Index of Sheds & Works

Shed Allocations 1961 - Recent Additions

Friday, 8 August 2014

Shrewsbury 1957 - 1967

Castle class 5095 Barbury Castle at Shrewsbury in 1957.  
photo:  Copyright Ben Brooksbank and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.

Pre Grouping Ownership - Great Western Railwayopened:1883GWR code - prior to 1949SALOP
type: A brick-built roundhouse and 8TS ended shed.LMS code - prior to Jan 19504A
Pre Grouping Ownership - London & North Western Railwayopened:1877Joint shed codes
type: A brick-built 9TS ended shed.Feb 1950 - Aug 196084G
location: On the east side of Hereford line, south of the station.closed:Nov-67Sep 1960 - Aug 196389A
BR DatabaseSep 1963 - Nov 19676D
AbbreviationsA - AspinallD - DeeleyDr - DrummondF - FowlerFb - Fairburn
H - HughesI - IvattJ - JohnsonSt - StanierWb - WebbClf - Cauliflower
POW - Prince of WalesROD Railway Operating DivisionBR - British RailwayWD - War Department
Sunday 10 November 195784Gtotal:100
cl 3P 2-6-2T (F)cl 5MT 4-6-0County 4-6-0Patriot 4-6-0
4000584G447429A101384G County of Dorset455168A Beds & Herts Regiment
4000884G4483584G102584G County of RadnorJubilee 4-6-0
4004884G451315B102684G County of Salop456809A Camperdown
4005884G4514584GHall 4-6-0Britannia 4-6-2
BR 3MT 2-6-2T4519084G490484G Binnegar Hall7001786C Arrow
8200084G4528384G491584G Condover Hallcl 8F 2-8-0cl 7F 0-8-0
8200784G4529884G596884G Cory Hall4830784G4894584G
8203184G4540684G694284K Eshton Hall4834784G4908284G
43xx 2-6-04549412AModified Hall 4-6-04840087K4924384G
532884G57xx 0-6-0T696484A Thornbridge Hall4843884G4926084G
534784G360284G698084G Llanrumney Hall4844486G4927684G
538684G378284GCastle 4-6-04846385C4934584G
636886G378884G407887E Pembroke Castle4846884G4937687K
638084K462384G501982A Treago Castle4852484G4942484G
638285D579184G507384G Blenheim4870687Kcl 3F 0-6-0 (J/D)
639584G965684G509784G Sarum Castle4872484G4327784G
730984G965784GBR 5MT 4-6-0WD 2-8-04873087K4349184G
733084G94xx 0-6-0T7303884K9014884G4873587K4357084G
cl 5P 2-6-0 (H/F)947084G7312684G9017684Gcl 4F 0-6-04375784G
429395B28xx 2-8-07313384G9071684G4454217B0-6-0 diesels
2251 0-6-0284884K56xx 0-6-2TBR 9F 2-10-0cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)1311113193
Shed Codes5B Crewe South8A Edge Hill9A Longsight12A Carlisle Upperby17B Burton-on-Trent
21A Saltley82A Bristol Bath Rd.84A Stafford Road84E Tyseley84G Shrewsbury84K Chester West
85C Hereford85D Kidderminster86C Cardiff Canton86G Pontypool Road87E Swansea Landore87K Swansea Victoria
Sunday 13 July 195884Gtotal:93
cl 3P 2-6-2T (F)BR 5MT 4-6-0County 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
4000584G7303584G100384G County of Wilts503884G Morlais Castle
4004884G7303684G102284G County of Northampton505084G Earl of St. Germans
BR 3MT 2-6-2T7312584GHall 4-6-0508281A Swordfish
8200084G7312784G490484G Binnegar Hall509784G Sarum Castle
8203184G7312884G492686G Farleigh Hall702081A Gloucester Castle
51xx 2-6-2T7312984G494181D Llangedwyn HallManor 4-6-0
516084G7313184G496884G Shotton Hall781085B Draycott Manor
43xx 2-6-07313284G592684A Grotrian Hall781184G Dunley Manor
533184G7313384G594886G Siddington Hallcl 8F 2-8-0
536284G57xx 0-6-0T595884G Knolton Hall4811084G4847884G
634886A360284G693286C Burwarton Hall481206C4852527B
730984G378284G693883A Corndean Hall4834784G486335B
732984G378884G694386C Farnley Hall483546C4866084G
BR 4MT 4-6-0462384G694583D Glasfryn Hall4836984G4870687K
