3 dieselsD5045D5070
9057241F69523P psA2 4-6-2D6703D6710D5055
9060236CR&H T1 diesel6050034E Edward ThompsonD6704D6832
9071941DD2957D6707P - preserved
A2 4-6-2V2 2-6-2
On shed, awaiting entry to the Works.6053852D Velocity W6081434F W6086634E W
6082134E W6091234E W
Shed Codes33C Shoeburyness34A King's Cross34E New England34F Grantham36A Doncaster
36C Frodingham41D Canklow41F Mexborough41J Langwith Junction50A York51A Darlington
52B Heaton52D Tweedmouth52K Consett55G Huddersfield56C Leeds Copley Hill61B Aberdeen Ferryhill
64B Haymarket65B St. Rollox
Sunday 19 May 1963New arrivals included:
V2 2-6-2A4 4-6-2A1 4-6-2WD 2-8-0
6081434F W6001034A Dominion of Canada6011436A W. P. Allen9000240E
6082134E WA3 4-6-2A2 4-6-29013336C
6086634E W6007152B Tranquil6053852D Velocity W9055136E
6091234E W6007252B Sunstar WB1 4-6-0
6139334A W
Shed Codes34A King's Cross34F Grantham36A Doncaster36C Frodingham36E Retford GN
40E Colwick52B Heaton52D Tweedmouth
Saturday 25 May 1963a list of steam locomotives in the Works
B1 4-6-0WD 2-8-0A4 4-6-2A3 4-6-2
6112136A9000240E6000634A Sir Ralph Wedgwood6005352B Sansovino W
K1 2-6-09004341J6001034A Dominion of Canada6005634A Centenary W
6202752K9008841J6001334A Dom. of New Zealand W6006334A Isinglass
O4 2-8-0 (GCR)9013336C6001434A Silver Link W*6007152B Tranquil
6389736C W9025041F W6001534A Quicksilver W6007252B Sunstar W
J50 0-6-0T (GNR)9027034E W6003165B Golden PloverA1 4-6-2
Dep 11ex 689149060236CV2 2-6-26011436A W. P. Allen
Dep 13ex 689289071941D4771Green Arrow P6011756C Bois Roussel W
6892556C WN2 0-6-2T (GNR)6082134E WJ17 0-6-0 (GER)6012150A Silurian
* sold to Butlins69523P6086634E W1217EPP - preserved
On shed, awaiting entry to the Works.V2 2-6-2A1 4-6-2
6081434F W6090334A W6013636A Alcazar W
6083234E W6092136A WA3 4-6-2
6088936A W6006956B Sceptre W
Shed Codes34A King's Cross34E New England36A Doncaster36C Frodingham40E Colwick
41D Canklow41F Mexborough41J Langwith Junction50A York52B Heaton52K Consett
56C Leeds Copley Hill65B St. Rollox
Saturday 8th June 1963total:84
works yard and scrap road
V2 2-6-2A4 4-6-2A3 4-6-2EE T4 diesel
6086634E W6001434A Silver Link W*6005352B Sansovino WD203
6090634E W60022Mallard P6006956B Sceptre W0-6-0 diesels
O4 2-8-0 (GCR)6002765B Merlin6007455H Harvester WD2561D3575
6362241J WA1 4-6-2A2 4-6-2Brush T2 diesels
6389836C W6011436A W. P. Allen6051434E Chamossaire WD5558D5663
6389941H WWD 2-8-0R&H T1 dieselBR T2 dieselsnew EE T3 dieselsD5644D5665
J50 0-6-0T (GNR)9004341JD2957D5037D5066D6845D6847D5646D5669
Dep 11ex 689149027034E WBTH T1 dieselEE T3 dieselD6846D5653D5835
Dep 13ex 689289034755GD8231D6747D6828D5656D5838
6892556C W9058041F* sold to Butlins
erecting shop, stripping shop (ss) & paint shop area
B1 4-6-0A4 4-6-2A1 4-6-2Deltic T5 diesels
6112136A6000734A Sir Nigel Gresley6012150A SilurianD9012D9014
6140640B6001034A Dominion of CanadaK1 2-6-00-6-0 dieselsBrush T4 diesel
WD 2-8-06001334A Dom. of New Zealand W ss6206736E12128D3623D1509
9000240E6003165B Golden Plovernew Bo-Bo electricsD2012D3660EE T3 diesels
9008841JV2 2-6-2E3084E3093D2567D4055D6705D6716
9013336C4771Green Arrow PE3085E3094BR T2 dieselD6714D6796
9041041F ssN2 0-6-2T (GNR)J17 0-6-0 (GER)E3091E3095D5061Brush T2 diesels
9071941D69523P1217EPE3092BTH T1 dieselD5507D5611
P - preservedD8209D5513D5659
