Index of Sheds & Works

Shed Allocations 1961 - Recent Additions

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Ramsgate and Margate 1945 - 1961

The servicing area at Margate on 23rd August 1958 where BR 2MT 2-6-2T 84025 and SECR D1 4-4-0 31247 awaited their next duties.  Photo: Ben Brooksbank Creative Commons Attribution Share-alike license 2.0

Pre Grouping Ownership - South Eastern Railway opened:1930prior to Jan 1950RAM
type:A concrete-built 6TS dead-ended shed.closed to steam:Dec 60
Feb 1950 - Sep 195874B
location:On the north side of the line, west of Ramsgate station.
Oct 1958 - May 195973G
In June 1959 Ramsgate became a subshed of Ashford (73F)
AbbreviationsLBSCR - London, Brighton & South Coast RailwayLCDR - London, Chatham & Dover Railway
SER - South East RailwaySR - Southern RailwaySECR - South Eastern & Chatham RailwayFb - Fairburn
Friday 14 December 1945RAMtotal:21
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)B1 4-4-0 (SER)L 4-4-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
1016RAM1004RAM1451RAM1774AFD763BAT Sir Bors de Ganis
1164RAM1592RAME 4-4-0 (SECR)1778RAM796BAT Sir Dodinas le Savage
1182RAMO1 0-6-01175BA1779RAM799BAT Sir Ironside
J 0-6-4T (SECR)1066GIL1514BAT1781RAMV "Schools" 4-4-0
1595AFDF1 4-4-0 (SECR)D1 4-4-0 (SECR)L1 4-4-0918RAM Hurstpierpoint
shed codesAFD AshfordBA Bricklayer's ArmsBAT Stewart's LaneFAV FavershamGIL Gillingham
Thursday 21 March 1946RAMtotal:15
H 0-4-4T (SECR)B1 4-4-0 (SER)V "Schools" 4-4-0N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
1521RAM1452RAM916RAM Whitgift803AFD Sir Harry le Fiske Lake
1522RAMD1 4-4-0 (SECR)918RAM HurstpierpointWest Country 4-6-2
1531DOV1741FAV922BA Marlborough21C117Ilfracombe (29/8/46)
L 4-4-0 (SECR)E1 4-4-0 (SECR)923BA Bradfield21C123Blackmore Vale (Aug.1947)
1780RAM1507BATU 2-6-0Class O 0-6-0 A98 was supplying steam
shed codesAFD AshfordBA Bricklayer's ArmsBAT Stewart's LaneDOV DoverFAV Faversham
GFD GuildfordRAM Ramsgate
Allocation January 1947 (40)H 0-4-4TSECR7C 0-6-0SECR2
O1 0-6-0SER2V 4-4-0SR9F1 4-40SECR1
B1 4-4-0SER3L 4-4-0SECR4WC 4-6-2SR12
Saturday 20 March 1948RAMtotal:29
H 0-4-4T (SECR)B1 4-4-0 (SER)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
1164RAM1451RAM765BAT Sir Gareth21C131RAM Torrington
1521RAM1452RAM797BAT Sir Blamor de Ganis21C133BAT Chard
1522RAM1453RAM798BA Sir HectimereBattle of Britain 4-6-2
1523RAML 4-4-0 (SECR)803AFD Sir Harry le Fiske Lake21C162RAM 17 Squadron
C 0-6-0 (SECR)1777RAMV "Schools" 4-4-021C163RAM 229 Squadron
1004RAM1779RAM913RAM Christ's Hospital21C166RAM Spitfire
1592RAM1781RAMU 2-6-0U1 2-6-021C168RAM Kenley
O1 0-6-0WD 8F 2-8-01631FAV1907BAT21C170RAM Manston
1316RAM70811AFDClass O 0-6-0 A98 was supplying steam
shed codesAFD AshfordBA Bricklayer's ArmsBAT Stewart's LaneFAV FavershamRAM Ramsgate
Saturday 11 September 1948RAMtotal:32
H 0-4-4T (SECR)B1 4-4-0 (SER)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
1182RAM1451RAM765BAT Sir Gareth21C130RAM Watersmeet
31259RAM1452RAM778BAT Sir PelleasBattle of Britain 4-6-2
1522RAML 4-4-0 (SECR)795BAT Sir Dinadan21C162RAM 17 Squadron
1592RAM1764BAT798BA Sir Hectimere21C166RAM Spitfire