7500486C579184GModified Hall 4-6-04840155A4873287K
7500589A965684G696484A Thornbridge Hall484156E4873984G
2251 0-6-0965784GGrange 4-6-0484386C4876887K
223484G94xx 0-6-0T681986G Highnam Grangecl 7F 0-8-0WD 2-8-0
227484G844984G684086G Hazeley Grange4894584G9071684G
56xx 0-6-2T947084G684282B Nunhold Grange4908284G28xx 2-8-0
563484G947284G684682B Ruckley Grange4924384G287486C
569084G949884G687984B Overton Grange4927684G382984B
668184Gcl 3F 0-6-0 (J/D)cl 4F 0-6-0 (F)0-6-0 diesels
cl 4F 0-6-04327784G4398917B1311113116
Shed Codes5B Crewe South6C Birkenhead6E Chester West17B Burton-on-Trent27B Aintree
55A Leeds Holbeck81A Old Oak Common81D Reading82B St. Philip's Marsh83A Newton Abbot83D Plymouth Laira
84A Stafford Road84B Oxley84G Shrewsbury85B Gloucester H. Rd86A Newport Ebbw J.86C Cardiff Canton
86G Pontypool Road87K Swansea Victoria89A Oswestry
1959 March allocations (105)County 4-6-0GWR7SHT 0-4-0STSHT1
2251xx 0-6-0GWR294xx 0-6-0PTGWR557xx 0-6-0PTGWR10
42xx 2-8-0TGWR1Hall 4-6-0GWR15Castle 4-6-0GWR4
43xx 2-6-0GWR856xx 0-6-2TGWR3Manor 4-6-0GWR2
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (F)LMS6cl 5MT 4-6-0LMS9cl 8F 2-8-0LMS17
cl 7F 0-8-0LNW1BR 5MT 4-6-0BR12WD 2-8-0WD2
Sunday 27 September 195984Gtotal:83
cl 4P 2-6-4T (F)cl 5MT 4-6-0County 4-6-0Patriot 4-6-0
4238587E447489A101384G County of Dorset4550712B Royal Tank Corps
4238787E450045A101784G County of HerefordBritannia 4-6-2
43xx 2-6-04519084G102684G County of Salop7001886C Flying Dutchman
531984G4528384GHall 4-6-07002986C Shooting Star
532484G4540684G495686C Plowden HallGrange 4-6-0
533184G4542284G592684A Grotrian Hall685481F Roundhill Grange
533385DBR 5MT 4-6-0593084C Hannington HallManor 4-6-0
633589C7302684G594281D Doldowlod Hall781184G Dunley Manor
634084F7309084G597184G Merevale Hall782183A Ditcheat Manor
639584G7309284G695684G Mottram Hall94xx 0-6-0Tcl 8F 2-8-0
733084G7309384GModified Hall 4-6-0844984G4817284G
733684G7309584G696484A Thornbridge Hall946384G4830987E
cl 5P 2-6-0 (H/F)57xx 0-6-0T699884G Burton Agnes Hall947084G4832884G
427765A360284G792284G Salford Hall947284G4833087F
427822A376984GCastle 4-6-0949884G4841987F
BR 3MT 2-6-2T378284G500184G Llandovery Castle2251 0-6-04845287F
8203885A462384G505084G Earl of St. Germans221084G4846884G
BR 4MT 4-6-0965684G701184G Banbury Castle320289A4847884G
7500584E965784G56xx 0-6-2TDukedog 4-4-028xx 2-8-0485563A
45xx 2-6-2Tcl 4F 0-6-0563484G900484J380986C0-6-0 diesel locos
556484G4452617B669484J901484JWD 2-8-0D3114D3194
4455117B669884G42xx 2-8-0T9063956AD3193
Shed Codes421284G W
2A Rugby3A Bescot5A Crewe North9A Longsight12B Carlisle Upperby17B Burton-on-Trent
56A Wakefield81D Reading81F Oxford83A Newton Abbot84A Stafford Road84B Oxley
84C Banbury84E Tyseley84F Stourbridge Jct.84G Shrewsbury84J Croes Newydd85A Worcester
85D Kidderminster86C Cardiff Canton87E Swansea Landore87F Llanelly89A Oswestry89C Machynlleth
Sunday 26 June 196084Gtotal:84
cl 3P 2-6-2T (St)cl 5MT 4-6-0County 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
4011084G447529A100384G County of Wilts408084G Powderham Castle
4012684G450502E102684G County of Salop408486C Aberystwyth Castle
4020584G450935AHall 4-6-0503884G Morlais Castle
cl 4P 2-6-4T (F)4514384G494684G Moseley Hall505084G Earl of St. Germans
4230587E4519084G496882B Shotton Hall505984G Earl St. Aldwyn
4238587E4532624L498386G Albert Hall507084G Sir Daniel Gooch
4239487E4542284G591984B Worsley Hall701584G Carn Brea Castle