On shed, awaiting entry to the Works.V2 2-6-2WD 2-8-0
A3 4-6-26083234E W6089736A W6093536A W9026934E W
6011034A Robert the Devil W6088936A W6092136A W6096636A W9050234E W
Shed Codes34A King's Cross34E New England36A Doncaster36C Frodingham36E Retford GN
40B Immingham40E Colwick41D Canklow41F Mexborough41H Staveley GC41J Langwith Junction
50A York52B Heaton55G Huddersfield55H Leeds Neville Hill56B Ardsley56C Leeds Copley Hill
65B St. Rollox
Saturday 6 July 1963total:88
erecting shop, works yard and scrap road
K1 2-6-0A4 4-6-2WD 2-8-0Brush T2 dieselsnew Bo-Bo electrics
6201152D6001434A Silver Link W*9001534E WD5512D5653E3084E3093
6206736E60022Mallard P9003134E WD5532D5656E3085E3094
B1 4-6-06002765B Merlin9005034E WD5546D5659E3092E3095
6132636A6002934E Woodcock9008856DD5601D56630-6-0 diesels
6140640BA3 4-6-29015341DD5604D5665D2012D3448
J94 0-6-0ST (WD)6003764A Hyperion9026934E WD5611D5835D2017D3617
6802041J W6004734E Donovan W9027034E WD5613D5838D2551D3628
N2 0-6-2T (GNR)6006234F Minoru9041041FD5614D5861D2556D3629
69523P6010634F Flying Fox9044941JD5644D2561D3642
J17 0-6-0 (GER)6011034A Robert the Devil W9047141Dnew EE T3 dieselsEE T3 diesels
1217EPA1 4-6-29047736AD6852D6854D6705D6749
J50 0-6-0T (GNR)6012150A Silurian9059736C WD6853D6860D6706D6750
Dep 11ex 689146015152D Midlothian9065934E WBTH T1 dieselD6708D6751
Dep 12ex 68917V2 2-6-29070936AD8200D8230BR T2 diesels
6892556C W4771Green Arrow P9071941DD8209D5037D5069
W - withdrawn6092136A W6096636A WP - preserved* sold to ButlinsD5065
Shed Codes34A King's Cross34E New England34F Grantham36A Doncaster36C Frodingham
36E Retford GN40B Immingham41D Canklow41F Mexborough41J Langwith Jct.50A York
52D Tweedmouth56C Leeds Copley Hill56D Mirfield64A St. Margarets65B St. Rollox
Sunday 21 July 1963total:82
works yard and scrap road
WD 2-8-0J50 0-6-0T (GNR)A4 4-6-2V2 2-6-2
9015134E WDep 10ex 689116000834E Dwight D. Eisenhower W4771Green Arrow P
9046040ADep 11ex 689146000961B Union of South AfricaJ94 0-6-0ST (WD)Brush T2 diesels
9050234E WDep 12ex 689176001434A Silver Link W*6802041J WD5556D5663
9059736C WDep 13ex 6892860022Mallard PN2 0-6-2T (GNR)D5601D5665
9065934E WDep 14ex 68961A3 4-6-269523PD5604D5835
9069636C WDep 15ex 689716006234F MinoruJ17 0-6-0 (GER)D5656
O4 2-8-0 (GCR)Dep 16ex 689766009065B Grand Parade1217EPnew EE T3 diesels
6361836A W6892556C W6009465B Colorado0-6-0 dieselsD6855D6861
6369836A WB1 4-6-0A1 4-6-2D2017D2561D6856D6862
6382436E W6132636A6012150A SilurianNBL T1 dieselD6857
* sold to ButlinsBTH T1 diesel6016264B Saint JohnstounD8406BR T2 diesels
P - preservedD8209D5037D5069
erecting shop, stripping shop & paint shop area
B1 4-6-0WD 2-8-0A4 4-6-20-6-0 dieselsBrush T2 diesels
6140640B9000240E6002934E WoodcockD2556D3639D5512D5826
K1 2-6-09015341DEE T3 dieselsnew Bo-Bo electricsD3622D3642D5532D5830
9047141DBTH T1 dieselNBL T1 diesel
W - withdrawn9047736AD8200D8401
On shed, awaiting entry to the Works.O4 2-8-0 (GCR)O2 2-8-0 (GNR)
6374436C W6398336E W
Shed Codes34A King's Cross34E New England34F Grantham36A Doncaster36C Frodingham
36E Retford GN40A Lincoln40B Immingham40E Colwick41D Canklow41F Mexborough
41J Langwith Jct.50A York52D Tweedmouth52F N&S Blyth56C Leeds Copley Hill61B Aberdeen Ferryhill
64A St. Margarets65B St. Rollox

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