C 0-6-0 (SECR)31780RAMV "Schools" 4-4-021C167RAM Tangmere
1036STLE1 4-4-0 (SECR)911RAM Dover21C168RAM Kenley
O1 0-6-01160BAN 2-6-0 (SECR)U1 2-6-034069RAM Hawkinge
1316RAM1504BAT1844AFD1904BAT21C170RAM Manston
T9 4-4-0 (LSWR)D1 4-4-0 (SECR)J 0-6-4T (SECR)31908BAT34079RAM 141 Squadron
729BAT31246BAT1598AFDClass O 0-6-0 A98 was supplying steam
shed codesAFD AshfordBA Bricklayer's ArmsBAT Stewart's LaneRAM RamsgateSTL St. Leonards
Wedneday 28 December 1949RAMtotal:22
H 0-4-4T (SECR)E1 4-4-0 (SECR)N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0West Country 4-6-2
31521RAM31507BAT30764BAT Sir Gawain34099RAM Lynmouth
31522RAML 4-4-0 (SECR)30781DOV Sir AglovaleBattle of Britain 4-6-2
31532RAM31780RAM30801AFD Sir Meliot de Logres34068BAT Kenley
1543RAM31781RAMV "Schools" 4-4-034082RAM 615 Squadron
31265RAME 4-4-0 (SECR)30916RAM WhitgiftN 2-6-0 (SECR)U 2-6-0
C 0-6-0 (SECR)31159RAM30929RAM Malvern31850FAV31619BAT
31592RAMClass O 0-6-0 A98 was supplying steam31808FAV
shed codesAFD AshfordBAT Stewart's LaneDOV DoverFAV FavershamRAM Ramsgate
Sunday 5 November 195074Btotal:39
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)V "Schools" 4-4-0West Country 4-6-2
3126574B3100474B3090873B Westminster3403373A Chard
3152174B125274B3091274B Downside3409774B Holsworthy
3152274B3129874B3091374B Christ's Hospital3409874B Templecombe
3153274B3159274B3091574B Brighton3410074B Appledore
L 4-4-0 (SECR)3169074B3091874B HurstpierpointBattle of Britain 4-6-2
3177674B3169273E3092674B Repton3406873A Kenley
3177774BO1 0-6-03093373B King's Canterbury3406973A Hawkinge
3178074Bs106574CL1 4-4-0cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)3407174B 601 Squadron
3178174B109374C3178874B4206774B3407874B 222 Squadron
139074A3178974B4210674B3408074B 74 Squadron
shed codes73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms73E Faversham3408174B 92 Squadron
74A Ashford74B Ramsgate74C Dover3409074B Sir Eustance Missenden
Saturday 6 October 195174Btotal:40
H 0-4-4T (SECR)C 0-6-0 (SECR)V "Schools" 4-4-0West Country 4-6-2
3152174B3100474B3091074B Merchant Taylor's3409774B Holsworthy
3152274B3125274B3091374B Christ's Hospital3410074B Appledore
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)3129874B3091474B EastbourneBattle of Britain 4-6-2
4206674B3159274B3091574B Brighton3406773A Tangmere
4206774B3169074B3091674B Whitgift3407674B 41 Squadron
4206874BE1 4-4-0 (SECR)3091774B Ardingly3407774B 603 Squadron
4207074B3101973A3092673B Repton3407974B 141 Squadron
L 4-4-0 (SECR)U 2-6-03092773B Clifton3408074B 74 Squadron
3177774A3180673E3092873B Stowe3408174B 92 Squadron
3177974B3093773B Epsom3408274B 615 Squadron
L1 4-4-0N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-03408374B 605 Squadron
3175873A3079173A Sir Uwaine3408773A 145 Squadron
3079874C Sir Hectimere3408873A 213 Squadron
shed codes73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms73E Faversham74A Ashford74C Dover
Sunday 16 August 195374Btotal:36
C 0-6-0 (SECR)U1 2-6-0V "Schools" 4-4-0West Country 4-6-2
3100474B3189173B3091174B Dover3409874B Templecombe
3124574B3189973A3091274B Downside3410074B Appledore
3125274B3190173A3091474B EastbourneBattle of Britain 4-6-2