45xx 2-6-2T4549112A594284G Doldowlod HallGrange 4-6-0
457589CBR 5MT 4-6-0594683C Marwell Hall682983C Burmington Grange
43xx 2-6-07302484G596884G Cory Hall686582B Hopton Grange
531886G7302684G597184G Merevale Hallcl 8F 2-8-094xx 0-6-0T
533184G7303484GModified Hall 4-6-04811084G340084G
630281E7303584G696484A Thornbridge Hall4827017A947284G
638285D7303784G697984C Helperly Hall4843887F949884G
730984G7309184G792284G Salford Hall484492B57xx 0-6-0T
731384J7309384GManor 4-6-04853018A376984G
732984G7309484G781184G Dunley Manor4870787F378284G
733084G7309784G782189A Ditcheat Manor4873884G378884G
733684G56xx 0-6-2T782789A Lydham Manor28xx 2-8-0469384G
BR 3MT 2-6-2T661084J782884G Odney Manor289186C965784G
820036A661784J2251 0-6-0cl 4F 0-6-0289686Ecl 7F 0-8-0
Shed Codes2B Nuneaton2E Northampton5A Crewe North5B Crewe South6A Chester Midland
9A Longsight12A Carlisle Kingmoor17A Derby17B Burton-on-Trent18A Toton24L Carnforth
81E Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh83A Newton Abbot83C Exeter84B Oxley84C Banbury
84G Shrewsbury84J Croes Newydd85D Kidderminster86C Cardiff Canton86E Severn Tunnel J.86G Pontypool Road
87E Swansea Landore87F Llanelly89A Oswestry89C Machynlleth
Sunday 30 July 196189Atotal:81
51xx 2-6-2Tcl 5MT 4-6-0County 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0
412983C4505121E101389A County of Dorset503889A Morlais Castle
45xx 2-6-2T453695A102182B County of Montgomery505989A Earl St. Aldwyn
553889A4542289A102289A County of Northampton509589A Barbury Castle
555589ABR 5MT 4-6-0102689A County of Salop701589A Carn Brea Castle
43xx 2-6-07300182CHall 4-6-0702589A Sudeley Castle
637489A7302589A490881D Broome HallJubilee 4-6-0
638089A7303589A499683C Eden Hall457375A Atlas
730989A7304782F590181D Hazel HallRoyal Scot 4-6-0
732586G7309289A594886G Siddington Hall461159A Scots Guardsman
732989A7309489A597086G Hengrave HallBritannia 4-6-2
733689A57xx 0-6-0T599189A Gresham Hall7001688A Ariel
BR 4MT 4-6-0360289A692081A Barningham Hallcl 8F 2-8-028xx 2-8-0
7500585A376989A693489A Beachamwell Hall481745C284586G
7502984E378289A694488A Fledborough Hall4835489A382686G
cl 5P 2-6-0 (H/F)378889AModified Hall 4-6-04836989A385088J
429262B462389A790281A Eaton Mascot Hall4846187FWD 2-8-0
2251 0-6-0469389A790584C Fowey Hall4847087F9070756D
221489A965789A791584B Mere Hall4870787F56xx 0-6-2T
225082Ccl 4F 0-6-0792289A Salford Hall487232B663289B
227689C4429917BManor 4-6-04872489A94xx 0-6-0T
320589A4443517B781189A Dunley Manor4873889A844989A
Grange 4-6-0782189A Ditcheat Manor4873989A946389A
683482B Dummer Grange0-6-0 diesel4876889A947289A
Shed Codes2B Nuneaton5A Crewe North5C Stafford9A Longsight17B Burton-on-Trent
21E Monument Lane56D Mirfield81A Old Oak Common81D Reading82B St. Philip's Marsh82C Swindon
82F Bath Green Park83A Newton Abbot83C Exeter84B Oxley84C Banbury84E Tyseley
85A Worcester86G Pontypool Road87F Llanelly88A Cardiff Canton88J Aberdare89A Shrewsbury
89B Croes Newydd89C Machynlleth
Sunday 23 September 196289Atotal:78
cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0County 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
4120289A4483589A101389A County of Dorset491686C Crumlin Hall
4120389A4514389A101789A County of Hereford495288L Peplow Hall W
4124089A4514589A101989A County of Merioneth592482B Dinton Hall
BR 4MT 2-6-4T451895A102289A County of Northampton W597189A Merevale Hall
8009889A452485B102389A County of Oxford599189A Gresham Hall
8010089A4540689A102689A County of Salop W690186G Arley Hall
8013189ABR 5MT 4-6-0Castle 4-6-0690981E Frewin Hall
8013589A7303589A409088L Dorchester Castle691589A Mursley Hall
BR 3MT 2-6-2T7303689A507388L Blenheim692289A Burton Hall
8204382B7309589A700184A Sir James MilneModified Hall 4-6-0
43xx 2-6-07309789AJubilee 4-6-0696489A Thornbridge Hall
632086Ecl 8F 2-8-04557289A EireGrange 4-6-0
637589A4836989A4557517B Madras681587F Frilford Hall
730989A W4840489A4557789A Bengal683481C Dummer Grange
732989A4840987F4564817B Wemyss57xx 0-6-0T94xx 0-6-0PT
733089A4843689A4565189A Shovell376989A W946389A
733689A4844487F4566089A Rooke378289A949889A
cl 2MT 2-6-04873087F4569989A Galatea378889ABR 9F 2-10-0
4652689D4873587F2251 0-6-056xx 0-6-2T965689A9222386A
BR 4MT 4-6-04873989A221489A661589B0-6-0 dieselsWarship T4 diesel
7500689A51xx 2-6-2T320589A28xx 2-8-0D3111D3970D800
417384G381589BD3193Sir Brian Robertson
Shed Codes5A Crewe North5B Crewe South17B Burton-on-Trent81C Southall81E Didcot
82B St. Philip's Marsh84A Stafford Road84G Kidderminster86A Newport Ebbw J.86C Hereford86E Severn Tunnel J.
86G Pontypool Road87F Llanelly88L Cardiff East Dock89A Shrewsbury89B Croes Newydd89D Oswestry
Sunday 5 May 196389Atotal:65
cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)cl 5MT 4-6-0County 4-6-0Hall 4-6-0
4120389A4483589A100889A County of Cardigan594289A Doldowlod Hall
4120989A4496321A101389A County of Dorset599189A Gresham Hall
4124089A4514389A101489A County of Glamorgan690386G Belmont Hall
BR 4MT 2-6-4T4519089A102482B County of Pembroke692289A Burton Hall
8007089A4528389A102789A County of Stafford693489A Beachamwell Hall
8009787D4541021BCastle 4-6-0Modified Hall 4-6-0
8009987D4542289A409382B Dunster Castle697184E Athelhampton Hall
8010089ABR 5MT 4-6-0507388L Blenheim699489A Baggrave Hall
cl 2MT 2-6-07302589A509188L Cleeve AbbeyJubilee 4-6-0
4652589A7303589AGrange 4-6-04557789A Bengal
BR 4MT 4-6-07303689A680685A Blackwell Grange4566089A Rooke
7502689B7309089A681986G Highnam Grange4569989A Galatea
57xx 0-6-0T7309789A683287A Brockton Grangecl 8F 2-8-00-6-0 diesels
370989A94xx 0-6-0T683787F Forthampton Grange4834782FD3111D3194
378289A946389A686981C Resolven Grange4835489AD3193
378889A949889A687382B Caradoc Grange4870687F
461789A28xx 2-8-0Manor 4-6-0WD 2-8-0
965789A381389B780588L Broome Manor902019G
51xx 2-6-2T384486GWarship T4 dieselWestern class diesel
411484GD83283A OnslaughtD100281A Western Explorer
Shed Codes9G Gorton21A Saltley21B Bescot81A Old Oak Common81C Southall
82B St. Philip's Marsh82F Bath Green Park83A Newton Abbot84E Tyseley84G Kidderminster85A Worcester
86G Pontypool Road87A Neath87D Swansea East Dk87F Llanelly88L Cardiff East Dock89B Croes Newydd
Monday 30 March 19646Dtotal:55
cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)cl 8F 2-8-0Hall 4-6-0Grange 4-6-0
412076D4830987F59426D Doldowlod Hall W682681D Nannerth Grange
412096D483696D59916D Gresham Hall68342C Dummer Grange
413046D4847087F69036D Belmont Hall68422C Nunhold Grange
cl 2MT 2-6-0484716D69076D Davenham Hall686787A Peterston Grange
465256D4873287F690882B Downham Hall687286G Crawley Grange
cl 5MT 4-6-0487396D691488A Langton HallCastle 4-6-0
448356D4876187F69156D Mursley Hall504288A Winchester Castle
451456D487686D69226D Burton HallJubilee 4-6-0
452836D28xx 2-8-0Modified Hall 4-6-0455565A Nova Scotia
452986D288486G69646D Thornbridge Hall456606D Rooke
454066D385187FManor 4-6-0cl 4F 0-6-057xx 0-6-0T