3127174B3190273A3091774B Ardingly3406773A Tangmere
3129874BN 2-6-0 (SECR)3092174C Shrewsbury3407874B 222 Squadron
3159274B3185973C3092973B Malvern3407974B 141 Squadron
L 4-4-0 (SECR)L1 4-4-03093273B BlundellsN15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3178074B3175674B3093373B King's Canterbury3077373A Sir Lavaine
3178174B3175774Bcl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)3077473A Sir Gaheris
E1 4-4-0 (SECR)3178473B4206774B3079473A Sir Ector de Maris
3150473A4207074B3080073B Sir Meleaus de Lile
shed codes73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms73C Hither Green74B Ramsgate74C Dover
Sunday 8 August 195474B5.45pm - 6pmtotal:44
H 0-4-4T (SECR)U1 2-6-0V "Schools" 4-4-0Battle of Britain 4-6-2
3132474B3190373A3091174B Dover3406573A Hurricane
3132674B3190473A3091374B Christ's Hospital3406873A Kenley
C 0-6-0 (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)3091474B Eastbourne3407674B 41 Squadron
3100474B3141473A3091674B Whitgift3407874B 222 Squadron
3124574B3181774C3091774B Ardingly3408174B 92 Squadron
3125274BN1 2-6-0 (SECR)3092274B Marlborough3408274B 615 Squadron
3129874B3182273C3093573B Sevenoaks3408674B 219 Squadron
3159274Bcl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)West Country 4-6-23408874B 213 Squadron
3171473E4206774B3401773A IlfracombeN15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
L 4-4-0 (SECR)4206874B3409273A City of Wells3076773A Sir Valence
3178173B4207074BE1 4-4-0 (SECR)D1 4-4-0 (SECR)3076873A Sir Balin
L1 4-4-04207674C3101973A3174173B3076973A Sir Balan
3178473B3149773B3174973A3077673A Sir Galgars
shed codes73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms73C Hither Green73E Faversham74C Dover
Sunday 1 September 195774Btotal:43
H 0-4-4T (SECR)U1 2-6-0V "Schools" 4-4-0Battle of Britain 4-6-2
3132474B3189473A3090074E Eton3407774B 603 Squadron
3150074B3190173B3090973A St. Paul's3407874B 222 Squadron
C 0-6-0 (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)3091174B Dover3408274B 615 Squadron
3124574B3141173A3091274B Downside3408574B 501 Squadron
3125274B3141373A3091974B Harrow3408674B 219 Squadron
3127174BL 4-4-0 (SECR)3092174B ShrewsburyWest Country 4-6-2
3159274B3176074D3092573B Cheltenham3409774B Holsworthy
BR 2MT 2-6-2T3177574E3093573B Sevenoaks3409974B Lynmouth
8402374A3178174B3093873B St. Olave's3410074B Appledore
8402574BL1 4-4-0N15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0
8402774B3178874C3076673A Sir Geraint7308373A
8402874BD1 4-4-0 (SECR)3076773A Sir Valence7308573A
8402974B3173973B3080274A Sir DurnoreD 4-4-0 31501 was a stationary boiler
shed codes73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms74A Ashford74B Ramsgate74C Dover
74D Tonbridge74E St. Leonards
Sunday 27 April 195874B1.15pm - 1.30pmtotal:43
H 0-4-4T (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)V "Schools" 4-4-0West Country 4-6-2
3132474B3140574A3091074B Merchant Taylor's3400173B Exeter
3132674B3140873A3091174B Dover3401373B Okehampton
3150074BL 4-4-0 (SECR)3091274B Downside3401473B Budleigh Salterton
C 0-6-0 (SECR)3177974B3091374B Christ's Hospital3401674B Bodmin