BR 5MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 4-6-078016D Anthony Manor4433216F37096D
730266D750216C78196F Hinton Manor4459716F37826D
730346DBR 4MT 2-6-4T78206D Dinmore Manor BR 9F 2-10-037886D
0-6-0 diesels800706DBrush T4 dieselWarship T4 diesel920572E96416D
D3194D3970D1682D800Sir Brian Robertson96576D
Shed Codes2C Stourbridge Jct.2E Saltley5A Crewe North6C Croes Newydd6D Shrewsbury
6F Machynlleth16F Burton-on-Trent81D Didcot82B St. Philip's Marsh86G Pontypool Road87A Neath
87F Llanelly88A Cardiff Canton
Sunday 4 July 19656Dtotal:40
cl 2MT 2-6-2T (I)BR 5MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 4-6-0cl 2MT 2-6-0Grange 4-6-0
412076D730346D750026F464108C68196D Highnam Grange
412096D W730366D750136F464466FManor 4-6-0
413046D730719H750146D465086C78036D Barcote Manor
BR 4MT 2-6-4T730906D750536D465116D78196D Hinton Manor
800486D W730949H750556F465126D78276D Lydham Manor
800726D Wcl 5MT 4-6-057xx 0-6-0TWD 2-8-078286D Odney Manor
801006D W447615B37096D9047141Ecl 8F 2-8-0Brush T4 diesels
801356D W448049E37546D0-6-0 diesel4826556DD1597D1657
801366D W452222F96576DD3970
Shed Codes2F Bescot5B Crewe South6D Shrewsbury6F Machynlleth6J Holyhead
8C Speke Junction9E Trafford Park9H Patricroft41E Staveley B. Hill56D Mirfield
Sunday 20 February 19666Dtotal:53
BR 4MT 2-6-4Tcl 5MT 4-6-0BR 5MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 4-6-0Manor 4-6-0
800486D W448146D730006D750046D78026D Bradley Manor W
800786C W448216D730256D750066D78076F Compton Manor W
801016F W448432B730346D750166D78126D Erlestoke Manor W
801366D W451326D730506D750206D78196D Hinton Manor W
cl 4MT 2-6-4T (Fb)451456D730676D750286F W78206D Dinmore Manor W
421748F W452218B730706D750536D78216D Ditcheat Manor W
BR 2MT 2-6-0453486D731429Hcl 8F 2-8-078226D Foxcote Manor W
780036D454306DWD 2-8-0482059F78276D Lydham Manor W
780356D WBR 2MT 2-6-2T902228L W484186D78286D Odney Manor W
780586D840006C W905638L W484716D0-6-0 diesels
780606D840046C W906418L W4871610D WD3970D6949
cl 2MT 2-6-057xx 0-6-0Tcl 5P 2-6-0 (H/F)
465086C96576D427778H W
Shed Codes2B Oxley6C Croes Newydd6D Shrewsbury6F Machynlleth8B Warrington
8F Springs Branch8H Birkenhead8L Aintree9F Heaton Mersey9H Patricroft10D Lostock Hall
Friday 24 March 19676Dtotal:35
cl 5MT 4-6-0BR 4MT 4-6-0BR 2MT 2-6-0Brush T4 dieselsEE T4 dieselBR T2 diesels
449816D W750046D W780036D WD1585D1937D211D5073D5088
450516D W750126D W780176D WD1597D19430-6-0 dieselsD5079D5091
453116D W750146D W780186D WD1712D194412052D3193D5080D5133
cl 2MT 2-6-0BR 4MT 2-6-0780586D WD1805D3049D3194D5082D5140
464466D W760866C W780636D Wcl 3F 0-6-0T
465086D W476775B W
Shed Codes5B Crewe South6C Croes Newydd6D Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury shed was closed to steam on 6th November 1967.
Updated and revised - September 2021.


  1. The type 2 diesels in 67 and shunters - most of them still there into the 70s - the Brush 4s are numbers i recognise. I saw the last lines of steam engines lined up waiting to move on to scrapyards - never got the numbers sadly. Did anyone?

    1. All those listed above on March 24th 1967 were withdrawn and waiting to be towed away for scrap.

  2. Can I query 7807, shown as present on 20th Feb 1966? Other sources show this loco as as scrapped in early 1965 at Cashmore's, Great Bridge. The other Manors are correct. Could it be 78017 (5D)?

  3. Correction; If BRDatabase is correct, 7807 should read 7801