3100474B3178074B3091474B Eastbourne3401774B Ilfracombe
3124574B3178173B3091874B Hurstpierpoint3402174B Dartmoor
3125274BBR 5MT 4-6-03092074B Rugby3402574B Whimple
3127174B7308073A3092174B ShrewsburyN15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
3159274B7308273A3092274B Marlborough3079973B Sir Ironside
BR 2MT 2-6-2T7308473A3093373B King's Canterbury3080073C Sir Meleaus de Lile
8402774B7308573ABattle of Britain 4-6-23080574C Sir Constantine
8402974B7308673A3407874B 222 Squadroncl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)
D 4-4-0 31501 was a stationary boiler4209674A
shed codes73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms73C Hither Green74A Ashford74C Dover
Allocation May 1959 (39)H 0-4-4TSECR3C 0-6-0SECR5
L 4-4-0SECR5V 4-4-0SR12BR 2MT 2-6-2TBR5
WC 4-6-2SR8BB 4-6-2SR1
Sunday 31 May 195973G12.35pm - 12.50pmtotal:41
H 0-4-4T (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)V "Schools" 4-4-0West Country 4-6-2
3132473G3140873A3091073G Merchant Taylor's3400373B Plymouth
3132673G3141273A3091173G Dover3401373B Okehampton
3150073G3181073A3091273G Downside3401473B Budleigh Salterton
C 0-6-0 (SECR)3181173A3091973G Harrow3401673G Bodmin
3100473G3185273E3092073G Rugby3401773G Ilfracombe
3125273GL 4-4-0 (SECR)3092173G Shrewsbury3403773G Clovelly
3127173G3176473G3092473B Haileybury3409273A City of Wells
BR 2MT 2-6-2T3177573G3093473B St. LawrenceBattle of Britain 4-6-2
8402573GL1 4-4-03093673B Cranleigh3407873G 222 Squadron
8402673G3178873H3093973A LeatherheadN15 "King Arthur" 4-6-0
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)D1 4-4-0 (SECR)BR 5MT 4-6-0BR T2 diesel3079973B Sir Ironside
4207673H3174173B7308173AD5012D 4-4-0 31501 was a stationary boiler
shed codes73A Stewart's Lane73B Bricklayer's Arms73E Faversham73G Ramsgate73H Dover
Ramsgate shed lost its allocation in June 1959 and became a subshed of Ashford
Saturday 3rd October 195973F subshedtotal:13
H 0-4-4T (SECR)N 2-6-0 (SECR)V "Schools" 4-4-0West Country 4-6-2
3126373F3181775B3092773B Clifton3400173B Exeter
3132470Acl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)3092973B MalvernC 0-6-0 (SECR)D1 4-4-0 (SECR)
3150070A4130873F3093773F Epsom3159270A3174373B
4130973FD 4-4-0 31501 was a stationary boiler
shed codes70A Nine Elms73B Bricklayer's Arms73F Ashford75B Redhill
Ramsgate shed finally closed in December 1960.
type:A servicing area with turntable.opened:1933Ashford subshed
location:On the south side of the station.closed to steam:Jun-61
Saturday 4 February 196173F subshedtotal:7
BR 2MT 2-6-2TD1 4-4-0 (SECR)V "Schools" 4-4-0BRCW T3 dieselBR T2 diesel
8402773F3173973B3093673F CranleighD6523D5017
N 2-6-0 (SECR)3093873F St. Olave's
shed codes73B Bricklayer's Arms73F Ashford73J Tonbridge
Canterbury West
Pre Grouping Ownership - South Eastern Railway opened:1846Ashford subshed
type:A 1TS through road shed.closed:Mar-55
location:On the west side of the line, north of the station.
Wednesday 20th March 1946Wednesday 28 December 1949
AFD subshedAFD subshed
R1 0-6-0T (SECR)R1 0-6-0T (SECR)
shed codesAFD Ashford
Updated and revised - October 2021.

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